Eliminating Cash in Australia ASAP – Number ONE Anti-Free Speech in the World

Posted originally on May 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Macquarie Bank ends cash 5 10 24

Macquarie Bank has announced it will Abolish Cash and it warns customers to prepare for the new CASHLESS WORD to ensure the government knows everything about you and what you are buying or selling. Macquarie has just over $250 billion in assets. They have informed clients that.

“Between January 2024 and November 2024, we’ll be phasing out our cash and cheque services across all Macquarie banking and wealth management products, including pension and super accounts.” 

Australia is way ahead of the game with its socialistic agendas. They have been obsessed with taxes and have even gone as far as stalking children on their way to school and checking the school to see how they are being paid. This is real Hitler stuff. The Swiss created numbered accounts because Hitler forbade a German from having any account outside Germany.

Australia Censorship

Australia has turned so far to the LEFT they have become the NUMBER ONE censoring free speech in the world, all to keep their agenda moving forward. As an Australian resident, you are taxed on your worldwide income. This means you must declare all income you receive from foreign sources in your income tax return.  The government wants two years in prison for anyone who paid for anything with more than $10,000 in cash. Australians have been blocked by Amazon from buying anything from their US site because the government has effectively imposed a tariff of 10% on anything an Australian may purchase under $1,000 from the internet overseas. The government directed Banks to hand over any information on the unexplained wealth of a convicted person in Australia. The socialists are insane down under. They want to impose that when you die, nothing goes to your children – it all should belong to the government.

Macquarie Bank is carrying out the final straw – the end of all CASH – that evil thing that keeps socialists up every night worrying about what you might have under the mattress. Cyclically, the Australia Act 1986 effectively terminated the ability of the British Parliament or Government to make laws for Australia or its States. That is the true date for Australian Independence cyclically. We are looking at how this present socialist government will collapse post-2032, but the process may begin by 2027. By 2037, we should see a completely new government for their ideas will bring the government crashing down the same as they brought Communism down in 1989-1991.

Defending Your Human Right to Freedom of Expression

Published originally on Rumble By Gen Greenwald on May 10, 2024 at 11:27 pm EST

Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban in Germany?

Posted originally on May 9, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Porsche 1970 911

Germany is moving full speed ahead to reach their asinine climate targets. The citizens who are in essence the very carbon they wish to destroy must be punished for not sacrificing enough to uphold Angela Merkel’s Climate Protection Act. Transport Minister Volker Wissing is now threatening the German people with “an indefinite weekend driving ban.”

“In the dispute over a reform of the Climate Protection Act, Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has warned of drastic cuts for motorists – including weekend driving bans. This is according to a letter from Wissing to the heads of the SPD, Green and FDP parliamentary factions. It was made available to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Thursday …

The letter states that if the amended Climate Protection Act does not come into force before 15 July, the ministry will be obliged under the current law to present an action programme to ensure compliance with the annual emission levels for the transport sector in the coming years.”

The climate zealots are worried that this overt threat will expose their ultimate goal to reduce, if not outlaw, private car ownership. Greenpeace has even come out and criticized Wissing for threatening driving bans, as if that measure is not precisely the goal of reducing emissions and ultimately 15-minute cities. Members of various parties in Germany, most of whom support climate change reductions, have attempted to redact his statements. Afterall, Germany does have a poor not so distant history of limiting freedom of movement.

It is not responsible for a minister to stir up unfounded fears,” Green Party parliamentary group leader Katharina Droege said, despite being in favor of reducing 80% of emissions by 2030 and making Germany climate-neutral by 2035.

The Free Democrats (FDP) believe that Germany should be climate-neutral by 2045, and while they reject banning car ownership, they would like to begin by implementing speed limits and favoring companies that abide by clean energy trade agreements.

The Social Democrat Party (SDP), highly in favor of forcing Germany to rely completely on renewable energy by 2040, criticized the proposal as well: “The proposal does not further our common goal of reducing CO2 emissions, but to unnecessary uncertainty for people in our country.” The SPD Bundestag faction clearly rejects driving bans for cars and lorries. Such manoeuvres would hardly advance the ongoing deliberations on the Climate Protection Act in the Bundestag, said Müller.”

AfD logo

The AfD Party is the only one in Germany who believes that climate change is not a man-made phenomenon. Hence, the government is attempting to frame the AfD as far-right radicals who wish harm on all of society. The AfD has agreed to keep the restrictions of the Paris Agreement, however, but will not eliminate fossil fuels.

The Germans must understand that their politicians are failing to act in the best interest of Germany. Instead, they are acting upon the wishes of the larger globalist agenda that does not want to see a strong single economy but a unified collection of a one-world government power.

There are an estimated 49,098,685 cars on the road in Germany. This law would change the lives of countless Germans, German manufacturing, and permit the government to have untold power over the people. This is why the media has presented the only party in Germany showing resistance to the climate change agenda as a threat. The true threat are the people in Bonn and Brussels.

Beam Me Up Scotty is Here!

Posted originall on May 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Beam me up, Scotty!

At last, the dream of teleportation is becoming a reality. All we need is someone on another planet or starship to save us from this human catastrophe these idiots are creating. In a recent experiment that seems straight out of a Star Trek episode, an international team of researchers has achieved a remarkable feat in the field of quantum teleportation.


In this new study, published in the journal Science Advances, scientists from the University of Turku in Finland and the University of Science and Technology of China have developed a new method of quantum teleportation that overcomes this noise and achieves a high success rate. They managed to perform near-perfect quantum teleportation despite the presence of noise that normally interrupts the transmission of quantum states. The key to success is the use of multipart hybrid entanglement, which amounts to a controlled entanglement of the qubits with their local environment.

Before we get to beaming out living beings, imagine you have written a secret message on a piece of paper. You can then use teleportation to send this message to someone far away without anyone else seeing it. That will send the CIA, NSA, and Google up the wall—OMG, what is it about? With quantum teleportation, instead of physically sending the paper, you would create an exact copy of the message in another location while destroying the original message.

Quiet Earth Eliminating humanity

Of course, if the Biden Administration gets its hands on it, they will use it to create hybrid transgender people incapable of reproducing to save the planet from human beings and CO2. Schwab’s perfect world – the quiet Earth.

4.29.24: Worldwide submission, They will not win, Correspondent dinner mess, B2 Barr back, Pray!4.29.24: Worldwide submission, They will not win, Correspondent dinner mess, B2 Barr back, Pray!

Posted originally on Rumble By And We Know on: Apr 21, 2024 at 12:01 pm EST

About that 97% consensus of significant man made global warming

Where did it come from and what is the supposed consensus? A good 16 minute clip on the answers can be found here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewJ6TI8ccAw

Harnwell: The Judeo-Christian West Was Stabbed In The Back in The 1960’s And We’ve Never Recovered

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: Apr 30, 2024 at 08:40 pm EST

Bad Hygiene is Good for the Environment

Posted May 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


We are expected to sacrifice all of our Earthly comforts in the name of climate change. The latest issue brewing across the media is water conservation, specifically taking daily showers. Experts at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) state that the average 8-minute shower wastes 20 gallons of water. There are now calls to establish a new norm of NOT SHOWERING every day to save the environment.

There’s no need to shower every day,” a recent BBC article suggests. The author said she showers a mere three times a week, which would be seen as a sign of an underlying mental health disorder if not for climate conservation efforts. The author said some of her friends only need to bathe once per week. The article quotes chemist David Whitlock, who went 12 years without a shower, only spraying himself with “good bacteria.” The article calls out numerous “experts” who do not shower every day and are “brave” for admitting their hygiene habits.

Climate zealots are attempting to frame daily showers as a “performative act.” “If you go 100 years back, we didn’t shower every day, because the shower was not a normal thing to have,” Professor Kristen Gram-Hanssen from the Department of the Build Environment of Aalborg University in Denmark, as quoted by the NY Post. “We don’t shower because of health. We shower because it’s a normal thing to do.”

Caracalla Baths Rome

They cannot gaslight independent thinkers. Everyone I know will tell you that skipping a shower leads to poor hygiene, skin and hair problems, and unpleasant odors. Bathing is a simple concept we teach toddlers.

Diseases were more prevalent when people failed to clean themselves. The ancient Romans built intricate aqueduct systems to ensure their people were cleansed. The Grihya Sutras texts of ancient India, dating back to around 500 BCE, discuss daily hygiene rituals. Traders who visited ancient Japan were amazed at how sanitary the people were, as bathing was an early part of their culture.

The powers that be were insisting we wash our hands numerous times a day to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, but now they want us to sit in our own filth? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has suggested that Americans begin cutting down their time in the shower. The EPA believes we can save 2.5 gallons of water for every minute spent out of the shower. They suggest we wash our hair with the water off and believe five minutes in the shower is more than sufficient. Now, the EPA wants to frame this as a way to cut down on utility costs.

Countless articles are appearing across the web that urge the public to cut down on their time in the shower. Bad hygiene is the latest method of virtue signaling. They slowly embed these concepts into the public’s mind to engrain their version of the “new norm.” We are to reduce our consumption in all areas to combat a problem that does not exist. Notice the slow roll of propaganda that the media presents, as I, for one, do not want this grotesque “new norm.”

The Great Depopulation Era Is Now

Posted originally on the CTH on April 29, 2024 | Sundance

Before getting to the remarks in the video below, about “living through the greatest Western population bust in human history,” let me first bring attention to something I recently noticed.

While visiting Russia, there are several social factors exclusive to this nation.  Some of the distinctions are relatively new, (resurgence of religion and faith supported by the state), and some of the developments have been taking place over a longer arc of history, (expanded national population, and family incentives supported by the state).

It might seem like an odd thing to notice, but the number of Russian families with young children far exceeds that seen in any other EU metropolitan area and/or American city.

If you look at the issue from a review of children aged 4 to 10, the difference is stunning.   The number of Russian people with children in Russian cities far exceeds the number of Americans seen with children in large urban areas of the USA.

Kevin Dolan talks about the depopulation problem at a Natal conference in 2023.  It’s not a scientific addendum, but from my own observations during travel; it is quite noticeable how American children, in the 4 to 10-year-old age range, have seemingly disappeared.  WATCH:


Google’s AI – Not Really AI

Posted originally on Apr 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

On Instagram

Real AI is not biased. What is being presented as AI is merely clever programming that is steering people into a predetermined conclusion – that is NOT AI.