Is trump Captain America?

Barack Obama a person that we elected twice has succeed in doing more damage to the Constitutional Republic we live in then has been done by all our enemies since the Revolutionary War! This president with the encouragement and active help of his party the Democrat party has systematically unraveled many if not all of the checks and balances that were so important in preventing the takeover of the federal government by a single faction of the country. Worse they were helped by the progressive faction of the Republican Party so we now find ourselves facing the combined weight of the Washington elitists in reducing us to economic slaves to them. I for one to not want that for my family nor your or any family in the country and even if we are not of the rich and famous we do outnumber them and it is our country not theirs.

We are Vulgarians who are traditionally defined as an unrefined person, especially ones with newly acquired power or wealth. But we are also Americans who by hard work and perseverance made this country and made it the best country ever created. So what if we were not Royalty, or Roads Scholars that didn’t batter since we were making something that had never been done before, a country where it was proved that the common man could rule himself better that those that thought they could by just wanted to have the power.

But we did find a champion to fight for us and that Champion was Donald J. Trump — is he perfect, no of course not, he is human just like the rest of us that carry the original sin. But he is a Christian and a strong leader and his heart is in the right place. Further he wants to fix the wrongs that have been done to all of us and to the Constitution. And he beat hillary fair and square mostly because she was an absolutely horrible candidate.

So four years ago we elected Trump to the shock of the entire world and in a very short period of time and despite both parties working against him by the end of 2019 the US economy was at full employment and every worker from middle manager’s to the lowest paid worked was earning more than ever before. The economy and the stock markets were breaking records continuously and Trump was even on the path to a middle east peace agreement.  Trumps economy  was so good that the deep state had to stop him because he was making what they claimed was impossible look super easy. Well, if you actually knew what you were doing maybe it was. 

Trump is a real Captain America and has the full support of this former U.S. Army Captain and I worked as hard as I could to get him elected the second time! But despite all the work and energy the his supporters but a series of very strange events transpired  in the wee hour on the morning and votes were changed from Trump to Biden ballots appeared out of thin air, and  we ended up with more ballets than register voters.  Despite all the corruption the deep states efforts it was still close because the real ballets had Trump wining in a landslide. Meaning the deep state had to go all out to the point it was obvious what they had done. Both parties participated in the fraud and although there is still some hope I don’t think anyone in the republican party has the cajones to stand up to the evil power trying to take over the country now.

Well there is always hope and what we need now is a new political party and it should be the MAGA party!

I f the MAGA party takes a 1/3 of the republican party and a 1/4 of the demarcate party  it could end up being the most powerful political party ever formed in this country.  We need to start this new party now this month January 2021 so we can dominate the House take a a good fraction of the Senate.  We do not have a choice and baring an outright civil war this is the only peacefully way to get back out country.

Eric Clapton and Van Morrison have apparently joined the MAGA party — listen to STAND AND DELIVER and see what you think. I thing this should be the official MAGA theme song.

Therefore in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence which started us down this path we rededicate ourselves to the founding principles … “and for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Intellectual Dishonesty, Ted Cruz Supporters, and The TPA Argument…

The process used here is how the politicians get to get what they want while being able to claim that they didn’t support it or want it. They are very cleaver attorneys and that is why we do not like them and support trump. The citizens are being educated and that education is that almost all politicians are “criminals” as the citizens all ready suspected. Trump shows how that manipulate every thing to their advantage and screw the people.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Revealing Our Elections Rigged: “The Illusions of Choice”…

Much has been made about the rigged state contests and vote processing systems that seem to go against the wishes of the voters. Further much has been made about Trump not understanding the process and being out maneuvered. Actually nothing could be further from the truth than to think that trump did not know any of this. The reality of it is he knew exactly what the process was and so he was using it at a teaching moment to the Coitizens allowing a few states that he didn’t need to go the way they did so he could use that as part of his campaign strategy to get over 1237 on the first ballot knowing that on 2nd or 3rd votes the RNC/GOPe would be in control and they would pick the winner. This is an all or nothing game its win outright on the first vote or get nothing; but either way trump wins because he either get the nomination or the republican party destroys itself but proving that they are corrupt.

Trump Ad: “Trump Stepped Up”…

Trump has been doing things like this all his live unlike any politician that never has. We need more of these!

Condescension Bias – Corey Lewandowski Interviewed by Laura Ingraham…

Good Interview by Cory — there never was anything to the charge and anyone that watch the videos could see that. This was a typical Political fake charge and it will not be the last one!

1936 Convention – 2016 Convention (both in Cleveland) – Will 2017 be like 1937?

1936 Convention

Perhaps it is just cyclical, but the Cleveland Republican Convention will be the first time that city has held a political convention since the fateful 1936 election just prior to the 1937 peak in the recovery from the Great Depression. This has the potential to be very bad for the city insofar as it will expose the downside of how unions destroy their own jobs by getting out-of-touch with the real boss – the consumer. The unions always see this as them against a corporation and fail to understand that if they price themselves out of a job, it is because the consumer is not buying it.


Once upon a time, New York City was the main port. The union demands were abusive and eventually the port of New York came to an end. There can be no monopoly be it a corporation or labor for the ultimate decision-maker is always the consumer.

1968 Democratic Convention Police AbuseThe prospect of Republican nomination going nuts remains rather high. We may yet see riots if Trump is denied the nomination evoking the memories of violent Chicago’s 1968 Democratic convention when backroom deals by kingmakers determined the nominee and that led to fistfights on the floors that stained the city as image for a decade as the events were broadcast worldwide.

The 1968 Democratic Chicago Convention saw massive protests about Vietnam. We are in an upward cycle now for civil unrest. We may begin to see a lot more chaos around the upcoming Presidential election from those trying to stop Trump and the silent majority who are supporting Trump against the corrupt insiders.

There was a major change in trend in 1937. It appears we are headed for that same change in trend come 2017.

We have 40% of Trump supporters say they will abandon the Republican Party and 30% of Sander’s supporters say they would never vote for Hillary. This is illustrating there is a tremendous amount of the political base on both sides that is just dissatisfied for politics as we know it today. By the time we come to 2018, this will grow to a nightmare for Washington insiders.

Donald Trump WSJ April 14, 2O16 Op-Ed: Let Me Ask America a Question

How has the ‘system’ been working out for you and your family? No wonder voters demand change.

Via Donald J Trump –  On Saturday, April 9, Colorado had an “election” without voters. Delegates were chosen on behalf of a presidential nominee, yet the people of Colorado were not able to cast their ballots to say which nominee they preferred.

A planned vote had been canceled. And one million Republicans in Colorado were sidelined.

In recent days, something all too predictable has happened: Politicians furiously defended the system. “These are the rules,” we were told over and over again. If the “rules” can be used to block Coloradans from voting on whether they want better trade deals, or stronger borders, or an end to special-interest vote-buying in Congress—well, that’s just the system and we should embrace it.

Let me ask America a question: How has the “system” been working out for you and your family?


I, for one, am not interested in defending a system that for decades has served the interest of political parties at the expense of the people. Members of the club—the consultants, the pollsters, the politicians, the pundits and the special interests—grow rich and powerful while the American people grow poorer and more isolated.

No one forced anyone to cancel the vote in Colorado. Political insiders made a choice to cancel it. And it was the wrong choice.

Responsible leaders should be shocked by the idea that party officials can simply cancel elections in America if they don’t like what the voters may decide.

The only antidote to decades of ruinous rule by a small handful of elites is a bold infusion of popular will. On every major issue affecting this country, the people are right and the governing elite are wrong. The elites are wrong on taxes, on the size of government, on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy.

Why should we trust the people who have made every wrong decision to substitute their will for America’s will in this presidential election?

Here, I part ways with Sen. Ted Cruz.

Mr. Cruz has toured the country bragging about his voterless victory in Colorado. For a man who styles himself as a warrior against the establishment (you wouldn’t know it from his list of donors and endorsers), you’d think he would be demanding a vote for Coloradans. Instead, Mr. Cruz is celebrating their disenfranchisement.

Likewise, Mr. Cruz loudly boasts every time party insiders disenfranchise voters in a congressional district by appointing delegates who will vote the opposite of the expressed will of the people who live in that district.

That’s because Mr. Cruz has no democratic path to the nomination. He has been mathematically eliminated by the voters.

While I am self-funding, Mr. Cruz rakes in millions from special interests. Yet despite his financial advantage, Mr. Cruz has won only three primaries outside his home state and trails me by two million votes—a gap that will soon explode even wider. Mr. Cruz loses when people actually get to cast ballots. Voter disenfranchisement is not merely part of the Cruz strategy—it is the Cruz strategy.

The great irony of this campaign is that the “Washington cartel” that Mr. Cruz rails against is the very group he is relying upon in his voter-nullification scheme.

My campaign strategy is to win with the voters. Ted Cruz’s campaign strategy is to win despite them.

What we are seeing now is not a proper use of the rules, but a flagrant abuse of the rules. Delegates are supposed to reflect the decisions of voters, but the system is being rigged by party operatives with “double-agent” delegates who reject the decision of voters.

The American people can have no faith in such a system. It must be reformed.

Just as I have said that I will reform our unfair trade, immigration and economic policies that have also been rigged against Americans, so too will I work closely with the chairman of the Republican National Committee and top GOP officials to reform our election policies. Together, we will restore the faith—and the franchise—of the American people.

We must leave no doubt that voters, not donors, choose the nominee.

How have we gotten to the point where politicians defend a rigged delegate-selection process with more passion than they have ever defended America’s borders?

Perhaps it is because politicians care more about securing their private club than about securing their country.

My campaign will, of course, battle for every last delegate. We will work within the system that exists now, while fighting to have it reformed in the future. But we will do it the right way. My campaign will seek maximum transparency, maximum representation and maximum voter participation.

We will run a campaign based on empowering voters, not sidelining them.

Let us take inspiration from patriotic Colorado citizens who have banded together in protest. Let us make Colorado a rallying cry on behalf of all the forgotten people whose desperate pleas have for decades fallen on the deaf ears and closed eyes of our rulers in Washington, D.C.

The political insiders have had their way for a long time. Let 2016 be remembered as the year the American people finally got theirs.

~ Donald J Trump

BREAKING – Report: Florida Prosecutor Drops Charges Against Trump Campaign Manager…

Obviously this was all made up and she wasn’t even supposed to be there the event was over.

Maryland Poll – Donald Trump Positioned For Clean Sweep…

Trump will make the 1237 and then some as more and more people find they dislike Cruz. The area east of the Mississippi belongs to trump that is were the middle class has been screwed my the Washington politicians and most of them will go for Trump. The next 7 states belong to Trump.

Paul Manafort Interviewed By Sean Hannity – Topic: Pending Primaries and Delegate Math (video)…

I agree with Paul 100% Trump is on track to get the 1237 while Cruz thinks he can win on a 2nd or 3rd ballet — Cruz is wrong and Trump is right!