Bad Temperature Data Wrecks Science

NASA is not capable of publishing Good Data since it is now a political organization and has nothing to do with real science.

Real Climate Science

NASA and NOAA are publishing fraudulent temperature data, which shows the exact opposite of what is actually happening and what they used to report.


This completely perverts the science, and causes scientists to look for imaginary explanations of imaginary phenomena.

On my flight back from the UK, the British Airways system was reporting incredibly cold -112F outside the aircraft. This caused me to waste about an hour trying to think up an explanation for what could be causing that.


When the plane landed in Denver, it still reported temperatures well below freezing. The instrumentation was broken.

The entire field of climate science depends on fraudulent data from NASA. This bad data has rendered and entire field of science both useless and misleading.

ScreenHunter_2258 Jun. 05 09.17

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