Ocean Heat: New Study Shows Climate Scientists Can Still Torture Data until the Data Confess

These minions of the progressive movement have forfeited any and all of degrees they were given as they have violated every principle of science. Worse the are creating propaganda just like those the did the bidding of Hitler in the 1930’s. I see no difference between either group other than the language they they spoke.

Bob Tisdale - Climate Observations

A week or so ago, a troll left a link at my blog to a supposed-to-be-alarming blog post about a new climate study of ocean heat content. According to the study, a revised method of tweaking ocean heat reconstructions has manufactured new warming so that the top 700 meters of the oceans are warming faster than predicted by climate models. In other words, the “missing heat” is missing no more.

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One comment on “Ocean Heat: New Study Shows Climate Scientists Can Still Torture Data until the Data Confess

  1. The climate alarmist are indeed alarmed, alarmed that Earth will cool and expose the national academies of science that were united into a worldwide “Orwellian Ministry of Consensus Science (UN)Truths” when nations were united (UN) on 24 Oct 1945.

    The internal composition of the Sun was immediately changed from:
    _ a.) Mostly iron (Fe) in 1945 to
    _ b.) Mostly hydrogen (H) in 1946,

    and George Orwell also started writing “Nineteen Eighty-Four” In 1946.

    The pulsar core of the iron Sun offers ASSURANCE humanity will survive this 70-year voyage on a ship of fools guided by frightened, incompetent world leaders.

    The 2009 Climategate emails and six years of official excuses for deception disguised as 97% consensus science conclusively demonstrate that humanity has been captive passengers on Spaceship Earth for seventy years, guided by world leaders who lost contact with reality in 1945!

    Fortunately for humanity, Nobel Laureate Max Planck recognized and pointed out in 1944 that a “conscious and intelligent Mind” directs the force that creates and sustains atoms, lives and planets in the solar system, . . .

    the same force that endowed humans with inalienable rights to self-governance in order to insure “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

    Click to access Assurance.pdf

    That is my assurance that BIG BROTHER IS GOING DOWN.


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