Fauci Admits School Closures were Unnecessary

Posted Jun 20, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Schools across America shut down for over a year due to “the science” citing that social distancing was the only way to save the world from a deadly plague. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been revealing damning truths during his trial with the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic who is demanding answers. Fauci first revealed that there was absolutely no scientific evidence that showed social distancing would work. Now, Fauci has admitted that school closures were a “mistake.”

Fauci previously admitted that he had no idea where the six-foot social distancing rule came from as there is no evidence stating that it was ever a reliable safety measure. “It sort of just appeared. I don’t recall,” he told the panel in a January regarding social distancing. “Just an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.”

Still, the world was required to abide by these rules, which led to businesses shuttering as it was not possible to maintain these imaginary guidelines. Worse, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and pandemic mastermind Dr. Fauci forced schools to close.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress found that reading comprehension dell to a 30-year low for certain students amid the school closures. Over 40% of eighth graders could no longer comprehend basic mathematics. Mental health issues among children spiked due to isolation and prolonged fear mongering where the world no longer felt safe. A generation throughout the world suffered gravely due to guidelines on school closures that were mandated without any scientific backing. One study believes it will take students five years to rebound from the damaging effects of school closures. Fauci said he “wasn’t convinced” of the overwhelming data that showed kids suffered as a direct result of his guidelines.

Trust the science. Anthony Fauci was the face of “the science” that we were required to trust blindly or risk being labeled a conspiracy theorist. “I had nothing to do [with it]. I mean, let’s get down to the facts,” Fauci told a news respondent in 2022 when parents were still grappling with the effects of the pandemic.

Fauci continues to revise history by stating that he never mandated school closures. “Shutting down everything immediately — and we didn’t shut it down completely — but essentially major social distancing and even schools was the right thing,” Fauci said. “How long you kept it was the problem, because there was a disparity throughout the country. If you go back and look at the YouTube, I kept on saying, ‘Close the bars, open the schools. Open the schools as quickly and as safely as you possibly can.’ But initially to close it down was correct. Keeping it for a year was not a good idea.”

Fauci Anthony Game no mask

No, it was not a good idea. Let us not forget they had to roll out the gene-modifying COVID vaccine before they slowly began to reopen schools. Parents were coerced to give their children an experimental vaccine, using the promise of reopening schools as bait. “When we had a shutdown, that 15 days to flatten the curve, we were in a tsunami of cases. Right here in New York, you had freezer trucks in front of Elmhurst Hospital,” Fauci said, continuing to defend his medical tyranny.

Worldwide governments were in on this elaborate plot to seize power under the premise of a deadly virus. The pharmaceutical companies were in on this plot, benefitting in a major way, and were provided immunity as we now are seeing more deaths from the vaccine than from the actual virus. Health organizations and their mouthpieces became dictators who forced us to abide by their every whim. The media was in on this plot and condemned everyone and anyone who dared to question “the science.” The world was placed on house arrest, helpless to act as society crumbled around us. Those responsible must be held accountable to ensure this NEVER happens again.

Australian Govt Lets Unvaccinated Teen Die

Posted originally on Jun 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Dazelle Peters, 17, of New South Wales lost her battle to leukemia last week. Doctors believed that they could save her life through a lung transplant, but her request was repeatedly rejected. Why? Solely because she was not vaccinated for COVID-19.

St. Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney released a statement saying: “Vaccination status against various infections is a critical part of this assessment in order to ensure optimal prospects of survival post-transplant.” What evidence exists to support this claim? There is not one study that suggests an organ transplant is more effective with the mRNA COVID vaccine, in fact, studies would suggest the contrary.

Her father told news outlets that the hospital called his daughter a “major threat to everyone [who was currently hospitalized] who had done the right thing” as she could spread COVID. Anyone could spread COVID. There is no evidence that the vaccine can prevent transmission or infection. Australia is still operating based on “the science” that Anthony Fauci himself has revealed to be a lie.

Federal Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney said that the Australian government could not intervene in clinical decisions based on mandates that the government implemented. The government of South Wales said the hospital was merely following the guidelines presented by the International Society of Heart/Lung Transplantation recommendations, and the Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand.

The rules surrounding COVID have claimed far more lives than the actual virus. Australia has become completely tyrannical in dealing with this flu variant. When will these people be held responsible for all the lives they have claimed in the name of “science?” This young girl could be alive today if the government permitted medical autonomy.

Parents Sue Indian Govt for COVID Vaccine Deaths

Posted originally on May 23, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

(Video of Indians in a village chasing out vaccination squads as their government forced the experimental vaccine on the population)

“Doctors knew Covid vaccine’s side-effects killed my daughter. But they didn’t tell us,” one parent from India told a reporter from the Times of India. We know that AstraZeneca recently revealed their vaccine could cause fatal side effects, which the company failed to reveal until a class-action lawsuit brought it to light. That vaccine was responsible for nearly 90% of vaccinations across India. More news is coming to light about Covishield as a group of grieving parents are speaking out about what the government, pharmaceutical companies, and health agencies did to end the lives of their children abruptly.

Now a class-action lawsuit was filed in the UK against the same manufacturer with people reporting the same lethal ailments. That specific case led to AstraZeneca revealing that their “safe and effective” vaccine could cause Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Syndrome (TTS). “Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Syndrome (TTS) is one of the rare but very serious adverse effects that has happened as part of Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (VITTP). The incidence has been as low as one in 50,000 (0.002 per cent), but in a huge population, the number becomes sizeable,” infectious disease expert Dr. Ishwar Gilada, told IANS.

COVID 19 Risks

In India, parents are filing cases against both AstraZeneca and Serum Institute of India (SII) where it was manufactured. The Supreme Court against Serum Institute of India (SII) has agreed to hear their pleas. The Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) is only acknowledging that a few of the reported deaths were directly caused by the vaccination. “Overall, the benefits of vaccination are overwhelmingly greater than the small risk of harm,” the AEFI continues to promote.

Doctors are now saying that they did indeed know that the experimental jab could result in death BUT they chose not to reveal that information to the public because they believed the risks outweighed the cons. This is utterly unethical – parents would not have chose to vaccinate their children had they known there was a higher risk of death from the vaccine than the actual virus which was nothing more than a flu-like virus for children. The AEFI even acknowledges that they discussed these side-effects before treating patients but did not reveal their findings until November 2021 when the Right to Information Act (RTI) forced transparency.

These parents are hoping that others come forward to hold these MURDERERS responsible. One parent stated, “We blindly trusted our government, believing the vaccines to be safe for our children.” Everyone blindly trusted the government except the far-right conspiracy theorists spreading disinformation, who were banished from society for a few years. Now, hardly anyone trusts the government as COVID marked a massive downturn in government confidence overall.

AstraZeneca Pulls COVID Vaccine

Posted originally on May 9, 2024 By Martin Armstrong   

vaccine card

reported that AstraZeneca was recently forced to admit that its vaccine could produce lethal side effects amid a class action lawsuit in the UK. The British-Swedish pharmaceutical company was required to finally admit that their vaccine can lead to Thrombocytopenic Syndrome TTS, an autoimmune response that can cause blood clots, internal bleeding, and death. AstraZeneca has now pulled its COVID mRNA experimental jab from shelves worldwide.

The pharmaceutical company knew of the risk of TTS, and so did the World Health Organization and other health agencies. The public was not informed of the risks and merely questioning the safety of these vaccines was reason for social banishment a few years ago. “Although there are extremely rare serious side effects for vaccines, the benefits far outweigh the risks. Covid vaccines have prevented hundreds of thousands of people from dying. For example, in the US, 232,000-318,000 people have died from Covid, due to refusal to vaccinate from disproportionate fear of vaccination,” Dr Rajeev said, noting that 90% of India’s vaccinated population received this specific vaccine.

The European Union first repealed the company’s marketing authorization. Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Authority quietly removed the vaccine from their list of approved COVID vaccinations in April 2023. AstraZeneca refuses to admit that they are pulling the vaccine because over 80 people in Britain alone have DIED due to side effects. Instead, the company states they are removing the product for commercial reasons.

underlying covid conditions

Now, AstraZeneca is not removing all of their COVID treatments but merely pulling “Vaxzevria” in favor of new and improved experimental concoctions. The death toll is much higher than 80, for you see, they are refusing to admit that the “Safe and Effective” vaccination has altered and ended lives. The doctors who prescribed the medication do not want that responsibility nor do the pharmaceutical companies who would like to convince the public that they need a booster every few months indefinitely.

COVID truly began the massive decline in confidence in governments. They lied and people died. Now, they are asking for COVID amnesty and claiming that the death toll would have been far worse if these vaccines, which never prevented infection or transmission, were not forced upon the masses. Worst of all, we still do not know the long-term health implications but will likely found out in the years to come.

The COVID Scam – Why the CDC Must Be Gutted

Posted originally on Apr 10, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Any doctor who supported COVID should NOT be your doctor.

I found a new doctor who asked if I was vaccinated.

I said NO!!!!! He said GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Arrest Heads of Pfizer & Moderna, & CDC – NOW!!!!

They should NOT be immune from Criminal Behavior!