Dr. Richard Fleming Debunks Fauci’s Lies on the COVID Vaccine: He Should be In Prison!

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: June 4, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST

Are We the Next Endangered Species? Dr. Fleming Exposes the Corruption of the AMA

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: June 4, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST

Fauci “Made Up” COVID Mandates

Posted originally on Jun 4, 2024 By Martin Armstrong


As the world watches the “land of the free” attempt to imprison a former president, they are also waking up to realization that the pandemic was planned and fabricated. The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has been attempting to get answers on why the world was shut down for a virus from Dr. Anthony Fauci who is slowly admitting the truth – he “made up” COVID mandates and protocols.

Remember how they told us we must stay precisely six feet away from one another? They had the distancing marked on floors across the world. Humans were not to interact with other humans, all because “the science” said so. ‘You know, I don’t recall. It sort of just appeared,’ the former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) leader said in regards to this asinine rule as indicated in committee transcripts.

Fauci said he was unaware of ANY study that indicated social distancing could prevent the disease from spreading. COVID was a lie.

Social Distancing rotated

Businesses and schools shuttered because “the science” told us we could not interact. Studies did, however, find that social distancing led to “depression, generalized anxiety, acute stress, and intrusive thoughts.” The NIH even found that children’s literacy, socialization, and overall well-being was impacted in a “very negative” fashion due to school closures and utter fear propaganda pushed out by the 24/7 news cycle.

Was there any evidence for school closures or masking children? Fauci said he does not recall any specific studies saying that masking children would be effective. The World Health Organization suggested that children should oftentimes wear masks in their own homes.

Should my child wear a mask at home?

Your child’s health is a priority, and there may be times when wearing a mask at home is the safest thing to do.

If you have visitors, outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor gatherings. If visitors come into your home, it may be best for everyone to wear a mask if ventilation is poor or if physical distancing of at least 1 metre cannot be maintained.

Children who have symptoms of COVID-19 should wear a medical mask at home when they are in shared spaces, as long as they can tolerate it. Family members/caregivers who come within 1 metre of the sick child at home should also wear a medical mask.

One could only imagine the hysteria of the pandemic from a child’s eyes. There was never any evidence for closing schools. Countless studies have shown that school closures led to countless mental health and educational issues for an entire generation.
Child Vaccine

All the small businesses that were permanently shuttered during COVID were done so by the mandates required by “the science.” No one needed to socially distance from one another. It was a virus no different from the common flu. Thousands of people lost their livelihoods because we trusted the government and health organizations to protect us from an imaginary threat.

Lockdowns, in general, were a lie. The world was placed on house arrest at the whim of “the science” and suffered greatly. Our society has changed entirely due to the pandemic. The world economy has changed due to the pandemic. We can never go back or regain that time. We must look at what occurred to prevent it from happening again. The masses are waking up and realizing that COVID was a carefully orchestrated event. Trust in one’s government has evaporated – they took our health and years of our lives from us without just cause. They demonized anyone who spoke out against the agenda, often going as far as imprisonment and debanking. People have revolted throughout history for far lesser injustices.

The light is beginning to illuminate on the truth. It is all coming to a surface from election frauds to calculated wars. The computer is showing a great rise in civil unrest, and there will be a major turning point in September 2024 as indicated by our computer.

Parents Sue Indian Govt for COVID Vaccine Deaths

Posted originally on May 23, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

(Video of Indians in a village chasing out vaccination squads as their government forced the experimental vaccine on the population)

“Doctors knew Covid vaccine’s side-effects killed my daughter. But they didn’t tell us,” one parent from India told a reporter from the Times of India. We know that AstraZeneca recently revealed their vaccine could cause fatal side effects, which the company failed to reveal until a class-action lawsuit brought it to light. That vaccine was responsible for nearly 90% of vaccinations across India. More news is coming to light about Covishield as a group of grieving parents are speaking out about what the government, pharmaceutical companies, and health agencies did to end the lives of their children abruptly.

Now a class-action lawsuit was filed in the UK against the same manufacturer with people reporting the same lethal ailments. That specific case led to AstraZeneca revealing that their “safe and effective” vaccine could cause Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Syndrome (TTS). “Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Syndrome (TTS) is one of the rare but very serious adverse effects that has happened as part of Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (VITTP). The incidence has been as low as one in 50,000 (0.002 per cent), but in a huge population, the number becomes sizeable,” infectious disease expert Dr. Ishwar Gilada, told IANS.

COVID 19 Risks

In India, parents are filing cases against both AstraZeneca and Serum Institute of India (SII) where it was manufactured. The Supreme Court against Serum Institute of India (SII) has agreed to hear their pleas. The Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) is only acknowledging that a few of the reported deaths were directly caused by the vaccination. “Overall, the benefits of vaccination are overwhelmingly greater than the small risk of harm,” the AEFI continues to promote.

Doctors are now saying that they did indeed know that the experimental jab could result in death BUT they chose not to reveal that information to the public because they believed the risks outweighed the cons. This is utterly unethical – parents would not have chose to vaccinate their children had they known there was a higher risk of death from the vaccine than the actual virus which was nothing more than a flu-like virus for children. The AEFI even acknowledges that they discussed these side-effects before treating patients but did not reveal their findings until November 2021 when the Right to Information Act (RTI) forced transparency.

These parents are hoping that others come forward to hold these MURDERERS responsible. One parent stated, “We blindly trusted our government, believing the vaccines to be safe for our children.” Everyone blindly trusted the government except the far-right conspiracy theorists spreading disinformation, who were banished from society for a few years. Now, hardly anyone trusts the government as COVID marked a massive downturn in government confidence overall.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) – NIH Used Your Taxes to Fund Wuhan Research

Posted originally on May 22, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), “a rare brain disorder that leads to dementia,” according to the Mayo Clinic is suddenly on the rise. This prion disease deteriorated the brain, and prions are known to break down proteins perhaps similar to the ones released by the mRNA vaccine. There has been a massive uptick in CJD cases in the past three years – coincidence?

There have been 42 proven cases of the COVID vaccine leading to CJD, as reported to the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS). But as we know, they will link new ailments to anything but the mRNA vaccine. There have been reported cases of younger individuals contracting CJD as a result of the experimental jab.

Will anyone who forced this poison on the masses see their day of judgment? Not likely on Earth. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) finally admitted this week that they used taxpayer funds to study gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

Everyone denied that they were even studying gain-of-function research, let alone using public funds to study the most extensive example of biological warfare the world has ever seen. NIH Director Lawrence Tabak, when probed by Rep. Debbie Lesko on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, finally admitted: “It depends on your definition of gain-of-function research,” Tabak answered. “If you’re speaking about the generic term, yes, we did.”

Tabak admitted that the research is “not regulated” because “it poses no threat or harm to anybody.”

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) continued to fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology long after the pandemic and into July 2023. At present, the Wuhan lab is only barred from receiving funding until 2033.

No one has been more adamant about denying the study of gain-of-function research than Anthony Fauci, America’s poster boy for “TRUST THE SCIENCE.” Fauci has sworn under oath numerous times that the NIH has never funded such studies. Biden has provided Fauci with personal escorts to and from the court hearings to ensure his protection as he is an asset to the establishment who is above the law.

I applaud the liked of Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) for continuing to pry Anthony Fauci for information regarding the coronavirus. Why was it created and why was it released? The lie we were told in March 2020 about the Chinese purchasing infected bats in wet markets simply does not add up.

The entire world was conned. This has been one of the biggest acts of war on the public in all of history. People DIED as a direct result of their experiments, and those who received the experimental vaccine are continuing to fall ill with “rare” illnesses. These people should not be above the law – they offset civilization as we know it.

Big Pharma Hopes For Another Cash Cow Vaccine With Bird Flu GAIN OF FUNCTION Research

Posted originally on Rumble By Kim Iversen on: May 18, 2024 at 8:00 pm EST

EcoHealth Alliance BANNED | Did The WHO Try To Off The Slovakian PM Over Pandemic Treaty?

Posted originally on Rumble By Kim Iversen on: May 15, 2024 at 8:00 pm EST

Dr. Robert Malone: The “Experts” Lied to Us About the COVID Vaccine & They Must Be Held Accountable

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: May 9, 2024 at 6:30 pm EST

AstraZeneca Pulls COVID Vaccine

Posted originally on May 9, 2024 By Martin Armstrong   

vaccine card

reported that AstraZeneca was recently forced to admit that its vaccine could produce lethal side effects amid a class action lawsuit in the UK. The British-Swedish pharmaceutical company was required to finally admit that their vaccine can lead to Thrombocytopenic Syndrome TTS, an autoimmune response that can cause blood clots, internal bleeding, and death. AstraZeneca has now pulled its COVID mRNA experimental jab from shelves worldwide.

The pharmaceutical company knew of the risk of TTS, and so did the World Health Organization and other health agencies. The public was not informed of the risks and merely questioning the safety of these vaccines was reason for social banishment a few years ago. “Although there are extremely rare serious side effects for vaccines, the benefits far outweigh the risks. Covid vaccines have prevented hundreds of thousands of people from dying. For example, in the US, 232,000-318,000 people have died from Covid, due to refusal to vaccinate from disproportionate fear of vaccination,” Dr Rajeev said, noting that 90% of India’s vaccinated population received this specific vaccine.

The European Union first repealed the company’s marketing authorization. Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Authority quietly removed the vaccine from their list of approved COVID vaccinations in April 2023. AstraZeneca refuses to admit that they are pulling the vaccine because over 80 people in Britain alone have DIED due to side effects. Instead, the company states they are removing the product for commercial reasons.

underlying covid conditions

Now, AstraZeneca is not removing all of their COVID treatments but merely pulling “Vaxzevria” in favor of new and improved experimental concoctions. The death toll is much higher than 80, for you see, they are refusing to admit that the “Safe and Effective” vaccination has altered and ended lives. The doctors who prescribed the medication do not want that responsibility nor do the pharmaceutical companies who would like to convince the public that they need a booster every few months indefinitely.

COVID truly began the massive decline in confidence in governments. They lied and people died. Now, they are asking for COVID amnesty and claiming that the death toll would have been far worse if these vaccines, which never prevented infection or transmission, were not forced upon the masses. Worst of all, we still do not know the long-term health implications but will likely found out in the years to come.

Bill Gates is Full of Himself – You Cannot Wipe Out All Viruses for they Exist Also in Animals

Posted originally on May 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

As long as these Vaccine Companies are all in Geneva with Diplomatic Immunity, above international law, there is NO MRNA vaccine that I will ever accept. These people have proven themselves to be liars and promoters, as well as bribing politicians to make their money. Gates donates money only when there is a return. Way too many people I personally know have been insured by Gates’ Vaccine, for which he takes ZERO Responsibility.
