The Big Ugly Continues – After 3rd Round House Vote, Representative Jim Jordan Loses Internal Secret Ballot 122 Nay, 86 Yea

Posted originally on the CTH on October 20, 2023 | Sundance

The Big Ugly battle over control of the Republican Party in Congress was always going to be big and ugly.  We are witnessing the professional Republican apparatus fight hard to retain the UniParty business model that affords them all the affluence and indulgence they are accustomed to.

By now we well understand the nature of the DC political system as a business model. Factually, that’s why congressional candidates spend millions to take a job earning a few hundred thousand.  The business of DC political life is filled with background payments to politicians, family and friends. The business of DC politics provides a life of affluence that is disconnected from most understanding.

Jim Jordan lost his third effort to secure the House Speaker role in a floor vote earlier today.  Following the floor vote, the Republican Caucus held a closed-door meeting and another secret ballot to determine if Jordan should continue.  When they didn’t have to put their names in front of the public for scrutiny, 122 professional members of the Republican Party voted against Jordan, with only 86 votes in support of Jordan continuing.   Jim Jordan from Ohio is done.

Within the voting and the turmoil, we see the axiom bell ring true.   Democrats want power, Republicans want money.  Democrats use money to get power, Republicans use power to get money.  Democrat donors support ideology.  Republican politicians chase donor money.  This is the essential difference in the two wings of the UniParty apparatus.

♦ What becomes visible…. Threaten the power of Democrats, and you receive the weaponization of government.  Threaten the money of Republicans, and you get this Big Ugly outcome.  That’s what we are witnessing.

On the positive side, with each passing example more American voters are starting to understand the nature of the UniParty apparatus.  Within this painful understanding you find the reason why support for Donald J. Trump grows.  Trump threatens the Democrat power structure; so, they weaponize the full weight of government against him (Main Justice, FBI, IC, FISA, the works).  However, Trump also threatens the Republican structure of affluence; so, we see them step aside and willfully watch the weaponization of government against their common enemy.  That’s also what we are witnessing.

WASHINGTON DC – In a shocking turn, Jim Jordan on Friday lost an internal GOP vote that was intended to show confidence in him remaining as his party’s speaker designee.

The Ohio Republican is now no longer his party’s pick to lead the House, a demise sealed by a GOP secret ballot just after his third failed floor vote as a speaker hopeful.

It was an unexpectedly fast end to the Ohio conservative’s candidacy to lead the chaos-ridden Republican conference — and a sign that the flailing party is fed up on its 17th day without a speaker. Lawmakers now plan to leave Washington for the weekend as the next round of ambitious Republicans decide whether to mount their own speaker bids.

But most Republicans acknowledge that even with new faces to consider, they still have no clear path to uniting their splintered conference. They have already rejected two speaker candidates — Jordan and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise — as well as former Speaker Kevin McCarthy during this month alone.

McCarthy gave voice to a sentiment that’s growing within the GOP: The party’s inability to run the half of Congress that it narrowly won doesn’t bode well for its broader future.

“I’m concerned about where we go from here,” said McCarthy, who had been backing Jordan. “It’s astonishing to me, and we are in a very bad position as a party.”

Jordan’s loss of the speaker nod from his party came as something of a surprise, since he had sought the internal vote with allies preparing to cite it as a show of continued support for his candidacy. Instead, the secret ballot revealed that while Jordan’s public opposition never topped 25 votes, scores more House Republicans wanted to see him out of the race.

[…] In all, 122 Republicans voted to boot Jordan as their party’s nominee, while 86 said he should remain their choice, according to two people familiar with the private discussions. Five members voted present.  (read more)

Wall Street, the multinational corporations, the billionaire donors, the people who control the ‘illusion of choice’ mechanisms within the Republican Party apparatus, are all smiling.   Meanwhile, Main Street USA is once again furious.  But remember, the Wall Street group just doesn’t care.  As long as they retain full control over the puppets in DC, including at least 122 Republicans in the House, the multinationals are happy.

The Big Ugly battle continues.

It’s a BIG CLUB, and we ain’t in it….  YET!  

The House Will Hold a Third Vote for Jim Jordan as Speaker Nominee Tomorrow, Friday, at 10:00am ET

Posed originally on the CTH on October 19, 2023 | Sundance

After a lengthy and often combative GOP conference earlier today, Jim Jordan’s office has announced there will be a 3rd vote for House Speaker Friday at 10:00am.

“The House will vote Friday at 10 a.m. on a third speaker ballot, according to Jordan’s spokesman.” {link}

The UniParty Republicans had earlier floated an interim proposal to grant temporary House Speaker Patrick McHenry with additional authorities which would gain Democratic vote support.  The concept was to get the House through a round of funding for Israel and Ukraine aid and avoiding a shutdown, until January.  However, that effort fell short as the non UniParty Republicans would not agree to the plan.

Jordan spoke briefly about that issue following the conference meeting.  WATCH (46 secs):


(Via Politico) – […] Republicans are split. Jordan, for now, isn’t ready to call it quits, and some of his backers are gearing up for trench warfare.

“I can tell you, nobody in our conference can get to 217 on two rounds, and three legislative days. So I think he deserves more time,” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), a Jordan ally, told reporters. “I’m in favor of trying. For Jordan, I would go at least another week.”

Yet his opponents insist there is no negotiation to be had that would result in him winning the gavel. They’ve already detailed death threats and intimidation efforts that they say have only hardened their anti-Jordan stance. (read more

The House GOP Speaker’s race is a system of conniving and positioning for a cushy committee assignment, indulgences from the lobbyist control apparatus, office locations and Machiavellian influence for the best junkets and largest leadership PAC deposits.  That’s the truth, the non-pretending truth about the system at work behind the GOPe House Speaker vote.

This internecine professionally Republican stuff has nothing to do with principle centered leadership, and everything to do with self-indulgences and personal affluence.

Here are the 22 professional Republicans who would prefer to see a Democrat House Speaker:

♦ Don Bacon: (202) 225-4155; @RepDonBacon (voted McCarthy) ♦ *Vern Buchanan: (202) 225-5015;@vern Buchanan (voted Donalds) ♦ Ken Buck: (202) 225-4676; @RepKenBuck  (voted for Emmer) ♦ Lori Chavez-DeRemer: (202) 225-5711; @RepLCD (voted McCarthy) ♦ Anthony D’Esposito: (202) 225-5516; @anthonydespo (voted Zeldin) ♦ Mario Díaz-Balart: (202) 225-4211; @MarioDB (voted Scalise) ♦ Jake Ellzey: (202) 225-2002; @JakeEllzey  (voted Garcia) ♦ *Drew Ferguson: (202) 225-5901; @RepDrewFerguson (voted Scalise) ♦ Andrew Garbarino: (202) 225-7896; @RepGarbarino (voted Zeldin) ♦ Carlos Giménez: (202) 225-2778; @RepCarlos (voted McCarthy) ♦ Tony Gonzales (TX): (202) 225-4511; @TonyGonzales4TX (voted Scalise) ♦ Kay Granger: (202) 225-5071; @RepKayGranger (voted Scalise) ♦ John James: (202) 225-4961; @repjames (voted for Moolenaar?) ♦ Mike Kelly (PA): (202) 225-5406; @MikeKellyPA (voted Bainer?) ♦ Jen Kiggans: (202) 225-4215; @JenKiggans (McCarthy) ♦ Nick LaLota: (202) 225-3826; @nicklalota (voted Zeldin) ♦ Mike Lawler: (202) 225-6506; @lawler4ny (voted McCarthy ) ♦ *Marianette Miller-Meeks: (202) 225-6576; @RepMMM (voted Grainger) ♦ John Rutherford: (202) 225-2501; @RepRutherfordFL (voted Scalise) ♦ Mike Simpson: (202) 225-5531; @CongMikeSimpson (voted Scalise) ♦ Steve Womack: (202) 225-4301; @rep_stevewomack (voted Scalise). 

20 House Republicans Blocked Jim Jordan on First Ballot – Here’s Who They Are

Posted originally on the CTH on October 17, 2023 | Sundance

Keep this list handy. These are the twenty Republicans who are stealth Democrats and voted against Jim Jordan. Yes, there are some surprises, including John James of Michigan.

The 20 who voted against Jordan are: Tony Gonzales (TX), Kay Granger (TX), Mario Diaz Balart (FL), Mike Kelly (PA), John Rutherford (FL), Mike Simpson (Idaho) Steve Womack (Arkansas), Lori Chavez DeRemer (OR), Don Bacon (NE), Carlos Gimenez (FL), Jennifer Kiggans (VA), Mike Lawler (NY), Doug LaMalfa (CA), Anthony D’Espositio (NY), Andrew Garbarino (NY), Nick LaLota (NY), Jake Ellzey (TX), Ken Buck (CO), John James (MI), Victoria Spartz (IN).

Accept things as they are, not as we would pretend them to be.

(Via Politico) – The Ohio Republican failed to get the 217 votes he needed to clinch the gavel during Tuesday’s first ballot, with 20 GOP votes against him. The House recessed immediately after the vote concluded, and it’s unclear when a second ballot will occur.

Some lawmakers aren’t optimistic it will happen anytime soon, with Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) saying confidently to reporters as he exited the floor: “Have a good evening everyone.”

The pause will allow Jordan to meet with some of the 20 Republican holdouts to try and bring them into his camp before voting again. Recessing before continuing on to a second ballot will allow sorely divided Republicans to regroup in private away from the House floor and potentially consider their strategy.

Many Jordan allies had predicted it could take multiple ballots, but it’s unclear if they’ll be able to flip enough holdouts in subsequent votes. (read more)

It is absolutely critical that we know who will align against President Trump in 2024.  This list of 20 House “Republicans” should serve as a generally good outline to remember.

Voters Making a Difference – Republican DC Members Scared to Vote Against Jim Jordan for Speaker, Wall of Opposition Crumbling

Posted originally on the CTH on October 16, 2023 | Sundance 

The media and punditry are saying it’s the pressure of Jordan, but really, it’s the pressure of the voters that’s scaring the crap out of the Republicans in the House.

The block of opposition to Jim Jordan’s nomination in the House is crumbling, as their phones, emails and fax machines are being lit up by voters demanding support and threatening a removal primary against any House member who tries to stand in the way of the people.

Jordan has vowed to take his nomination to a House floor vote and force the Republican Party to take a stand. This is a solid strategy that puts any no vote against the will of the electorate.

WASHINGTON – Twenty-four hours before the full House will vote on whether to hand Jordan the gavel, the Judiciary chair and his allies have managed to chip away at a significant bloc of opposition that many in the House GOP saw as insurmountable just days ago.

That includes two lawmakers who had publicly vowed not to support Jordan: Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Mo.), who had publicly railed against Jordan’s behavior towards Majority Whip Steve Scalise, and House Armed Services Chair Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), who had also backed Scalise’s bid and has been critical of the House Freedom Caucus’s tactics in recent years.

Another holdout, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.), posted on X Monday that he would be “offering my support on the House floor” to Jordan. Buchanan, a senior member of the Florida GOP delegation, is another significant get, given three Republicans from the Sunshine state are still holding out.

Some House Republicans also raised eyebrows at the nod from Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.), a senior appropriator who has been similarly skeptical of the ultraconservatives’ demands this Congress.

“I feel real good about the momentum we have and I think we’re real close,” Jordan told reporters Monday, vowing to take the contest to the floor at noon regardless of whether he’s formally landed 217 votes. (read more)

Y’all know how I feel about Jordan in general terms, but hopefully the MAGA base and President Trump’s influence can overwhelm the right wing of the Uniparty vulture.

After Jim Jordan Outlines Opposition to Indefinite Ukraine Funding, Indiana Republican Victoria Spartz Rescinds Support

posted originally on the CTH on October 14, 2023 | Sundance 

The Jim Jordan floor vote is going to end up being a public GOP exhibition in who supports unlimited Ukraine funding.  Jim Jordan has expressed opposition to more funding for Ukraine, and the professional Republican wing of neocons do not like that.

A great example surfaces today inside the change of position for one of the staunchest Ukraine advocates, Indiana representative Victoria Spartz.  However, what I find most interesting about her reversal is Spartz’s unwillingness to admit the reason.


Despite her political pretending, Representative Spartz primary allegiance is to her home country of Ukraine, not the United States.  It is disingenuous in the extreme how the media is reporting on her reversal without mentioning the one key element that drives her decision-making.

Beware the “Anger Manager” – Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan Says He Would Accept House Speaker Role

Posted originally on the CTH on October 4, 2023 | Sundance

My dearest friends, as much as I do not want to accept certain things, this one is critical to accept.  Jim Jordan has shown over time that he is simply a purposefully placed “anger manager” on behalf of the Professionally Republican wing of the administrative state.

Perhaps we lost him before the 2020 election, when the “six ways to Sunday” group fired a shot across his bow with the issues about “widespread sexual abuse in OSU’s wrestling program.”  The timing seems to fit with the overall dynamic and how the intelligence apparatus operates.  Regardless of whether that was the inflection point, the extreme visibility & promotion of the claims, in combination with the sudden disappearance of them, was the impetus –or if it was something similarly timed– something consequential changed in the political orbit of Jim Jordan.

For the past several years, as more intensity has swirled around us, Representative Jim Jordan has appeared as more of a useful “anger manager,” better positioned to satiate the masses than actually deliver any accountability results.  The media appearances seemed to align with that intent, and then a very big datapoint surfaced that few -other than myself- seemed to be concerned about.

When the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government was formed, it was constructed in the lane of the House Judiciary Committee.  Meaning, the House Judiciary Committee would be the presumptive authority committee under which the select subcommittee would form.  For most casual observers, this seemed to be just a parliamentary decision; however, for me it also held concern.

Those concerns were then realized when it was announced that Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan would also sit as the Chairman of the Select Subcommittee.  If you are cynical and/or knowledgeable as to how the Deep State operates, this approach positioned Jordan as a backstop against the issuance of subpoenas that would be against the interests of the Professionally Republican leadership.  Trying to protect the flickering flame of hope, I held my powder and watched.

What followed was the worst-case scenario that I previously outlined {Go Deep}.  It is no longer a question of whether the Select Subcommittee was constructed in an effort to dissuade, dilute and deflect the outrage by the American people who were witnessing the weaponization of government.  That’s exactly what the subcommittee result was as a result of Jim Jordan’s leadership.

I told several people at the time, after watching about 5 months of the subcommittee work, “It’s over.”  Meaning there never was a genuine, actionable effort on behalf of the new Republican majority to confront the weaponization of government.  It was all another farce – another railcar in a “long train of Republican abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object,” gaslighting and kicking the proverbial can.

As much as I did not want to accept it, we were once again victims.

Kevin McCarthy’s Lucy has unlimited footballs.

Jim Jordan is the carefully positioned guardian of Kevin McCarthy.  Jordan was the general selected to hang out with the troops and play the role of steering leader; one foot in the trenches and the other foot in the mahogany meeting room.  If he did his job well, he would control the glances by the regulars toward the indulgences of leadership.

Jim Jordan did his job very well.

Jordan is corrupt; perhaps that’s too strong a word; perhaps compromised is a better way to put it.  Not corrupt/compromised in a way of directly lying, cheating or stealing, but rather corrupt in the same familiar manner that generates all of the frustration we feel. Corrupt in the sense of satiating the masses while being disingenuous in the extreme of creating ZERO accountability.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy used Jim Jordan for exactly this institutional preservation purpose, and Jordan knows it…. and willingly goes along with it…. and willingly plays the role of “anger manager” on behalf of his leadership.  That’s the part that has become more obvious and needs to be accepted.

Once you understand this, the next part makes total sense.

WASHINGTON — Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on Wednesday became the first lawmaker to announce a bid for speaker of the House, one day after Kevin McCarthy was ousted from the top job in a historic vote.

Asked by reporters in the Capitol if he was running, Jordan replied unequivocally: “Yes.”

“We need to unite the conference,” said Jordan, who had just met with Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., a likely rival for speaker, to inform him of his decision.

Later Wednesday, Jordan sent a letter to colleagues touting his work on immigration and oversight issues on the Judiciary panel and asking for their support.

“Now is the time for our Republican conference to come together to keep our promises to Americans. The problems we face are challenging, but they are not insurmountable. We can focus on the changes that improve the country and unite us in offering real solutions,” Jordan wrote. “But no matter what we do, we must do it together as a conference. I respectfully ask for your support for Speaker of the House of Representatives.”

Jordan said he made his decision after many of his GOP colleagues reached out, urging him to run. A source familiar with Jordan’s thinking said the congressman has repeatedly said that choosing the next speaker “will be a decision for the conference” and now the conference is asking. (read more)

Every element of the professional Republican apparatus in DC, positions their interests for the long game.

When a person grabs the flag at the front of the parade, watch who they hand it to… Often, there’s an intent.