Wolf: Watching Maddow And Fauci Helped Turn Matrix Of Public Health Into Matrix Of Communism

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 20, 2024 at 08:30 pm EST

Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 19, 2024 at 08:30 pm EST

Ep. 3382b – WaPo Begins Change Of Batter Narrative, Does Trump Still Have ‘Foreign Policy Powers’ ?

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: May 19, 2024 at 8:15 pm EST

Dr. McCullough – Disease X Is Already Here, The Lied About The Vaccine, There Are Cures For Viruses

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: June 19, 2024 at 9:30 pm EST

Fauci Admits School Closures were Unnecessary

Posted Jun 20, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Schools across America shut down for over a year due to “the science” citing that social distancing was the only way to save the world from a deadly plague. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been revealing damning truths during his trial with the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic who is demanding answers. Fauci first revealed that there was absolutely no scientific evidence that showed social distancing would work. Now, Fauci has admitted that school closures were a “mistake.”

Fauci previously admitted that he had no idea where the six-foot social distancing rule came from as there is no evidence stating that it was ever a reliable safety measure. “It sort of just appeared. I don’t recall,” he told the panel in a January regarding social distancing. “Just an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.”

Still, the world was required to abide by these rules, which led to businesses shuttering as it was not possible to maintain these imaginary guidelines. Worse, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and pandemic mastermind Dr. Fauci forced schools to close.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress found that reading comprehension dell to a 30-year low for certain students amid the school closures. Over 40% of eighth graders could no longer comprehend basic mathematics. Mental health issues among children spiked due to isolation and prolonged fear mongering where the world no longer felt safe. A generation throughout the world suffered gravely due to guidelines on school closures that were mandated without any scientific backing. One study believes it will take students five years to rebound from the damaging effects of school closures. Fauci said he “wasn’t convinced” of the overwhelming data that showed kids suffered as a direct result of his guidelines.

Trust the science. Anthony Fauci was the face of “the science” that we were required to trust blindly or risk being labeled a conspiracy theorist. “I had nothing to do [with it]. I mean, let’s get down to the facts,” Fauci told a news respondent in 2022 when parents were still grappling with the effects of the pandemic.

Fauci continues to revise history by stating that he never mandated school closures. “Shutting down everything immediately — and we didn’t shut it down completely — but essentially major social distancing and even schools was the right thing,” Fauci said. “How long you kept it was the problem, because there was a disparity throughout the country. If you go back and look at the YouTube, I kept on saying, ‘Close the bars, open the schools. Open the schools as quickly and as safely as you possibly can.’ But initially to close it down was correct. Keeping it for a year was not a good idea.”

Fauci Anthony Game no mask

No, it was not a good idea. Let us not forget they had to roll out the gene-modifying COVID vaccine before they slowly began to reopen schools. Parents were coerced to give their children an experimental vaccine, using the promise of reopening schools as bait. “When we had a shutdown, that 15 days to flatten the curve, we were in a tsunami of cases. Right here in New York, you had freezer trucks in front of Elmhurst Hospital,” Fauci said, continuing to defend his medical tyranny.

Worldwide governments were in on this elaborate plot to seize power under the premise of a deadly virus. The pharmaceutical companies were in on this plot, benefitting in a major way, and were provided immunity as we now are seeing more deaths from the vaccine than from the actual virus. Health organizations and their mouthpieces became dictators who forced us to abide by their every whim. The media was in on this plot and condemned everyone and anyone who dared to question “the science.” The world was placed on house arrest, helpless to act as society crumbled around us. Those responsible must be held accountable to ensure this NEVER happens again.

Australian Govt Lets Unvaccinated Teen Die

Posted originally on Jun 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Dazelle Peters, 17, of New South Wales lost her battle to leukemia last week. Doctors believed that they could save her life through a lung transplant, but her request was repeatedly rejected. Why? Solely because she was not vaccinated for COVID-19.

St. Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney released a statement saying: “Vaccination status against various infections is a critical part of this assessment in order to ensure optimal prospects of survival post-transplant.” What evidence exists to support this claim? There is not one study that suggests an organ transplant is more effective with the mRNA COVID vaccine, in fact, studies would suggest the contrary.

Her father told news outlets that the hospital called his daughter a “major threat to everyone [who was currently hospitalized] who had done the right thing” as she could spread COVID. Anyone could spread COVID. There is no evidence that the vaccine can prevent transmission or infection. Australia is still operating based on “the science” that Anthony Fauci himself has revealed to be a lie.

Federal Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney said that the Australian government could not intervene in clinical decisions based on mandates that the government implemented. The government of South Wales said the hospital was merely following the guidelines presented by the International Society of Heart/Lung Transplantation recommendations, and the Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand.

The rules surrounding COVID have claimed far more lives than the actual virus. Australia has become completely tyrannical in dealing with this flu variant. When will these people be held responsible for all the lives they have claimed in the name of “science?” This young girl could be alive today if the government permitted medical autonomy.

Ozempic A Miracle Drug Too Good To Be True?

Posted originally on Jun 9, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Ozempic A Miracle Drug Too Good To Be True?


It has been two years since the public failure of the COVID-19 vaccine; one might think Americans would be skeptical of big pharma products & the integrity of the FDA.

Novo Nordisk

Novo Nordisk, the Danish pharmaceutical company, overtook LVMH to become Europe’s most valuable company. Maker Novo Nordisk’s drug Semaglutide, sold under Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro, is a blockbuster type 2 diabetic and weight loss drug, resulting in a 1.6 billion in sales in the first quarter of 2024.


According to USA Today, Dr. Judy Korner, an endocrinologist, describes Semaglutide drugs in a very simple and elementary way. “GLP-1 goes to the pancreas and helps the pancreas make insulin – but only when the body needs insulin. So, when glucose levels rise, the body needs more insulin, and GLP-1 or Ozempic (its mimicker) helps the pancreas release insulin,” Korner explains. For weight loss, signals are sent to the appetite center in your brain to reduce hunger and increase fullness,” stated Dr. Deborah Horn, “This helps you feel full with smaller meals and decreases the need for snacks.”

Besides curbing the high blood sugar level for diabetics, millions of Americans have been taking this drug to shed excess pounds. If you go off Semaglutide drug, “Almost immediately, your weight will start creeping back up,” said Insider’s Gabby Lansverk. Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of Ozempic and Wegovy, says that much like cholesterol-controlling statin drugs, this new class of medications is likely a lifelong commitment. A study of hundreds of Ozempic takers released in 2022 found that after one year without the drug, patients regained two-thirds of the weight they had lost, cited Business Insider.

glucose level

“There is a “30% chance of having GI (gastrointestinal) side effect,” according to Dr. Prateek Sharma, a professor of medicine at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. Novo Nordisk charges approximately $1,000.00 for a weekly injection. Harvard research found that the five-year cost of the Ozempic was $53,268 versus $19,685 for the minimally invasive endoscopic bariatric procedure is more cost-effective and helps shed more pounds. Either way, both have controversial side effects.

“In some people, they may also prompt bouts of vomiting that can require medical attention and slow the stomach so much that they can lead to a condition called gastroparesis. While gastroparesis may or may not improve after the medication is stopped, some patients have claimed that their condition didn’t improve months after quitting the drug”, CNN reported.

US News, published an article, Stomach Paralysis Risk May Rise in People Taking Ozempic and Similar Drugs. US News describes a study at University Hospitals in Cleveland. They combed through millions of patient records from 80 health care organizations. Focus was on adults who were obese and had no history of diabetes and had not been diagnosed with gastroparesis or pancreatitis at least six months before starting a GLP-1 medication in the 286,000 patients in this study.

Stomach Fat R

Of those prescribed the GLP-1 medication for weight reduction, 10 out of 10,000 were diagnosed with gastroparesis at least six months later. Patients taking the drugs were also more likely to have nausea, vomiting, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). They were also more likely to have their gallbladders removed and experience drug-induced pancreatitis.

Sharma noted that his study included people who had diabetes in both the group taking the GLP-1 medications and in the comparison group, and they still found a higher incidence of stomach paralysis in those taking the medications, suggesting that diabetes alone wasn’t the culprit.

The FDA-approved Semaglutide products have a black box warning indicating that the Semaglutide drug carries a significant risk of serious or even life-threatening adverse effects, such as the risk of all thyroid C-cell tumors or thyroid cancers within 12-36 months of use.  Additional published side effects are “gastric paralysis (paralyzed stomach muscle), leading to cyclical vomiting for years even after stopping the drug, acute and long-term kidney failure & short-term and long-term liver failure,” per Dr. Ardis.

Thyroid Cancer

The healthcare industries continue to disappoint consumers. Hopefully, soon, consumers will wake up and realize they have been played. Big Pharma is the biggest spender on TV ads, foundational obesity (specifically Nova Nordisk) research, civil rights groups, and medical groups such as AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics).

Per Politico, “Novo Nordisk, which makes the blockbuster weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy, hired law and lobbying firm Arnold & Porter and others to try to convince policymakers to allow Medicare to cover anti-obesity medications.” Novo Nordisk spent a total of $4.6 million on lobbying the federal government last year, and $1.3 million in the first three months of 2023. The company and its six outside lobbying firms listed lobbying on obesity medicine coverage this year in disclosure forms. This is standard practice for Big Pharma, reaching deep into the pockets of Medicare & Medicaid. They know the stream of funds will be available once their drugs pass the green light.

While both drugs contain the active ingredient semaglutide, Ozempic is only approved as a diabetes treatment, though it’s prescribed off-label as an anti-obesity drug. Wegovy is FDA-approved for weight loss. Medicare Part D and most commercial insurers only cover Ozempic for the treatment of diabetes. Without coverage, the drugs can cost patients around $16,000 per year.

One study cited by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that coverage of weight loss drugs like Wegovy could lead to nearly $27 billion in additional Medicare Part D spending, should the 41 percent of Americans over 60 years old considered obese decide to take the drug.

Americans spent over $722 billion on prescription drugs in 2023, a nearly 14% increase from 2022, which outpaced inflation. Presidential campaigns echo the words to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry and lower prescription drug prices, but they are empty promises.

According to Bernie Sanders on Fox News (June 23, 2023), “The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most powerful political forces in America. In a Congress of 100 senators and 435 members of the House, the pharmaceutical industry has more than 1,800 well-paid lobbyists on Capitol Hill. These include former leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties.  With very few exceptions, the drug companies are totally unregulated. They can set their prices to any level for any reason they want. And they do!”

Although lawsuits against Ozempic have been filed, there has been much suffrage for innocent people in our country, and the FDA has turned a blind eye to drug manufacturers’ safety issues. The US FDA led the greatest catastrophe in this country’s history during the COVID lockdown. They bankrupted small businesses and some chains worldwide for nothing more than the Flu. They are starting it all over again with Bird Flu.

They were championing, promoting, and lying about the validity of the mRNA vaccine, just as they have done with so many other harmful drugs and vaccines in America. When will big pharma be held accountable?

Episode 3669: The WHO Pushes The Next Pandemic

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 7, 2024 at 10:00 pm EST

Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 7, 2024 at 09:00 pm EST

The Only Candidate Who Could Prosecute Fauci

Posted originally on Jun 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. deserves more attention than the mainstream media could ever give to him. Kennedy has always been skeptical of the COVID pandemic and “the science” behind it. The Center for Countering Digital Hate awarded Kennedy as one of the top “Disinformation Dozen” in 2021 for speaking out against vaccines. Kennedy is now saying that he would hold Anthony Fauci responsible for the countless lives he claimed by funding viruses and promoting medical tyranny.

Kennedy has in fact been questioning the role of Big Pharma for decades. He was first dubbed an anti-vaxxer in 2005 when he began to question thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that was pulled from most childhood vaccines besides the one for the common flu back in 2001. He went on to publish numerous articles questioning the use of mercury in vaccinations.

Kennedy has questioned the widespread use of antidepressants and has cited the medical usage of certain psychoactive drugs as one-time treatments for ongoing mental health issues like PTSD. He has never faltered in questioning Big Pharma and its role on our society. As for COVID, he was one of the first politicians to raise the red flag.

Children’s Health Defense, sponsored by Kennedy, has published countless articles and studies explaining the hazards of vaccinations and lockdown mandates. It is worth taking a look at that website as it hosts a wealth of knowledge on the truth behind “the science.”

THINK Gates Fauci Soros

Kennedy penned a book in 2021, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” in which he reveals that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases was in cahoots with Big Pharma to profit off of vaccines. He did this at a time when America saw Fauci as the hero who should not be questioned. He was not afraid to call out Bill Gates for his role in the pandemic, and declared democracy itself was at risk. In fact, he dated Fauci’s sinister role back to the early AIDS crisis when “America’s Doctor” partnered with Big Pharma, violating federal laws and committing human rights abuses all for personal gain.

“In early 2000, Fauci shook hands with Bill Gates in the library of Gates’ $147 million Seattle mansion, cementing a partnership that would aim to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise with unlimited growth potential. Through funding leverage and carefully cultivated personal relationships with heads of state and leading media and social media institutions, the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance exercises dominion over global health policy and our beautiful country,” the book’s description goes on to say.

No other politician running for president has questioned the vaccines, Big Pharma, or Anthony Fauci. RFK was personally de-platformed countless times for speaking the truth and mislabeled a conspiracy theorist for questioning the status quo. Kennedy is also against the Neocons and the ongoing forever wars. This man deserves a much bigger platform than what has been provided to him, as I do believe he is a man of the people.