Attorney General Held in Contempt of Congress

Posted originally on Jun 13, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

The Rule of Law has been torn to pieces. The entire Justice System in the United States is rapidly becoming a joke internationally as we border on becoming indistinguishable from the Banana Republic, where the pretense of law is only the self-interest of those in power. In Plato’s classic work, you will find the debate between Thraysmachus and Socrates. More than 2000 years ago, Thrasymachus observed what we see going on right now. JUSTICE is the same in every form of government, be it dictatorship, monarchy, or pretend democracy. JUSTICE is always the self-interest of those in power, and NOTHING has ever changed.

Thrasymachus Quote

Once power is handed to the government, they will expand that power until they terminate all LIBERTY. That is what the CBDCs are all about – total control. If you protest, your bank account will be seized, and you will starve to death, just as they did to the truckers in Canada. This passage from Thraymachus established beyond a shadow of a doubt that HISTORY REPEATS over and over again, BECAUSE human nature never changes.


It was this very Biden administration that has thrown Trump’s advisors in prison in contempt for asserting Executive Privilege, as in the case of Steve Bannon. Bannon was convicted of contempt of Congress in 2022 after failing to provide documents and testimony to the House Select Committee that investigated the January 6th, 2021, US Capitol attack. He was sentenced to four months in prison. The two MOST corrupt courts in the nation are New York and Washington, DC. They have their own agenda and will never apply the law fairly.

Garland Merrick AG

While the Justice Department (DOJ) has turned over transcripts and notes from the interview, The House has maintained that they need the tapes to verify the transcript’s accuracy and to confirm that Mr. Hur’s observation was justified. Attorney General Garland of the Department of Justice will not release the actual video and audio tape because transcripts never give the nuances of human speech. A lawyer will always tell you never to joke in court. If you said yes, I killed JFK as well. When read in a transcript, those words appear to be a confession. Without the audio/video, you would not know if it was a joke or not.

I have a dream

Martin Luther King said, “I have a Dream.” He is not the only one to DREAM. This brings tears to my eyes, for the once great nation, the founders’ DREAM, is crumbling to dust before my eyes, and I fear what I will leave behind for my grandchildren. There was a time when men rose against oppression, and their voices resounded in history. Their words were inviting and hopeful of a new land of honor built upon that DREAM of freedom and liberty.

Declaration Independent Mast Head

There was a time when honor was paramount, one’s word was your bond, and the vision of the future was exciting. We have reached a time when it all has gone wrong, bribed by money and only the DREAMS of the elite of endless power above the people. The generations before us fought for that DREAM in a time long gone by, when hope was everything and life was worth living in pursuit of happiness, and they had been enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and then the Bill of Rights.

In God We Trust

I studied history and the evolution of law, and I once naively believed that this DREAM of liberty and freedom would never die. We embossed our currency with the phrase In God We Trust and once believed in a merciful and forgiving God who has no longer been worthy of a place in our society. Those DREAMS of the founders we may attribute to a young nation naive with hope, standing unafraid on the battlefield against oppression and tyranny. Those days of noble DREAMS are now only relegated to the unread pages of history books. Our currency is to be relegated to digital entries on a smartphone. There was no reason for one to use the pretense of inclusion and equality to strip the rights of individuals behind the facade of caring for some minority. That unity that produced a nation has been torn apart, pitting one group against another to ensure that by dividing the people, they can conquer the cycle of time and seek to retain perpetual power unassailed forevermore.


Freedom of thought, philosophy, and religion was to be carved on a Stella that stood tall and made of white marble for eternity. But that Stella has been discolored, stained with time, and toppled to the ground ignored by those with power. Its edifice no longer shines or glistens in the sunlight. The Age of Wisdom has been overshadowed by the Age of Darkness, engulfed in corruption, and the thirst for ultimate power has ensured that history will complete its wheel of revolution. There are DREAMS of the perfect land that simply can never be.


Law has no value anymore. As Thrasymachus said long ago, it is only the self-interest of those in power. Such is the fate of all civilizations, for they are all buried in a common grave. Garland is an absolute disgrace to the United States. To even argue that voter ID is not necessary when they are secretly pushing for total control with Digital Currencies and IDs so the elite can defeat the wheel of time.

Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 11, 2024 at 07:03 pm EST

Tucker Carlson Discusses Latest FBI Whistleblower Evidence – FBI Security Clearances Issued Based on Political Ideology

Posted originally on the CTH on June 11, 2024 | Sundance

The granular issue of this specific whistleblower story pertains to an FBI investigative employee who had his security clearance suspended after officials within the FBI discovered he attended a speech given by President Trump.

However, the bigger issue uncovered during a review of that punishment was written FBI instructions from within the sector of the FBI that investigates and issues security clearances.  In essence, the FBI has a documented standard that political ideology determines who will get security clearances approved.

If a person supports President Trump, holds conservative views, or does anything that would identify themselves as not being in alignment with the leftist worldview, their security clearance application or renewal would be denied.  Put another way, the FBI has written policy examples that discriminate against political views.

This should not come as a surprise.  Factually, when CTH outlined how the Obama administration began to implement the process of filtration and purging of government agencies, we pointed out how the FBI security clearance investigative section was the first sector changed.  Obama and Eric Holder then began the process of denying security clearances.  {GO DEEP – Fourth Branch of Govt}.

Tucker Carlson points out the larger issues of the FBI using almost identical context from our prior research outlineWATCH: 


Using the FBI to filter security clearances – [Fourth Branch of Govt]

A History of FBI Weaponization – [SEE HERE]

Litmus Tests

Posted originally on the CTH on June 9, 2024 | Sundance

“Dear Sundance, could you please write an article that explains the policies that differentiate a GOPe RINO Establishment SIG/Bushie from an America First MAGA Patriot? It would be most beneficial to have a “litmus test” that can be easily used to compare candidates.”

At first blush this might sound like a familiar question that many would disregard.  However, let me emphasize a key point often overlooked.  The more severely you stop pretending, the more you realize the value of “litmus test” questioning.  When you ask a certain type of question in front of an audience, things opinions can change very quickly.

Additionally, when you know the questions that hit the pretending triggers the hardest, then you know how to create the most uncomfortable situations for professional politicians and people in general who rely on their ability to obfuscate language.  Lastly, when you know the material well enough to speak of the non-pretending dynamic in a way that doesn’t allow a pretentious lying response, it scares the heck out of the Alinsky/Lawfare tribe.

Brutally honest questioning is very valuable.  That said, let me provide a few situational questions that will immediately reveal who you are talking to.

Litmus Question #1:  Please, can you tell me your opinion of Robert Mueller?

If the (Republican) respondent replies with any positive about the character, action, purpose and intent of Robert Mueller in the role of special counsel, you can immediately qualify the respondent as a participant in the fraud.  There is only one honest response about anything Mueller.  Everyone in DC knows Mueller was the coverup operation.  No one, not one single person, in Washington DC does not know Mueller’s intent.

Litmus Question #2:  Was the 2020 Election manipulated?

If the (Republican) respondent replies with a long-winded answer, implying that some form of electoral manipulation might have been possible, you can immediately qualify the person as a participant maintaining fraud.  Pretending out of fear or favor is still pretending.

That’s it.  Look them straight in the eye, stand your ground, tell them you can see exactly who they are – then stop talking.  The discomfort in the room will always lay heaviest upon the shoulders of the deceivers.  You will likely be able to hear a pin drop.  The Truth Has No Agenda.

Also, one larger part (with multiple aspects) of the political dynamic is very important to keep at the forefront of your mind.  In all the important ways that matter, you know more about the subject matter of corruption within politics than the politicians you might question about it.

You know more than any Republican member of Congress and/or their staff, research team or investigative group.  You know more about all of it in the large picture and the granular details than they do.  It does not matter what their position within the DC system or what committee they sit upon, you know more.

You, the person reading this, knows more about intelligence system corruption than any member of the intelligence community Gang of Eight that sits in charge of oversight.  YOU KNOW MORE, than any person in any DC silo, and that is by design.

What people do not understand about DC is that only the entities within the DC system are permitted to engage in accountability.  Meaning, in the world of Republicans, Congress (or any other institution) cannot accept information from outside their silo operations.

Put simply, if a Republican congressional staffer does not originate the raw material evidence that highlights a corrupt activity, then the evidence does not exist.  Only the people within the silo system are permitted to discover information that targets any other silo participant.  This action/sequence is by design.

The Republican participants in DC will tell you that process is in place to ensure that no goofball material or evidence comes into the system.  However, in reality the purpose of this rule is to block any negative information from permeating the silo system.   The silo construct protects the silo inhabitants, and no detrimental information or crowdsourcing of evidence is permitted by allowed to be used by Republicans.

The Democrats do not hold themselves to this standard, and again this is part of the design.

The Democrat Party system exists to assemble power.  The Republican wing of the system exists to assemble money.  Democrats want power. Republicans want money.  The policy of Democrats drives their donor activity.  The donor activity of Republicans drives their policy.

When Senator Chuck Schumer wants Republican votes to secure policy wins, he buys those votes from Mitch McConnell.  When Senator Mitch McConnell wants Democrat votes to secure policy on behalf of the corporations who fund his team, McConnell sells policy (amendments) to Chuck Schumer.

Re-read that prior paragraph to understand how Schumer in majority gains policy victories, and Schumer in minority gains policy victories.

Democrats want power (policy), Republicans want money.  This is the nature of two wings of the UniParty and the core reason why people are starting to see how legislative policy shifts left regardless of which party is in power.

In order to maintain the process of gaining affluence, the Republicans within the silo system have rules that block information from reaching them. This is best described as the technical process that creates a Republican system of intentional willful blindness.

The Republicans do not want to be holding specific evidence of corruption because they cannot sell that; ergo, it has no value.  This is why Republicans do not factually construct any oversight mechanisms.  (See: Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, Benghazi, Spygate, Govt weaponization, etc).

Instead, the leadership of the Republicans writes out a list of what topics are valid for conversation and what topics are not.  Republican members then stick to the guidelines of the topics and nothing more.

In this era of great pretending, make them uncomfortable by not participating.

Senator Kennedy Asks Some Uncomfortable Questions to FBI Director Chris Wray

Posted originally on the CTH on June 8, 2024 | Sundance

From the outset, let me say in advance that I do not believe the current Director of the FBI has any clue what happens inside the modern FBI silo.  It’s not that Chris Wray is not contributing to the corruption, his willful blindness guarantees that he is; the bigger issue is more about what the purpose and intent of the organization is….  THAT IS WHERE you will find my attention piqued.

I do not believe the popular assumption that the FBI as an institution is part of a domestic law enforcement operation. Those days are over. I genuinely believe, like most modern criminal enterprises, specifically including drug cartel operations (not coincidentally), what we see about the FBI is the false front.  {GO DEEP} I suspect behind the facade and deep inside the FBI silo operation, is something else entirely.

The action of the FBI in several “sex case” instances, leads me to believe there is a strong operational element within their silo that directly links to Jeffrey Epstein.  Many of you may be aware that prior to the Epstein case getting massive publicity, he was in a long-time collaborative relationship with the FBI.   The FBI has admitted in court documents that Epstein was a source, and the relationship appears to have gone much deeper than just source level.  Techno Fog has deep dives on this aspect specifically {SEE HERE}.

Based on the conduct of the FBI, as an institution, I am increasingly convinced the DOJ/FBI (likely CIA, DoD and DoS) used Jeffrey Epstein as part of their intelligence gathering operation.  In essence, Epstein carried out the indecent activity that ensnared FBI targets; this is the collaboration.

Whether the IC target was determined prior to the operation, then instructions given to Epstein; or whether Epstein’s pre-existing files, recordings, and potential blackmail exploits were used as part of the IC target mission later on, after a target appeared on the IC radar, is unknown.  But using Epstein as part of what they would call National Security Operations would contextualize the term “collaboration,” and simultaneously explain every weird element which has never seemed possible to reconcile.

Against that context, watch this prompted line of questions.  WATCH:


Again, FBI Director Chris Wray doesn’t need to be a participating member of the FBI operational process in order to be FBI Director.  One of the more important aspects of understanding how the DC silos work, is to comprehend that they operate regardless of who is at the top of the silo.

Again, how do 40 career FBI agents work on the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, including the Weissmann/Mueller 2-year coverup operation, without a single FBI agent, member or employee saying the investigation is nonsense. If our historic reference point for the FBI operation is accurate, how was that even possible?  The short answer, that reconciles all of it, is to accept it was not possible.  Our prior reference point was fundamentally wrong.  {GO DEEP}

Jeffrey Epstein was not an FBI “informant.”  Jeffrey Epstein was an FBI “asset.”

Epstein carried out Intelligence Community operations.


The U.S. Dept of Justice and FBI are political institutions that have abandoned their originating mission in order to become the domestic equivalent of the Soviet-era FSB. Their joint targeting mechanisms have been redesigned to support the interests of Intelligence Community operations.  The IC radar sweeps off-shore and on-shore with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the DNI silo, maintaining the pivot point.

It was in June 2022, when Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter [pdf HERE] to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray, notifying them of whistleblower allegations from within the FBI that senior leadership in both Main Justice and FBI are involved in a coordinated effort to cover up criminal activity related to Hunter Biden.

The whistleblower allegations, in combination with the documented history of DOJ and FBI misconduct, culminate in Senator Grassley stating:

“If these allegations are true and accurate, the Justice Department and FBI are – and have been – institutionally corrupted to their very core to the point in which the United States Congress and the American people will have no confidence in the equal application of the law. Attorney General Garland and Director Wray, simply put, based on the allegations that I’ve received from numerous whistleblowers, you have systemic and existential problems within your agencies.” (LINK)

Grassley was clarifying what has been visible for years, if we just stop pretending.

Central Bankers & Politicians – Its Time for a Change

Posted originally on Jun 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Central Bankers BIS

COMMENT: It was great seeing you here in Europe. It was even more interesting to see how the central banks are starting to use the ECM rather than wait six to nine months before acting. Back in 2007, your model turned in February, but the Fed Funds Rate did not drop to 3% until one year later. I agree; you are impacting even though you cannot say who is or is not following your forecasts at that level.

Yesterday, the ECB lowered interest rates for the first time since 2019 during your target week of June 3. This represents a significant shift in the global economy’s monetary policy. With your Panic Cycle for the Fed meeting, it looks like they will follow suit.

Congrats. You are starting to get recognition for 50 years of work after the bankers tried to shut you up so they could constantly blow up the economy.


Gold Fluctuated

REPLY: Thank you. It was great to see you. With Keynesian Economics failing, rational men must look at other things. It is time we recognized that the Business Cycle incorporates everything from climate and weather to civil unrest and war. You CANNOT manipulate those things by raising and lowering interest rates to create perpetual prosperity, even under the Gold Standard, which failed because they could not prevent inflation when massive gold was discovered in the 19th Century in California, Alaska, and then Australia.

1715 FleetCobSet 2

Even when all the gold was pouring into Europe from the discovery in the New World, it wreaked havoc on the European Economy, causing major inflation. In the end, Spain became a serial defaulter and successfully, through fiscal mismanagement, converted itself from the richest nation in Europe to a third-world country. Sound familiar?

Schumpeter BusinessCycle Waves of Creative Destruction

Even Schumpeter attempted to explain the Business Cycle as waves of innovation. Someone invents something that takes the economy to new levels—steam engines, combustion engines, tractors, airplanes, and the Internet, to mention just a few. These aspects are not in the quiver of central banks to control. Paul Volcker conceded that the Business Cycle is about eight years. I had a long discussion about that with Paul back in 1999. His Rediscovery of the Business Cycle outlined how Keynesian Economics failed back in the 1970s. Even the previous Chairman of the Fed admitted that the Business Cycle ALWAYS wins.

Burns Arthur

It is time to Understand the Business Cycle and Learn How to Live With It!

Politicians Have to Wake Up – Socialism Destroys the Economy – Get Over It!


Mike Davis on the Alito Flag Controversy: This is the Democrats’ Latest Hoax

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 3, 2024 at 05:00 pm EST

Revealing Biden’s Role in Every Single Trump Indictment: This is Biden-Driven Election Interference

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 03, 2024 at 05:00 pm EST

David Sacks: This is How We Know the MAGA Movement is More Popular Than It Seems

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: May 2, 2024 at 5:30 pm EST

Retired Four Star Admiral Arrested for Bribery

Posted originally on the CTH on June 1, 2024 | Sundance

(VIA DOJ – May 31, 2024) – […] As alleged in an indictment unsealed today, from 2020 to 2022, Robert Burke, 62, of Coconut Creek, Florida, was a four-star Admiral who oversaw Naval operations in Europe, Russia, and most of Africa, and commanded thousands of civilian and military personnel.

Yongchul “Charlie” Kim and Meghan Messenger, both of New York, are the co-CEOs of a company (Company A) that provided a workforce training pilot program to a small component of the Navy from August 2018 through July 2019. The Navy terminated a contract with Company A in late 2019 and directed Company A not to contact Burke.

Despite the Navy’s instructions, Kim and Messenger then allegedly met with Burke in Washington, D.C., in July 2021 in an effort to reestablish Company A’s business relationship with the Navy. At the meeting, the charged defendants allegedly agreed that Burke would use his position as a Navy Admiral to steer a sole-source contract to Company A in exchange for future employment at the company. They allegedly further agreed that Burke would use his official position to influence other Navy officers to award another contract to Company A to train a large portion of the Navy with a value Kim allegedly estimated to be “triple digit millions.”

In furtherance of the conspiracy, in December 2021, Burke allegedly ordered his staff to award a $355,000 contract to Company A to train personnel under Burke’s command in Italy and Spain. Company A performed the training in January 2022. Thereafter, Burke allegedly promoted Company A in a failed effort to convince a senior Navy Admiral to award another contract to Company A.

To conceal the scheme, Burke allegedly made several false and misleading statements to the Navy, including by creating the false appearance that Burke played no role in issuing the contract and falsely implying that Company A’s employment discussions with Burke only began months after the contract was awarded.

In October 2022, Burke began working at Company A at a yearly starting salary of $500,000 and a grant of 100,000 stock options. (read more)