Nikki Haley Quits U.S. Presidential Race – DC Supporters Consider Alternative Role, President of Ukraine

Posted originally on the CTH on March 6, 2024 | Sundance 

With teeth clinched in her familiar -albeit annoying- style of elocution, the Republican with the most support from Democrats drops out of the presidential primary.

Nikki Haley now has the option to run as presidential replacement for Volodymyr Zelensky.

Thus, the final chapter in the billionaire Sea Island donor effort to eliminate Donald Trump comes to an end. As traditional amid the character trait of the professional liars and manipulators, Haley refused to endorse Trump and indicated she never intended to adhere to the endorsement pledge of the Republican Party. Thus, the way of the DeceptiCon RATs continues.

The exit theme she read from the provided script of her departure remarks was the same as her intro theme.  Haley declaring her primary qualification was her gender.  The script she read was not written by her, and Haley’s delivery was as awkward as one would expect.  WATCH:

WASHINGTON – […] In brief remarks, Haley declined to endorse Trump, as most of her other GOP primary rivals have already done, instead urging him to give her more moderate-minded supporters a reason to back him in November.

“It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond who did not support him,” Haley said to reporters assembled at her campaign headquarters in Daniel Island, South Carolina. “And I hope he does that. At its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. And our conservative cause badly needs more people. This is now his time for choosing.”

Haley’s departure follows a brutal series of losses in states across the map on Super Tuesday, where she failed to halt Trump’s momentum. And it marks the end of what remained of the GOP’s nominal attempt at soul-searching this presidential cycle, when few of the dozen candidates who signed up to run against Trump would dare to take him on directly.

Her unsuccessful run leaves her at a personal and professional crossroads — forced to decide whether she will continue her crusade against Trump and his influence on the Republican Party, or endorse him as he becomes the party’s nominee. Haley last year signed a pledge issued by the Republican National Committee to support the eventual nominee, a requirement to participate in the RNC’s primary debates. But in recent days, Haley said she no longer felt bound to the pledge — while telling POLITICO she was unsure if her Trump criticism would continue post-candidacy.

Her standing in the party has taken a hit, too. In her home state, where she had not appeared on the ballot in a decade, Haley finished 20 points behind Trump — and was already hinting her road could be coming to an end. In a sign of how dire her prospects had become, the Koch network’s Americans For Prosperity Action, a powerful conservative group supporting her run, announced after South Carolina it would no longer spend money supporting her campaign. Heading into Super Tuesday, it was only a question of when, not if, she would drop out. (read more)

Head’s up comrade Zelenskyy!…. UPS driving might be in your future 

“Not funny, Amerikaan”…



Deep State Weasel Mike Morell Supports Nikki Haley

Posted originally on the CTH on February 21, 2024 | Sundance 

There are multiple examples of sketchy, seriously sketchy, deep state operatives and institutional creatures who are supporting Nikki Haley, but perhaps support from former acting CIA Director Mike Morell is one of the more revealing.

We have tracked Morell for quite a while ever since he replaced David Petraeus in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack and a rapid response coverup was needed.  Morell then went on to assist Hillary Clinton in framing the Trump-Russia narrative, organized the 51 intelligence officials to lie about the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation, and generally working in his capacity as an operative on behalf of the deep state.

So, with that background, this support for Nikki Haley does not come as a surprise revelation.


Nikki Haley is as deep state institutionally connected as you can get.  A creature comfortable within the machinations of the swamp and completely self-absorbed, defining herself with the world of politics.

WASHINGTON – GREENVILLE, S.C. — Nikki Haley cast herself on Tuesday as a steadfast candidate of last resort to Donald Trump, maintaining she won’t drop out “until the American people close the door.”

Delivering what her team billed as a “state of the race speech,” a defiant Haley vowed to remain in the race even as she polls far behind Trump in upcoming primaries across the map. Without offering any electoral strategy for her path forward, Haley described her candidacy as a battle for something “bigger than myself.”

And she cried as she invoked her husband’s military service, describing how he couldn’t be with her because he is deployed, and that America was worth fighting for.

Haley’s speech served as something of a raison d’être for a candidate who lost decisively to Trump in Iowa and New Hampshire and is verging on a blowout loss in South Carolina. She pledged to continue on despite calls from high-level GOP leaders for her to end her presidential bid and support him as the party’s likely nominee. (read more)

CTH has been calling out Nikki Haley for years, all of those notations leading to this moment in 2024 which was entirely predictable.   Haley cares about one thing, her own position and power – that’s it.  She really is the worst type of politician you can fathom.   [SEE RESEARCH HERE]

Michael Lee Accurately Summarizes Nikki Haley and Her Kamikaze Mission

Posted originally on the CTH on February 21, 2024 | Sundance

I’m not exactly sure who Michael Lee the political strategist is; however, his essential summary of Nikki Haley in this soundbite is very accurate.  WATCH:


Nikki Haley Loses Nevada Vote to Unlisted Rival, “Someone Else”

Posted originally on the CTH on February 7, 2024 | Sundance 

This is probably the first time a U.S presidential candidate has been defeated in a state presidential primary by an unlisted rival.  However, that’s what happened in Nevada when Nikki Haley ran unopposed as listed on the Nevada primary ballot.

The Republican Nevada presidential primary was Tuesday; but the Republican Party of Nevada switched to maintain a primary caucus approach to selecting the candidate.  The Caucus takes place on Thursday.

As an outcome of the process Nikki Haley was the only candidate on the primary ballot for Tuesday.   Nikki Haley received 32.4% of the votes, while 61.2% of the republican primary voters selected “none of these candidates.”

(Bloomberg) — Nikki Haley suffered an embarrassing loss in the largely symbolic Republican Nevada presidential primary on Tuesday, while President Joe Biden secured an easy victory in the state’s Democratic vote.

No delegates were at stake and Haley didn’t campaign in Nevada, contending the dynamics gave former President Donald Trump an advantage. Nevertheless, the optics of her coming in second place to the “none of these candidates” option on the ballot represents the latest blow to her longshot challenge to Trump for the nomination. (read more)

Nikki Haley’s Bizarre SNL Appearance

Posted originally on Feb 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

The Democrats want the public to accept Nikki Haley as the alternative to Joe Biden. Over the weekend, Nikki Haley appeared on Saturday Night Live in an attempt to pander to the left. Her jokes were based on her only platform – defeating Donald Trump. The skit backfired, and Haley is trending online for her embarrassing performance. The Democrat’s Trojan Horse has opened before reaching the gates.

Haley asks a comedian portraying Donald Trump if he’s mentally competent during the skit. She pulled every cheap shot in the book, from joking about his legal battle with crazed E. Jean Carroll to the rumor that Trump is misogynistic. The actor portraying Trump declared that women are bad with money and should never run the economy, pandering to women voters despite Trump appointing countless women to his cabinet. The final nail in the coffin was Haley’s tasteless joke about slavery, as she has refused to admit that slavery played a major role in the US Civil War.

Haley managed to insult the elderly, women, sexual abuse survivors, and African Americans in a matter of minutes. She is completely disconnected from reality, as are her campaign managers. Her appearance on SNL was more than a failed comedy sketch; rather, it revealed that she is not fit to be the voice of America, and NEITHER side approves of her.

Donald Trump appeared on SNL during his presidential run to show that he was indifferent to criticism from the left. He gained the respect of many for putting himself in the hot seat and actually entertained the audience as he was in tune with the American people. Haley showed the public once again that her only platform is being an alternative to Donald Trump for the Republican Party. She is not a Republican and her SNL sketch has turned the Democrats against her. This woman has absolutely nothing to offer the American people other than war and destruction.

Ramaswamy on the Democrat’s Nikki Haley

Posted originally on Jan 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

The rumor, which may be very real, is that the tons of money she has is also tainted by George Soros. The Democrats and Neocons are pushing for Haley because if she did beat Biden, they do not have to postpone World War III.

The rumor, which may be very real, is that the tons of money she has is also tainted by George Soros. The Democrats and Neocons are pushing for Haley because if she did beat Biden, they do not have to postpone World War III.

Here’s What Nikki Haley Should Do Now (Ep. 2172) – 01/24/2024

Posted originally on Rumble By Dan Bongino on:Jan 24, 2024 at 11:00 am EST

Never Ever Vote for Nikki Haley

Posted originally on Jan 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Found the Neocon

Posted originally on Jan 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Running as a Republican, supported by the Democrats, and a military-industrial complex favorite. If the One World Government Party existed, Haley would be their candidate. She is no different from hateful Liz Cheney or any of the neocons who make deadly decisions on behalf of the masses. She is merely the candidate for people afraid of Donald Trump.

Positively Stunning – Nikki Haley Campaign Manager Sends Letter Saying the Haley Plan Is to Use “Open Primaries” and Democrats

Posted originally on the CTH on January 23, 2024 | Sundance 

Sometimes the reality of the fraudulent plan just hits you harder when you see the people who construct the fraud write it down and promote it.

In a letter from Nikki Haley’s campaign manager Betsy Ankney, the corporate-funded plan to use “open primaries” is not only admitted, but also espoused as the core element of the Nikki Haley strategy. [SOURCE]

The only Republican politician I can remember campaigning with such an open intention to defy the will of the Republican base voter was Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski in 2010, who lost the Republican primary to Joe Miller, then openly asked Democrats to vote for her as a write-in during the general election.

What Nikki Haley is openly stating, as her intention, is filled with an equal amount of disdain for the Republican voters and off-the-charts arrogance.

Then again, like Murkowski, Nikki Haley is showcasing her DeceptiCon credentials.  Haley will not accept that Republican base voters do not support her.  She will use any tool at her disposal to gain power- regardless of what it is.

This is not the type of person who should be in any leadership role.  This is a desperate, power hungry, elitist mindset.

Full letter below: