Positively Stunning – Nikki Haley Campaign Manager Sends Letter Saying the Haley Plan Is to Use “Open Primaries” and Democrats

Posted originally on the CTH on January 23, 2024 | Sundance 

Sometimes the reality of the fraudulent plan just hits you harder when you see the people who construct the fraud write it down and promote it.

In a letter from Nikki Haley’s campaign manager Betsy Ankney, the corporate-funded plan to use “open primaries” is not only admitted, but also espoused as the core element of the Nikki Haley strategy. [SOURCE]

The only Republican politician I can remember campaigning with such an open intention to defy the will of the Republican base voter was Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski in 2010, who lost the Republican primary to Joe Miller, then openly asked Democrats to vote for her as a write-in during the general election.

What Nikki Haley is openly stating, as her intention, is filled with an equal amount of disdain for the Republican voters and off-the-charts arrogance.

Then again, like Murkowski, Nikki Haley is showcasing her DeceptiCon credentials.  Haley will not accept that Republican base voters do not support her.  She will use any tool at her disposal to gain power- regardless of what it is.

This is not the type of person who should be in any leadership role.  This is a desperate, power hungry, elitist mindset.

Full letter below:

Team Nikki Haley Has Spent $30 Million on New Hampshire Media Ads, but President Trump Still Dominates

Posted originally on the CTH on January 20, 2024 | Sundance

Good grief, talk about burning cash….  According to Politico, the three corporate super PACs and the Nikki Haley campaign have spent almost $30 million in New Hampshire on ad buys.

Three super PACs backing Haley — SFA Fund (aka Randal and Barbara Smith, Alden Global Capital), Americans for Prosperity (aka Charles Koch) and Independents Moving the Needle (aka Jonathan Bush, the cousin of former President George W. Bush, billionaire CEO Frank Laukien, and Big Pharma) have spent more than $24 million across TV, radio and digital ads targeting New Hampshire, according to data from AdImpact, an ad tracking platform. Haley’s own campaign has chipped in another $4.7 million.


NOTE: Ron DeSantis has not run any ads in New Hampshire since November, and the DeSantis camp have no additional advertising commitments in any state, including South Carolina.  It would appear the DeSantis campaign is low on cash and being very selective about spending prior to announcing their exit.

[…] According to an additional tracking service, AdImpact Politics, the last DeSantis ad to air on television was Monday, the night of the Iowa caucuses, which he lost by 30 points. That is reportedly the longest period his campaign and PACs Never Back Down, Fight Right, and Good Fight have gone without appearing on the airwaves. (MORE)

President Trump is leading Nikki Haley in New Hampshire polling 53% to 36%.  Ron DeSantis has 6.6% support. {source}

President Trump played this primary contest brilliantly, with a little assist from divine providence.

President Trump kicked off his campaign in South Carolina and now has the teams of the governor and both senators on his side.  The South Carolina electorate is filled with MAGA base supporters, and Trump has essentially funneled DeSantis and Haley into a no-win position.

Knock out Haley in New Hampshire, crush them both in Nevada with an Iowa like outcome, then stomp them in their fallback position, South Carolina.

This primary contest should be over immediately following South Carolina.

Iowa – Democrats Supporting Haley

Posted Jan 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Message: Anecdotal Information
I live in Iowa and wanted you to know that my Caucus site had gobs and gobs of Democrats come in and change registration to vote. Everyone I talked with voted for Haley in this case. If this was consistent across the state, the real numbers here are much, much lower.

REPLY: A vote for Killi Haley is a vote to send your children to die on a foreign battlefield. She is a Neocon, which is why the Democrats are pushing her to promote World War III. To imply that Hamas invaded Israel on Putin’s birthday as some present is just too much. It was Iran that provided the intelligence to Hamas, and Israel knew about the attack. Egypt, which is an ally of Putin, warned Israel about the attack, but it was ignored. Our sources state that 40% of the invasion force was non-Palestinians. Truth is always the first victim in war and politics.

Challenges have plagued election officials nationally to remove Trump from the ballot to “save democracy” by preventing Trump as a candidate. There are now some 60 petitions being filed across the country. This is all hinging on the Supreme Court to rule.

Nikki Haley the Democrat’s Trojan Horse

Posted originally on Jan 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Tucker Uncensored Nikki HaLEY

Tucker does an excellent job of exposing Nikki Haley. She is the Democrat’s Trojan Horse. They are trying desperately to put Trump in prison. This is the scuttlebutt after his Iowa victory, which shook the Democrats right to the core since they knew Biden was hopeless. But what most people do not know is that this was the very strategy that won Trump the nomination for 2016. Trump beat 17 Republican rivals because CNN and others were focusing on Trump because they BELIEVED that Hillary would be able to defeat him with ease. It was CNN and others of the far-left side that were always giving Trump airtime, assuming he would lose.

2016 PresElection Copy

They are doing this again. The Democrats are the funder of Haley, and the press will champion her above Trump, and they are trying to ensure that Trump is sentenced to prison BEFORE the election short of assassinating him. At the same time, our computer projected a Trump victory. Three out of four models projected a Trump victory, and the fourth was a dead heat.

Trump v Hillary

The media was all anti-Trump, and they were sure their power would prevail. The press was in a state of shock when Trump won. More than 200 newspapers supported Clinton, while Trump received the backing of fewer than 20. By bashing Trump constantly, they gave him a free press. They are preparing to do the same thing again with Nikki Haley, yet this time, it is intentional. They are seeking to “influence” the election by pushing Haley down everyone’s throat non-stop.

Broadcasters have faced some criticism after cutting off Trump’s election victory speech in Iowa, demonstrating that the media is on board with interfering in the 2024 election. This will only fulfill our computer’s forecast of serious civil unrest that will erupt after these elections, which the people will not accept REGARDLESS of who wins.

Then, former British Secret Intelligence Service head Sir Richard Dearlove said in an interview with SkyNews on Sunday that a Trump reelection would be “problematic” for the United Kingdom due to the former president’s issues with NATO. Trump is anti-war, and every European leader cannot wait to start World War III. One source joked that they need to eliminate the unfunded pensions for the future.