Tony Buzbee Discusses Background of Sham Impeachment Effort Against AG Ken Paxton

Posted originally on the CTH on September 17, 2023 | Sundance 

Do not let it escape your notice that not a single professional Republican entity has stood up to show their support for Texas AG Ken Paxton or congratulate him on the clear and decisive impeachment victory against the corrupt UniParty system in the Lone Star state.  Not a word from The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), or any other professional Republican group.

Instead, only President Donald Trump and the overwhelming majority of the MAGA base have stood strong with Paxton – before, during and after the smear campaign to remove him.  Keep this BIG UGLY data point in mind. On the federal side, with Obama-Biden flooding the border with illegal aliens, Ken Paxton was considered a threat from both the White House and the Texas Governor, Greg Abbott.

This weekend, Ken Paxton’s awesome attorney, Tony Buzbee, appeared for a Fox News interview, after the impeachment trial, to discuss the background motives and issues that led to the ridiculous effort. WATCH:


Bring on the reckoning!

Texas AG Ken Paxton Acquitted on 16 Impeachment Articles, He Will Immediately Return to Office

Posted originally on the CTH on September 16, 2023 | Sundance

There are 12 Democrats and 19 Republicans in the Texas Senate.  The majority of the article votes were 16 to 14 in favor of acquittal [SEE HERE].

As reflected throughout the impeachment trial, the majority of the accusations came from establishment “Bush” Republicans in Texas who hold tenuous power over the state Republican apparatus.  All of the Democrats in the Texas Senate were more than willing to support the backroom Republican effort.  However, attorney Tony Buzbee did a masterful job deconstructing the rumors and innuendo that surrounded the majority of the allegations.

By the end of the two week impeachment trial, the Republicans in Texas were too exposed to maintain their original intent to remove Paxton.  The truth overwhelmed the false GOPe narrative, and that created a problem for the Texas Republicans who are, for all intents and purposes, identical to Texas Democrats. This is one of the reasons why national Democrats are so confident they can turn Texas blue in a short period of time.

Remember, Democrats want power – Republicans want money.  The events in Texas are a case study in this dynamic. Most of the Texas Republicans don’t care what happens ideologically, as long as they can be compensated for allowing the Democrats to dictate the state outcomes of political power.  There is an awakening happening in Texas amid the base voters who continue to elect professional Republicans; however, it is unknown whether the uniparty dynamic has become too systemic to change.

Personally, after visiting several areas of Texas, I do not see much hope for them to remain a reliably red state.  The only thing that might save Texas are the conservative Latinos who don’t want the social issues that accompany Democrat control. The non minority, or white Republican voters in Texas, have been gaslit by the Republican political class (Bush Inc.) for so long, they cannot see what is looming over the horizon.

The truth doesn’t care about your feelings.  What I described is the reality in Texas, and it’s exactly the reason why I continue to warn residents of Florida about following the agenda of the DeSantis tribe.

Ken Paxton was interviewed by Tucker Carlson this week and will broadcast next week.

TEXAS – The Texas Senate voted to acquit Ken Paxton on all 16 articles of impeachment. A total of 21 senators had to approve at least one article for Paxton to be convicted and removed from office. Separately, senators also voted to dismiss four other articles that Paxton faced.

Paxton’s wife, Sen. Angela Paxton, was allowed to be present but could not vote on his fate or attend deliberations. (vote tally)

WASHINGTON – […] Immediately after Paxton was acquitted on the 16 articles, members of the chamber successfully voted to dismiss four remaining articles of impeachment that were held back to be considered at the end of the trial.

Paxton also faces a federal investigation, a state bar complaint for seeking to overturn the 2020 presidential election and a whistleblower lawsuit.

Paxton was suspended as attorney general in May, when the state’s Republican majority House of Representatives voted to impeach him over allegations he commandeered the state’s law-enforcement powers to help a donor facing federal investigation. The donor, real-estate investor Nate Paul, is alleged to have helped pay for Paxton’s home renovations and facilitate an extramarital affair. Neither Paul nor Laura Olson, the alleged mistress of Paxton, testified at the trial.

In a statement, Paxton said the truth prevailed on Saturday and thanked state senators for their votes.

“Most importantly, I want to thank my amazing wife Angela, who I love dearly,” Paxton said. “She is a brave woman of deep faith, unquestionable integrity, and the light of our entire family.” Angela Paxton is a Republican senator who has been present during the trial but couldn’t vote under the Senate impeachment rules. (read more)

Tony Buzbee, “The Bush Era in Texas Ends Today” – “They Can Go Back to Maine, THIS Is Texas”…

Posted originally on the CTH on September 15, 2023 | Sundance 

Hallelujah!  Ken Paxton’s defense attorney Tony Buzbee brings the fire today during his closing statement in the insufferable impeachment effort underway in Texas.

Delivering the non-pretending thunder-bombs, Mr. Buzbee laid waste to the manipulative and machiavellian Bush legacy with some resounding truths.  This was awesome.

The full closing remarks are below the fold; but here’s the highlight where Buzbee declares “The Bush era in Texas ends today!”  WATCH:

Full video below:


Buzbee Does It Again – AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place

Posted originally on the CTH on September 13, 2023 | Sundance 

Once again, the innuendo and supposition by Ken Paxton accusers runs into reality.  Previously Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s personal assistant, Drew Wicker, made an accusation that a Texas donor named Nate Paul funded a kitchen remodel for Paxton.   A quid pro quo to sell influence.

However, during cross examination today, Drew Wicker admitted the kitchen remodel never took place, and the actual details of the home remodel being done by Paxton was taking place *after* the office “whistleblowers” went to the FBI with their ungrounded claims.   Paxton’s attorney Tony Buzbee showed Drew Wicker pictures of the kitchen taken three years ago and also taken last month.  There was never any remodel work completed.  This is the central point of the alleged bribery. WATCH:

The prosecutors tried to deny the pictures were correctly dated or real, and then Tony Buzbee says let’s drive over there and look at the kitchen your honor. 

The baseline of this entire impeachment has become a joke.  A bunch of Bush aligned prosecutors, and staff from Texas, manufactured a case of rumor and innuendo against Attorney General Ken Paxton simply because Paxton defeated George P. Bush, their preferred candidate.

Tony Buzbee Destroys Another Paxton Impeachment Schemer, Gregg Cox

Posted originally on the CTH on September 12, 2023 | Sundance 

Someone on the Twitter noticed that Tony Buzbee is like the film actor, Matthew McConaughey.  Too funny, because it’s true.

Buzbee has been chewing through the fraud and manipulation that stems from the Bush family effort to target Attorney General Ken Paxton.  Democrats and authentic Republicans in Texas have been working together to keep the political system under their control.  The long-term goal to turn the state blue is against the interests of the state residents, but that doesn’t stop the Bush family from trying.

In this segment, Paxton attorney Tony Buzbee starts grinding the patina off the schemes the professional Republicans created in order to remove a non-compliant, non-Bush aligned, attorney general.  It’s a good segment, very good. WATCH:


Accuser Admits He and Seven Bush Allied Cohorts Secretly Went to FBI to Report Ken Paxton Without Any Evidence of Wrongdoing

Posted originally on the CTH on September 7, 2023 | Sundance 

People are discovering why I have said for several years that Texas is a Red State citizenry led by a majority of Blue cloaked politicians.  The establishment Republicans are thick in Texas, led by the Bush tribe and Karl Rove – the exact same group that supports the con that is Ron DeSantis.

The third day of the Senate impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton continues today, with the group of deputy attorneys in his office (the Bush Clan) admitting they went running to the FBI for investigative support against Paxton, despite having no evidence of wrongdoing.  WATCH:

Notice how all of the AG office witnesses look exactly like George P. Bush?  They are clones.

Paxton’s crime was easily defeating George P. Bush, which triggered all of the corrupt GOPe appointees, bureaucrats and politicians.

Paxton Impeachment Trial – Texas Attorney Tony Buzbee Cuts Right to the Heart of it, The Bush Family Influence

Posted originally on the CTH on September 7, 2023 | Sundance 

As the second day of the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took place, his lawyer Tony Buzbee brought immediate sunlight onto the motives of those who want Paxton removed.

Ken Paxton defeated George P Bush in the primary race.  The Bush clan and professional republicans in the Texas political circle were not happy.

Jeff Mateer was the Asst. AG when Paxton took office; Mateer is part of the professional republican apparatus who did not like Paxton, and Mator became a whistleblower against his boss.  In this soundbite Tony Buzbee puts the timeline of activity in front of Mateer, including the date that George P Bush reactivated his law license.  WATCH:
