Mike Pence Attacks President Trump Following DC Special Counsel Indictment

Posted originally on the CTH on August 2, 2023 | Sundance 

Governor Ronald Reagan was steered by the ‘powers that be’ to accept George HW Bush as his vice president.  In 1981 President Reagan selected Eric Holder to be a Superior Court Judge in Washington DC; yes, that Eric Holder.  The recommendation came from his Vice President.  George H W Bush was CIA Director ’76/’77.

Candidate Donald Trump was steered by the ‘powers that be’ to accept Mike Pence as his vice president.  Pence recommended fellow Senator Hoosier Dan Coats to be Director of National Intelligence.  Coats blocked all declassification efforts.  A fellow by the name Porter Goss lived on Sanibel Island, Florida, and was CIA Director from 2004 – 2006. For the past 30 years where has Mike Pence gone on winter vacation? [SEE HERE]

I have one question for President Trump:

Who recommended Michael Atkinson to be Intelligence Community Inspector General?

If the answer is earworm Mike Pence, boy howdy do I have an article that will stun the 2024 election field.

30,000 ft Perspective

2016 – Despite the efforts of the FBI, GOJ and Intelligence Community to target the outcome, in 2016 candidate Donald Trump stunningly won the election. The control mechanisms were not yet in place; DC was in a state of shock.  Mike Pence was in charge of transition team assignments.

2017 – Mike Pence takes down National Security Director Michael Flynn.  President Trump is under constant fire from the DOJ, FBI, IC and Robert Mueller et al, California hires Eric Holder to construct legal guidance for the motor-voter process. The beta test for ballot harvesting operations.

2018 – While 36 republican members of the House announce their departure, including Ron DeSantis (Gov run), the largest field of former intelligence community officials from the CIA and DoD are recruited by Democrats.  The 2018 midterm election results in Democrats retaking the House, California ballot harvesting (seeded by moter-voter rolls) results in massive republican losses in the days/weeks after election day.

2019 – With Democrats controlling the House; with the Mueller investigation wrapping up; with George W Bush recommending Bill Barr as AG; the impeachment process begins using newly constructed CIA rules by IG Michael Atkinson (Eric Ciaramella and Alexander Vindman).

2020 – The ballot harvesting beta test goes national thanks to COVID-19 and fundamentally alters the November 2020 election.

2021 – Mike Pence refuses to support sending delegate certification back to state legislature.

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu blocked expansion of the Windham, NH, audit after discrepancies were found in the electronic tabulation results in Windham and surrounding townships. {Go Deep}  A sixty percent error rate…. “A State Responsibility!”?

Additionally, it does not go unnoticed that Mike Pence did not say a word about explosive emails that surfaced from Anthony Fauci while he was giving advice on the national response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.  Why is that detail significant?  Because former VP Mike Pence was the appointed lead government official on the National COVID taskforce.  If there was anyone with a vested interest about conflicting SARS-CoV-2 advice from Dr. Anthony Fauci, it should be the person who was in charge, Mike Pence – Yet crickets.

Ear worm!

Tucker Carlson Just Ended Multiple Campaigns at Blaze’s Media Summit | Direct Message | Rubin Report

The Rubin Report posted originally on Rumble on: Jul 17, 11:00 am EDT

Tucker Carlson Kills Mike Pence’s Presidential Dreams         

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Jul 18, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Some may have seen the viral clip of Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mike Pence. This interview will be remembered as the nail in the coffin for Pence, who could not hide his Neocon agenda. “Every city in the United States have become much worse in the past three years. Drive around – there is not ONE city that has gotten better — it is very visible.” Carlson said to an utterly apathetic Pence. Carlson passionately reminded the former vice president that the country has degraded entirely, our economy is failing, and crime is on the rise. He even pointed out that suicide rates are sharply increasing because the people feel completely helpless with no hope for the future. We desperately need help at home, and at minimum, a leader who has a pinch of empathy for America. Again, Pence showed no emotion and actually seemed angry that Carlson dared to question his stance on Ukraine.

So why then, Mike, are you concerned about America not doing enough for Ukraine? We already sent them tens of billions in funding (hundreds of billions actually) and no one even knows where the money went. Carlson correctly commented that most Americans cannot even point out Ukraine on the map. “Where is your concern for the United States in all of that?” Carlson asked. It was not a trick question. How did Pence respond? “That is not my concern,” Pence honestly stated.

Yes, a man who wants to run to become the leader of the formerly free world said the hardships faced by Americans are simply NOT his concern. At least he was honest. It makes it easier when politicians state their true motives out loud. Some are calling this Pence’s “Bud Light moment” because there is no coming back from such a comment.

Neocons like Mike Pence genuinely do not have empathy for “their people” because “their people” are not the commoners like us but the Neocons and the military-industrial complex that profit big on endless wars. So he expects the people to vote him in as the Republican candidate when he said screw the US, the economy, and the hardships faced by all Americans? He was unable to quell his anger and pride after Tucker Carlson put him on the spot, so he said exactly what he was thinking. American politicians are not concerned about America, and that is why we are failing as a nation.

Wow, Just Wow – Presidential Candidate Mike Pence Says a Collapsing USA is Not His Concern, Supporting Ukraine is Priority

Posted originally on the CTH on July 14, 2023 | Sundance 

Before getting to this rather jaw-dropping moment, let me first paint the Big Club agenda within it.  Everyone knows the Big Club is stressed about the inability of Ron DeSantis to launch a successful campaign.  Trillions are at stake, and they have invested hundreds of millions into the effort. Things are getting serious now.

You have heard me repeat it before; the Big Club it is a large network of aligned financial interests.  It does not take a lot of organization and/or the creation of some massive global conspiracy, to create outcomes of mutual benefit when the interests of the parties are aligned.

Bob Vander Plaats is a big Ron DeSantis supporter in 2024 as he was for Ted Cruz in 2016.  Team DeSantis in 2024 are the same people as team Cruz in 2016.  The network of Vander Plaats and team DeSantis are aligned in common interests.

Vander Plaats organizes the candidate summit knowing the person selected to moderate the discussion is against the interests of all GOPe candidates.  The outcome was predictable and by design.  Using their GOPe vulnerabilities Tucker Carlson eviscerates the DeSantis competition.

During a discussion of priorities, Mike Pence says the state of our USA is “not my concern.” Mike Pence will never recover from this.  WATCH:


Another clip:

Pence Promises War if Elected

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Jul 10, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Mike Pence is chomping at the bit to invade Russia. He became the first GOP presidential candidate to travel to Ukraine to meet with Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump, DeSantis, and Kennedy have all stated that they want to end the war immediately. No one is as EAGER to involve themselves as Mike Pence, who all but guaranteed World War III under his rule.

“I have no doubt that if (Russian dictator) Vladimir Putin overran Ukraine, it would not be too long… before the Russian military crossed a border where we would have to send our fighting men and women to fight against them,” the Republican presidential candidate said. Pence has even condemned Biden for his “slow” reaction, despite sending so much money to Ukraine that the Pentagon cannot keep track. “I mean, President Biden said in his State of the Union address that we’re there as long as it takes. But I want to say to all your listeners, it shouldn’t take that long,” Pence said.

BUT WHAT WOULD REAGAN DO? Every GOP candidate channels his name and pretends the ghost of Reagan would back any policy they put forth. “Look, Ronald Reagan said in 1985 words in his State of the Union address that were later called the Reagan Doctrine. It was this idea that if you’re willing to fight the communists in your country, with your soldiers, we’ll give you the means to fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here. And that was part of the philosophy of American leadership in the world that set into motion the forces that brought the collapse of the Soviet Union map. And I think this is just the same fight,” Pence said.

The conflict in Ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with communism. Pence claiming we need to fight the Russians in Ukraine to prevent a conflict on US soil is ignorant at best. There is no threat of Russia invading America or Europe. Russia put forth multiple peace treaties, but the West continued to fuel the flames of war. Ukraine is a NATO leech, not a member, run by a corrupt government that disregarded all options for peace. Why would we send our men and women into battle to die? Because the ethnic Russians didn’t have their promised elections in the Donbas? The only people who will benefit from a world war are those like Pence, who profit from the military-industrial complex.

Sunday Talks – Mike Pence Stumped by Question, “Who Supports You?”

Posed originally on the CTH on June 18, 2023 | Sundance 

Mike Pence and Asa Hutchinson are being funded by the billionaire class in the 2024 race for the same reason, camp out in Iowa and try to suck up the votes from the Iowa evangelical community.  Make MAGA seem extreme through advanced milquetoast operations.  That’s it. That’s the goal.

Wear pastels and sweater vests; be the acceptable Republican and make triangle, crustless cucumber and mayonnaise sandwiches great again.  That’s the entire modus operandi.

To promote this effort, Mike Pence appears with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press to talk about the crass/horrible orange man.  Pence was scheduled for the entire show.  However, Chuck Todd threw a curveball when he asked Mr. Pence the trick question, who is a Pence supporter?   The former vice-president was flummoxed, stuck, stammering, frozen…  WATCH: 

The billionaire donor class do not appreciate these trick questions.  The gotcha questions like, asking Ron DeSantis how to pronounce his last name, and asking Pence to explain his supporters, are unfair and not permitted amid polite company.

President Donald Trump is not the cause of the Republican failure, President Trump is our response to Republican failure.

Candidate Mike Pence Outlines the GOPe Playbook to Take Down MAGA Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on June 8, 2023 | Sundance 

People ask me every day how I can remain optimistic when everything around us is created by lies, deceit, manipulation and corruption. The answer is simple, truth is power.

The arguments of the liars are weak, constructed on fraud and dependent on the lack of knowledge by the average person. If you want to live in the light of truth, don’t be average – be extraordinary.  This is the nature of our Treehouse assembly, and it grows naturally larger every single day. The truth has no agenda.

There is a coordination in the background, we can all see and feel it. Inherently, instinctually we can sense it.  It is not coincidental that on the same day the DC aligned media begin pushing stories of Trump indictments – stories not coincidentally based on timed, purposeful leaks – we see the great deceiver, Mike Pence, stand with forked tongue and grand prose to push a narrative based on Machiavellian fraud. History will not look kindly upon Pence; his dark-shadowed eyes will deepen as his shallowed self diminishes.

President Trump did not ask, tell or instruct Mike Pence to violate the constitution; he simply wanted Pence to send a request for election review *back to the state* legislative bodies, where a determination of election accuracy could take place, before federal certification.  THAT state legislative process is exactly what the constitution outlines.  Pence is a fraud, a liar and a man corrupted deep within his soul to the dark elements of self-interest, financial benefit and corrupt enterprise. WATCH:

Like Christie, Haley, Asa Hutchinson and others, Mike Pence is fulfilling a role.  He is willing.

Here’s the play 👇