Sheila Jackson-Lee Announces Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis

Posted originally on the CTH on June 3, 2024 | Sundance

Given the specific and manipulative nature of Mrs. Sheila Jackson-Lee in the stories of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Grey, Philando Castile, Walter Scott and eventually George Floyd, it is difficult to find resilient grace and appropriate words for prayer.

Factually Ms. Sheila Jackson-Lee was/is one of the most divisive players of the racially toxic anger games in the past dozen years.  Her commentary was consistently vitriolic, delivered from serpent tongue and devoid of honest review.  That said, as the dark shadows move into receptive position, I am hopeful Ms Jackson-Lee will repent and provide her family peace during her transition.

[Source Link]

Dear Lord, we come to you seeking strength and grace. While we ask You to protect us from those who give no thought to the harmful consequences of their irresponsible actions, we also beg for grace within our prayers for those who blindly trespass. Shield us from the injurious situations they cause, let their malicious intents be hindered and target our prayers when comeuppance is served.

As we earnestly try to live in peace with everyone, keep us away from contentious people who might incite us to react without pause or grace. Provide us with gracious, strong yet gentle words for healing that may help pacify the troubled hearts of the malicious. We make effort to glorify You and give testimony of our faith at every opportunity. In Your name of mercy, we pray.



FDA Says U.S Milk Supply Is Safe After Tests Reveal 20% of Samples Contain Avian Influenza Pathogen (Bird Flu)

Posted originally on the CTH on April 26, 2024 | Sundance

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a disease that is highly contagious and often deadly in poultry, caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5) and A (H7) viruses; it is also known as bird or avian flu. The FDA has found that one in five samples of consumer milk contain inactive viral fragments of Bird Flu pathogens.  Transmission origin unknown.

Most of the USA milk supply is pasteurized, a process which kills any pathogenic virus that might be present. So, the milk supply is safe.  It is odd however, that Bird Flu is somehow being carried in dairy cows.   Given the nature of how the FDA has previously handled Bovine Somatotrophin (BST), or growth hormone use in dairy cows, and given the nature of how the FDA botched the initial handling of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE, Mad Cow), some people are concerned.

From my perspective, this recent FDA report seems to be targeting the growing trend of raw milk sales and usage.

It has long been accepted that the FDA doesn’t like people who avoid adulterating their body with genetically modified food products from the friendship of Big Ag and Big Rx; it’s a financial issue.  The FDA fully supports the genetic modification of food, the vaccine injections from Big Ag/Rx and the allowed use of animal growth hormones.

The food supply has long been considered an optimal pathway for vaccine delivery into the human body.  Much like the fluoride addition to municipal water supplies, the opportunity to enhance food with vaccines or DNA modification targeting has long been a goal.

FDA REPORT, April 25, 2024 – Today, the FDA received some initial results from its nationally representative commercial milk sampling study. The agency continues to analyze this information; however, the initial results show about 1 in 5 of the retail samples tested are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-positive for HPAI viral fragments, with a greater proportion of positive results coming from milk in areas with infected herds.

As previously noted and outlined in our summary below, qPCR-positive results do not necessarily represent actual virus that may be a risk to consumers. Additional testing is required to determine whether intact pathogen is still present and if it remains infectious, which would help inform a determination of whether there is any risk of illness associated with consuming the product.

The FDA is further assessing any positive findings through egg inoculation tests, a gold-standard for determining if infectious virus is present. Early work by NIH-funded investigators indicates an absence of infectious virus in their studies of retail milk. To date, the retail milk studies have shown no results that would change our assessment that the commercial milk supply is safe.

Epidemiological signals from our CDC partners continue to show no uptick of human cases of flu and no cases of H5N1, specifically, beyond the one known case related to direct contact with infected cattle. These important efforts are ongoing, and we are committed to sharing results from both the qPCR and egg inoculation tests as soon as possible. (read more)

There are all kinds of pathogenic viruses in animals and milk. That’s why we have been using heat and fire to cook and sanitize them since the days of hunter gatherers.

Don’t let the alarmism of others impact your peace of mind, but take as many prudent precautions as pragmatically possible to ensure your family food supply is as safe and wholesome as possible.

From my own experience, at the end of every FDA announcement is an entity positioning to gain financially from the solution to the expressed opportunity.   We still don’t plan to eat the bugs.

Study: 25% of Gen Z Needs Therapy After Filing Taxes

Posted Apr 4, 2024 by Martin Armstrong


Welcome to the real world, kids! A recent poll by Cash App Taxes have found 1 in 4 Gen X Americans (born between 1997 and 2012) believe they need therapy after filing taxes this year. Yes, 25% of that demographic needs psychological help after learning about taxation.

Now, this generation was simply unprepared for the harsh truth about taxation. The study found that 62% of first-time filers did not know how to obtain their W-2 or 1099 forms. The study also found that many believed cypto, where around 55% of Gen Z investors have a stake, was off the radar and were surprised to find out that tax forms were required on those investments.

A lot of these kids reached voting age before they were required to pay taxes as some parents handle everything to the disadvantage of their adult children. Schools simply do not teach students about taxes. You are taxes on your sales, purchases, savings, income, etc. etc. The idea of this liberal Utopia where we all live freely in peace and harmony without consideration for money is a fairytale.

This phenomenon of the liberal dream bursting has been well recorded throughout history.

“Anyone who is not a republican at twenty casts doubt on the generosity of his soul; but he who, after thirty years, perseveres, casts doubt on the soundness of his mind,” Jules Claretie once wrote. In 1927, King Oscar II of Sweden stated, “A man who has not been a socialist before 25 has no heart. If he remains one after 25 he has no head.” We all know Churchill’s famous line that mirrors King Oscar’s sentiments.

The left panders to young voters and preys on their innocence. Millions actually believed Biden had the authority to make their student debt disappear, for example. They believe Republicans are greedy and everyone deserves to be equal. Once they realize that a large portion of their pay goes to foreign war, foreign migrants, people living off the system, corrupt politicians, etc. it becomes more apparent that equality has a different meaning. There is a reason that public schools fail to educate the youth about taxation and economics, but everyone will learn sooner or later.

Life Expectancy on the Decline in the US

Posted originally on Mar 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Kiss of Death

The average America will not live to see 80-years of age. The average life expectancy stands around 76.4 years, according to the CDC, with women living an average of 79.3 years and men expiring sooner at 73.5. Those figures have been steadily declining each year. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf recently spoke out about the “disturbing” trend and believes it deserves “urgent attention.”

The Society of Actuaries is also raising the alarm, noting that young Americans are dying rapidly. “Mortality was 26 percent higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19 percent higher for 25-to-34-year-olds continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101 percent and 79 percent above normal, respectively,” the Hill stated in a recent article. The Society of Actuaries stated that COVID-19 is not to blame. Actuaries and insurance companies are pricing in younger life expectancy rates through 2030.

“The most important remediable causes of death in the U.S. are tobacco use and poorly controlled hypertension. We’re going to lose 460K Americans this year from tobacco-related illness, and we have millions of teenagers getting addicted to nicotine through vaping right now,” Dr. Califf noted on social media. However, tobacco usage has been rapidly declining in the US, and this does not explain why Americans are dying young.


Opioids like fentanyl, Oxycontin, and heroin have become one of the leading causes of death among American youth. Opioid overdoses deaths spiked from 21,089 in 2010 to 47,600, years after the crisis first emerged. There were 68,630 reported opioid-induced deaths by 2020, and that figure skyrocketed to 80,411 by 2021.

Entire cities are plagued by the opioid epidemic, which I have covered extensively in the past. Drugs like Narcan to counteract overdoses are now sold along with the gum at the front registers of major retailers. The Biden-Harris Administration has distributed safe drug usage equipment to prevent the spread of disease and individual cities have decriminalized drug usage.

Now, the leading cause of death in America remains heart disease, followed by cancer. America has an obesity epidemic that largely contributes to heart disease and cancer, with 41.9% of the population over the recommended BMI as of 2020. The CDC estimates that the US spent $173 billion combating obesity in 2019, and medical costs for obese Americans are $1,861 higher than those at a healthy BMI. African Americans have the highest rate of obesity (49.9%), followed by Hispanics (45.6%), and Caucasians (41.4%). Asian Americans have a very low rate of obesity in comparison at only 16.1%. Aside from genetics, diet plays a major contributing factor. Additionally, Asian Americans are the least likely to fall into poverty, statistically speaking.


I could go on about the ingredients the FDA labels edible. Brominated vegetable oil (BVO), Red dye 3, Yellow 5, Blue 1, azodicarbonamide, potassium bromate, Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), and titanium dioxide are a few examples of food ingredients that are BANNED in Europe but permitted in America. These ingredients are often known carcinogens linked to respiratory issues, genotoxicity, diabetes, and obesity. The FDA has more lenient regulatory standards because of profits.

Americans typically report much higher rates of stress than other nations. Monster Worldwide, Inc. conducted one study that found American workers experience a much higher rate of stress compared to Europeans at 65% vs 50%. The average work week is significantly shorter in Europe than in America, and vacation packages are significantly longer, with vacations often mandatory. America is also the only nation that does not offer maternity or paternity leave. Various studies have also found that cultural influences, separation from family, lack of religion, and other aspects skew higher on stress scores.

There are countless factors contributing to lower life expectancy rates. America lost 158,000 people in the first nine months of 2023, which, as noted by the Hill, is higher than the combined total of every American soldier who died in battle since Vietnam. Perhaps we need to start living instead of surviving. Those in blue areas eat healthier, real foods. They exercise and find ways to reduce stress. They are living vs surviving. The number of deaths will soon outpace the number of births, and this will greatly impact society as a whole if we only address the symptoms and not the causes.


Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, Announces She Has Cancer

Posted originally on the CTH on March 22, 2024 | Sundance

Kate Middleton announced earlier today that she is undergoing treatment for cancer following “major abdominal surgery.”

(Via Daily Mail) – The Princess of Wales has announced tonight that she has been diagnosed with cancer aged 42 and is undergoing ‘preventative’ chemotherapy.

In a deeply personal, unprecedented and emotional video message, filmed at Windsor on Wednesday, Catherine revealed the news had come as a ‘huge shock’ and that she and William ‘have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family’.

It came days after she was seen smiling with Prince William as they left their favourite farm shop close to their Windsor home, and she said her husband had been ‘a great source of comfort and reassurance’ during her cancer fight. (more)

[…] “Catherine’s cancer was discovered only after she underwent major abdominal surgery at The London Clinic in January. Kensington Palace has said it will not be sharing details of what kind of cancer the princess has, or what stage of cancer it is and has asked people not to speculate.” (more)

Deep prayers for her, Prince William and their young family.

It is understood that the announcement was made tonight not because of unpleasant social media speculation about her health and whereabouts – although that has been upsetting – but because her children, Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, eight, and Prince Louis, five, broke up from school today, which gave them the opportunity to take them away privately and protect them from the inevitable public shock.

Defense Secretary Remains Hospitalized, Spent Four Days in Intensive Care Following Complications, White House Never Informed

Posted originally on the CTH January 6, 2024 | Sundance 

The story of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin recovering in the hospital broke Friday afternoon when the Pentagon first released a statement {SEE HERE}.   It was a bizarre first notification considering that Secretary Austin had been hospitalized since January 1st, and no official notification came until yesterday.   However, the story has grown even more bizarre.

Secretary Austin was in intensive care for four days following complications that stemmed from an elective procedure.

Today, it is discovered that the Pentagon never informed the White House that the Defense Secretary was not in command.  The National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and the National Security Council were unaware of Austin’s incapacity until January 4th.  This is very strange.  Politico has the update:

WASHINGTON DC – The Pentagon did not tell President Joe Biden and other top officials about Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization for three days, three U.S. officials said.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan and other senior White House aides didn’t know of Austin’s Jan. 1 hospitalization until the Defense Department sent over word Jan. 4, two other U.S. officials said. Sullivan informed Biden shortly after DOD’s Thursday notification.

The officials said it was highly unlikely that Austin conveyed word to Biden privately before Sullivan’s briefing. “If Jake didn’t know, no way the president knew,” one of them said. “Who would have told him of Austin’s condition if not Jake? And if someone did tell the president, Jake would’ve been his first call.”

All officials and other people who spoke for this story were granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue.

The news of Austin’s situation came as a shock to all White House staff as they were unaware the Pentagon boss was dealing with complications following an elective medical procedure, the officials said. National Security Council staffers were surprised it took the Pentagon so long to let them know of Austin’s status. The Pentagon didn’t make the information public until Friday evening, notifying Congress about 15 minutes before releasing a public statement.

“This should not have happened this way,” said one of the U.S. officials. The NSC and Pentagon declined comment. (read more)

Considering the U.S military is actively engaged in two regions of conflict, Red Sea (Israel-Hamas war) and Ukraine (Russia-Ukraine conflict) it seems stunning the Defense Secretary was out of commission and the White House was never aware.

Then again, considering the oft spoken arguments about the Joe Biden administration essentially operating without any command-and-control authority, meaning each institution is operating on their own priority system and Joe Biden is not a participant in government, perhaps this is just another affirmational data point.

Lastly, perhaps this level of detachment reconciles THIS STORY.

Between Life and Beyond: Psychics, Mental Health, and the Human Experience

Posted originally on Rumble Ghosts and Grit With Jack Osbourne Podcast on: November 10th

Medical Care for Migrants Crisis Rw-Posted Nov 6, 2023 By Martin Armstrong


Over 900 thousand migrants have crossed the border legally over the last year and over 600 thousand have crossed illegally. It is estimated at about 105 million migrants to have crossed over the border in just a year according to a Biden- appointed secretary. It has been an ongoing issue of seeking shelter across the U.S while also trying to seek medical attention. According to an article in AP News, there is no system in place to keep record of migrants who seek medical attention. They rely on volunteer doctors to see them. When you have a bunch of people in these shelters, some sick and others not- it is easy to have illnesses spread, and they will spread fast. A rough estimate from Cook County of how many migrants have been treated is around 14 thousand. This is costing the clinic about $2.2 million a month. Said best by Garcia, whom works for the Migrants Clinitians Network, “You have what were essentially healthy people put in really remarkable circumstances, where they are not able to survive thoroughly and then they come across (the border) in a really compromised state.”

The way that we should be looking at this is- why open borders and not have specific plans and guidelines set in place for these migrants? I just do not understand how 1.5 million people, both legal and illegal, can come into the U.S when we can’t even get my employees in the country from Europe. Cities like Chicago are dealing with a huge surge of migrants, most of which are sleeping in tents on the streets. Mayor Brandon Johnson has said that he will be flying out to Washington to speak with the Biden Administration, seeking for them to help out more during this crisis. It is a bit crazy to realize that the Biden Administration were the ones to open up these borders yet have not administered much help for the after effects. Our government does a really good job at sticking their noses in other countries before even helping out our own country.

Fall Recipes and Requests for Recipes!

Posted originally on the CTH on October 27, 2023 | Menagerie 

I am in serious sourdough bread making mode now, as I usually am in the fall and winter. The urge to get my sourdough starter going usually hits the first brisk morning in September, but it was late coming this year due to our extended Indian summer.

I am looking for good soup recipes, maybe some fall vegetable and grain bowl ideas. Please share recipes and any requests you have!

Credit Scores on Medical Debt

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted Sep 25, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

It is a common misconception that unpaid medical bills will not hurt your credit score. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. Health care costs are unsustainable and a short hospital stay could easily ruin the most fiscally conservative person’s finances. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is now considering removing medical debt and collections from credit reports.

It is a step in the right direction, but it avoids the real issue of health care costs and allowing Big Pharma, insurance agencies, and hospitals rob the sick. The pricing is so unclear that many hesitate to get care until they’re very ill. Americans know it is common practice to ask for an itemized medical bill and bargain with hospitals for months on end. Over 100 million A report from the CFPB found that 20% of all Americans – 66 million people – are in medical debt.

“Research shows that medical bills have little predictive value in credit decisions, yet tens of millions of American households are dealing with medical debt on their credit reports,” CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said in a statement. “When someone gets sick, they should be able to focus on getting better, rather than fighting debt collectors trying to extort them into paying bills they may not even owe.”

We all know families struggling to pay medical bills. I had a friend whose young daughter fell ill. He managed to accumulate well over $1,000,000 in medical debt in just a few months. The debt uprooted his family’s lives on top of dealing with a sick child, and they were forced to sell their home. Should they be forced to pay a higher mortgage on a smaller home because of their lowered credit score? The medical debt does not indicate in any way that he is financially irresponsible or unworthy of a loan.

Medical debt should not affect a person’s credit score. Credit scores in and of themselves are a topic for another day. Unlike student or credit card debt, people do not choose to take on this debt and are largely unaware of the costs until the final insurance bill comes in. This could be one small step in the right direction, but ultimately, the medical industry must be prevented from robbing the sick.