ICE Non-Detained Docket on Pace to Hit 8 million Active Cases This Year

Posted originally on the CTH on June 18, 2024 | Sundance 

This is a remarkable statistic on illegal immigration that Bill Melugin is drawing attention to.

“NEW: Per multiple federal sources, ICE’s non-detained docket has exploded to 7.4 million cases, more than doubling the Trump years, and it’s on pace to hit 8 million by end of year. Each ICE officer now has to manage an average of 7,000 cases each, an impossible task given the agency’s current staffing levels. ICE currently only has roughly 6,000 deportation officers nationwide, and not all of them work on the non-detained docket.”

“The non-detained docket means not in ICE detention. It is made up of migrants who have crossed the border illegally and have been released into the U.S. with pending immigration cases/future court dates, as well as illegal immigrants who have already been ordered deported by an immigration judge but are still in the country.

The non-detained docket has added more than 1 million cases since October 1st, largely due to mass catch and release policies.

Importantly, these numbers do not include the nearly 1.9 million recorded getaways that have entered the US during the Biden administration, as they have had no contact with DHS – yet overstretched ICE officers are also responsible for tracking down and removing this population as well.

ICE sources tell FOX it is simply impossible to do with current staffing levels compared to the numbers that have been coming across the border in recent years, and they are in desperate need of additional manpower and resources. (link)

President Trump has said the solution within the deportation program is to utilize local and state law enforcement to locate the illegal aliens, allowing ICE and DHS officials to focus on the deportation process.  This approach seems to be the optimal solution given the scale of the problem that Biden has created.

That said, any deportation effort will run into extreme Lawfare tactics deployed by the radical leftists.  No doubt, every left-leaning federal court will be utilized to generate blocks to deportation orders.  President Trump is going to have to declare a national state of emergency on day-one, to fully engage the power of the executive branch on this problem.

Fox News has another article on the latest developments – SEE HERE.

Immigration as a Political Tool

Posted Jun 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 
Illegal Immigration

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong,
Thanks for your interesting blog and for all you
Are doing for all humanity…

Concerning possibility to come to USA, I would
Like to emphasize that while from day one of
Biden’s presidency, USA south borders are
Opened to anyone passing through, with no
need to have documents or declare real data,
Italians (and I guess european too) that want to
come to USA in order to work and live there, still have
a lot of  limitations and Regulations to adhere (even
if “called” from a US Firm… but I am sure you know it! which
finally make it Almost impossible to come even if specialized
And with clean record.
All the best!
Have a nice week-end!

REPLY: I have spent more than $50,000 on lawyers trying to get my overseas staff into the USA. It very frustrating. I intend to file a lawsuit against Homeland Security for DISCRIMINATION and violating civil rights. What you say is correct. They refuse to even issue a visa in Russia, I had a German staff member who boarded a plane and then was pulled off. A British staff member refused to give a visa and refused to explain why, using the standard nonsense that perhaps they would not leave. I told my staff to put on a T-shirt, I voted for Biden and just walked across the Mexican border.

I can tell you I have seen instructions to Homeland Security that if anyone from Ukraine wanted to come to the USA, they MUST have a COVID-19 vaccine. However, if a Ukrainian walked across the Mexican border, no vaccine is required.

This policy is exactly what I encountered trying to negotiate for Hong Kong with the Australian government. It was ONLY about who they would vote for. Australia blocked them because they would vote CONSERVATIVE when the LABOUR government was in power.

What Kind of American Are You

I am so sick and tired of this nonsense that people from Asia and Europe cannot come to the USA simply because they would vote Republican. The USA will break up. This is unsustainable. That film scene from the Movie Civil War was really on point – What kind of American are you?

We may have to start doing conferences in Dubai and Mexico. So much for the land of the free.

Bill Maher tells CNN the truth about the democrat party

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: May 31, 2024 at 5:30 pm EST

Bannon Saturday Series: America’s Great Divide: Steve Bannon, 2nd Interview | FRONTLINE

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 11, 2024 at 08:00 pm EST

What Are They Thinking – MTG and Massie Fail During Attempt to Remove House Speaker Mike Johnson

Posted originally on the CTH on May 9, 2024 | Sundance 

Marjorie Taylor Green and Thomas Massive together brought a motion to the House floor to remove Speaker Mike Johnson from office.  However, a considerable number of Democrats joined Republicans in a 359-43 vote to table the motion and protect Johnson’s speakership.

Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) aligned with MTG and Massie.  Eight Republicans including Andy Biggs, Chip Roy, Eric Burlison (R-Mo.), Eli Crane (R-Ariz.), Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.), Barry Moore (R-Ala.) and Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.) all voted to remove Johnson and create an unknown outcome, perhaps even a Democrat speakership.

After the failed effort to remove him, Republican Speaker Mike Johnson spoke to the media. WATCH:


I do not see any way this effort to remove Mike Johnson would benefit candidate Donald Trump, the MAGA movement, or the semi-supportive/passive-aggressive Republican Party that genuine MAGA has to contend with.

It also seems strange that many Democrats did not relish supporting the stupid effort and making a mess out of Congress in an election year.  Factually, the only beneficiaries of this chaos scenario, a scenario that could have resulted in legislation to block Trump from office, would be Democrats and perhaps Ron DeSantis or RFK Jr.  {BACKGROUND}

Value Clients Exiled from Fast Food Chains

Posted 0riginally on May 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Blue states that implemented minimum wage hikes are seeing a drastic rise in food prices. Fast food chains like McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle Jack in the Box, Burger King, Domino’s, and more have reported menu item hikes in places like California that now require a much higher minimum wage.

This comes at a time when fast-food establishments are struggling to make ends meet. Last week, numerous establishments like Taco Bell, Starbucks, KFC, Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, and others noted a downtick in quarterly earnings. Fast food was once a cheap and quick alternative to the grocery store before inflation turned any outside dining experience into a luxury. Fast food chains that tend to attract upper-middle clientele like Chipotle have not seen as drastic of a reduction, but value clients earning >$45,000 annually, the core base that these establishments relied on, are not able to eat out.

McDonald’s said it has adopted a “street-fighting mentality” to attract new clients, but that will be a hard target to achieve domestically due to supply chain constraints, food inflation, and now minimum wage requirements. Fast food restaurants saw a 5% price increase overall in March, but states like California are witnessing prices surpass anything that the value client could once afford.

Minimum Wage 2

Effective April 1, fast food workers in California now receive a minimum wage of $20 thanks to a new law, AB 1228, signed by Governor Gavin Newsom. California already had one of the highest minimum wage brackets in the country at $15.50.

Chipotle, one of the few establishments that did not post a quarterly loss, was forced to raise prices between 6% and 7% across all 500 California-based locations. “The state isn’t making it easy,” Chipotle Chief Executive Brian Niccol reportedly said. The Wall Street Journal reported that menu items at Chic-Fil-A in California have risen by as much as 13% since mid-February.

Expect companies to begin issuing much smaller portions and automating their workforce. These measures are always passed down to the consumer, and in this instance, the target consumer is already priced out. McDonald’s is already looking at expanding internationally in places like China where it has become more profitable to conduct business. Politicians like Newsom pass these laws that sound great when spoken to the crowd but they are never properly executed because they go against the free market.

E.J. Antoni: “A Lot Of These Jobs Continue To Go To Foreign Born Workers”

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 4, 2024 at 08:30 pm EST

Civil Unrest Across US Universities – Staged Actors

Posted originally on May 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Staged actors have been embedded in US universities to promote the pro-Palestinian, anti-US sentiments. Professional agitators have been utilized countless times throughout periods of civil unrest, and while the media has repeatedly denied that Soros and other far-left funders are backing these protests, the evidence is in plain sight.


CNN reported that many of the “students” arrested at Columbia and City College of New York had no affiliation with either school. The New York Police Department arrested 282 people, and only 148 (a bit over half) were actually students.

Take a look at the tents popping up across all major universities – they are identical. The media claims that students are simply searching for the cheapest tent, which appears to be the two-person Ozark Trail option at Walmart, which retails for around $30. However, it seems suspicious that hundreds of students purchase the same tent coincidentally. A lot of these privileged college kids in Ivy League schools are not known for sorting by price. It is more probable that an organization purchased these tents in bulk and distributed them on college campuses.

Students are also receiving instructional booklets on how to protest. Why is everyone wearing COVID-era masks? They have been directed to conceal their identities to stay anonymous, as “it can help if the entire crowd is doing it.” They are told to bring two sets of clothes and conceal any logos or identifiable items.

Officers are reporting uniformed supplies, and stating that they believe what is happening is not the result of mere student organizations. Again, everyone calls them conspiracy theorists and dismisses any claim that these events have been manufactured to create civil unrest and divide America. So we saw outside agitators used numerous times in recent years during Black Lives Matter riots and even on January 6. Organizations such as the Open Society Foundations openly donate to “grassroots” causes and specifically target the youth to carry out their messaging.

As reported by Fox, Sami Al-Arian, a known terrorist who was once deported, advised associates and his wife to camp out along with the college students. This man is admittedly associated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group. He has taken to social media to promote the civil unrest across American universities. This is a clear and REAL threat to national security. Again, these students are too naive to understand the root cause of these issues or the truly dangerous actors fueling the flames.

Even Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams believes that these events are staged. “I know that there are those who are attempting to say, ‘Well, the majority of the people have been students.’ You don’t have to be the majority to influence and co-opt an operation. That’s what this is about,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. “We’re going to protect our city from those who are attempting to do what is happening globally. There is a movement to radicalize young people and I’m not going to wait until it’s done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it.”


Adams went on to say that the goal of these protests is to create “discord and divisiveness,” and for once, I actually agree with the guy.

Where is the president amid this ongoing crisis? He mumbled a few words from a teleprompter but he should be meeting with university presidents and law enforcement agencies. These professional agitators are manipulating the vulnerable youth into making decisions that will prevent them from seeking employment and stain their records.


The Black Lives Matter riots heated up in May 2020 ahead of the election, and now we are seeing that same issue play out once again where the left is permitted to wreak havoc on the public in the name of social justice.

Biden said he would be willing to accept Palestinian refugees into the US, a move that no country in the Arab world has agreed to do. The worldwide media is covering these events, but the POTUS has failed to condemn the ongoing violence, and then you have his former handler, Obama, publicly sending letters urging Biden to agree to a ceasefire. The “students” are now requesting “humanitarian aid,” showing how utterly clueless and lost they have become. Tensions are rising, protests have turned into riots, and violence will escalate if something is not done to promote law and order.