This post Contains U Tube videos that have been banned and/or taken down

We are at a crossroads between two visions for our country Path One we follow those that want to keep us quarantined and the other Path is the one where retrain the Republic and freedom. Path one is never good and path two is always good!

These Videos are all related to the Wuhan virus and how we, the citizens, are being mislead by the “experts” at the NIH and CDC and who are all controlled by Bill Gates and his money. What is happening today is an attempt to break the will of the American People so they can change us from a Constitutional Republic into a single party (Progressive) fascist state. And by the way there is no meaningful difference between Fascism and Marxism as in both systems the people are oppressed. The Democrat party is the progressive party and that is what they want! They want total control of the citizens!

The heading in black are for videos that are loaded on my blog so they should be there. The ones in Red are YouTube and so maybe be taken down at some time in the future. I will up date the post as new information comes up and re-post.

Two Doctors Part One

Two Doctors Part Two

Nurse One

Nurse Two

Nurse Three

New York Doctor

Swedish Doctor

Professor Knut Wittkowski

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