Good Grief, Worse than Warner – Unhinged Senator Lindsey Graham Loses His Marbles Over FISA-702

Posted originally on the CTH on April 21, 2024 | Sundance

This combative gaslighting from the US Senate about what FISA-702 does is off the proverbial charts.  In this interview, Senator Lindsey Graham starts foaming at the mouth yelling about something that doesn’t even exist.  This is nuts.

FISA-702 ONLY pertains to the private conversations of AMERICANS, not – I repeat – not any intercept or communication method that has to do with a foreigner or foreign adversary.

The only time FISA-702 applies is when an American person is captured in an intercept that has targeted a foreign person. Surveillance of foreign actors, foreign persons and intercepting communication of foreign entities does not require any FISA authority at all.  Foreign actors do not have constitutional protection.

FISA-702 only applies when the intercept of a foreign person is connected to communication with an American person. In that specific scenario FISA-702 gives the U.S. government the authority to query the database of the American person.

However, the database search queries of Americans, people who have no contact with any foreign person, is the privacy aspect that has been abused by the intelligence apparatus. Senator Lindsey Graham comes unglued as he starts gaslighting on this issue.  WATCH (prompted):


The Deep State supporters are so committed to keeping the unconstitutional surveillance system of the American people in place, they will lie and makeup any fictitious scenario imaginable to retain it.  This is nonsense.

Speaker Mike Johnson Believes “History Will Judge Well” Extending Warrantless Searches and Giving Ukraine Unlimited Funds

Posted originally on the CTH on April 21, 2024 | Sundance 

I’ve said this so frequently it almost becomes obscene to keep repeating it.  Many of the most professional political class in Washington DC just flat out believe the echo-chambering bubble created by the intelligence apparatus inside the beltway. The Republican political leadership, in this case Speaker Mike Johnson, genuinely believes they are doing what the American people want them to do.

I can say this with certitude, because I have looked at their eyes when challenging their assumptions and mindset, and I can tell they truly do not think they are lying.  They are so detached from comprehending anything adverse to their worldview, they genuinely believe what they are saying is factually accurate and true.  It’s not; all of it is total nonsense, but the pressure from the intelligence apparatus is so strong and encompassing, these politicians cannot fathom it’s wrong.

To be sure, there are some like Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, John Cornnyn, John Thune etc. the UniParty leadership, that know the IC narrative is completely false; they know what they are doing is corrupt and wrong, but they dare not challenge the administrative state apparatus that controls them. However, in the case of Johnson and others like Scalise, he really doesn’t know. He’s a believer in this fraud.  WATCH (1 minute):

The 30 Republican Senators who voted to authorize FISA surveillance and simultaneously authorize funding an insufferable and unwinnable conflict in Ukraine are:

John Barrasso of Wyoming, John Boozman of Arkansas, Katie Britt of Alabama, Ted Budd of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, John Cornyn of Texas, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Mike Crapo of Idaho, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Deb Fischer of Nebraska, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi, John Kennedy of Louisiana, James Lankford of Oklahoma, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Pete Ricketts of Nebraska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Mike Rounds of South Dakota, Marco Rubio of Florida, Dan Sullivan of Alaska, John Thune of South Dakota, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Roger Wicker of Mississippi and Todd Young of Indiana.

The ROLL CALL VOTE IS HERE.  Please remember these names.

These are the same Senators who said nothing while the weaponized system of government organized a corrupt intelligence operation against candidate Donald Trump in 2016.  These are the same Senators who are looking for any reason to support the removal of Donald Trump from the GOP ticket.  These are the same Republican senators who refuse to contemplate representative government.   They live in a bubble of deceit, and they despise the American electorate.

This is the same GOPe crew who: hated the Tea Party, supported the IRS targeting of conservative groups, supported the IC targeting of candidate Trump, supported the Senate Intelligence Committee participating with the IC to attack Trump, and who oppose any effort to diminish the power of the upper chamber from U.S. politics.

There is no way to talk these Republican senators into different approaches or convince them to stop participating in the weaponization of government.  These Republicans support government first; the American electorate are much lower in their eyes.  They have convinced themselves they are righteous in all aspects.

There is no volume of unquestionable evidence you can put in front of them that will change their opinion or change their behavior.  Talking to them about the flaws in their mindset is akin to discussing the risks of the COVID-19 vaccine with a person in line to get their 5th booster shot.  It’s a really difficult reality to accept, but this is just the way it is.

They do not answer emails; they refuse to take phone calls; they ignore constituents on issues of the Deep State; their sense of individual identity is dependent on retention of a collective premise that is fundamentally fraudulent.

I’m not sure what can be done, other than replacing them, and their very existence is a case study in why the bankers of 1913 constructed the 17th amendment.

I am asked all the time what can be done to correct this messed up system of government that has become the USA.  My only answer continues to be, “repeal the 17th amendment.”   There is not a singular issue that would so comprehensively deconstruct every single aspect of government corruption as would happen with a one paragraph repeal of the 17th amendment.

46 Deep State Officials Including Rosenstein, Clapper and Morell Urge Congress to Pass HPSCI Version of FISA-702 Renewal to Expand Domestic Surveillance

Posted originally on the CTH on December 11, 2023 | Sundance 

For those confused. There are two bills to modify the FISA702 reauthorization in the House.  (1) HR 6611 from the House Intel Committee and (2) HR 6570 from the House Judiciary Committee.  The intel committee bill expands domestic surveillance authority under the modifications; the judiciary committee bill requires the DOJ to get a search warrant before they can look at the incidental collection of American citizens.

Both bills came out of committee and were scheduled for a floor vote tomorrow, which has been cancelled due to public outcry (good job).  Speaker Mike Johnson initially planned to let both bills get voted tomorrow and the bill with the most votes advances to the Senate.  That’s a hot mess.

The House Intel Committee bill organized by Chairman Mike Turner is absolutely horrible. It expands FISA702 surveillance and makes things much worse.  The House Judiciary Bill organized by Chairman Jim Jordan is not structurally that much better, but it does put strong curtailments on the 702 surveillance authority by forcing the DOJ to get actual court approved search warrants on American citizens.

It should not come as a surprise to see a panel of 46 experts in Deep State weaponization come out in support of the Intelligence Committee bill, and then decry the insufferable 702 limitations put into place in the Judiciary Committee bill.   The bad guys want the House Intel version.

That’s a who’s-who list of 46 Deep State weaponization operatives, all supporting the Mike Turner version.

Turner lied when he said his HR 6611 bill was supported by John Ratcliffe and Devin Nunes.  It’s not, and they don’t.   Both Nunes and Ratcliffe support a panel within the process who have eyes on everything that is being done and can conduct immediate oversight.  Chairman Mike Turner is a big fibber, and y’all can tell him I said that.

The Deep State folks love the Turner bill (6611) because it makes the surveillance even easier by granting even more authority in their warrantless searches.  The Deep State folks do not like the Jordan bill (6570) because it requires a search warrant to look at the material, which means a predicate justification must exist.

Both bills suck, but the Jordan bill sucks less.

Speaker Johnson abandoned the competing same-day floor vote effort, and no one is sure where it goes from here; but that’s probably why the Deep State guys are writing a letter trying to influence Johnson on what bill to permit a vote.

In the meantime, the current FISA-702 authorization will likely be “short-term” renewed through April 19, 2024, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), while congress figures out which long-term reform bill to send to the Senate.

It’s all a hot mess.

We The People just don’t want to be under surveillance, but we have no representation.

A Nefarious Intent – FISA 702 Authorization Will Be Extended Through April 19th Inside Bipartisan NDAA Agreement

Posted originally on the CTH on December 7, 2023 | Sundance

Inside the construct of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Congress has agreed to extend the current FISA-702 authorization through April 19. 2024.  Why April 19th?  I believe, based on DOJ/FBI history, there is a very nefarious intent.  I’ll explain.

First the report of the FISA-702 extension.

WASHINGTON – Congress is preparing to extend its deadline for untangling a complicated fight over warrantless government surveillance – which will mean yet another headache for House GOP leaders.

Top lawmakers are attaching a short-term extension of the government wiretapping power known as Section 702 to a sweeping defense policy bill, according to seven aides and lawmakers familiar with the text of the bill.

The extension would give Congress until April 19 to figure out how to reauthorize Section 702, named for its specific section of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The provision is meant to target foreigners abroad but has long stoked controversy for its ability to sweep in Americans.

Whether to attach a surveillance powers extension was one of the final sticking points on the defense bill, whose text is now finalized and expected to be released later Wednesday. Both the House and Senate still need to pass the defense bill, and there is bipartisan backlash already brewing over the decision to attach a surveillance extension.

Conservatives privately urged Speaker Mike Johnson to separate the two issues. His decision not to do so promises to complicate a final vote on the defense bill, a typically must-pass proposal that could come to the House floor as soon as next week. (read more)

FISA-702 surveillance was the legal mechanism by which the 2016 campaign of Donald Trump was placed under surveillance.  The primary target of the FISA warrant was Carter Page; however, everyone within two contact points (2 hops) of Carter Page was also under full Title-1 surveillance.  Essentially, the entire campaign and later administration of President Donald Trump fell under full electronic and physical surveillance.

Phone calls, text messages, emails and all electronic communication was intercepted by the DOJ.  Robert Mueller extended the surveillance with a June 29, 2017, renewal.  The FISA-702 authorities served as the legal mechanism that permitted the DOJ/FBI to intercept all communication and monitor everything from every position inside the administration of President Trump.

The 702 authorities were weaponized as warrantless searches by the DOJ against their political enemies.  The FISA Court has published several years’ worth of reports showing how the “incidental collection” was not incidentally used.   The abuses of the system have only grown every year since the DOJ National Security Division first started using them as a weaponized process to conduct warrantless surveillance on Americans.

Six years after this issue first surfaced, Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified, April 27, 2023, that more than 3.4 million search queries into the NSA database took place between Dec. 1st, 2020 and Nov. 30th, 2021, by government officials and/or contractors working on behalf of the federal government. These search queries were based on authorizations related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

[OIG Testimony HERE]

Approximately 30% of those 3.4 million search queries were outside the rules and regulations that govern warrantless searches – what the politically correct government calls “non-compliant searches.”  That means during the year 2021, more than 1 million searches of private documents and communication of Americans were illegal and outside the rules.

Additionally, IG Horowitz admitted that somewhere north of 10,000 federal employees have access to conduct these searches of the NSA database; a database which contains the electronic data of every single American, including emails, text messages, social media posts, instant messages, direct messages, phone calls, geolocation identifiers, purchases by electronic funds, banking records and any keystroke any American person puts into any electronic device for any reason.

If we were in a functioning system of government, everything would have been stopped, and no other conversation would take place that was not about this issue. This was the total and complete surveillance state being talked about as if Congress was discussing what’s for dinner.

If the FISA-702 authorities are extended, this surveillance is what has been authorized to continue through April 19, 2024.  House Judiciary Ranking Member, Democrat Jerry Nadler, organized the date for extension.

 I believe we have struck the right balance here and perhaps the only balance that can pass the House at this time,” Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said about the bill.

Why April 2024?

Quite simply, and brutally honestly if we apply prior precedent to the extension timing, what you realize is the primary election of 2024 takes place between January and April of 2024.  If things go as predicted by most, Donald Trump will have likely secured enough delegates for the nomination by the end of April.  The extension will give the surveillance apparatus the ability to conduct searches of information throughout this period.

On/around April 19, 2024, the GOP nominee will likely have locked down the nomination.  The nominee is likely to be Donald Trump.

Beyond the extension motive, the previous counterintelligence investigation by the FBI never stopped.  Crossfire Hurricane evolved into the Mueller special counsel investigation.  The same investigative units from the FBI then transferred into the Jack Smith special counsel.  There is no reason to believe a counterintelligence investigation does not underpin the legal authorities by which the current DOJ is keeping candidate Donald Trump under surveillance today.

Using the wording within the criminal indictment, the DOJ-NSD could -likely is- considering Donald Trump a national security threat.  All indications from the Jack Smith prosecution point in this direction.  There is no countervailing data that would suggest the DOJ is not considering Donald Trump a national security threat.  As a result, it is very likely candidate Trump is once again under a FISA authorized Title-1 surveillance warrant….. and everyone within two hops of him would be under the same.

On/around April 19, 2024, if Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee, the FISA court might look at any renewal authorities differently.  It’s one thing to have American citizen Donald Trump under title-1 surveillance, it is another thing entirely to have the opposing candidate to the current administration under legally authorized surveillance by the DOJ-NSD.

The end date of April 19, 2024, would align with a need to have more than reasonable suspicion to retain the surveillance. At least, that’s the way the FISC would likely look at it.

If Occam’s razor is applied to the current datapoints, the most likely scenario for the DOJ-NSD, FBI and Jack Smith special counsel investigative units, is that Donald Trump is currently under FISC authorized title-1 surveillance.

Retaining the 702 status quo through April allows the surveillance to fall upon anyone in his campaign orbit.

The DOJ’s position in 2024 would then simply be a repeat of the DOJ’s position in 2016.

Someone might want to talk to Donald Trump about this.