FDA Clears Ivermectin and Backtracks on COVID-Era Propoganda

Posted originally on Mar 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

Horses.fda ivermectin 2 1024x808 1

We all recall the FDA and mainstream media gaslighting the public into believing there was no available treatment for the coronavirus. They laughed at those who believed in holistic methods or the parasite treatment Ivermectin. Social media platforms were strongarmed by the government to remove any post related to Ivermectin treatment, commentators who discussed successful treatment with Ivermectin were silences, and the FDA launched its own campaign to dispel “misinformation” that they are now admitting was true all along.

The FDA even posted a picture of a horse online, taunting COVID-deniers by saying they were taking a medication only intended for horses and livestock. “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” the FDA posted on social media platforms in August 2021. “Hold your horses, y’all. Ivermectin may be trending, but it still isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19,” another post read in April 2022.

“Never use medications intended for animals on yourself or other people. Animal ivermectin products are very different from those approved for humans. Use of animal ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in humans is dangerous,” FDA said a few years ago.

Yet, 101 separate studies on Ivermectin treatments for the coronavirus have shown that it is an effective treatment. Some sources even say that it has a 62% chance of reducing symptoms if taken early. Worse, the FDA approved ivermectin for human consumption back in 1996.

A group of doctors, who would have lost their careers for speaking out a few years ago, filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for blocking this effective treatment, which likely resulted in countless preventable deaths. “We’re suing the FDA for lying to the public about ivermectin,” said Dr. Mary Bowden, supported by Drs. Paul E. Marik and Robert L. Apter.

The FDA is now agreeing to remove all social media posts denying the effectiveness of ivermectin. Lawyers for the corrupt government agency deny that the FDA made any recommendations. “They were not mandatory. They were recommendations. They said what parties should do. They said, for example, why you should not take ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They did not say you may not do it, you must not do it. They did not say it’s prohibited or it’s unlawful. They also did not say that doctors may not prescribe ivermectin.”

Now, Dr. Bowden was forced to resign during the COVID-19 fiasco for speaking out against mRNA vaccines and pleading with the public that alternative treatments were available. She claimed that she successfully treated hundreds of patients, often with co-morbidities, and none were forced into hospitalization. Her work went directly against the narrative that the only way to “stop the spread” was to take the experimental vaccine, stay home, or wind up on a ventilator.

Simply removing social media posts does not seem like a sufficient sentence for what the government did. Their “misinformation” caused people to lose their livelihoods and, worse, caused unnecessary deaths. The FDA had known since at least 2015 that ivermectin was safe for human consumption, but they dismissed it as a veterinarian medication throughout the pandemic and promoted dangerous propaganda.

Excess Deaths – Thank you Pfizer

Posted originally on Jan 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Why Pfizer Should be Criminally Charged

Posted originally on Jan 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Could Pfizer Collapse to $6-7.00 a share?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Vaccine Re-Posted Sep 8, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: When will the people stay a boycott of Pfsir as they did with Bud Light?


ANSWER: The court in South Africa ordered the government to release the contract with Pfizer that they were preventing the public from having access. Quite honestly, ANY politicians who voted for the vaccines by Pfizer should be voted out of office. This contract states, “Accordingly, Pfizer and its Affiliates shall have no liability for any failure by Pfizer or its Affiliates…” id/2.1(d), Page 8. This is completely outrageous that ANY politicians would waive all liability for a vaccine. Suppose a car manufacturer produces a car that blows up when you start it, but only one in 500. If they have no liability, then why fix it?

Under capitalism, every company is liable for its product that is manufactured. Where does Pfizer get off with this with the appearance of paying bribes and gifts to politicians? People questioned our forecast made back on August 26th, 2021, that that should have been the high and that: “Something is very strange when it comes to Pfizer. The rally should not extend beyond 2022…”

This is why Socrates is so important. The criticism I got for that forecast was that their profits would continue to rise, so why should the stock collapse? The computer forecasts are better than any human. Why? Because humans get all caught up in the fundamental news when the computer is analyzing it dispassionately.

When will the people rise up and boycott Pfizer? Personally, I refuse to accept anything from Pfizer for myself or my dogs. I would never advise Pfizer, nor would I advise any company in bed with Pfizer. I wouldn’t say I like their way of doing business. I believe the company has rigged the game, and the politicians sold our rights, which I believe was unconstitutional. But find a judge who will honestly address this question. Good luck!

A year-end closing below the $33.20 level, and we may see crash mode for 2024. Anyone who has family working at this firm should look for employment elsewhere. I would not rule out that some people may seek revenge against those who worked there during the coming civil unrest. You never know anymore. They have pushed the envelope way too far on all of this. A break of that level points to a test of the $28 range, and a break of that area will warn that Pfizer could be looking at the $6-7.00 level by 2032.

COVID -II The Next Fake Plague to Control Civil Unrest

Armstrong Economics Blog/Banking Crisis Re-Posted Aug 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

They do not care about all the side effects and the number of people who have died. This is all about maintaining their control and power. So get ready for more lockdowns to suppress the rising civil unrest they anticipate will erupt because of their actions next year. As I warned previously, once they got away with the COVID Scam they would add this to their repertoire to impose it whenever they need to control the mob – we, the scum of the earth – the Great Unwashed.

Australia has Not Order All Cattle to be Vaccinated

Armstrong Economics Blog/Vaccine Re-Posted Aug 13, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The rumor going aroind is that Australia has announced plans for mass injections of mRNA vaccines into livestock. This is not true. We have a lot of farmers in Australia that rely on our forecasting so we have direct sources. Officials have NOT announced such a scheme. Currently, there are no mandatory vaccinations for livestock imposed by the AUSTRALIA’S Department of Agriculture. However, the story seems to have surfaced frrom an announcement about research into potential mRNA vaccines for animals that could be used if disease outbreaks occur. Personally, I would NEVER eat beef if that took place. I would not trust Pfizer to even watch my dog. They are a digusting firm in my opinion.

My recommendation would be to offer an alternative just as Puerdue offers chicken without antibiotics. I feed that even to my dogs. An alternative market for beef would be excellent. Bill Gates, who bought the operating system from a programmer and turnintg it into Microsoft, is another one I ahev ZERO respect for. He is telling us like Pfizer to eat syntheic beef he creates and kill all the cattle all for his fictional CO2. Meanwhile, this egotistical man who things it is fine to genetically alter mosquitos and release billions into Florida and the south, is now enlisting Edinburgh-based nonprofit, GALVmed (Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines) handing them $40 million to conduct genetic research to alter cattle. I am sick of Gates, Soros, Buffet and Klaus Schwab who seem not to believe in any God and thius want to fill that slot.

Governments have their hand out for money and have abandoned all responsibility to protect society. They have all been compromised. I have dealt with governments around the world. Governments are professional liars and are NEVER there for the people, but only for their own survival. Officials have put out the propaganda that COVID-19 vaccines saved millions of lives. This is an outright lie and they refuse to address all the deaths and injuries that these EXPERIMENTAL vaccine have caused.

The press ignored the fact that a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has exposed that a staggering 120,000 American children have “died suddenly” following the push to vaccinate everyone even pregnant mothers with these UNPROVEN mRNA Covid shots that our politicians handed Pfizer COMPLETE immunity from any lawsuit. If you granted that to General Motors, they would not bother to fix one in a hundred cars that blow up when you start them. Pfizer has become the very evil type of company they use to call the “Robber baron” which was a term used frequently in the 19th century during America’s Gilded Age to describe successful industrialists whose business practices were often considered ruthless or unethical. Pfizer fits that image in the 21st century. Even when I take my dogs for their vaccinations, I reject anything made by Pfizer – PERIOD!

Throughout 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted that the shots were “safe and effective” and necessary for protecting kids from the virus, despite children only showing mild symptoms if any at all. Fauci belongs in prison. It is one thing to lie out of incompetence and other to ignore all the evidence and push this on children only for the profits of Pfizer. Thern there is the FDA on December 11, 2020, granted the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine emergency use authorization (EUA) for administration in individuals 16 years of age and older by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That was followed by the May 10, 2021, the FDA expansion of these vaccines for the use of the shots to include adolescents 12 through 15 years of age. Finally, on June 17, 2022, the FDA authorized emergency use of the mRNA Covid vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech to include use in children down to 6 months of age. Those people in the CDC should be put on trial.

A little more than a year thereafter, our mainstream media turned a blind-eye to a CDC release which revealed that nearly half a million children and young adults had died after receiving these vaccines. There has been reasonable coralation that nearly 120,000 of the 500,000 deaths were suspected to be linked to the Covid vaccines’ side effects. Now mainstream media has become like government – they too refuse to admit that there were wrong. They refuse to utter a word further confirming that the “free press” has become our enemy. The Trump indictment is far more important that killing children.

As for the question asking if I have ever advised Pfizer, the answer is NO WAY. To me, I would not want one cent from that company. Whatever money they have made on this COVID scam I believ if blood money.

Pfizer An Organized International Crime Operation?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Aug 13, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Pfizer is part of 2032. They have so corrupted government on a global scale that has resulted in countless unreported deaths that our trust in government itself is crumbling before our eyes. Very few people are willing to stand up against this corruption. The politicians circle the wagons to protect their corruption. They will not succeed. Those who have lost family members because our politicians do not care if we die as long as they get paid will never forget.