The Border Crisis is Being Used to Push Digital ID | Whitney Webb

Posted originally on Rumble By Kim Iversen on: Apr 26, 2024 at 8:00 pm EST

John Catsimatidis Lays Out How You Could Save New York In 60 Days

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: Apr 24, 2024 at 12:00 pm EST

On the ECM and Why

Posted originally on Apr 22, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Former Democrat Comes Out Against the Democratic Agenda

Posted originally on Apr 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Dr. Keith Rose’s Warning Approaching November: How Biden Could Potentially Cancel the 2024

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: Apr 18, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST

Ep 3333a – Biden Is Proving That Trump’s Economic Policies Worked, Boomerang

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: Apr 18, 2024 at 8:30 pm EST

COVID was a Tactic for Control & to Further Climate Change

Posted originally on Apr 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


QUESTION: Dear Marty,
I haven’t bothered you with any questions for a long time, but if you could find time to express your opinion on this matter, it would be very valuable not only for me, but also for the readers of your blog.

While we are currently in the initial stage of the War of Wars (according to Einsteine’s scenario), how can we explain the fact that the largest players, i.e. the USA, China and Russia, and almost the rest of the world, conducted Covid operations in 2020 together and in a brilliantly coordinated and directed way?

Did they agree on something, and someone didn’t keep the agreement, and that’s why there’s this war now? Wasn’t Operation Covid a war of THEM against US, THEM against WE THE PEOPLE? Can we ever say that there are any honest players in this game, representing their nations and taking care of their interests, or have the bandits quarreled with each other and now they will settle their accounts with our blood, to the delight of depopulation psychopaths?

Thank you very much in advance and best regards to you and the entire team.

Best Regards

P.S. I envy you the sun and the ocean, the safety and common sense that rules in Florida. Here we are at the mercy of absolute freaks.
Now it’s just a matter of weeks….

ANSWER: COVID was a scam for climate change. I do not believe there was intentional coordination between the USA, China, and Russia. The media was on board, and China and Russia responded thanks to pier pressure. I had INFORMATION two months before anyone heard of a virus. The word being whispered around was, “A virus is coming.” That info was coming out of the World Economic Forum (WEF). This was planned, and the objective was to end commuting and to shut down small businesses. So you see, the worst damage was in the Blue States.

The damage to economies was on a wholesale basis. This set inflation in motion due to shortages and unleashed a crisis in office building space. The entire idea was to end commuting. Europe is fully in the hands of the WEF. The head of the EU was a board member; the same is true for the ECM and IMF. Schwab has infiltrated Europe and undermined its entire economy.

CHINA and RUSSIA have figured this out. They are both well aware that this was a plot also to undermine the world economy all for Climate Change. Now, they are pushing for World War III and believe that they need to reduce the world population by at least 2 billion.


The Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, along with George Soros, have been promoting the need to reduce the population and take over the political system for about 30 years or more, ending the democratic right of the people to vote. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was launched in 2000, and it was 17.2 years later when they moved much more aggressively. It was 2002 when they had their push entitled Beyond Good Intentions.

ECM 2011 2020 Detailed

It appears that this agenda moved into high gear with the turn of the Economic Confidence Model back in 2015.75. This effort has been to push the one-world government, where they also delude themselves into thinking that will eliminate war. I point out that the Roman Empire was one government. How many civil wars did they go through? This has been a fool’s dream and blended with Climate Change, they are out to screw the world far worse than Karl Marx ever contemplated.

This idea of a one-world government will eliminate war was the very purpose behind creating the Euro, which is why Margaret Thatcher kept the pound out of the Euro based on our research. They have even stated that proposition in the EU Parliament as the real goal. Thomas Malthus’ book, which started the entire overpopulation panic and eventually inspired eugenics, was published in 1798. Cyclically,  succeeded in linking Climate Change to population on a widespread concept by 2022.

Next year will be a very DANGEROUS crossroads for this group as our world leaders are taking us rapidly into World War III 25.8 years from the founding of the Gates Foundation.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Telegram CEO and Founder Pavel Durov

Posted originally on the CTH on April 17, 2024 | Sundance

Pavel Durov is the founder, owner and CEO of Telegram, a communication platform used by 900 million people globally to text, chat and video message privately with encryption security.  Telegram is an excellent tool for safe communication and has been used by me and others I know for several years.

In this interview Tucker Carlson discusses privacy and freedom in the modern era with Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, a former citizen of Russia who was encouraged (under threat) by the Russian government to leave his country.  Pavel now lives in Dubai and operates Telegram from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

For me personally, this is one of the best interviews I have watched Tucker Carlson deliver.  Part of the reason is the content of the discussion is exactly critical right now in the era of this global information war.

There is so much I could discuss from this interview alone it is remarkable; however, I want to focus on two specific points as highlighted: (1) the government interface, and (2) the geopolitical inversion currently underway.  WATCH: 

First, I am in Russia. I arrived a few days ago, and this experience is a visit through bizarro world.  I will be sharing more, including an AMA on my experience in the next few articles.  Back to Pavel Durov, first…

The BASELINE – The Durov brothers are exceptionally gifted.  In reference to the principle of freedom and liberty that guides Pavel, he has my respect and I understand his value system with great clarity.  Pavel Durov recognized very early, much earlier than most, that information would be fulcrum challenge, and without private communication the value of information is always eroded.  Privacy is critical in order for accurate information to flow.  That is the value of Telegram.

I continue to receive strong negative opinion for my cynicism of Elon Musk.  However, pay close attention to what Pavel Durov says about his contacts with U.S. government officials and you will have a stronger baseline to understand part of why I do not trust Musk.

THE TOUCHES – Durov controls Telegram.  Durov is the owner and proprietor of Telegram.  Durov talks openly about the *touches* from U.S. intelligence and government officials toward him and his communication platform.  He is very open about the contacts by FBI and various intel officials, and notes those conversations were always unnerving.

Now, we ask ourselves: why have we never heard Twitter owner/operator Elon Musk talking about this issue.

Beyond the decade plus of independent research on these issues, we get a very good context for how the IC approaches and interacts with the communication platforms from this interview with Pavel Durov.  What he shares does not have to be taken at face value because we have background with which to review it.   Everything he said aligns with all the research on these issues we have previously discussed.  Quite simply, he’s telling the truth as we know it to be.

That said, where is this conversation from Elon Musk?  Where is Musk discussing the government contacts and intentions of the intelligence apparatus, FBI, DHS and various Intelligence Community institutions toward the Twitter platform.

I cannot overlook that Elon Musk was talking about the importance of user privacy and security at the exact same time he was secretly complying with the DOJ to give the metadata of all Donald Trump supporters from his platform.  These things do not reconcile, and I refuse to pretend this conflict does not exist.

♦ The INVERSION – I call the change in freedom and liberty values West to East an inversion.  Pavel Durov does not note this directly, but he outlines the basic issues within his discussion and experience.

For decades the USA and proverbial “west” transmitted messages of freedom and liberty into the “east.”  We are all familiar with radio and television broadcasts, and specifically the content therein, from the free West that were blocked by what we called the oppressive East.

There are millions of stories, movies and books written describing how the west tried to send communication to the east showcasing the value of free markets, liberty, and freedom in general.   However, in the past 20 years, since the advent of the internet something very curious has happened.

I can tell you from personal experience that now it is the WEST who are blocking the ability of the people from the EAST to receive the message.  If you in the EASTERN zone (grey) and you attempt to engage in several communication platforms that connect to the WESTERN zone (yellow), you are more likely to find yourself blocked by the WEST.

Why would the USA or western alliance block the ability of those outside the west to engage with their platforms?  One could make the argument they are putting walls around the USA/WEST not to keep the East out but to keep the west locked-in to a specific narrative.

In the example of Russia, I originally thought the blocking issue was exclusive to banking and finance; however, the restricted interface extends beyond those explainable by sanctions.  In the modern communication era, some information is more equal than others.

What Pavel outlines about the Russian government asking him for data on users, is identical to what the Twitter files outlined about the U.S government asking the platform for users.  Pavel refused to participate; Jack Dorsey willingly participated.

More to follow…

Ep 3331a – IMF Begins Economic Crash Narrative, War, Think Mirror, The People Know

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: Apr 16, 2024 at 6:45 pm EST

Who is Binaifer Nowrojee? The Incoming President of Open Society Foundations

Posted ortiginslly on Apr 16, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Binaifer Nowrojee

Binaifer Nowrojee has been appointed as the president of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) as Mark Malloch-Brown plans to officially step down in June. The Open Society Foundation is openly interfering in elections throughout the world and funding the globalist agenda. George appointed his son, Alex Soros, chairman of his foundation in December 2022. So, who is Binaifer Nowrojee?

Born in London, raised in Kenya, with an Indian heritage, Nowrojee is the daughter and granddaughter of well-known lawyers in Kenya. Pheroze Nowrojee, her father, helped to overturn the Raila presidential election of 2017. “It had taken us 25 years to achieve this overturning of the constant practice of rigging by those in power,” he said after the Supreme Court nullified the results for that election, claiming that they failed to comply with Kenya’s constitution. “We had set the correct goal of all future politics and public endeavour in Kenya. We have hard work ahead to ensure the application of this principle as widely as necessary in public service.”

Some have accused her father of meddling in African politics. When asked whether the Kenyan Constitution needed amendments, he replied:

“Constitutional amendments are not what individuals want or do not want, but what the national circumstances show over time and at different times to be a better option. The unity of our many peoples, the integrity of the nation, the experience of our drafting errors of the past, or of machinery that is not working as was intended in 2010. These dictate not only when but what amendments may be preferable or not.”

Binaifer was born to lead the OSF with a lineage of overturning elections.

She has been working with the Open Society Foundations for years in senior leadership roles across Asia and East Africa for over two decades. A Harvard Law School graduate, Nowrojee also holds a JD from Columbia Law School – an academic. She spent a decade on staff at the Human Rights Watch, an OSF grantee organization, and held a position at the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights. She has been praised for being the first woman of color to hold this role at the OSF.

One of her first measures as incoming president was to reduce the staff size of the OSF by an astounding 40%. It will be easier to ensure everyone is completely in line with the agenda. “As we navigate the remaining elements of change, I promise, first and foremost, to remain committed to Open Society values and to George Soros’s vision of critical thinking, local knowledge, and risk-taking,” she told the AP. The OSF does not have a clear budget

Alex Soros has already directed the foundation to begin honing in on America opposed to Europe, as they have their fingers in the European Union, but America has yet to be tamed. Civil unrest is growing as Biden has lost all but 8% of supporters and cannot even hold a fundraiser on his own without roping in two former presidents. Will Binaifer follow in her father’s footsteps and look to overturn an election?