Ep 3331a – IMF Begins Economic Crash Narrative, War, Think Mirror, The People Know

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: Apr 16, 2024 at 6:45 pm EST

Who is Binaifer Nowrojee? The Incoming President of Open Society Foundations

Posted ortiginslly on Apr 16, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Binaifer Nowrojee

Binaifer Nowrojee has been appointed as the president of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) as Mark Malloch-Brown plans to officially step down in June. The Open Society Foundation is openly interfering in elections throughout the world and funding the globalist agenda. George appointed his son, Alex Soros, chairman of his foundation in December 2022. So, who is Binaifer Nowrojee?

Born in London, raised in Kenya, with an Indian heritage, Nowrojee is the daughter and granddaughter of well-known lawyers in Kenya. Pheroze Nowrojee, her father, helped to overturn the Raila presidential election of 2017. “It had taken us 25 years to achieve this overturning of the constant practice of rigging by those in power,” he said after the Supreme Court nullified the results for that election, claiming that they failed to comply with Kenya’s constitution. “We had set the correct goal of all future politics and public endeavour in Kenya. We have hard work ahead to ensure the application of this principle as widely as necessary in public service.”

Some have accused her father of meddling in African politics. When asked whether the Kenyan Constitution needed amendments, he replied:

“Constitutional amendments are not what individuals want or do not want, but what the national circumstances show over time and at different times to be a better option. The unity of our many peoples, the integrity of the nation, the experience of our drafting errors of the past, or of machinery that is not working as was intended in 2010. These dictate not only when but what amendments may be preferable or not.”

Binaifer was born to lead the OSF with a lineage of overturning elections.

She has been working with the Open Society Foundations for years in senior leadership roles across Asia and East Africa for over two decades. A Harvard Law School graduate, Nowrojee also holds a JD from Columbia Law School – an academic. She spent a decade on staff at the Human Rights Watch, an OSF grantee organization, and held a position at the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights. She has been praised for being the first woman of color to hold this role at the OSF.

One of her first measures as incoming president was to reduce the staff size of the OSF by an astounding 40%. It will be easier to ensure everyone is completely in line with the agenda. “As we navigate the remaining elements of change, I promise, first and foremost, to remain committed to Open Society values and to George Soros’s vision of critical thinking, local knowledge, and risk-taking,” she told the AP. The OSF does not have a clear budget

Alex Soros has already directed the foundation to begin honing in on America opposed to Europe, as they have their fingers in the European Union, but America has yet to be tamed. Civil unrest is growing as Biden has lost all but 8% of supporters and cannot even hold a fundraiser on his own without roping in two former presidents. Will Binaifer follow in her father’s footsteps and look to overturn an election?

We are TOO Stupid to Vote

Posted originally on Apr 16, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Greek Philosophers

Aristotle believed that after Pericles died in 429 BCE, the demos continually appointed charismatic demagogues who damaged Athenian democracy. The three main Greek philosophers were against Democracy because the people were too stupid and uneducated. This is where we had even John Kerry claiming Trump’s election was because of “populism,” and this must be prevented.


Once again, the United Nations discourages individualism with this same philosophy that we are too ignorant to understand what they know. As Sir Huxley wrote when forming the United Nations, “unrestricted individualism is equally erroneous.” So much for human rights. We should have no right to vote, and in reality, these people claim to be defending democracy against autocracy when, in fact, we do not live in a democracy at all. They call Russia an autocracy when, in fact, we have no right to vote if we should go to war. We are too ignorant to know what to do in life.

Schwab WEF End of Democracy

There is an all-out assault on Democracy, and it is not from Trump. Here is Klaus Schwab, who is the poster child for authoritarian government and the suppression of human rights. We are too stupid to be allowed to vote since we are beneath the level of intelligence of those who know better. When Trump was elected, that is when Democracy became Populism – and that was not acceptable.

The LEFT is Winning

Posted originally on Apr 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


The LEFT is ALWAYS much more violent than the RIGHT. The simple difference is that the core philosophy of the RIGHT is you leave me alone, and I will leave you alone. But the core philosophy of the LEFT is always concerned about other people, from them making more than they do to being more successful in general. The LEFT always portrays themselves as VICTIMS, and they are always oppressed because of others. It’s just not fair to them that someone gets a new car and they can’t afford it.

The Night of Terror Suffragists 1917

Ironically, women did not need to vote before socialism. There was no income tax, and the real issue would be national policies and war that did not impact the individual – man or woman. Once the United States turned to socialism, then every individual, regardless of their gender or race, was entitled to vote since now laws were being imposed on personal activity and income. The LEFT has always claimed they care, but in truth, they have always been the oppressors throughout history, seeking to dictate every aspect of how people lived their lives.

1913 Income Tax

The LEFT championed the income tax and swore they were only attacking the rich. Now, you must file an income tax form to say you do not owe any tax. The crime is NOT failing to pay the tax; it is FAILURE TO FILE. We are running full-speed into Digital Currencies because the LEFT cannot sleep at night worrying about everyone getting cash under the table.

We just went through an audit in Florida, where we have no state income tax, but we have to collect unemployment taxes from workers. They were looking to see if we were paying CONTRACT WORKERS who are not on the payroll. I said we do not have such workers, which did not matter. We had to go through the audit explaining payments made to other companies, and they would check on them to ensure they were an actual company. After three months of an audit and legal and accounting fees in excess of $50,000, we ended up owing nothing – thank you very much for not believing me in the first place.

magnify searching people

Welcome to the LEFT – they care so much about us, they do not believe anything we ever say – we are all just liars and scum. The assumption in government is that “We the People” never pay the taxes they demand. Everyone skims 35% off what they would really owe.

tracing cripto footsteps

The solution is to eliminate ALL paper money, including crypto, and force us to use their coming digital currencies that can be traced back to their origin. If I give you a $100 bill, they do not know who gave it to me. But if it is a crypto, they know every person in that chain before me. Nobody knows who created blockchain because it was the government, and they created Bitcoin to sell this idea to the people, saying that it would be separate from the central banks and anti-fiat. Welcome to the actual end game – the government will get EVERY penny of tax they ever dreamed of.

The LEFT has won! They will monitor absolutely EVERYTHING you do!

Lara Logan | Bannons War Room | Lara Logan On The Francis Scott Key Bridge: “It Is A Financial And Economic

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: Mar 28, 2024 at 07:00 pm EST

Lara Logan | Lara Logan On NGOs Role In America’s Downfall: “They Operate As A Shadow Government”

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: Feb 28, 2024 at 05:30 pm EST

From Beyond the Wire – The Information War, CBDCs and a Metaphor for Those Who Need

Posted originally on the CTH on March 27, 2024 | Sundance

After my latest outline on the looming probability of a dollar based CBDC {SEE HERE} I found myself saying, “I hate to say this, but most people really don’t care. For some, the issue is esoteric, abstract, and difficult to comprehend. For others, there is a massive blanket of comfortable ambivalence until the consequences hit. For the few who understand, this is extremely troubling.”

Then I step back, breathe and reevaluate my ability to communicate.

A few recent comments have me looking for something, anything, that will help people understand the scope and breadth of what I am trying to communicate, and the challenge therein.  EXAMPLES:

[COMMENT #1] – I don’t know, this is way over my head, and I consider myself at least somewhat intelligent and informed. Other than a few twenties I keep in my wallet, all money of consequence in my life is already just digits in computer networks as far as I can perceive. I never actually see a check for my wages, much less any dead presidents.

[…] Not that I disagree, I just don’t understand. I’m at a loss as to why this is so qualitatively different as far as my financial security goes. Maybe it’s because I’m a resident of Illinois and have some sort of Stockholm Syndrome from knowing they can already, and do, raise my taxes – as much as they want, any time they want – and there is nothing to stop them. {link}

[COMMENT #2]I apologize for this stupid question, but I’m confused. How do the grey countries fit into this digital money and “world order” Pippa refers to?

Pippa states “But what I see our superpowers introducing digital currency, the Chinese were the first the US is on the brink, I think of moving in the same direction the Europeans have committed to that as well.”

China is grey on the map, as is Russia. If we, the mapped yellow USA, are being boxed in by the Russian sanctions how is it China is grey yet they were the first to introduce a digital currency?  These insane, drunk with power “superpowers” – is their goal to color the entire world map yellow with the SWIFT network digital coin to control the entire world?  {link}

You come here for understanding the world that exists, not the one we may hope to exist.  If you are confused, I need to do a better job.

So, let me start.

I will start first with some information perhaps some do not know.

♦ Ever since the western sanctions against Russia were created, an entire new black market of finance has been created in the “grey zone” that circumvents the sanctions and assists the people trapped by them.

Almost no one, sans a handful of people I have met, really have a full scope understanding of what is going on.

You cannot discover this information within the yellow zone.  You cannot get this level of comprehension from behind a keyboard safely in your home office or den.  You have to put your boots on the ground, take some risks and see exactly how it works. {Example Here}

The Russian sanctions were not created to block the Russians.  The Russian sanctions were created to wall-in the West.

There are now networks of people who operate in various places that create proactive financial mechanisms for what you might call, “financial preppers.”

These people and groups set up bank accounts in foreign countries for you; they organize addresses (needed), phone numbers (needed), and create accounts that you can access that are outside the control of the dollar-based financial system.  You can even get an official passport in the process.

These people also sell hardware [to support the phone numbers (really digital ids)] that is completely different from what exists behind the wall of the yellow zone.

How many Americans know that an iPhone-15 sold in the USA is completely different from an iPhone-15 sold outside the yellow zone? Meaning the internal hardware is different.  How many Americans know that?

How many Americans know that an iPhone-15 sold inside the USA has different originating software than an iPhone-15 sold outside the USA?

How many people know that when you purchase one of these “ghost phones” the data network automatically identifies the disparity when the phone crosses into the yellow zone, and shortly thereafter the cellular network transmits a software update to bring the “ghost phone” into USA (yellow zone) compliance?

How many Americans know phone apps and internal app functions can exist on phones outside the yellow zone that do not exist inside the yellow zone?

Example: use a ghost phone and you can access a digital wallet in Telegram; you can transmit funds to other Telegram users. However, use a USA compliant phone and you cannot.  The function is there but the service is, “not available in your area.”


It’s about control.

If you don’t update the software, the function exists inside the yellow zone.  However, update the software and the function disappears.

This happens.

Another real-life example was recently missed by many people when the story of the Apple Watch Series 9, was found to have violated patent technology and banned for sale in the USA. {STORY}

To get into legal compliance, Apple transmitted a remote software update disabling the function of the patent technology in the USA.  Again, for emphasis, only in the USA.   Bring your non-compliant Series-9 into the range of a wifi network and bingo auto-compliance.  I mention this story only to highlight a modern compliance capability that many people do not know exists.

In essence, your tech devices -and the capability therein- are different than an identical tech device sold outside the western control zone.

♦ Technology is intertwined with Central Bank Digital Currencies.  Tech companies are regulated by the U.S/Western government, and the tech companies have to comply.  The regulatory compliance is part of the process of control.  There are regulatory walls around us that most do not understand.  The same regulatory principle applies to finance and banking. Hence, the origination motive of the yellow zone wall, built under the auspices of Russian sanctions.

Let me make one big point resoundingly clear before moving on.  When the WESTERN Central Bank Digital Currency system begins, all forms of cryptocurrency will be blocked and made unlawful, inside the western zone, either by regulation or by legislation.

Let me repeat this.  Cryptocurrency in all forms will be banned.

Crypto is not technically a currency, it is a barter based on trust.  However, at a certain point (origination or end) crypto must have the ability to transfer into currency value. Dollars (or another currency) are needed to purchase BitCoin,…. or BitCoin eventually sold or exchanged for Dollars (or another currency).  [BitCoin only used as a familiar type of crypto.]  This process is where crypto gets blocked.

Ownership of Crypto may not be unlawful, but any effort to use Crypto as an alternate digital currency to exchange value will be unlawful once the dollar based CBDC is launched.

A fully implemented govt controlled central bank digital currency will not allow competition.  Alternate crypto currency will be banned.  Without any doubt!

Back to the original questions:

“China is grey on the map, as is Russia. If we, the mapped yellow USA, are being boxed in by the Russian sanctions how is it China is grey yet they were the first to introduce a digital currency?”

The grey zone can trade amongst themselves however they want; the yellow zone (West) has no capability to stop them.  ex. if Russia wants to trade 1,000 barrels of oil with China for 100 boxes of intel microchips, they can.  Or if China and Russia want to exchange digital yen for digital rubles, they can; the West cannot stop them.  However, if China wants to interact with a yellow zone member, the yellow zone financial rule makers have rules.  China would have to be compliant with a dollar based CBDC to exchange value within the yellow zone.

Similarly, if you want to exchange a bushel of corn for 10 dozen eggs with your neighbor, you can; there is no mechanism to stop you.  However, if you need to pay your mortgage you will have to be compliant with a dollar based CBDC to exchange value, ie pay your bill.

Which brings me to the next question:

“all money of consequence in my life is already just digits in computer networks as far as I can perceive. … I’m at a loss as to why this is so qualitatively different as far as my financial security.”

This is the common mistake that most people make.

There is a big difference between “electronic transactions” of dollars, and the existence of a “digital dollar.

Let me give you a metaphor using a casino as the reference.

♦ CURRENT – You go to the casino window and exchange $10,000 dollars for poker chips valued at $10,000.  You give the teller $10,000 in cash, bankers check, money order, a credit card or debit card transaction, and the teller gives you chips worth $10,000 in that casino.   You can use the chips gambling and perhaps win more chips.   Return to the window with $12,000 in casino chips and the teller exchanges the chips for $12,000 dollars, cash or check or deposit into your electronic card.

You meet a man in the casino willing to give you his fancy Rolex watch in exchange for $5,000.  You give the man $5,000 worth of your poker chips and he gives you his Rolex watch.  That man can then go to the teller window and exchange the chips for $5,000 in cash.  You have the watch.

♦ DIGITAL DOLLAR – You go to the teller window and produce your bank card containing a digital dollar balance.  You exchange $10,000 worth of your digital dollars for $10,ooo dollars’ worth of poker chips.  Except this time, with a digital dollar, each poker chip has your fingerprint on it.  You spend or bet your poker chips, and each chip you win also arrives to you with your fingerprint on it.  You win $12,000 dollars.  You return to the window with $12,000 in chips, each with your fingerprint, and the teller uploads your card with $12,000 digital dollars.

You meet a man in the casino willing to give you his fancy Rolex watch in exchange for $5,ooo.  However, you cannot give the man your poker chips because they are unique to you and carrying your fingerprint.  If he takes your fingerprint poker chips to the window, his fingerprint does not match the chip, his request for $5,000 in digital dollars would be denied.  He cannot sell you his watch. Your transactional capability is limited by the digital fingerprint.

[If he was planning to sell his watch for $5,000 in order to purchase a motorcycle worth $5,ooo, it is possible for you to purchase the motorcycle, exchange it for his watch and then carry on.  However, the motorcycle would be digitally registered to you, and you would be digitally registered to the motorcycle.  A reconciliation process is needed.]

A digital dollar creates a unique id attached to that digital dollar.  Ultimately, the central bank that issues the digital dollar controls what the digital id can do (that’s you), and what those digital dollars can be used for (what you can do).

Digital dollars can be blocked from gun purchases, and digital ids can be used to stop unapproved users from purchasing guns; or a gas guzzling suv, or a house that’s too big, or the non-compliant fridge, or whatever.

Sellers of goods (or information) can have their ids banned from receiving digital dollars, just as VISA and MasterCard blocked sellers of guns from accessing their electronic transaction system.  With digital dollars, “demonetization”, an alarmingly familiar modern term, can become a function of a financial regulation system.  “Debanking” another alarmingly familiar term, also becomes much easier.

Ultimately, a dollar-based US-Central Bank Digital Currency, ie a “digital dollar,” is about control.

Every transaction has a unique digital fingerprint, and every digital dollar can be traced by the IRS to the digital id associated with it.

There is a BIG difference between electronic funds (current), and a digital dollar (future).

I hope that helps.


Viral Video Shows Shocking State of Our Border: When Is It Time to Use Force to Defend Our Country?

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: Mar 23, 2024 at 8:200 pm EST

President Obama Visits British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Posted originally on the CTH on March 18, 2024 | Sundance |

President Obama was presumably in London, England, for a fundraising meeting for the Obama foundation when he was spotted going to the Prime Minister’s office at #10 Downing Street. Details of the visit are sketchy, much like the president himself.

LONDON — Former U.S. President Barack Obama has called in for a surprise teatime visit with U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at No. 10 Downing Street.

Obama, who served as president between 2009 and 2017, walked up the famous street shortly after 3 p.m, waving to the press as he entered No. 10. He is in town for a meeting of the Obama Foundation, his non-profit organization.

Downing Street later said that the pair spoke for around an hour over cups of tea. They discussed a range of subjects including Artificial Intelligence. (read more)

Video Below:

Suspicious cat remains, well, suspicious…

How We Know A Political Correction is Coming

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: Mar 15, 2024 at 4:00 pm EST