Syrians in Lebanon

Posted originally on May 23, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Refugee Boats

The Syrian refugee crisis has been plaguing the global community for over a decade. While former Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the doors to refugees in Europe, other nations are still grappling with the social and economic implications. Lebanon is a country of 6 million, but hosts 780,000 Syrian migrants. As Lebanon is certainly not under the strong arm of Brussels, the nation has decided to begin a mass deportation of Syrian refugees.


The Lebanese people have been displeased with the number of migrants in their home nation. It matters not that they share the same religion. As in the West, the Lebanese feel that the migrants are taking advantage of government services. Refugees are willing to work for less, in turn making it harder for citizens to compete for jobs. Yet, 90% of the Syrians living in Lebanon face “extreme poverty,” according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has deemed Syrians “migrants” rather than “refugees.” “They have dollars and they are sending those dollars to relatives in Syria,” Nasrallah said.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said only Syrians wishing to return home should be deported from Lebanon. Syrian President Bashar Assad has implemented mandatory military service for all men, hence why countless men do not want to return. Then you have the European Union offering Lebanon in excess of $1 billion to secure its border, which skeptics claim is a bribe for the nation to retain migrants.

A population of 6 million simply cannot handle nearly 1 million migrants or refugees, however they wish to deem them. Opening the door to foreigners 13 years ago has had a dire consequence. Once that door is opened, it is nearly impossible to close without taking drastic measures.

Strategized Civil Unrest Staged Across the World

Posted Posted originally on May 10, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Protestors throughout the West are protesting on behalf of Palestine in a deliberate effort to destabilize national politics. Greta Thunberg, a girl with no knowledge of war or science, took part in a Swedish pro-Palestinian protest that attracted a group of up to 12,000. These events are clearly staged when they use a famous social justice warrior to promote the event.

The incident occurred at the Eurovision semi-finals in Malamo, planned for the same time as Israel’s contestant was to take part in the final dress rehearsal. Banners with the word “genocide” appeared alongside smoke canisters displaying the colors of the Palestinian flag. The situation was so severe that Swedish authorities recruited additional police presence from neighbors Denmark and Norway.


Young people are leading the way and showing the world how we should react to this,” Thunberg, 21, said, wrapped in a keffiyeh, the traditional scarf. They are now using Greta to promote the war in the Middle East rather than climate efforts. Those pulling the strings are deliberately targeting the world’s youth.

George Soros openly meddles in politics and creates grassroots movements to spur unrest. Politco reported that Jewish Voice for Peasc and IfNotNow were both affiliated with the Tides Foundation, supported by Democrat election meddler George Soros and the Open Society Foundations AND the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Jewish Voice for Peace has blamed the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel and the United States. Soros admitted the Open Society Foundations ““has funded a broad spectrum of US groups that have advocated for the rights of Palestinians and Israelis and for peaceful resolution to the conflict in Israel.”

David Rockefeller Jr. on the board of the Rockerfeller Brothers Fund, another Democratic philanthropist, have provided Jewish Voice for Peace with at least half a million dollars, not including money he has provided directly to Tides Foundation and Tides Center. Hyatt Hotel heirs Susan and Nick Pritzker have thrown a bit of money into the mix as well.

Why are wealthy Democrats supporting Palestine and encouraging the West to become involved in a foreign war? Why are these same elites using their power to recruit the young and impressionable youth, the military-aged kids, and indoctrinate them with ideology contradictory to Western culture? The focus has been on the protests in the US, but the youth have become targets of the elite Democrats throughout the world.

RFK Jr – Armenian Genocide Continues

Posted Apr 27, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

No one is chanting about this human rights issue because it is not profitable or trendy. The victims are also mostly (97%) Christian, an unprotected class considered the evil oppressors by the far left. Most of those lost kids protesting on college campuses likely have no idea that there are numerous genocides happening right now across the world. Sad but true.

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Statement on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

After the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, the Azeri regime is still holding onto the civilian political leadership of Artsakh: its prior presidents, ministers, and parliament members, as well as dozens of others as hostages to coerce further territorial concessions from Armenia.

The regime threatens to invade Armenia if they don’t cede several towns and villages inside Armenia’s territorial boundaries. Today, Azerbaijani bulldozers are destroying what remains of Armenian heritage in Artsakh. If left without international support, the Armenian Genocide of 1915 will be finalized in the coming weeks and months.

We must act now to hold Azerbaijan accountable by calling for the release of the hostages and enforcing sanctions until a safe and viable path for the return of the indigenous Armenians to Artsakh is achieved. Though today we commemorate the 109th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian Genocide, the plight of the Armenians is not over – and we must recommit ourselves to end the ethnic cleansing and defend Armenians’ right to self-determination.”

Death Toll in Moscow Theater Attack Climbs Above 140 – Four Gunmen and Seven Others Arrested – President Vladimir Putin Vows “Retribution”

Posted originally on the CTH on March 23, 2024 | Sundance 

Unfortunately, as expected the death toll in the Crocus City Hall theater attack has doubled.  Russian authorities now put the death toll at 140, with hundreds more injured. The death toll is still expected to continue climbing as rescue workers continue working to find bodies amid the rubble.

This story is a matrix of horror and terrorism.  The originators and the motive behind the attack presents as a network of extremely sketchy actors.  Do not rush to judgement.  Allow the data to surface.  Expanded discussion after the facts as presented.

The four terrorist gunmen responsible for the attack were tracked as they fled Moscow and captured in the Bryansk Region of Russia.  They were traveling by car southeast away from Moscow toward the border with Ukraine.  According to interrogation video {LINK} two of the suspects claimed to be from Tajikistan and were recruited by an unidentified entity in Turkey to carry out the attack.

The claim is they were living in a hostel near north Moscow and were paid $5,000 each (500,000 rubles) to carry out the attack.  They were provided the weapons in the Moscow suburb, with instructions to drive southeast to Ukraine for safe harbor after the attack.  If accurate and/or truthful, each of these elements creates a datapoint for the Russian intelligence apparatus to identify the source.

The fact that they were captured alive, indicates the people/entity who organized and directed their terror mission wanted them to be captured alive.   The fact they were instructed to head to Ukraine, indicates the people/entity who organized their terror mission wanted them to be intercepted en route to Ukraine.

In an address to the country on Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said 11 people had been arrested, including four gunmen suspected of carrying out the attack. President Putin linked what he called a “barbaric terrorist attack” to Ukraine in a carefully worded statement released Saturday.  President Putin expressed deep condolences and declared Sunday a National Day of Mourning for those lost.

The terrorists, he said, had “tried to hide and move towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the border.”  The Russian President vowed to hold those responsible for the “barbaric terrorist act” to account.

“All the perpetrators, organisers and those who ordered this crime will be justly and inevitably punished. Whoever they are, whoever is guiding them,” Putin said.

“We will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists, who prepared this atrocity, this strike against Russia, against our people.”


Unfortunately, there are a myriad of mutually aligned interests who would benefit by provoking Russia into the type of retaliation that can provide them benefit.  That’s why we should wait to assemble more information.

The primary geopolitical players who might organize and benefit from the terror attack would be, USA, Ukraine, Turkey and Israel, or a combination therein.  Each nation has an independent motive that aligns with the larger objective to draw Russia into a bigger conflict with the “West.”

Whoever told the terrorists to seek safe harbor in Ukraine, wanted to give Russian President Putin the publicly pressuring impression that Ukraine was involved.  This is a big datapoint that must be overlaid against the interests of those who organized the attack.

While the Muslim Brotherhood does not like Vladimir Putin at all, the organizer of this attack was not likely to be ISIS-K as the media keep saying.

Keep watching.

UPDATE: Death Toll Rises – Horrific Terrorist Attack in Moscow – At Least 40 Killed, Hundreds Wounded by Multiple Gunmen Inside Theater

Posted originally on the CTH on March 22, 2024 | Sundance | 773 Comments

UPDATE: Death toll rises to 62

Approximately 4 to 5 heavily armed men, with long rifles and explosive devices, opened fire earlier today in a Moscow theater.  The initial casualty estimations put the number of dead around 40 60 with hundreds more wounded.  However, based on footage of the events captured by terrified victims, we can expect that number to increase significantly.

…”The attack followed a statement issued earlier this month by the U.S. Embassy in Moscow that urged the Americans to avoid crowded places in the Russian capital in view of an imminent attack”… ~AP

(Sky News) – […] At least 40 people are dead and more than 100 others have been injured following a mass shooting at a concert hall in Russia’s capital.

According to witnesses, between three to five gunmen dressed in camouflage stormed into Moscow’s Crocus City Hall on Friday night and opened fire on concertgoers.

Horrifying footage shared to social media showed hundreds of people ducking for cover as multiple gunshots echoed through the 7,300 capacity venue.

According to the Federal Security Service (FSB), 40 concertgoers are dead and more than 100 others have been injured in the attacks. It is feared that number will rise.

Russia’s top investigative agency, the Investigative Committee, said they are probing the events as a “terrorist attack”, according to the Associate Press. (more)



Emergency services vehicles rush to the burning Crocus City Hall in suburban Moscow which was set ablaze after gunmen opened fire at a rock concert in the Russian capital, according to Russian news agencies. At least 40 people were killed, and more than 100 injured in the attack, according to Russia’s Federal Security Service.

Dear God, bring these grieving families to Your throne of comfort. Their pain is unimaginable as they anguish the loss of their wives, husbands, children and loved ones.

Father of mercy and comfort wrap Your loving arms around them. Help them to breathe and overcome the choking knot of despair in their throat. Please provide strength for their continued faith in You even through this unfathomable pain. Lavish them with Your love and fill the void in their crushed and broken hearts.

In Jesus’ powerful name, I believe and pray.


Дорогой Господь, приведи эти скорбящие семьи к Своему престолу утешения. Их боль невообразима, поскольку они переживают потерю своих жен, мужей, детей и близких.

Отец милосердия и утешения, обними их Своими любящими объятиями. Помогите им дышать и преодолеть удушливый узел отчаяния в горле. Прошу Тебя, дай им силы для их непоколебимой веры в Тебя, даже несмотря на эту непостижимую боль. Одари их Своей любовью и заполни пустоту в их раздавленных и разбитых сердцах.

Во имя Иисуса Христа я верю и молюсь.


Iran Getting Nervous

Posted originally on Jan 4, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Iran_Ali_Khamenei 2024

The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, clearly understands the game at foot. He is aware that the Neocons want to engage Iran, for that would force Russia to defend them as well and turn the heat up in the Middle East. Ali Khamenei has reportedly ordered IRGC Military Commanders to LIMIT their ongoing Attacks on U.S. and Coalition Forces within Syria and Iraq. Khamenei Has made it clear that Iran must Avoid any Direct Military Confrontation with the United States at all Costs. The comment I am getting from the Middle East is the perception that Israel is trying to compel the US into war with Iran. In truth, it is the American Neocons pushing Israel.

After Promising the Opposite, NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby Says He Has “No Details” on What Iran Is Doing With $6 Billion We Gave Them

Posted originally on the CTH on January 4, 2024 | Sundance

White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, previously pledged that Iran would be limited on how they could use the $6 billion in funds we gave them through the Qatari bank.

Iran has made withdrawals of the funds, and today John Kirby was asked about what Iran is doing with that money.  Here is his response: WATCH:


Check out the video in the Tweet Below  to see just how opposite the story is from THEN to NOW.

England No Longer a Christian Nation

Posted originally on Dec 19, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Islam Muslim

European nations were once Christian nations before the demonization of Christianity and traditional values among Anglo-Saxons. The migrant crisis has permanently changed the religious landscape of Europe. In the United Kingdom, for example, Islam is the second-largest religion. In fact, Muhammad was the most popular name for baby boys born in the UK in 2023.

The 2021 England and Wales Census marked the first time that less than half of the population (46.2%; 27.5 million people) identified as Christian. Christianity has fallen by 13.1% since the last census in 2011. The number of people abandoning religion entirely has continued to rise as well, with 37.2% (22.2 million people) declaring they do not believe in a God in 2021 compared to 25.2% (14.1 million people) ten years prior.

Britain Big Ben Flag

Those identifying as Muslim rose significantly from 4.9% (2.7 million people) in 2011 to 6.5% (3.9 million) in 2021. Conservative estimates believe close to 18% of England will identify as Muslim by 2050. However, they are likely not factoring in the current decline of Christianity among England’s youth. The majority of Muslim migrants in the UK (895,137 people) are under 16. Around 414,245 of migrants identifying as Muslim are between 16 to 24, and another 770,949 are between 25 and 39.

Muhammad becoming the most popular baby name of 2023 shows the religious shift in the UK. Religious families have more children than non-religious families, and Muslims tend to have more children than Christians. This trend is not limited to England or Wales. In fact, Pew Research Center believes that Muslim women will have more children than Christian women by 2035, and Islam could become the most followed religion in the world.