Four Israeli Hostages Rescued in Daring Daytime Gaza Operation

Posted originally on the CTH on June 8, 2024 | Sundance 

While the media are decrying the collateral damage during an Israeli mission to rescue four of the missing hostages kidnapped by Hamas, the same media are avoiding any mention that the hostages were not found in underground tunnels.  The four Israeli hostages rescued were held in houses amid a high-density Palestinian population.

The Israeli forces launched a blitz of rockets and firepower into the areas while the rescue raid was ongoing. Hundreds of Hamas and Palestinian supporters of Hamas were reportedly killed in the rescue operation. One Israeli IDF member was killed, four hostages were rescued.

(Via Politico) – […] The army said it rescued Noa Argamani, 25; Almog Meir Jan, 21; Andrey Kozlov, 27; and Shlomi Ziv, 40, in two separate locations in a complex special daytime operation in the heart of Nuseirat in central Gaza.

Argamani has been one of the most widely recognized hostages since she was abducted from a music festival in southern Israel. The video of her abduction was among the first to surface, images of her horrified face widely shared — Argamani detained between two men on a motorcycle, one arm outstretched and the other held down as she screams “Don’t kill me!”

Her mother, Liora, has stage four brain cancer and in April released a video pleading to see her daughter before she dies.

Hamas killed about 1,200 people and kidnapped some 250 hostages during the Oct. 7 attack, which triggered the Israel-Hamas war. About half were released in a weeklong cease-fire in November. Israel says more than 130 hostages remain, with about a quarter of those believed dead, and divisions are deepening in the country over the best way to bring them home.  (read more)

The Washington Post reported, “IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Israeli forces had prepared for weeks for the “high risk, complex mission,” which was “based on precise intelligence” and began at 11 a.m. local time Saturday. The forces came under fire inside the two buildings where the hostages were held and while leaving Gaza, he said, adding that one member of the Yamam, the Israeli police counterterrorism unit, was seriously injured during the operation. The Israeli police later announced Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora died of his wounds.”

Three U.S. Service Members Killed, 25 Wounded, in North Jordan Drone Attack

Posted originally on the CTH on January 28, 2024 | Sundance 

The White House released the following statement:

“Today, America’s heart is heavy. Last night, three U.S. service members were killed—and many wounded—during an unmanned aerial drone attack on our forces stationed in northeast Jordan near the Syria border.  While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.” (LINK)

A few more details are starting to emerge including the number of “many wounded.”  According to recent media reports 25 were wounded along with the 3 killed.

Yahoo – “Biden said the United States “will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing.”

There was no immediate reaction from Jordan, a kingdom bordering Iraq, Israel, the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

U.S. troops long have used Jordan as a basing point, and the attack took place in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border. U.S. Central Command said 25 service members were injured the attack in addition to the three killed.

Some 3,000 American troops typically are stationed in Jordan.

Jordanian state television quoted Muhannad Mubaidin, a government spokesman, as insisting the attack happened outside of the kingdom across the border in Syria. The conflicting information could not be immediately reconciled.” (more)

I guess we are not supposed to remember this earlier announcement from three months ago:

…”I have also activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions to locations throughout the region to increase force protection for U.S. forces.”… (link)

Apparently, there are drones capable of outwitting the THAAD defense system, or something.

Terrorists Mock America While Crossing the Border

Posted originally on Jan 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

The argument that people crossing the US border, illegally, are simply dreamers searching for a better life is null and void. They can abide by US law and go through the immigration process, a process that was standard until Biden took office. There is an increasing number of KNOWN TERRORISTS entering the US, but Washington wants you to believe it is not a threat to national security.

A video has been circulating of a migrant walking across the border, taunting reporters with vague threats of terrorism. “If you are smart enough you would know who I am. But you are really not smart enough to know who I am,” the man stated, later saying, “But soon you’re going to know who I am. Very easy. Believe me, I am much bigger than that … You will see.” The man was not detained.

Terrorist Cells

This is far from an isolated incident. In 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection caught 169 people trying to cross the border who are on the terrorist watchlist. Again, we must remember that the number of illegals reported are those who were processed or caught trespassing. The majority of bad actors are completely unaccounted.

As of October 2023, 35,433 people with outstanding warrants or criminal convictions were caught trying to flee their country to avoid prosecution. This includes nearly 600 gang members, again, only the gang members who were not swift enough to avoid detention.

Worse, Border Patrol and Air and Marine Operations seized 27,293 pounds of fentanyl at the US-Mexico border. They estimate that this is enough fentanyl to kill off over 6 billion people. Fentanyl overdoses have quadrupled in the US in the past five years.


Some may recall how the mainstream media declared that it was a conspiracy that terrorists were infiltrating America. They went as far as to say that being on the watchlist did not mean that someone was dangerous or involved in terrorism. As CNN reported in March 2021:

“Facts First: There’s no evidence of a sudden rush of individuals on the terror watch list showing up at the southern border. The information that is available is vague and leaves many questions unanswered. That said, it’s entirely false to imply a small number of individuals on the terror watch list coming to the southern border is a new phenomenon. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that being on the FBI’s terror watch list does not mean someone is a terrorist or has proven ties to terrorists.”

Trump warned us after the attack on Israel that Hamas terrorists were crossing into America. Again, every news agency said that there were no evidence for his claims. Every attempt to warn the public that the US has been invaded is dismissed as a MAGA conspiracy theory.

The establishment, through the media, was buying these men time to enter the country without the masses becoming suspicious. Countless KNOWN TERRORISTS and violent criminals are within the US. What are they doing here?

It would come as no surprise if these men were awaiting next orders from a global organization seeking to dethrone America as the world’s leading superpower. We have been warned.

House Moves to Impeach Joe Biden

Posted originally on Dec 15, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Impeachment Process

In a 221-212 vote, the House of Representatives voted on a resolution to produce a formal inquiry into the impeachment of Joe Biden. Every Republican supported the measure. Perhaps those in the middle had a change of heart after Biden invited Zelensky back to Washington to tell politicians how they should vote and spend their money. His son Hunter’s ongoing case is only revealing the depths of Joe Biden’s corruption.

New House Speaker Mike Johnson has made good on his promise to clean up Washinton. He helped to release tens of thousands of hours of footage from January 6 that has been kept from the public. Republicans now have 35,000 pages of the Biden’s personal financial records, 36 hours of witness interviews, and 2,000 pages of records from the Treasury Department. It is astonishing that the establishment claims there is no evidence of wrongdoing.

Some may recall the video above from 2016 where Biden brags about wielding unlimited power. In the clip, Biden admits that he has Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin fired for investigating Burisma,  where his son was allegedly employed. Biden bribed Ukraine by withholding US aid until the prosecutor was fired. In this odd world, Donald Trump was actually reprimanded for simply questioning Biden’s bribery scheme.

Flight records show that Hunter flew on Air Force Two over 400 times while his dad was in office. There are countless emails and text messages to Hunter Biden asking him to give their best to his father or thanking him for introducing them to his famous father. There are messages between business associates reminding them not to bring up Joe Biden’s name.


Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid,” one message read. We have Hunter’s WhatsApp messages where he uses his father’s name to secure business deals using threats. ““I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction,” the message read. The laptop from hell provided prosecutors with a treasure chest of evidence against Joe Biden.

The laptop contains the infamous email from a Chinese energy company executive from CEFC where they discuss how much to pay off each Biden, including “10% held by H for the big guy.” Tony Bobulinski who was involved in that deal has confirmed that Joe Biden was “the big guy.” There is even a paper trail leading back to Joe Biden provided by the only bank willing to work with GOP investigation committees.

Cathay Bank revealed that Rob Walker, a Biden family associate, received a $3 million payment from a Chinese firm. Walker distributed these funds to the Bidens the following day. The alleged payments were made to Hunter Biden for $610,692; the president’s brother James Biden for $360,000; Hunter’s mistress and wife of deceased son Beau, Hallie Biden, for $25,000; last of all, $70,000 was paid to an unknown Biden. Twelve additional transactions are currently under investigation.

The POTUS has been compromised, and the powerful elite will not let him fall. The FBI has obstructed US law to protect Joe Biden from persecution. We know without a doubt that the FBI purposely spread misinformation regarding the Steele Dossier hoax. The FBI threatened social media platforms ahead of the 2020 US Election to prevent them from allowing any discussion of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which contains his illegal dealings in Ukraine, Romania, and China. The FBI is a completely corrupt agency that has become Biden’s personal Gestapo.

Time will tell if the US legal system actually impeached Joe Biden. There are likely other impeachable offenses not listed, such as increasing America’s population by 20% by allowing a deliberate invasion at the southern border. The evidence is overwhelming, as are the consequences of selling out the nation to the highest bidder.

Biden Strands Americans Abroad – Requires Them to Take out Loan to Leave Israel

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Oct 17, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

This is yet another shocking example of the state stepping up when the federal government falls short. Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis is organizing numerous flights to bring home Americans who were abandoned in Israel by the Biden Administration. DeSantis welcomed home 270 people in Tampa over the weekend who otherwise would have been stuck sitting in an active warzone.

“For U.S. citizens who choose to take advantage of U.S. departure assistance, transportation may be by air or sea and will be to a nearby safe location and not to the United States,” the US State Department announced. So, the Biden Administration will fly Americans to European nations and they will be responsible for finding a way back home. Better yet, this is merely a LOAN as those fleeing are required to sign a promissory note whereby they agree to repay the US government for their flight into another foreign country. They will also be held responsible for their own lodging and accommodations as they attempt to migrate back to America.

This is an administration that spends money recklessly and adheres to no budget. They forced open our borders and flew in migrants from around the world. Now, the taxpayers are funding millions of outsiders living in America in addition to two major wars. It was our responsibility as Americans to protect Ukrainians, Israelis, and everyone wishing to leave their country to come to America. Neither finances nor national security is to blame for this failed evacuation strategy. These people did not choose to travel to a dangerous nation on the travel advisory list. They are tax-paying citizens forced to pay for outsiders to enter their home.

Does Biden want to see the body count of dead Americans rise to justify America’s presence in the Middle East? I firmly believe that the president hates his own country and its people.

Joe Biden’s 60 Minute Interview on Gaza Is the Saddest Media Display I Have Ever Witnessed

Posted originally on the CTH on October 15, 2023 | Sundance

Good grief, if the stakes of this issue were not so high, I probably would not have watched this. Alas, a review was necessary to judge the competency of policy.  What follows is beyond sad.

I know many readers here will not like the thought of watching pudding brain mutter his way through a carefully edited and controlled interview by a corporate outlet intent on presenting Biden in the best possible light.  However, you only really need to watch the introduction by CBS host, Scott Pelley.

Never before have I seen a more transparently pathetic political defense presented as the introduction to an interview of a U.S. president. Pelley was apologetic toward Biden in the extreme, leading the viewer into an interview with prescripted justification and excuses for the content that would follow.  Watching Pelley set up this interview elicits a sense of embarrassment that such a set-up is needed.   When he gets into the interview, Pelley actually constructs the talking points for Biden, with explanations and outlines that provide simple yes/no answers from Biden.  This interview is so soft, it becomes pathetic to watch:


Joe Biden Interviewed by Special Counsel Sunday and Today Regarding Classified Documents Removed While Vice President

Posted originally on the CTH on October 9, 2023 | Sundance

According to multiple media outlets, which means the White House is staying out in front of this story, Joe Biden was interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Hur (pictured below left) about the classified documents located in his Delaware home, beach house and office in Pennsylvania.  The documents stem from the time when Joe Biden was a senator and vice-president.

WASHINGTON DC – President Joe Biden has been interviewed by the special counsel team investigating how classified documents from his time as vice president ended up at his office and home, the White House said Monday night.

The interview was conducted at the White House on Sunday and Monday and was done voluntarily, the administration added.

“As we have said from the beginning, the President and the White House are cooperating with this investigation, and as it has been appropriate, we have provided relevant updates publicly, being as transparent as we can consistent with protecting and preserving the integrity of the investigation,” Ian Sams, spokesperson for the White House, said in a statement. (read more)

Stop Pretending – It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran

Posted originally on the CTH on October 8, 2023 | Sundance

You want to go deep weeds, let’s go deep weeds.  Almost all of the conversations about the $6 billion given back to Iran have focused on the fungible aspect of money.  While true, that focus misses the key and essential point, where the money was delivered.

The captured $6 billion was held in a South Korean bank, the result of sanctions violations.  What the Biden/Blinken crew did, was move the money from South Korea to a bank in Qatar.

Now, many people may not at first understand the nature of how that makes such a significant difference.  The lack of understanding is the result of people not fully grasping what Qatar does in the Middle East.   Qatar is the financial center for Islamic extremist operations.  Qatar is the banking center for the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Brotherhood is the political umbrella for a host of Islamic extremist groups.

Qatar is well known to CTH readers and those who follow the deep weeds of geopolitics.  Qatar has historically been the financial center and funding mechanism of the Muslim Brotherhood.  In many ways Qatar is to the U.S. State Dept, CIA and political elements of the Intelligence Community in the Middle East, as Ukraine is to those same entities in Europe.

We have outlined the long history of Qatar as it pertains to a myriad of U.S. interests.

EXAMPLES: •When the Obama/Clinton State Dept wanted to fund the covert weapons to the Benghazi rebels, they used Qatar. •When President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi expelled the radical leaders of The Brotherhood from Egypt, they went to Qatar.  •When President Donald Trump asked the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to confront radical Islamic extremism, the Arab nations confronted Qatar.  •When Qatar was forced to expel the five most radical leaders of The Brotherhood, they went to Turkey.  [Turkish President Recep Erdogan is aligned in common principle with The Brotherhood.]  •When the U.S. released captured Islamic extremists from Gitmo (al-Qaeda in Afghanistan), they were transferred to Qatar.  •When the Taliban took back control over Afghanistan, the al-Qaeda leaders from Qatar went back to Afghanistan.

Qatar is aligned with the Obama/Biden worldview of all things political.  The Obama/Biden worldview is not opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood.  As a consequence, the Obama/Biden worldview is in alignment with the Palestinian Authority.  In essence, in many ways of laundering money, Qatar is an Arabic version of Ukraine.

Without Qatar radical Islamic extremism could not exist.  Without Qatar the Muslim Brotherhood, the political arm of Islamic extremism, could not exist.  Qatar is the bank for all operational terrorist groups.

Now, I’m going to pull this next segment from Wikipedia, because even in the manipulated data you can clearly see the issues I am outlining.

[Wikipedia] The 2017 Qatar diplomatic crisis was a diplomatic incident in the Middle East that began on 5 June 2017 when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab EmiratesBahrain and Egypt severed diplomatic relations with Qatar and banned Qatar-registered planes and ships from utilising their airspace, land and sea routes, along with Saudi Arabia blocking Qatar’s only land crossing, as a de facto blockade. The crisis ended in January 2021 [after Biden inauguration]. 

The Saudi-led coalition cited Qatar’s alleged support for terrorism as the main reason for their actions, alleging that Qatar had violated a 2014 agreement with the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), of which Qatar is a member.[8] Saudi Arabia and other countries have criticized Al Jazeera and Qatar’s relations with Iran. Qatar explained that it had provided assistance to some opposition groups, including Islamist groups (such as the Muslim Brotherhood), but consistently negated aiding militant groups linked to al-Qaeda or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).  [SOURCE]

You can clearly see the issue that exists with Qatar.  It’s not accidental the Arab states and the Gulf Cooperation Council boycotted Qatar during the Trump administration (2017), and the boycott ended when Biden took office in 2021.

Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken sending the $6 Billion in sanctioned Iranian money to Qatar, is essentially like making a deposit into a bank that funds Islamic extremism, including Hamas.  The transfer gave Iran a $6 billion line of credit – or, put another way, was essentially a deposit into an Iranian escrow account.  Qatar can give Iran money, money from the nation state of Qatar, while still holding the $6 billion transferred from Biden/Blinken on their books.

Okay, you still with me?

It gets more interesting, because the Iranian-Hamas (Palestinian) angle against Israel now overlaps with the Obama/Biden worldview.

The Obama administration first created the public-private partnership with Twitter and Facebook to support the “Arab Spring” uprising.

As a consequence, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was the first elected official to be taken out by former President Obama’s deployment of Twitter as a community activist tool for revolution in 2011. In direct and consequential ways, Egypt was the BETA test for a process that surfaced a decade later in the United States during the 2020 election.

Using and influencing social media was a tool created by the Obama state department, as noted years ago in Mic.Com:

[…] In countries like Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen, rising action plans such as protests made up of thousands, have been organized through social media such Facebook and Twitter. “We use Facebook to schedule the protests” an Arab Spring activist from Egypt announced “and [we use] Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world.” The role that technology has taken in allowing the distribution of public information such as the kinds stated by the aforementioned activist, had been essential in establishing the democratic movement that has helped guide abused civilians to overthrow their oppressor. (link)

(NationalPulse) The most popular Twitter hashtags in the Arab region in the first three months of this year were “Egypt”, “Jan25”, “Libya”, “Bahrain” and “protest”.

Nearly 9 in 10 Egyptians and Tunisians surveyed in March said they were using Facebook to organise protests or spread awareness about them. All but one of the protests called for on Facebook ended up coming to life on the streets.

These and other findings from the newly released second edition of the Arab Social Media Report by the Dubai School of Government give empirical heft to the conventional wisdom that Facebook and Twitter abetted if not enabled the historic region-wide uprisings of early 2011. (link)

Fast forward to 2020, and those same elements deployed against the Egyptian government were deployed in the United States in a coordinated public-private partnership with Twitter, Facebook and social media.

[The U.S. government control over these social media platforms is ultimately what lies at the heart of Twitter File #8 release.]

But wait, it goes much deeper… much more purposefully deeper.

The ideological interests behind the 2010/ ’11 “Arab Spring” uprising were the same ideological interests behind the 2020 “Black Lives Matter” protests/uprising.  Not merely similar people, but the exact same people.

The exact same group of U.S. people who were promoting the Mid-East Arab Spring in 2010/’11, are the same people who promoted the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.   The same politicians, the same media voices, the same newspapers, the same social media activists. Almost every participant, and their support for the uprising ’10 -vs- ’20 was identical, including the platforms deployed.

In the background of the Arab Spring, the root control organization was The Muslim Brotherhood.  Considering all of the connective similarities, and considering the U.S. advocates for the brotherhood were the same voices advocating for BLM, the BLM movement as an extension of the same overarching ideology becomes clear.

It is not an esoteric intellectual exercise to compare the two movements, because we were not only talking about a similar level of protest, but we also saw an identical set of actions in both groups.  Not only were the advocates the same voices, but the behavior also to remove and destroy common cultural connection/heritage was the same.

The Brotherhood is essentially the umbrella organization for a multitude of Islamic factions.  In essence, the Muslim Brotherhood represents political Islam. Similarly, if you look at the structure of Black Lives Matter, they too represent an umbrella-type structure for a network of individual political grievance groups.

Both groups, the Muslim Brotherhood and Black Lives Matter, represent a cultural revolution by the results of their activity.

In this next section, I am going to show the alignment between Black Lives Matter and the Brotherhood.  It is not accidental that BLM supports the Palestinian terrorist network represented by Hamas.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood had al-Qaeda and militant factions within ISIS.  In 2020, BLM had the New Black Panthers and militant factions within Antifa.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood tore down statues and symbols they identified as culturally oppressive to their political views.  In 2020, BLM tore down statues and symbols they identified as oppressive to their political views.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood burned books, destroyed history and removed their cultural opposition by force.  In 2020, BLM promoted burning books, destroying history and cancelling their cultural opposition by force.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood used social media to organize their political activity, and Big Tech facilitated by setting up local networks for protest.  In 2020, BLM used social media to organize their political media, and Big Tech facilitated by deploying all local networks to assist.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood attacked the police and framed their Islamist movement as oppressed by law enforcement.  In 2020, BLM attacked the police and framed their movement as oppressed by law enforcement.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood destroyed the notions of secularism and viciously attacked any form of Christianity, including burning churches. In 2020, BLM advocated against secularism and viciously attacked Christianity – including the burning of churches, while conspicuously never criticizing any element of Islam.

♦ In 2010, the Brotherhood was very strategic as they hoodwinked moderate Islamic supporters into voting them into power.  Once in power, they removed all of the institutional systems, government offices, judges, constitutional balances, local elections, and anything that would impede their ultimate stranglehold on power.  Sharia Law replaced common legislative law.   As a result, the ordinary population was brutalized, property was taken by force; businesses were taken by force and the Islamic regime now controlled every element of their lives.

In 2020, the approach of the BLM movement appeared very strategic, as they also hoodwinked a multitude of supporters, voters and even corporations, by defining their victim class and role.  Donations to the BLM group funded Joe Biden.  Much like the 2010 Brotherhood approach, grievances were made personal.   Bonds between families and friends are severed by force and demands to adhere to the movement’s ideology.  Now look at the severity of what policies are being advanced.

♦ In 2010, despite the visibility of the radical elements of Islam, Egyptian candidate Mohammed Morsi ran on a platform for change as a moderate.  He was supported by Obama, Clinton and the social media messaging deployed by the U.S. government.  Once he achieved victory Morsi governed as a hardline leftist.

In 2020, despite the visibility of the radical leftists (BLM, Antifa), U.S. candidate Joe Biden ran on a platform for change as a moderate.  He was supported by Obama, James Clyburn and the social media messaging deployed by the U.S. government.  Once he achieved victory Biden governed as a hardline leftist.

These strategic political similarities are not coincidental.

The Obama/Biden network and the BLM network are in sync.  Both networks support the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and the Palestinian position in the Middle East.  This is why they moved the $6 billion to Qatar.  This is also why those same aligned voices want the U.S. border wide open to infiltration.

Oh, and one last thing….  As soon as we outlined all these connections, the nation of Qatar blocked access to CTH. 

Things making sense now?