Anyone for America?

By Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Barack Obama. is hastenng the end of America as a sovereign nation-state. This was evdent in his Supreme Court appointments, Sonia Sotomayor and ‎Elena Kagan,  who advocate  support “transnational legal thinking.”

100 Constitution

Such thinking heralds the end of America as a sovereign state. This amounts to a bloodless revolution, and it has has ever been the goal of Barack Obama, a man without a country, a pseudo-cosmopolitan or post-American president.
So far as I know, none of the umpteen U.S. presidential candidates has addressed this  all-important issue. This is why even Donald Tromp falls into the “humanitarian” trap of advocating amnesty to illegal immigrants.
Trump could win the Presidency on this issue, but he lacks the depth to address it in terms of American Exceptionalism, which requires more than superficial knowledge of the Declaration of Independence, which I have addressed in books and articles, whose basic American  concepts are no longer known to Americans,  not even with depth to Glenn Beck.
Is anyone for America?

2 comments on “Anyone for America?

  1. I agree with your assessment of both Obama and Trump.

    We are now realizing the international transformation of society triggered by CHAOS and FEAR of events during a news blackout in Aug-Sept 1945:

    Click to access CHAOS_and_FEAR.pdf

    Frightened world leaders secretly agreed to unite nations (UN) and national academies of science (NAS) into a worldwide “Orwellian Ministry of Consensus Science (UN)Truths” to prevent public knowledge of the source of energy in cores of heavy atoms on 24 Oct 1945.

    Kuroda realized in Aug 1945 the same source of energy in the core of the Sun made our elements and sustains our lives, NEUTRON REPULSION:

    Click to access Solar_Energy.pdf

    Thanks to Max Planck’s 1944 insight into the nature of matter, we now have assurance humanity will survive this seventy-year (1945-2015) effort to take totalitarian control of the globe by combining all sovereign nations into one United Nation.

    Click to access Assurance.pdf


  2. In a recent interview with Duane Lester,

    Tony Heller aks Steven Heller was asked why federal research agencies alter temperature data, what’s the AGENDA?

    Different blogs are converging on the same cause and solution for social madness:

    Fear-induced selfishness is the root problem. An admission of powerlessness is the only viable solution – a solution that arrogant world leaders (control freaks) find almost impossible to accept.


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