Rebranding Fail, Kamala Harris’ Handlers Create Extreme Cringe Video, Wait Til You See the Name of The Production Company She Used

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on October 8, 2021 | Sundance | 342 Comments

They are trying way too hard.   Warning, you’ll never get these four minutes of major cringe back….

[Full Video Here]

On the positive side, the Rebel Alliance meme makers and agitprop audio snarkists are going to have a lot of fun with this footage.

Last point, and no I’m not kidding, this official White House video production; presented to improve the public image of Kamala Harris; was created by a production company called “Sinking Ship Entertainment“. [link]  I’m serious, you cannot make this stuff up.

“Free Cuba”

Posted originally on onJUL 13, 2021 AT 11:12 AM

The Cuban People Deserve Freedom

Circle back White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday that Cuban protesters yelling “freedom!” during anti-communist protests were in reality demanding “freedom from rising COVID cases.”

Psaki’s attempt at gas-lighting was a complete fail.

On Sunday Cuba experienced the largest protests against the brutal communism they are forced to live under in recent memory. If they were protesting against “rising COVID cases” why were they not wearing masks and shouting “Death to COVID.”

Cheater in Chief waited 24 hours to release a flaccid statement about the Cuban protests, claiming the US will  “stand with the Cuban people” and against their repressive communist “Cuban regime.”   Biden did not repudiate the Communist Party or its Marxist ideology, of course. We all know his Chinese handlers would not look kindly on that statement.

How many times have we heard those on the left make excuses for oppressive communist and socialist regimes, saying communism works, they just didn’t “do it right.” Too many to count.

The New York Slimes actually came out and said the word “freedom” is “anti-government.”  In fact, the word freedom is like garlic to a marxist vampire, they can’t stand the thought of people making their own choices and living free.

The Cuban pro-democracy group Cuba Decide confirmed the disappearance or arrest of 57 people since protests erupted throughout the island on Sunday night, many of them prominent critics of the communist regime. This is how a brutal communist dictatorship operates.

We support the Cuban people in their fight against the tyranny of communism. We think Americans need to take a good look at what’s happening in our own country as the marxist Biden regime has adopted many of the communist tactics used to enslave their citizens. Freedom can disappear quickly if we do not stand up and push back.

Already the FBI wants you to snitch on your neighbor or family for “suspicious behavior” and the Biden stormtroopers are planning to knock on your door demanding your vaccination “papers.” (Put up a NO TRESPASSING SIGN and refuse to answer the door.)

In Havana they are waving American flags, in Portland, they are burning American flags.

Let that sink in.

Inflation On Track into 2024

Armstrong Economics Blog/Inflation Re-Posted Jul 14, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing how you are the only one capable of forecasting this trend years in advance. I have been attending your WEC events since 2011. You have forecast long ago that the deflation would end in 2020 and that this wave would be inflationary with shortages in commodities. If the world simply raised the white flag and ran the economy according to the ECM, all our lives would be far better. I fully understand your desire to have Socrates continue after you. It’s time to go public.


REPLY: The problem has always been that forecasting is just opinion. That is why they try to ignore our forecasts or plagiarize them and pretend they thought this in the shower. The entire global economy was set for shortages to start with. Then these people in government, confronted with the Monetary Crisis Cycle, have taken the dark path to Marxism dangled in front of them by Schwab. They have inspired racial conflict to claim that the people want Marxism to achieve EQUALITY. Schwab puts out this scenario that unrest will get worse because they want his communist solution. It is a brilliant strategy. You create the crisis and then offer the solution.

You then start this defund the police so you can replace local police with federal who will no longer be local as in the Nika Revolt. Then you have Gates buying as much farmland as he can and with political pull, he gets Biden to claim there is a surplus of food (a lie) and he then pays Gates for not growing food while over 20 countries are on the verge of starvation.

Inflation continued to surge in June, with consumer prices accelerating at the fastest pace in almost 13 years. The Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index, which measures a basket of goods and services as well as energy and food costs, jumped 5.4% in June up from last year. That’s higher than May’s 5% year-over-year price rise.

Based upon clients reporting from Italy, much of their crops have had to be destroyed because there is now also a shortage of cans. Indeed, I happen to like V8 juice. None is available in cans anymore – only plastic bottles. End fossil fuels and you kill plastics. California will be forced to reverse its climate change decrees for there is a severe shortage of power and without air conditioning, a lot of elderly will die. They will probably blame some COVID variable.

White House Spokesperson Jen Psaki on High Gas Prices, Shut-up and Eat More Hot Dogs

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on July 2, 2021 | Sundance | 126 Comments

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki had a great solution to the massive increases in gasoline prices, shut-up and eat more hot dogs.

Poll Tested vs Ideology, Kamala Harris Tells Central American Migrants Not to Come to U.S. Illegally

Posted originally on the conservative tree house on June 7, 2021 | Sundance | 51 Comments

It’s only racist when President Trump does it.  Today the seriously unqualified Kamala Harris delivered the same message as President Trump during a visit to Guatemala telling the people of the central American nation “do not come” to the United States.

Harris continued: “believe, if you come to our border, you will be turned back“.   She is not sure, but it’s likely that illegal aliens will get caught, so it’s best not to do it… or something.  [Video 12:35 – Prompted]

The lack of professionalism and political diplomacy is stunning.  Mrs. Kamala Harris waxed philosophically, in a semi-coherent ideological ramble, for more than triple the amount of time spoken by the host nation.   The joint press conference is painful in its presented immaturity from the second in line to the office.

Biden to Stack the Supreme Court to make it WOKE

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Apr 15, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

As expected, the Democrats will introduce a bill to change the Supreme Court turning into the first WOKE institution to permanently change the face of the United States once and for all. Biden pretended to create a commission to study changing the Supreme Court and within a matter of days, they proposed stacking the Supreme Court adding four Justices to ensure the Court will be WOKE.

The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937, frequently called the “court-packing plan”, was a legislative initiative proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) to add more justices to the Supreme Court in order to obtain favorable rulings regarding the New Deal legislation. FDR was trying to take the United States as close as possible to Communism thanks to the New York Times and their star journalist Walter Duranty (1884-1957) who convinced FDR to recognize the Communist government of Russia (see film Mr. Jones).

The New York Times journalist Walter Duranty on March 31, 1933, denounced reports of a famine. The NY Times was so left, it could not possibly walk a straight line. They were so pro-Communism for they saw Marxism as the way to a new future. It was Duranty who met with Roosevelt to convince him that Communism was working and to encourage his New Deal. The mainstream press in the 1930s was very much touting Communism as the solution to the Great Depression and once more that are all touting “equality” once more to alter the United States once and for all into the new European style socialist state.

On February 5, 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt announced a plan to expand the Supreme Court to as many as 15 judges, allegedly to make it more efficient. Critics instantly charged that Roosevelt was trying to “pack” the court and thus neutralize Supreme Court justices hostile to his New Deal. The Supreme Court over the first two years of the Roosevelt Administration had struck down several key pieces of New Deal legislation on the grounds that the laws delegated an unconstitutional amount of authority to the executive branch and the federal government.

Roosevelt won in 1932 and his reelection in 1936 was a landslide, the highest win for the Democrats in American history post-Civil War when they were the Southern Democrats championing slavery. FDR issued his proposal in February 1937 to provide retirement at full pay for all members of the court over 70. If a justice refused to retire, an “assistant” with full voting rights was to be appointed, thus ensuring Roosevelt a liberal majority. Most Republicans and many Democrats in Congress opposed the so-called “court-packing” plan. The Constitution ensured that judges were there for life.

Article III Section 1
The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

Actually, it was Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) who argued for the right of re-election with respect to presidents. The people, he said, were the rulers of a republic. And presidents were the servants of the people. If the people wanted to elect the same president, again and again, they had the right to do this. However, when it came to appointing judges, Franklin argued for the Scottish legal system where lawyers appointed judges – not politicians. The notes are available from the framing of the Constitution. They are a great insight into the thinking process that created the United States.

James Wilson (1742–1798) who eventually became a Supreme Court Justice, argued in support of having one person appoint judges. He said experience showed that large bodies could not make appointments fairly or openly.
John Rutledge (1739–1800) who also became a Supreme Court justice, disagreed saying that by no means should the president appoint judges. He said that method looked too much like a monarchy. Interestingly, it was Benjamin Franklin who argued that in Scotland judges were appointed by lawyers. They always chose the very best lawyer to be a judge to remove the competition in their own self-interest.

The delegates voted on the issue. They agreed that the legislature would decide how many judges would sit on the Supreme Court. The president would appoint the judges. The legislature could establish lower courts from time to time. The president would appoint those judges as well. The Constitution, therefore, requires the president to submit nominations to the Senate for its advice and consent. Since the Supreme Court was established in 1789, presidents have submitted 164 nominations for the Court, including those for chief justice. Of this total, 127 were confirmed (7 declined to serve). While politicians continue to think if they appoint a justice they will always vote in their favor, as I have reported before, that has never been the case. It was Chief Justice Roberts, appointed by President Bush Jr., who upheld Obamacare as a tax and has refused to accept any case regarding the 2020 election.

In April 1937, before FDR’s bill came to a vote in Congress, two Supreme Court justices panicked and were intimidated switching sides to support FDR’s New Deal. They switched sides creating a narrow majority to uphold as constitutional the National Labor Relations Act and the Social Security Act. The majority opinion acknowledged that the national economy had grown to such a degree that federal regulation and control was now warranted. That became the justification for socialism. Instead of simply requiring people to save a portion of their earnings, the government seized their funds and then invested them into government bonds.  Roosevelt’s reorganization plan was thus unnecessary, and in July the Senate struck it down by a vote of 70 to 22. Soon after, Roosevelt had the opportunity to nominate his first Supreme Court justice, and by 1942 all but two of the justices were his appointees.

The Democrats are toying with changing the entire face of the nation. With Biden stacking the court, everything from the Second Amendment to Abortion and taxes will be altered forever. They will be hurling the United States ever closer and closer to Revolution. Ah – how history repeats for the LEFT always seek totalitarianism. Had we only listened to Ben Franklin.

I have been warning that the United States will split. You are witnessing its demise.  The Democrats do not have a mandate. Every member of the leftist mainstream press is officially a traitor to everything the Founding Fathers fought for. My family has been in this country from the beginning. My cousin has the musket our ancestor used during the Revolution. We have come full circle. The spirit of the Founders was that everyone was to enjoy their pursuit of liberty. The Democrats disagree with that principle.

Welcome to the WOKE Democratic Revolution where to them, God is dead. Some are starting to believe that this has become a religious war between the believers and atheists. Everything from the Cancel Culture designed to eliminate free speech to forced registration of all guns and their argument to dispense with the 4th and 2nd Amendments and allow the police to just burst into your home to search for guns without any evidence you even have a gun.

Then this teaching in schools that all white people are inherently evil racists but somehow if you are a Democrat you alone are the exception is amazing. After all, the founder of the Democratic Party was Andrew Jackson who was a ruthless slave owner who was memorialized on Confederate stamps.

It was the Democrats who initiated the American Civil War because they were the party of slavery. It was LBJ, who is known to have pushed Kennedy’s Civil Rights bill against initial resistance from Southern Democrats and he explained that by doing so they would bind the blacks to the Democratic Party and they would retain power.

Biden and the Democrats DO NOT have the mandate to change the core principles of this nation. Without the consent of the governed, this is simply tyranny. I have stated many times, a Republic is the worst form of government because they run on one statement, and then enact other measures without the consent of the people. Biden is even disgracing his own son Beau Biden’s memory who won the Bronze Star Medal for his service in Iraq. I seriously doubt he died to fight for transforming the United States into WOKE where it is improper to even call one’s father, father!


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

JoeBama Flinches, Putin Closes Kerch Strait and Blocks Black Sea to Foreign Warships

Posted originally on the conservative tree House April 15, 2021 | Sundance | 451 Comments

As Russia continues to build up troop presence near the Ukraine border, Joe Biden sent a warning to Vladimir Putin.  In response Russia told the U.S. to stay out of the Black Sea “for your own good” while they conduct exercises.  Biden turned back two U.S. navy ships….  Hours later Putin closed the Kerch Strait.

The Biden administration is attempting to give the illusion of strength but it is all an act and Russia knows it.   The Ukraine is vulnerable to Russian absorption because a large portion of the Ukrainian people support Russia.   NATO is attempting to issue threats, but Russia knows the EU, and specifically Germany, will do nothing except grasp their pearls.  It is all false bravado on the part of the NATO alliance; they have no teeth and their electorate have no desire for another conflict.

A Background Note –  Additional leverage Putin holds goes back to the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline to supply the energy needs of Germany.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel was warned by President Trump not to go forward with the pipeline that creates a geopolitical leverage for Russia.  Merkel went ahead despite the warnings, and adding salt to the issue, Germany never upheld their NATO funding commitments (2% of GDP).  This was a major source of contention between Trump and Merkel.

The knuckleheads behind Biden attempted to flex their muscle toward Russia through a series of sanctions earlier today.   The United States sanctioned 32 Russian entities and individuals along with six technology companies, formally attributed the SolarWinds cyber breach to Russian intelligence agencies, and accused Moscow of still trying to hack American targets.

Russian President Vladimir Putin doesn’t care about words.  Words, without action are meaningless.   Putin knows the Biden administration is weak domestically because the majority of the U.S. electorate view his administration as illegitimate.   Putin also knows Barack Obama foreign policy is essentially Biden foreign policy, and Putin accepts that both Obama and Biden are intent to weaken the U.S. globally.

From the Russian perspective a bunch of noisy and pontificating moonbats are currently running everything in the U.S. and there is absolutely nothing to fear because their leadership, our  U.S. government, is weak and unsupported.  Putin knows Americans are not going to agree to another regional war in Europe when the damn Europeans are not even willing to defend themselves.

Joe Biden acting like Scott Farcus only works until Ralphie puts a fist in Farcus’s face.

And don’t forget… the number one asset of Russia is energy (oil and gas); JoeBama’s energy policy has effectively assisted the Russian economy.   So there’s that…

GROUND REPORT – Parents in Los Angeles School Districts Fight Against California’s COVID Education Crisis

Posted originally on the conservative tree house March 17, 2021 | Sundance | 89 Comments

Friend of the Treehouse John Spiropoulos shares a ground report from the Watts neighborhood in Los Angeles where concerned parents and grandparents are protesting against the school district policy to keep in-class education stopped.   As noted in the interviews, the COVID school shutdowns are hurting everyone, particularly those communities where education was already a challenge.

The “progressive” policies and regulations around COVID in California are impacting minority neighborhoods at an alarming rate.  In essence, the democrat shut-down policies create racist outcomes.  As John Spiropoulos notes: ” The year long shutdown of live, in-class instruction in Los Angeles public schools has had an adverse effect on children’s academics, particularly those in low income areas. This report focuses on a back-to-school rally organized by the Women of Watts organization.”

The proportion of child mental health visits to Emergency Rooms dramatically increased from March through October 2020 over the same period in 2019.

• The share of mental health-related hospital emergency department visits rose 24% for children 5-11 compared to the same time period the previous year.
• The share of mental health-related hospital emergency department visits increased 31% for adolescents age 12 to 17 compared to the same time period the previous year.
• While there were increases for both males and females, female cases were far higher than male cases.
(Source: CDC November 13, 2020)

Still another study found the increase in poor grades “appears to be most pronounced among students from low-income households, multi-lingual students and students learning virtually.” And it could be long lasting for many. “The students who are most at risk of lasting academic harm from failing grades are students who have been learning remotely, students living in poverty, multi-lingual learning and students of color.” (source)

In California, the negative effects of school closures on academic progress appear greater for English learners and students from low-income families.” That’s analysis comes from PACE, the Policy Analysis for California Education, a non-profit, non-partisan research center formed by Stanford University, USC, UCLA and the University of California, Berkeley. Some of the findings:

• 5th graders in California lost roughly two points in reading and math assessments while in a typical year, they would have gained 10 points.
• 6th graders lost almost 30 points in reading assessments where they normally gain five points.

(Source: Information from PACE, reported by “The 74.” February 16, 2021, – The 74, a non-profit, non-partisan news site covering education in America)

Using the Capitol Protest for a Hidden Agenda

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Mar 17, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

A lot of people have written in about the Capitol siege. This was clearly orchestrated in advance to achieve three objectives.

  1. To stop any demand to investigate the election
  2. To further the Domestic Terrorist Act
  3. To justify creating a wall around the Capitol to protect them while imposing the Great Reset

Pelosi and Schumer have deliberately called the Capitol protest an “armed insurrection” when the FBI has confirmed that there were no weapons involved. Meanwhile, Antifa is burning cities, looting stores, and using weapons, but these events are called “protests” while the Capitol was an “armed insurrection” to justify their objectives.

White House Announces Joe Biden Press Conference for March 25th

Posted originally on the conservative tree house March 16, 2021 | Sundance | 128 Comments

Who needs ten days notice for a presser?…