President Trump MAGA Rally, Freeland, Michigan – 6:00pm EDT Livestream Links

Posted originally on the CTH on May 1, 2024 | Sundance 

President Donald Trump will deliver remarks at the second campaign rally of the day in Freeland, Michigan.  The Wisconsin rally was casual and super awesome as President Trump returned to form and campaigned in the casual commonsense style which has endeared him to voters.

The livestream links for the Michigan rally are below.  President Trump is scheduled to begin remarks at 6pm EDT.

Trump Campaign Rumble Livestream – RSBN Rumble Livestream Link – RSBN Google Livestream Link


LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Holds a Rally in Freeland, Michigan – 5/1/24


President Trump in Freeland, MI


President Trump MAGA Rally – Waukesha, Wisconsin – 3:00pm ET Livestream Links

Posted originally on the CTH on May 1, 2024 | Sundance

Today President Donald Trump will travel to Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Freeland, Michigan to hold rallies while contrasting the peace, prosperity, and security of his first term with Joe Biden’s failed presidency.

The Wisconsin Rally begins at 2:00pm CDT / 3:00pm EDT with livestream links below.  The rally in Freeland Michigan begins at 6:00pm EDT.

Donald Trump Campaign Rumble Livestream – RSBN Rumble Livestream – RSBN YouTube


LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Gives Remarks in Waukesha, Wisconsin – 5/1/24


President Trump in Waukesha, WI


Pragmatic, Always Seeking Optimal Solutions

Posted originally on the CTH on April 10, 2024 | Sundance

President Donald J Trump seeks optimal solutions for all challenges.  Internally he has his own set of standards and crystal-clear understanding of what he would want in any given situation; this is not difficult for a clear brain to accomplish.

However, in the world of multi-interests and larger group needs, in this case an entire nation of individuals and groups, President Trump knows that optimal solutions are best found closest to the work, closest to the source of the individual hearts.  Pragmatic leadership is often about optimal solutions. WATCH:


He/We will win.

They are increasingly desperate.  The need for control is a reaction to fear.   The next week to 10 days is critical.

I have much to share with our fellowship.  You will journey with me.

The Value of Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on March 29, 2024 | Sundance

An oft familiar set of questions circles around a variation of ‘does President Trump know this’, or ‘can President Trump eliminate this’, or ‘is President Trump the solution’. The most brutally honest short answers are: unlikely, doubtful and no.

That said, the longer answers are much more complicated, involve the reader separating their emotion from logic and accepting that few people in this current American world we are forced to endure truly understand just how purposefully siloed the administrative state of government has become.

Those you think know, don’t.  Those who should know, are fed information to keep them aware of only those aspects that the intelligence apparatus wants them to know.

You are more functionally aware of the details of our issues than any politician you can name. I will go deeper on this again, but it should not be a surprise.

A very elegant outline is worth reading. HatTip to Doug Ross for drawing attention to it.  I particularly like the non-pretense within this section.

By TL Davis – […] “The people want a secure border. They want their veterans to be taken care of instead of illegal aliens. They want fiscal responsibility that will lead to an end to inflation. They want a budget that does not devalue their currency. They want their children to grow up without being force-fed communism and abnormal sexuality from kindergarten on. They want to be left alone to raise their families and enjoy the fruits of their labor, but the communists will never allow that, so they must be defeated and driven back into the holes from which they’ve sprung.”

“Like it or not, the only way to begin that long, arduous battle is to use Trump as your bludgeon. He is not the answer to your problems, but he is their most-feared enemy and necessarily your biggest weapon. A lot of people hated Joseph McCarthy for calling out the communists in government. McCarthyism is the euphemism for political witch-hunts, because the communists in media and the government wanted a term that would cow their opposition, that if they branded them with that moniker, they could destroy them politically. Had we listened to McCarthy, we would have delayed our current predicament by a decade, maybe fifty years. But the communists never give up, so it would have come about.” (please read full essay)

The truthful way to express the value of President Donald Trump is to accept that We the People are the solution, not necessarily Trump the man.

The question then becomes, ‘who gives us the best opportunity to save ourselves‘?  The overwhelming answer is President Donald J Trump.

If we are looking for a person to be the solution to this matrix of mess, we are ignoring our responsibility.  However, if we are looking for a person who will provide the greatest opportunity for us to be the solution to the problem, then President Trump is indeed the best weapon we have against them, these embedded communists.

Within the greater awakening, this reality was always going to be the destination of our journey.

If we are honest, at the core of our beginning most of us knew this, we just didn’t talk about it that much because the admission is scary, complicated and fraught with self-awareness.

Trump is a Commodity – $DJT

Posted originally on Mar 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Trump Wave Goodbye

The Biden-Harris campaign attempted to nickname Trump the “Broke Don” after the NY courts attempted to extort his fortune. They will need a new term as Trump is now a wealthier man than he was before the case. Trump unleashed a media stock ($DJT) on the Nasdaq that spiked 50% from its IPO on the first day of trading. He owns a 58% stake in the company.

Obviously, Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. will be an extremely volatile stock. Its creation aims to gauge the public perception of Donald Trump as a commodity, and a call option on the entire MAGA political strategy. Moreover, Trump can use his stake holdings to secure a loan, although he said he would be paying his reduced bond in cash. He would need to wait at least six months before selling.

This is certainly a unique political strategy that is raising brows on both sides. Trump is a capitalist at his core. He will slap his name on any product or company and sell it, be it sneakers, wine, meat, or even Bibles. Say what you want, but he manages to come out on top after every attack and finds a way to turn a crisis into a profit. He is now listed as one of the top 500 billionaires on the Forbes list.

Now, this could certainly backfire for Trump. Some investors see it as a means of supporting the MAGA movement and are not using it as a real long-term investment. They want to support the cause and are not deeply invested. Still, there are those who do not truly understand the purpose of $DJT and could lose out, which would lead to extreme backlash from his supporters. Companies are often delisted from exchanges, and I am sure people are already looking at ways to remove this listing. Time will tell whether this was a clever or catastrophic move.

Judge McAfee Grants Trump Team Ability to Expedite Appellate Review of Decision Allowing Fani Willis to Remain on Case

Posted originally on the CTH on March 20, 2024 | Sundance

Atlanta Judge Scott McAfee ruled today that President Trump, and eight other co-defendants in the Georgia election fraud case, can proceed with an emergency appeal of his decision last week. That decision allowed lying Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to stay on the prosecution despite her affair with the special prosecutor she hired to oversee it, and despite the lies she told trying to hide it.


In a brief order issued Wednesday, Judge Scott McAfee granted the certificate of immediate review requested by President Trump. They are now expected to ask the Georgia Court of Appeals to take up the disqualification battle before the case goes to trial. (media)

LIVE: Pres. Trump Speaks at “Buckeye Values PAC Rally” in Dayton, Ohio – 3/16/24

Posted originally on the CTH on March 16, 2024 | Ad rem

President Donald J. Trump will appear as a Special Guest Speaker at a Buckeye Values PAC Rally in Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday, March 16, 2024.  The event, at the Dayton International Airport, was organized by Buckeye Values PAC, an outside group supporting Bernie Moreno – who is running for the chance to take on Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown this fall.

The president is scheduled to speak at 4 p.m. ET.


RSBN YouTube Livestream – RSBN Rumble Livestream

Mike Pence Says He Will Not Vote for Donald Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on March 15, 2024 | Sundance

Playing the role of the faithful corporate republican, former Vice-President Mike Pence appears on Fox News today to advocate for the nation state of Israel and disparage President Donald Trump.

One does not need to be a deep weeds political follower to understand the motives of Pence and how they relate to his corporate republican alignment.  The Wall Street, Sea Island group who operate in the multinational financial world, in combination with the professional political class who organize both wings of the UniParty system are diametrically opposed to President Donald Trump.  This is Mike Pence’s tribe, and his influence and affluence are dependent on his association.  WATCH:


There’s a sense of disgust, a genuine dislike of people who hold the personality traits of Mike Pence.  President Donald Trump really did become a touchstone to reveal the deep rot within our USA body politic.  In the Trump era we see just how horrid and corrupt the system is.

If you stand back and think about it, more people voted for President Trump than any republican in history; a man who has withstood some of the most vicious and vitriolic attacks in history.  Yet, here stands the sanctimonious Mike Pence declaring himself as the arbiter of all things republican.  I dislike these people immensely.

Judge Cannon Denies, for Now, the Trump Motion to Dismiss Classified Documents Case

Posted originally on the CTH on March 14, 2024 | Sundance

Earlier today in Florida, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon carefully listened to lengthy oral arguments about the initial charges brought against President Donald Trump in the classified documents case.

While listening to a debate on terminology and odd interpretation of application to the statute of the Espionage Act, a case study in Lawfare as presented, Judge Cannon decided in a later ruling to defer the nuances of legislative interpretation until later in the trial pleadings.  Her 2-page Ruling is here.

While many voices say this initial motion to dismiss failed, there are several indications the ruling was more about targeting the issue of statutory definitions to latter phases in the pretrial legal process.  Essentially, allowing the DOJ to try and square the circles that are seemingly unsquarable.

Cannon is avoiding the trap of removal from the case by carefully and meticulously following a very routing process to allow the full sunlight of judicial consideration to apply at the moment when the interpretation has the greatest importance.  Despite ruling against dismissal, this is not a loss for the Trump legal team, as the issues behind the dismissal motion have not been rectified.  These issues will surface again at more critical moments.

If the Lawfare case is going to be dismissed in whole, as opposed to part by part, Julie Kelly was present in the court and also noticed that Judge Cannon appears to be positioning herself to dismiss the case on “selective prosecution” grounds. See this Great Thread HERE.


While Cannon did not accept the Trump motion to dismiss today, the elements of today’s motion will face strong scrutiny as the case progresses.  Additionally, if the case is to be dismissed, the technical definitions could be moot if the judge uses another more transparently obvious context, “selective prosecution,” to dismiss the case.

President Trump Talks About Personnel Changes for Term 2 and General Election Nuance

Posted originally on the CTH on March 14, 2024 | Sundance 

President Donald Trump provided a lengthy interview to Newsmax host Greg Kelly.  The interview is in two segments as below and gives some keen insight into the current outlook and perspective of President Trump.

I am presenting the interview segments in reverse; in part because the second half of the second segment hits upon an aspect that is discussed often amid supporters of President Trump and the MAGA movement he represents.  Beginning at 02:37, President Trump discusses the personnel challenges of T1 and how he looks to overcome those challenges in T2. WATCH:


The second segment is below, which was actually the first segment as broadcast.
