Logan Paul Interviews President Donald J Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on June 14, 2024 | Sundance 

Say what you want about Trump’s political instincts, but his new-age media savvy is excellent.  President Trump continues giving long-format podcast interviews to some of the most watched independent channels on the internet.

In this relaxed and informal interview, President Trump again connects to an audience in a way that is direct, conversational and relatable.  The topics with Logan Paul include debating Joe Biden in the 2024 election, raising $140M as a convicted felon, the Paul Brothers fighting each other, friendship with Vladimir Putin & Kim Jong Un, Logan Paul Vs Bradley Martyn, brutally honest thoughts on Dana White & Elon Musk, Trump deepfakes, if he believes in aliens & more.  WATCH:

Timestamps0:00 Welcome Donald Trump!  0:55 Jake Paul Vs Mike Tyson!  1:50 Trump Gives Logan a Gift..  2:35 Felony Conviction & Raising $140M  7:47 Joe Biden Debate! 11:01 Jake Paul Vs Logan Paul?  12:27 Logan Paul Vs Bradley Martyn (Who won?)  16:13 Dana White & Khabib Relationship!  19:05 Vladimir Putin Friendship & Russia Vs Ukraine War  27:21 Gaza Conflict  31:03 Trump’s Advice for People  33:39 Drug Crisis & Trump Plugs Mike’s Book  39:15 Logan Invites Biden on the Podcast in Front of Trump!  41:11 Does Trump Believe in Aliens?  44:40 Elon Musk & Trump’s Relationship..  45:41 Trump Getting Deepfaked  50:24 “You’re Fired!”  51:53 Trump’s Viral TikTok! 

LIVESTREAM: President Trump Holds His First Rally in the South Bronx – 6pm EDT…Get Ready to Rumble!

Posted originally on the CTH on May 23, 2024 | Ad rem

It’s been 100 years since a Republican candidate has won the Bronx, but this evening Donald J. Trump will host his South Bronx rally in one of the bluest areas in the entire state of New York.

The rally is set to take place at 6pm before a massive crowd in Crotona Park – just weeks after another massive gathering of 100,000 supporters in New Jersey.   Crotona Park , a 127 acre public park, is just blocks away from the boundary line of Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district.

Democrats (and assorted Marxist crazies) plan to hold a counter-rally at the other end of the same park.

“One of the other things I’m going to do — and I may be foolish in doing it — is I’m going to make a heavy play for New York, heavy play for New Jersey, heavy play for Virginia, heavy play for New Mexico, and a heavy play for a state that hasn’t been won in years, Minnesota.”


RSBN YouTube Livestream –  RSBN Rumble Livestream –  C-SPAN Livestream –

Rappers Trump Latinos and Forgiato Blow perform ahead of a campaign rally of former US President Donald Trump at Crotona Park in the South Bronx, New York City on May 23, 2024.
Rapper Forgiato Blow shows his tattoo ahead of a campaign rally of former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Trump supporters line up at Crotona Park to spot the ex-president

The Largest Presidential Rally in NJ History

Posted originally on May 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong


The largest presidential rally in the history of New Jersey occurred over the weekend on May 11. Donald A crowd of around 100,000 came together to listen to former President Donald Trump and show their support for his re-election campaign. Could New Jersey flip red once again?

New Jersey voted Democrat in Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign against Hillary Clinton. The state proceeded to vote blue in 2020 in favor of current President Joe Biden. But the state has been hit extremely hard by inflation and the cost of living. People in New Jersey pay some of the highest taxes among any state in the nation. Additionally, as a former resident, not everyone is on board with the woke agenda, changing classroom curriculum, banishing religion, or permitting illegal aliens to flood the nation. Chris Christie left a sour taste in the mouths of residents after scandal upon scandal, as he was a poor representation of conservative leadership. Trump’s business venture failures in Atlantic City also soured his own reputation with residents not so long ago.

New Jersey Pineland Map

But now, Joe Biden is not receiving support in New Jersey. “If Joe Biden wins this election, the middle class loses, and New Jersey loses,” Trump told the crowd. The last time New Jersey saw a crowd of this nature was in 1932 when former President Franklin D. Roosevelt came to Sea Girth, also attracting over 100,000 citizens. That was amid the Great Depression and before America’s involvement in World War II. The cost-of-living crisis was astronomical; the war drums were loudly beating – history is once again repeating (no, we will not face a Great Depression).

Democratic Gov Phil Murphy was livid at the support Trump received. “As Trump holds his rally today in NJ, he remains focused on himself, not the American people,” Murphy wrote. “Joe Biden continues to deliver results: investing in infrastructure, reducing prescription drug costs, and protecting reproductive freedom. The choice is clear.” Per usual, the politicians do not believe WE THE PEOPLE are intelligent enough to make our own decisions on leadership.

Biden has been unable to attract any enthusiasm during his measly campaign attempts. Joe Biden would need to pass out free green cards, host a Taylor Swift concert, and recreate a Super Bowl part II to attract a similar crowd. Also, note how there was no violence at this event composed of “MAGA extremists.” No one was waving foreign flags or calling for the death of America. No one was looting or vandalizing nearby neighborhoods. This rally was simply a group of residents who are not happy under Joe Biden’s reign and want a change. New Jersey very well may flip to red.

Florida Senator Rick Scott Attends Trump Trial in New York, Gives Press Conference

Posted originally on the CTH on May 9, 2024 | Sundance

Florida Senator Rick Scott was seated in the front row of the courtroom gallery today as he showed support for President Trump in New York City.

Many of President Trump’s supporters in politics understand he is under a gag order and unable to speak in his own defense. It is good to see those who understand the dynamic show up in New York to say the things President Trump cannot.

In his media remarks the former Florida Governor and current Senator Rick Scott, outlined the background of the key participants who are targeting Trump via these ridiculous political Lawfare tactics.  Strong and truthful remarks by Senator Scott.  WATCH:

President Trump MAGA Rally, Freeland, Michigan – 6:00pm EDT Livestream Links

Posted originally on the CTH on May 1, 2024 | Sundance 

President Donald Trump will deliver remarks at the second campaign rally of the day in Freeland, Michigan.  The Wisconsin rally was casual and super awesome as President Trump returned to form and campaigned in the casual commonsense style which has endeared him to voters.

The livestream links for the Michigan rally are below.  President Trump is scheduled to begin remarks at 6pm EDT.

Trump Campaign Rumble Livestream – RSBN Rumble Livestream Link – RSBN Google Livestream Link


LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Holds a Rally in Freeland, Michigan – 5/1/24


President Trump in Freeland, MI


President Trump MAGA Rally – Waukesha, Wisconsin – 3:00pm ET Livestream Links

Posted originally on the CTH on May 1, 2024 | Sundance

Today President Donald Trump will travel to Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Freeland, Michigan to hold rallies while contrasting the peace, prosperity, and security of his first term with Joe Biden’s failed presidency.

The Wisconsin Rally begins at 2:00pm CDT / 3:00pm EDT with livestream links below.  The rally in Freeland Michigan begins at 6:00pm EDT.

Donald Trump Campaign Rumble Livestream – RSBN Rumble Livestream – RSBN YouTube


LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Gives Remarks in Waukesha, Wisconsin – 5/1/24


President Trump in Waukesha, WI


Activist Judge Merchan Fines President Trump $9,000 for Violating Court Gag Order in New York City Case

Posted originally on the CTH on April 30, 2024 | Sundance 

Judge Juan Merchan has openly targeted President Trump on behalf of the clients for the judge’s daughter Loren Merchan. Ms Merchan is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm who represents the interests of Democrat politicians.

NEW YORK – Donald Trump was held in contempt by Justice Juan Merchan Tuesday morning for social media posts and other statements the former president made that violated a gag order imposed in his Manhattan criminal case.

The judge ordered Trump to pay a $9,000 fine — $1,000 for each violation. And he warned Trump that additional violations could land him in jail.

“Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment,” the judge wrote in an eight-page decision. (more)

President Trump and Ron DeSantis Met for Several Hours Sunday Morning in Florida

Posted originally on the CTH on April 28, 2024 | Sundance 

Many Ted Cruz Ron DeSantis supporters for 2024 will climb their high horses and pontificate about how magnanimous it is for both President Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to put away the swords and be political allies again.  NOT ME!

I’m sick and tired of these backstabbing Decepticons and the insufferable idiots who don’t see through their moves and motives.  The same insufferable Never Trump Cruz Crew from 2016 was behind the insufferable Never Trump DeSantis operation for 2024; only this time, to make matters exponentially worse, they merged the DeSantis team with the insufferable Bush supporters.

No, nothing -not a scintilla of a thing- about this scheming conniving brand of “republicanism” that stand beside the fraud known as Ron DeSantis is worth aligning with.  There are two types of Ron DeSantis supporters, (1) the people who are lying, conniving closet leftists operating under the uniparty guise; and (2) those who are too stupid to know about it.  I want nothing to do with either entity, and the MAGA coalition gains nothing from their association.

Apparently, Ron DeSantis and President Trump met together in Florida for “several hours” Sunday morning at the request of Ron DeSantis.  Gee, this is a big surprise (/sarc).   [Washington Post Article – Politico Article]

The one constant chapter in the DeceptiCon playbook consists of the pages that follow “if you lose.”  That chapter, written by Lee Atwater, comes immediately after the outline of the Alex Castellanos rule: snuggle up close and shiv him in the ribs.  In the margins of those pages you will find my notes, “never, ever trust a never Trumper”…

DeSantis brings nothing to the MAGA table and positioning himself for 2028 only makes his snake underbelly show even more right now.  Sure, Casey and Ron both realize the “Top Gov” did the big stupid, but one thing is certain to happen from me, I will never allow people to forget this vain effort at recovery.

DeSantis needs to disappear, and Trump needs to Make Shame Great Again.

VIA POLITICO – Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump seem ready to put their feud from the Republican presidential primary aside — for real this time.

The two Florida Republicans met in Miami Sunday morning to talk about how they could work together during the general election, according to half a dozen people familiar with the meeting who were granted anonymity to speak freely.

The meeting was first reported by the Washington Post.

The get-together was arranged by Florida real-estate broker Steve Witkoff, several people confirmed to POLITICO. A Trump campaign official said it was a “good meeting set at the request of Gov. DeSantis.”

Three DeSantis donors texted POLITICO to say that they thought the move for the two men to make peace was “smart.” (read more)

WASHINGTON POST – […] There is an incentive for DeSantis to form a closer relationship, as well. People close to DeSantis have said it is untenable for him to continue to have a strained relationship with Trump, particularly as he eyes his political future. He is widely viewed among Republican donors and consultants as weakened after a shellacking by Trump in the primary. (more)

CNN Poll Shows President Trump with Strong 6 Point Lead Over Biden that Gets Larger when 3rd Party Candidates Added

Posted originally on the CTH onApril 28, 2024 | Sundance 

A newly released CNN poll [DATA HERE] shows President Trump with a 6-point advantage over Joe Biden and when third party candidates are included the lead widens to 9 points.

(Via CNN) – Donald Trump continues to hold an advantage over President Joe Biden as the campaign – and the former president’s criminal trial – move forward, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. And in the coming rematch, opinions about the first term of each man vying for a second four years in the White House now appear to work in Trump’s favor, with most Americans saying that, looking back, Trump’s term as president was a success, while a broad majority says Biden’s has so far been a failure.

Trump’s support in the poll among registered voters holds steady at 49% in a head-to-head matchup against Biden, the same as in CNN’s last national poll on the race in January, while Biden’s stands at 43%, not significantly different from January’s 45%.

Looking back, 55% of all Americans now say they see Trump’s presidency as a success, while 44% see it as a failure. In a January 2021 poll taken just before Trump left office and days after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, 55% considered his time as president a failure.

Assessing Biden’s time in office so far, 61% say his presidency thus far has been a failure, while 39% say it’s been a success. That’s narrowly worse than the 57% who called the first year of his administration a failure in January 2022, with 41% calling it a success. (read more)

Taking Care of Business – President Trump Meets with Poland President Andrzej Duda in Trump Tower for Dinner

Posted originally on the CTH on April 18, 2024 | Sundance

President Trump has incredible energy, stamina and focus.  While simultaneously defending himself against the insufferable lawfare attacks from NYC District Attorney Alvin Bragg, President Trump takes the time to meet with Polish President Duda for a two-and-a-half our dinner in Trump Tower.

NEW YORK – […] The dinner with Duda is the latest in a string of discussions Trump has had in recent months with world leaders. Ahead of the November elections, he has spoken with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, dined with British foreign secretary David Cameron, and met with Argentine President Javier Milei and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, according to two people familiar with the talks. Cameron has said that he discussed the question of funding for Ukraine with the former president, according to the Washington Post.

Trump and Duda have long had a warm relationship. Duda has once proposed naming a military base in Poland “Fort Trump” and he visited the White House in 2020, when Trump was in the middle of his reelection campaign.

But Duda, whose term ends in 2025, has pushed the Biden administration to provide more aid to Ukraine, which borders Poland. That position potentially puts him in conflict with Trump, who has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy.”

Last month, Duda and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk met with Biden to discuss sending weapons to Kyiv. While the conservative Duda and center-right Tusk are in the middle of a political feud back home, the Polish leaders came to Washington to press the White House and Congress to support Ukraine amid the ongoing war with Russia. (read more)