Liberals Fall Out of Favor

Posted originally on Jun 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

The Liberals of Canada have fallen out of favor, as evidenced by party’s defeat in the special election. Toronto – St. Paul’s had been filled by Liberals since 1993, but has been overtaken by Conservatives. We see this trend happening throughout the world as the politics have shifted so far left that the people have been swayed like a pendulum to the opposite side.

Angus Reid released a poll earlier in the week to ask Canadian’s who they’d like to replace Prime Minister Dictator Justin Trudeau. There was not enough support for any replacement to indicate that the Liberals could win, with Conservatives overpowering the Liberal Party by a 21-point gap. “Canadians are more likely than not to say rumoured successors such as Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney, Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc and President of the Treasury Board Anita Anand would drive them away from the party,” the Angus Reid poll found.

Bad news for the Liberal Party as they were positioning Freeland, a fellow World Economic Forum zealot, to be Trudeau’s successor.

Trudeau 7

The poll asked undecided voters why they were hesitant to support the Liberal Party and it comes down to results. About 31% said they simply do not want Justin Trudeau to lead, with another 29% citing government spending as their main issue. Simply wait until the impact of the capital gains taxes are felt, which I believe will cause far more people to flee the Liberal Party and never look back.

Two out of five (37%) voters are leaning toward the Liberal Party, but almost half (48%) of those voters say the current administration has not made any meaningful issues on any matter that they find important such as housing, price stability, or health care. What could the Liberals do within the next year to solve these issues? Trudeau has certainly had enough time to address these issues, but instead, he has only exacerbated them.

Yet, 60% of Canadians said they are not fully locked into one party over another. More Conservatives (65%) said they will vote for their party regardless, with only 38% of Liberals feeling the same and 30% of New Democrats.

Overall, 60% of voters cited the cost of living and runaway inflation as their top concerns. This is the same concern for people throughout the West, be it in Canada, the United States, or anywhere in the EU. The talking heads can tell us our economies are well and good all they want but the people see their quality of life declining as a direct result of government policies. We listen when our governments announce endless aid packages to foreign nations with no concern for their countries. The people are simply exhausted by the current world leaders and are seeking a change. Will the establishment under the thumb of globalists permit the people to vote for a new authority? The months ahead shall be interesting.

Warner Brothers & CNN Disaster

Posted originally on Jun 27, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |

WarnerBrothers M 6 27 24

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Socrates has been so bearish on CNN’s owner, Warner Brothers, and the dabate is so rigged that other networks are even up in arms over CNN’s rules. We sold down all our institutional holdings in Warner Brothers, thanks to Socrates. Do you think this stock will collapse due to this debate that looks as corrupt as the New York courts?


ANSWER: The problem with Warner Brothers is it appears to be not just fully on board with the WOKE agenda that is reflected in its price decline, but its CEO and president, David Zaslav, may be part of this coincidence with those in the White House who are also Jewish with heritage back to Ukraine who claim their families were persecuted by the Russians for being Jewish at the start of the Russian Revolution in 1905. Even Wikipedia states: “His family was part of the diaspora from Poland and Ukraine.” 

Trump Putin Puppet

This raises some questions about whether Zaslav has been using Warner Brothers for personal biases against Russia and, thus, Trump. CNN’s anchor hosting this debate compared Trump to Hitler. If anyone did that to Biden, it would be in the headlines everywhere. We cannot say what Zaslav’s motivations have been one way or the other. However, his management of Warner Brothers does not appear to be in the best interest of shareholders. A CEO should be impartial, like a judge. Personal views do not belong in the boardroom or on the Nightly News. That is what OpEds are for – not anchors.

WarnerBrothers M Array 6 27 24

The major support lies at $5.10, and an annual closing below that for 2024 will be devastating. It is interesting that we have a Panic Cycle this month, living up with the CNN debate, but then again in January. Institutional investors have been dumping Warner Brothers big time. The CNN rules and restrictions they put on other networks are trying to create a monopoly on the debate, and rejecting any criticism of CNN staff is more like Pravda of Communist Russia days. It will be a hit job to interfere in the 2024 elections because Warner Brothers is so far left their stock is collapsing amid a great bull market. Why ANYONE would own anything of this company is just amazing. I guess they just hate Trump and see this as paying for his destruction rather than an investment.

Pro-Palestinian Protests Permitted in Blue States

Posted originally on Jun 26, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

Pro-Palestinian protestors have been wreaking havoc in US cities for a cause they do not properly understand. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has proved to the nation that his idea of justice equates to demonizing and prosecuting his political opponents while turning an eye to real crimes committed in favor of left-leaning policies.

After illegally camping on the grounds of Columbia University for weeks, over 40 protestors broke into the university and barricaded themselves inside. In the process, they kidnapped several staff members who were forbidden to leave the building that they sealed with zip ties, chairs, tables, and any barricades they could find. The protestors removed security cameras in the building. Students were unable to attend their own graduation ceremony. Columbia President Minouche Shafik called the incident “a violent act that put our students at risk.” Although the police arrested 44 people, Bragg has decided not to prosecute the majority of those responsible.

Yet, Bragg has been relentless in prosecuting former President Donald Trump for non-violent perceived offenses that he had to fabricate in order to create a case. Senator Ted Cruz spoke out against Bragg, noting that Democrats across the US are turning a blind eye to the crimes of pro-Palestinian crooks. “The Democrats you elected and put in charge, they support the radicals and they refuse to prosecute them. You know what, you do that in Texas, you do that in Florida, you do that in Georgia, you do that in Alabama, you will be arrested and you will be prosecuted. There is a consequence if you elect Republicans who actually believe in prosecuting criminals,” Cruz added.


College campuses have turned into circuses, overtaken by protests that turn into riots. Where have we seen this before? Precisely the last election cycle where the Democrats kneeled before statues of George Floyd and permitted the Black Lives Matter gangs to burn down their very own cities. One would hope the rioters do not take the violence to the same extreme as the last election cycle where looting was permitted and the police were utterly unable to act amid calls to defund the police. But it is not looking good as tensions are rising between two groups of thought in this nation.

I would encourage those interested in the truth behind these deliberate acts of civil unrest to read my article on the Cloward-Priven strategy.

The four steps of the Cloward-Piven Strategy:
1. Overload and Break the Welfare System
2. Have Chaos Ensue
3. Take Control in the Chaos
4. Implement Socialism and Communism through Government Force

Those in charge like Bragg have taken matters to step four as they are taking control amid the chaos. They have long allowed the chaos to ensue. Now, they will implement restrictions to “protect” the nation from wrongdoers in our midst. The problem becomes that the prosecutors believe riots in the name of liberal social causes are fair, and gathering of like-minded conservatives pose a threat to national security.

We know that these organized groups have been funded by Democrat-backed super PACs and philanthropists like Soros, who openly speak of meddling in our elections. There is a concerted effort to destabilize the United States ahead of this election. The rule of law has been lost, and half of the country is considered a threat.

Our computers are predicting a major twist come September ahead of the election. Joe Biden simply cannot win fairly and the establishment would never permit Trump back into the Oval Office as he would have most of them arrested and halt plans for the Great Reset. The coming months will be extremely volatile as the left grows increasingly tyrannical.

“Free Palestine” is Not a Woke Movement

Posted Jun 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Liberals everywhere have been trying to combine Pride month with Islamic causes such as the free Palestine movement. There have been instances across the UK, Canada, the US, and all of the West where pro-LGBTQ protestors have been assaulted when attempting to join Palestinian protests. The woke justice warriors glue themselves to every social cause without understanding the meaning behind it.

The free Palestine movement is NOT a woke social justice cause. There are numerous gays for Palestine groups emerging, which would be like chickens for Chic-fil-A. The social justice warriors could wave the Ukrainian flag and tout anti-Russian rhetoric freely without understanding the root cause of the war. Muslims are attempting to correct the far-left who mistakenly believes they are tolerant or accepting of the gay community.

Homosexuality is not permitted in Islam or the majority of Islamic countries. The offense of loving someone of the same sex is often punishable by death. Earlier in the month, a man attempted to open the country’s first gay club in the same city where Osama bin Laden was allegedly killed. Pakistan punishes homosexuality with a minimum two-year prison sentence that could be extended for a lifetime. This mistaken leftist was not jailed but rather committed to a mental hospital for even proposing such an idea. Clearly, he could not be of the right state of mind.

It is illegal to be gay in Palestine, with a possible punishment of up to 10 years. If Hamas catches you, then you’re dead. The law will look away if someone is murdered for homosexuality. In 2016, Hamas killed one of its own top officials for homosexual activities. Palestine’s woes have absolutely no correlation to the pride movement in the West, where people are permitted to express themselves however they see fit through the protection they have under the laws of the countries they hate.


It feels as if liberalism, at its extreme, has become a growing mental health epidemic. There is no logic or individual thought present. Far-left liberalism has become a trend of being the most oppressed among society. No one has a clear image of self or identity. They do not even know who they are supporting or why, but they insist you support whatever cause they have taken up for unknown reasons. They insist it is taught at schools to children. All of this is absolutely absurd, and yet no one is permitted to question it without being labeled intolerant.