Donald Trump Jr. Brings Professional MAGA Team to New York City

Posted originally on the CTH on May 21, 2024 | Sundance

Donald Trump Jr. generally maintains the weakest judgement skills amid the Trump family organization.  In part, DJT Jr.’s poor judgement seems to be an outcome of his own sense of self-importance and rather openly inflated ego.

Today Donald Trump Jr. brought the professional MAGA grift team to New York City; some of the pros have a history that does not exactly align with the truthful and earnest side of justice.   One of the worst offenders, within MAGA Grift Inc., is Pam Bondi.

Apparently, many people are unaware that former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was one of the key architects of the false and corrupt prosecution of George Zimmerman.  As Florida AG, Pam Bondi selected her former campaign manager, Angela Corey, as special prosecutor to frame George Zimmerman using extreme Lawfare.

Angela Corey was a real piece of work and corrupt to the core. It was Bondi’s selection of Angela Corey that led to the completely manufactured witness #8 that became known as Rachel Jeantel.  In New York City, Judge Merchan might be corrupt, political and ideologically twisted, but the manufacturing of a fake witness in Florida was far worse than anything Merchan has done in his courtroom.

Literally, Bondi, Corey and a guy named Bernie DeLaRionda manufactured a witness in Jeantel that never had any information about the Zimmerman case.  This was originating LAWFARE in the extreme.

Pam Bondi, with a plank in her eye, doesn’t exactly have the room to talk about the splinter in Judge Merchan’s.  I know it doesn’t make MAGA Inc. happy when I point this out, but I cannot be intellectually dishonest. WATCH (prompted): 


I have spent too much time researching the issues and the granular details of every person.  As a consequence, I don’t think there’s a single person at this press conference not financially dependent on the Trump storyline. It’s all sketch.

To highlight my point.  In the segment below, the worst of the worst element of Florida politics surfaces.  Representative Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) condemned the proceedings against President Trump, while apparently counting on us not to remember her full support for congressional Lawfare and the Nancy Pelosi constructed January 6th commission.

Do better!


Desperate Fake News is Getting Much Worse

Posted originally on Feb 11, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Tucker Bablyon Bee
Lenin on Press

Mainstream Press Desperately Trying to Create World War III

They Are Doing What Lenin Did to Create a Communist Revolution

What They Did To Us With COVID Has Exposed Their Agenda Worldwide

In Germany, a Hit Song – Fake News Media – It’s Everywhere

Club Moves – Senator Tim Scott Will Endorse Donald Trump Over Nikki Haley

Posted originally on the CTH on January 19, 2024 | Sundance

Senator Tim Scott is a professional Republican club member. The New York Times is reporting that Senator Scott plans to endorse former President Donald Trump tonight at a rally in New Hampshire.

Previously, Senator Scott endorsed Lisa Murkowski despite President Trump campaigning for her removal.

As noted, Senator Scott is a DeceptiCon, so his endorsement of President Trump over the naturally aligned DeceptiCon candidate Nikki Haley is somewhat of a surprise.

However, against a backdrop where President Trump is being viewed as almost impossible to beat in the primary and the general election, the club insiders need to position accordingly.

The decision to endorse Trump over Haley will be sold by the media narrative engineers as some kind of betrayal to the former South Carolina governor who appointed Scott to the Senate back in 2012. Senator Scott dropped out of the Republican president primary in November after having taken jabs at Haley but had yet to endorse in the race.

The timing is good to finish off Haley in New Hampshire, her only state of hope. However, let us hope President Trump has not set up a future administrative position for Scott as a result of this endorsement. [Insert Snake Poem Here].

NEW YORK TIMES – Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina will endorse Donald J. Trump on Friday evening at a rally in New Hampshire, according to two people briefed on the matter.

Mr. Scott was traveling to Florida on Friday so that he could fly with Mr. Trump to New Hampshire for the rally, the two people said. His endorsement of Mr. Trump is likely to spur additional discussion of Mr. Scott as a potential running mate for the former president. He is the highest-ranking elected Black Republican in the nation.

Mr. Scott arrived at his decision only recently. After ending his own campaign for president on Nov. 12, he had said he would not endorse “anytime soon.” But he came to the conclusion that Mr. Trump was the best candidate to defeat President Biden, according to one person familiar with his thinking. (read more)

The move also pre-positions a strong finality to destroying DeSantis in South Carolina.  President Trump now has South Carolina endorsements from both senators, Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, to combine with the endorsement from South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster.

I give President Trump a lot of credit; he positioned assets against DeceptiCons brilliantly this cycle.  {GO DEEP} !!

Take the endorsement to get rid of Haley, but Tim Scott is bad news overall.

Chris Christie Caught on Hot Mic Lamenting Current Status of Never Trump Operation – Nikki Haley Is “gonna get smoked” and Ron DeSantis Is “Petrified”

Posted originally on the CTH on January 10, 2024 | Sundance 

There are several layers around this story that are interesting and funny.

The obvious story is how Chris Christie is talking to Wayne MacDonald, a former chair of the New Hampshire Republican Party, and discussing the futility of Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.  The lesser obvious story speaks to the reason for the entire RAT team’s effort; they each had/have a role to play on behalf of their corporate benefactors.

“She’s gonna get smoked,” the former New Jersey governor said of Nikki Haley. “And you and I both know it. She’s not up to this,” Christie continued.  Chris Christie also claimed Ron DeSantis called him about Iowa while “petrififed” at the prospect of coming in third.  LISTEN:

The Latest Iowa Poll:

Trump: 52% (+7)

Haley: 18% (-1)

DeSantis: 18% (-4)

Ramaswamy: 5% (=)

Christie: 3% (-1)

Chris Christie Drops Out – ‘Defeating Donald Trump, Preserving DC System, More Important Than Victory’

Posted originally on the CTH on January 10, 2024 | Sundance

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (U-DC) is quitting on cue having played his part.  Christie ended his 2024 bid for the White House moments ago.   It’s clear to me tonight that there isn’t a path for me to win the nomination,” Christie told the audience at a town hall in Windham, N.H.

Via Fox-2) – […] The former New Jersey governor’s decision will be mainly viewed as a boon for Haley, who has seen particular momentum in New Hampshire, where Christie was also putting a lot of his campaign’s energy.

Christie had launched his campaign in June, going after Trump and pitching himself as an alternative to the former president. (more)