“Free Palestine” is Not a Woke Movement

Posted Jun 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Liberals everywhere have been trying to combine Pride month with Islamic causes such as the free Palestine movement. There have been instances across the UK, Canada, the US, and all of the West where pro-LGBTQ protestors have been assaulted when attempting to join Palestinian protests. The woke justice warriors glue themselves to every social cause without understanding the meaning behind it.

The free Palestine movement is NOT a woke social justice cause. There are numerous gays for Palestine groups emerging, which would be like chickens for Chic-fil-A. The social justice warriors could wave the Ukrainian flag and tout anti-Russian rhetoric freely without understanding the root cause of the war. Muslims are attempting to correct the far-left who mistakenly believes they are tolerant or accepting of the gay community.

Homosexuality is not permitted in Islam or the majority of Islamic countries. The offense of loving someone of the same sex is often punishable by death. Earlier in the month, a man attempted to open the country’s first gay club in the same city where Osama bin Laden was allegedly killed. Pakistan punishes homosexuality with a minimum two-year prison sentence that could be extended for a lifetime. This mistaken leftist was not jailed but rather committed to a mental hospital for even proposing such an idea. Clearly, he could not be of the right state of mind.

It is illegal to be gay in Palestine, with a possible punishment of up to 10 years. If Hamas catches you, then you’re dead. The law will look away if someone is murdered for homosexuality. In 2016, Hamas killed one of its own top officials for homosexual activities. Palestine’s woes have absolutely no correlation to the pride movement in the West, where people are permitted to express themselves however they see fit through the protection they have under the laws of the countries they hate.


It feels as if liberalism, at its extreme, has become a growing mental health epidemic. There is no logic or individual thought present. Far-left liberalism has become a trend of being the most oppressed among society. No one has a clear image of self or identity. They do not even know who they are supporting or why, but they insist you support whatever cause they have taken up for unknown reasons. They insist it is taught at schools to children. All of this is absolutely absurd, and yet no one is permitted to question it without being labeled intolerant.

Chattah: Nevada Fake Elector Case Thrown Out In Big Win For MAGA

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 21, 2024 at 06:30 pm EST

Showalter: Lying And Deceit Is Par For The Course When Gender Ideology Is Involved

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 20, 2024 at 08:00 pm EST

Good: Ballot And Counting Shenanigans Popping Up In VA-5 Primary

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 20, 2024 at 08:30 pm EST

Americans Not Concerned About Abortion

Posted originally on Jun 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

2024 Election Crisis

Bad news for the Democrats – their only single-voter issue seems to be the lowest priority among voters. The Democrats have long used the Roe v Wade battle as their final speaking point to attract voters. A new June Cygnal survey found that Americans are understandably more concerned with other issues plaguing the nation, and abortion will not be the focal point that they had hoped.

The Democrats, especially the likes of Hillary Clinton, tote abortion as their saving grace. Clinton has created merchandise and slogans about protecting women’s rights, as if abortion will cause half of the population to vote blue. Illegal immigration was stated as the second highest priority for voters, with 19.7% of voters voicing concerns. I began to write an article about the ongoing rapes across the globe where migrant men are attacking young girls but was too disgusted to finish the article. Look it up for yourselves if you don’t have a weak stomach. The migrant crisis is the main threat not only to global economies but to women’s rights. These men are usually let free to commit yet another attack as it would be intolerant and racist to force a migrant to abide by the laws in the nation they chose to reside in.


Around 27.9% of respondents believe inflation and the overall economy is the biggest issue facing America.  Americans are struggling to survive with personal debt rising to historic highs across all demographics and social classes. Black and Hispanic voters, who the Democrats believe must vote blue, notably stated that economic issues will be their top priority this November.

Climate change (5.9%), gun control (5.8%), and abortion (4.1%) are the main blue speaking points but Americans are growing less concerned about these issues. We are five months away from the election. The Democrats do not have a strong platform. They do not have a strong candidate. They simply cannot win this election fairly.

Representative Anna Paulina Luna States DC Dems Discuss Replacing Joe Biden Before General Election

Posted originally on the CTH on June 16, 2024 | Sundance 

We consistently hear people say something akin to “they can’t replace Joe Biden.”  It’s a little odd, because I’m really not sure where that level of understanding DC comes from.

Replacing Joe Biden on the ballot before or after the November 2024 election is as simple as one typed sentence from his doctor saying he is not capable of fulfilling another term. Not complicated. Very simple. Can happen at any time. The DNC corporation appoints a replacement, the leftists rally sympathy around him, and Biden is escorted away for a life of indulgences and free stuff. Easy peasy.

[At 01:00] …“A lot of people realize that Joe Biden’s likely not going to be the nominee, which is from what we’re hearing on Capitol Hill, Jesse. You know, Representative Kiley had reported that Kamala Harris is actually eyeing a run for California governor because of it.”

Anna Paulina Luna Claims Lawmakers ‘Hearing’ Biden Won’t Be Dem Nominee


The Guy Who Organizes Ballot Counting, Says Election Results Will Not Match Polling

Posted originally on the CTH on June 16, 2024 | Sundance 

Hopefully readers here know exactly who James Clyburn is and what his function consists of within the Democrat party election process.

Remember, elections are no longer about “votes,” modern elections are about “ballots”.  The election winner is not the person who gets the most votes. The election winner is the person who collects, submits and counts the most ballots.   The contest for electoral victory is who gains the most ballots, not votes.

That said, at the end of the ballot harvesting operation in the key state counties for Democrats, there are precinct workers who are then tasked with counting those ballots.

The number of ballots needed to change the outcome of the election, is essentially the determining factor in how many ballots the precinct workers in the key districts count.

Most of the regional precinct workers in the key counties that change the elections, are affiliated with and originate from the AME church network.

The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, has precinct level ballot counting election operations (poll workers) in the key counties [Fulton (GA), Wayne (Mich), Philadelphia and Pittsburgh (PA), Clark (NV), Maricopa (AZ), Dane (WI), etc.]  The ballot counting doesn’t need to happen all over the state, just at the key urban county level.

The DNC operation (Obama/BLM network) concentrates heavily on the ballot harvesting.  However, when they turn those ballots over to the county level precinct workers, that’s where the AME church network and South Carolina Representative James Clyburn come into play. {GO DEEP}

The DNC no longer focuses on controlling the Secretary of State or Attorney General approach.  With the George Soros machine running the District Attorney level angle the democrats only need to concern themselves with the precinct level poll worker support.  Clyburn’s AME network is protected by the willfully blind George Soros DA’s.   It’s a one-hand washing the other-hand proposition.

One Politico reporter plays the pretending game with James Clyburn in a recent interview.  The reporter, just like you, me and Catherine Englebrecht, know exactly how this election manipulation game is rigged, but they maintain the pretenses within the questions.

Once you know exactly how the outcomes are reached in those counties, then the remarks by Clyburn take on the accurate context.  [TRANSCRIPT HERE]

QUESTION: I know you get asked this question a lot, but I’m going to ask it as well. And that is this series of polls this year that show Donald Trump doing a whole lot better with Black voters than he did in 2020.

The May New York Times/Siena swing state poll showed 23 percent Black support for Trump. He won 8 percent according to the exit polls in 2020.

And then the Wall Street Journal broke down an interesting gender divide in April. This was a national poll, and it showed that 30 percent of Black men said they’ll vote for Trump versus 12 percent in 2020 and 11 percent of Black women versus 6 percent in 2020.

This is a big shift. I don’t think you can deny that these polls are showing something. What do you think that Biden needs to do to turn this around?

JAMES CLYBURN – I don’t think he needs to do anything but what he’s doing. I think Joe Biden is doing exactly what he needs to do to win reelection. Something is amiss with the polling. I call your attention to the recent polls in Maryland. The African American woman [Angela Alsobrooks] running for the United States Senate nomination — the Sunday before the election, one poll had her five down, the other poll had her seven down — and she won by 13. How do you explain that? That’s 20 points.

Clyburn is saying the quiet part out loud, but the media pretend they don’t know what it means. Essentially, the AME networked county level “ballot counters” successfully ran the election operation and lifted Angela Alsobrooks to victory. Voting did not matter, counting ballots did.

JAMES CLYBURN cont… “So I have no idea what’s going on with polling these days. But I do know this, the polls did not have [Jon] Ossoff, nor [Raphael] Warnock winning Georgia. And then both of them won. The polls did not have [Lucy] McBath getting 87 percent in that district. But she did.

Anybody who believes that Donald Trump will get 30 percent of the Black male vote or 12 percent of the Black female vote — I got a bridge down there on Johns Island I’ll sell you.” (LINK)

Clyburn knows his network can essentially run the ballot counting operation without fear or concern because George Soros has put the DA’s in their pocket.  And, with the media cooperating, if anyone raises an objection or notices something sketchy, the ballot gathering group have the RACE CARD to immediately play.

If another 20 million actual American people vote for Donald J Trump the system has an offset.  The millions of illegal aliens who have entered the country are generating millions of additional ballots that might be needed.    The illegal aliens don’t need to vote, they just need to generate ballots by registering their physical presence in the correct state or county as needed.  The ballot collection and ballot counting groups will do the rest.

This is the challenge to overcome in the 7 to 11 counties where the 2024 operation will be executed.  The ballot fraud operation is not a massive conspiracy or large-scale enterprise, it is less than a dozen counties strategically located in key states.


Democrats have the U.S. Dept of Justice.
Democrats have the United States postal service.
Democrats have the key state Secretaries of State.
Democrats have the United States US Attorney General.
Democrats have key state Attorneys General.
Democrats have county level District Attorneys.
Democrats have BLM foot soldiers (Ballot Harvesters).
Democrats have AME precinct workers (Ballot Counters).
Democrats have illegal alien names for ballots.

Democrats do not have voters.


Peters: Need Courts To Admit Evidence On Dominion And 2020 Election

Steve Bannon: “Judgement Day Is 5 November Of This Year”

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 8, 2024 at 02:00 pm EST

Steve Bannon Calls Out Zelensky “Obscenity” At D-Day’s 80th Anniversary

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 8, 2024 at 02:00 pm EST