Remarkably Similar New Hampshire Polling Convergence on Eve of Election, President Trump Averages 20 Point Lead

Posted originally on the CTH on January 22, 2024 | Sundance

When polling is driven by media contract it is generally useless; however, when three non-media polls are conducted on the same dates and deliver almost identical results, we can be more confident the outcome will generally be in line with the forecast.

Three polls from Trafalgar, Monmouth and Suffolk University all generally find the same outcome.  President Trump is polling approximately 20 points ahead of Nikki Haley in New Hampshire:

♦ Suffolk University Poll: Trump 57%, Haley 38%
♦ Monmouth University Poll: Trump 52%, Haley 34%
♦ Trafalgar Polling: Trump 58%, Haley 36%

[Source Link]

The multinational corps, Biden Team and Sea Island group were all hoping that New Hampshire’s open primary would allow Democrats to influence the outcome.

Historically, New Hampshire has been a playground for manipulated voting by cross-party voters, including activists from Massachusetts who coordinate travel voting for the closest contests.  However, despite the advice from David Plouffe for Democrats to support Nikki Haley, it doesn’t appear there’s a close enough margin for them to make too much difference.

(via Politico ) – […] Trump’s lead over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has slowly but steadily increased in the Suffolk University/Boston Globe/WBTS daily tracking poll over the past week. In interviews conducted Saturday and Sunday, Trump led Haley by 19 points, 57 percent to 38 percent.

That’s essentially identical to Trump’s lead in a new Monmouth University-Washington Post poll also released this morning. That survey shows Trump leading Haley by 18 points, 52 percent to 34 percent, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who dropped out of the race Sunday, at 8 percent.

Moreover, DeSantis’ supporters are more likely to go to Trump than Haley. The Monmouth University release said backers of the Florida governor were twice as likely to pick Trump as their second choice than Haley, which is consistent with polling from Suffolk University and the University of New Hampshire over the weekend.

The most consequential divide in the GOP primary electorate remains party registration. In the Monmouth University-Washington Post poll, Trump leads among registered Republicans by a 3-to-1 margin, 64 percent to 22 percent. Haley has an advantage among independents, but it’s closer: 48 percent to 38 percent. (more)

Nikki Haley will do and support whatever her corporate masters tell her to do and support.  Additionally, the backers have poured a lot of money into her campaign, and Nikki Haley doesn’t have much pride in herself, so even if she loses her own state of South Carolina by 40 points, she might stay in the race just to poke at President Trump if that’s what she is funded to do.

Nikki Haley is all about Nikki Haley, and she will be the first one to tell you what position in the Trump administration she will accept.

Even if no one votes for Nikki Haley and she is not given any job in the Trump administration, she will show up at the White House in January 2025 asking who is going to assist her in picking out office furniture for a cabinet level executive suite she is sure exists.  That’s just the way Haley operates.

Nikki Haley is like the George Costanza character from Seinfeld – showing up to a job at the New York Yankees he doesn’t even have.

Team Nikki Haley Has Spent $30 Million on New Hampshire Media Ads, but President Trump Still Dominates

Posted originally on the CTH on January 20, 2024 | Sundance

Good grief, talk about burning cash….  According to Politico, the three corporate super PACs and the Nikki Haley campaign have spent almost $30 million in New Hampshire on ad buys.

Three super PACs backing Haley — SFA Fund (aka Randal and Barbara Smith, Alden Global Capital), Americans for Prosperity (aka Charles Koch) and Independents Moving the Needle (aka Jonathan Bush, the cousin of former President George W. Bush, billionaire CEO Frank Laukien, and Big Pharma) have spent more than $24 million across TV, radio and digital ads targeting New Hampshire, according to data from AdImpact, an ad tracking platform. Haley’s own campaign has chipped in another $4.7 million.


NOTE: Ron DeSantis has not run any ads in New Hampshire since November, and the DeSantis camp have no additional advertising commitments in any state, including South Carolina.  It would appear the DeSantis campaign is low on cash and being very selective about spending prior to announcing their exit.

[…] According to an additional tracking service, AdImpact Politics, the last DeSantis ad to air on television was Monday, the night of the Iowa caucuses, which he lost by 30 points. That is reportedly the longest period his campaign and PACs Never Back Down, Fight Right, and Good Fight have gone without appearing on the airwaves. (MORE)

President Trump is leading Nikki Haley in New Hampshire polling 53% to 36%.  Ron DeSantis has 6.6% support. {source}

President Trump played this primary contest brilliantly, with a little assist from divine providence.

President Trump kicked off his campaign in South Carolina and now has the teams of the governor and both senators on his side.  The South Carolina electorate is filled with MAGA base supporters, and Trump has essentially funneled DeSantis and Haley into a no-win position.

Knock out Haley in New Hampshire, crush them both in Nevada with an Iowa like outcome, then stomp them in their fallback position, South Carolina.

This primary contest should be over immediately following South Carolina.

Nikki Haley the Democrat’s Trojan Horse

Posted originally on Jan 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Tucker Uncensored Nikki HaLEY

Tucker does an excellent job of exposing Nikki Haley. She is the Democrat’s Trojan Horse. They are trying desperately to put Trump in prison. This is the scuttlebutt after his Iowa victory, which shook the Democrats right to the core since they knew Biden was hopeless. But what most people do not know is that this was the very strategy that won Trump the nomination for 2016. Trump beat 17 Republican rivals because CNN and others were focusing on Trump because they BELIEVED that Hillary would be able to defeat him with ease. It was CNN and others of the far-left side that were always giving Trump airtime, assuming he would lose.

2016 PresElection Copy

They are doing this again. The Democrats are the funder of Haley, and the press will champion her above Trump, and they are trying to ensure that Trump is sentenced to prison BEFORE the election short of assassinating him. At the same time, our computer projected a Trump victory. Three out of four models projected a Trump victory, and the fourth was a dead heat.

Trump v Hillary

The media was all anti-Trump, and they were sure their power would prevail. The press was in a state of shock when Trump won. More than 200 newspapers supported Clinton, while Trump received the backing of fewer than 20. By bashing Trump constantly, they gave him a free press. They are preparing to do the same thing again with Nikki Haley, yet this time, it is intentional. They are seeking to “influence” the election by pushing Haley down everyone’s throat non-stop.

Broadcasters have faced some criticism after cutting off Trump’s election victory speech in Iowa, demonstrating that the media is on board with interfering in the 2024 election. This will only fulfill our computer’s forecast of serious civil unrest that will erupt after these elections, which the people will not accept REGARDLESS of who wins.

Then, former British Secret Intelligence Service head Sir Richard Dearlove said in an interview with SkyNews on Sunday that a Trump reelection would be “problematic” for the United Kingdom due to the former president’s issues with NATO. Trump is anti-war, and every European leader cannot wait to start World War III. One source joked that they need to eliminate the unfunded pensions for the future.