Desperate Fake News is Getting Much Worse

Posted originally on Feb 11, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Tucker Bablyon Bee
Lenin on Press

Mainstream Press Desperately Trying to Create World War III

They Are Doing What Lenin Did to Create a Communist Revolution

What They Did To Us With COVID Has Exposed Their Agenda Worldwide

In Germany, a Hit Song – Fake News Media – It’s Everywhere

Chris Christie Caught on Hot Mic Lamenting Current Status of Never Trump Operation – Nikki Haley Is “gonna get smoked” and Ron DeSantis Is “Petrified”

Posted originally on the CTH on January 10, 2024 | Sundance 

There are several layers around this story that are interesting and funny.

The obvious story is how Chris Christie is talking to Wayne MacDonald, a former chair of the New Hampshire Republican Party, and discussing the futility of Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.  The lesser obvious story speaks to the reason for the entire RAT team’s effort; they each had/have a role to play on behalf of their corporate benefactors.

“She’s gonna get smoked,” the former New Jersey governor said of Nikki Haley. “And you and I both know it. She’s not up to this,” Christie continued.  Chris Christie also claimed Ron DeSantis called him about Iowa while “petrififed” at the prospect of coming in third.  LISTEN:

The Latest Iowa Poll:

Trump: 52% (+7)

Haley: 18% (-1)

DeSantis: 18% (-4)

Ramaswamy: 5% (=)

Christie: 3% (-1)

New Hampshire Poll – President Trump Dominates With 52%, Nikki Haley at 22% Takes Ron DeSantis Previous Base of Rich, White, Men

Posted originally on the CTH on December 21, 2023 | Sundance | 58 Comments

An interesting poll out of New Hampshire [UML Poll Here] [Topline pdf Here] shows something perhaps many expected.

President Donald Trump still dominates the field with 52% and leads in every demographic.  Nikki Haley comes in second with 22%, and Ron DeSantis third with 10%.   However, if you dig into the demographics of the respondents what you discover is that Nikki Haley has gained her support from Ron DeSantis primary support base.


Previously DeSantis main support base was from wealthy, older, white males.  DeSantis has now lost this base to Nikki Haley as her demographic support shows the rich, older, white males, what you might call the country club circuit, have dumped the Florida Governor in favor of the former UN Ambassador.

The rich, older, white males now support Nikki Haley over Ron DeSantis.  This explains why Haley’s gains are all DeSantis losses.

Additionally, 27% of the DeSantis support is locked in (73% willing to change), while 47% of the Nikki Haley supporters are firm for her (53% could change mind).  Not only has Nikki Haley taken DeSantis base of support, but she has also locked in most of that stolen base.

While neither Haley or DeSantis stands a chance at a New Hampshire victory, it’s interesting how the dynamic has rolled out.

On the Trump support, 79% of the respondents have locked in for President Trump.  Over 86% of those are New Hampshire women, and when it comes to income distribution President Trump holds 93% firm votes from those making under $50k/yr.  The MAGA base is unflinching.

The University of Massachusetts Lowell poll is very strong for President Donald Trump.

Brilliant Mask Dropping – Kevin McCarthy Proves Republicans Only Love Money

Posted originally on the CTH on December 8, 2023 | Sundance 

Before watching this short statement by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy {Direct Rumble Link}, let me remind everyone of the baseline truth.

Democrats want power; Republicans want money.  Threaten Democrats power, they get vicious.  Threaten Republicans money, they get vicious.  Democrats use money to get power; Republicans use power to get money.  The ideology of the democrats drives their donor activity.  The donor activity drives the republican ideology. 

This is the core and essential difference between both wings of the DC UniParty, two wings of the same vulture.  This is the truth of the thing. Underline it, put it on Post-It notes, remind yourself of this baseline in all review of both parties.  This is the core motive behind everything!

To hammer this point home, listen to this soundbite from Kevin McCarthy speaking at Oxford University, U.K. WATCH:

Why does Kevin McCarthy only see rich white republicans? Because Kevin McCarthy only sees rich, white republicans.

Get it?

The MAGA base is invisible to Republicans.

The MAGA base is the most diverse coalition in U.S. political history. MAGA cuts across all races, national origin, color and creed definitions. MAGA is a massive cross section of every American segment. MAGA is pure American! The republican party cannot see it, because the republican party cannot see it.

In many ways, We The People are in an abusive relationship with government.

If you do not agree with the agenda as it is controlled by a small a powerful self-described elitist class, then we become the problem.

The division is not determined by our definitions, the conniving and corrupt administrators of the system are the ones creating the division we are accused of perpetrating.   However, there is no division in a social context as clear as the division between the working class and the investment class rulers who consider themselves above such arbitrary labels.

When you peel the issues down to their essential core, what you will always find, always find, is the money of the thing.

The created system of control is maintained through economics, and any America-First policy that threatens to close the divide between the ‘haves and have-nots’ is viewed against their interests.  This is the essential core of the opposition we face.

A thriving middle class is a powerful political balance. But a working class struggling for scraps doesn’t have the time to deliver accountability.  This division of wealth is what the Washington DC UniParty exploits.  Despite their pontificating lies to the contrary, all of the DC systems are created to take advantage of the wealth gap.

The social structures which create and maintain society are easier to control with a divided nation.

President Trump and the coalition of MAGA represents a true existential threat to this perpetuated system of division.  The America-First economic agenda created exclusively by Donald Trump is the main problem at the heart of all MAGA opposition.

Quite simply the America First agenda puts *their* money at stake, and collectively that amounts to trillions of dollars in multinational globalist financial control.  The scale of the money behind the MAGA opposition is really the biggest challenge; it is almost unfathomable, and that scale is represented within the size of the war chest they assembled for Ron DeSantis.

The top of this financial pyramid holds a grip on political power that is threatened by the worldview, outlook and economic nationalist policy of Donald Trump.  The top this system will not ‘lose’ with America-First Trump; however, they will gain at a slower rate.  This group will not leave their throne, they only see a slower assembling within their vaults.

The Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and World Economic Forum crews will follow the America-First policy and invest in America, they will just hate doing it.  They will hate the best-play of slower gains because the returns are not as lucrative, expedient or fraught with the simple indulgences of their custom.

However, underneath that top-tier, there are many layers of vested financial interests at lesser but more generational risk. The Cornwallis crowd will see a much more difficult time advancing their influence and affluence with America-First in place.  For this tier of powdered wigs, a loss for them could really change things.  This reality is why you see demographic polling showing the more affluent the respondent, the less supportive of MAGA their responses.

It’s not a class war, per se’, it is something far deeper within the psyche and outlook of people. The need for control is a reaction to fear.  Losing influence and affluence is the fear behind the division.  If we make the totalitarians a better sandwich, if we reach across the aisle and afford benefit of high-minded doubt, maybe our professional abusers will permit us to keep a little more…  Ultimately, the chase for scraps.

This sensibility, this triggering of selfish fear, is a powerful tool.  This is exactly what is being intentionally and purposefully triggered by those who are professionally political, and they are doing it for their own benefit.  It is not necessarily about creating a class war; it is more akin to controlling the wealth of a nation and then forcing groups to position themselves for what remains.

The ‘us -vs- them‘ scenario is not Republicans -vs- Democrats, it’s We The People, represented by MAGA, -vs- the totalitarian rulers in both parties.


We the people are the heart of America

We will win….

It is not a question of if, it is only a matter of how!

The Big Ugly Continues – After 3rd Round House Vote, Representative Jim Jordan Loses Internal Secret Ballot 122 Nay, 86 Yea

Posted originally on the CTH on October 20, 2023 | Sundance

The Big Ugly battle over control of the Republican Party in Congress was always going to be big and ugly.  We are witnessing the professional Republican apparatus fight hard to retain the UniParty business model that affords them all the affluence and indulgence they are accustomed to.

By now we well understand the nature of the DC political system as a business model. Factually, that’s why congressional candidates spend millions to take a job earning a few hundred thousand.  The business of DC political life is filled with background payments to politicians, family and friends. The business of DC politics provides a life of affluence that is disconnected from most understanding.

Jim Jordan lost his third effort to secure the House Speaker role in a floor vote earlier today.  Following the floor vote, the Republican Caucus held a closed-door meeting and another secret ballot to determine if Jordan should continue.  When they didn’t have to put their names in front of the public for scrutiny, 122 professional members of the Republican Party voted against Jordan, with only 86 votes in support of Jordan continuing.   Jim Jordan from Ohio is done.

Within the voting and the turmoil, we see the axiom bell ring true.   Democrats want power, Republicans want money.  Democrats use money to get power, Republicans use power to get money.  Democrat donors support ideology.  Republican politicians chase donor money.  This is the essential difference in the two wings of the UniParty apparatus.

♦ What becomes visible…. Threaten the power of Democrats, and you receive the weaponization of government.  Threaten the money of Republicans, and you get this Big Ugly outcome.  That’s what we are witnessing.

On the positive side, with each passing example more American voters are starting to understand the nature of the UniParty apparatus.  Within this painful understanding you find the reason why support for Donald J. Trump grows.  Trump threatens the Democrat power structure; so, they weaponize the full weight of government against him (Main Justice, FBI, IC, FISA, the works).  However, Trump also threatens the Republican structure of affluence; so, we see them step aside and willfully watch the weaponization of government against their common enemy.  That’s also what we are witnessing.

WASHINGTON DC – In a shocking turn, Jim Jordan on Friday lost an internal GOP vote that was intended to show confidence in him remaining as his party’s speaker designee.

The Ohio Republican is now no longer his party’s pick to lead the House, a demise sealed by a GOP secret ballot just after his third failed floor vote as a speaker hopeful.

It was an unexpectedly fast end to the Ohio conservative’s candidacy to lead the chaos-ridden Republican conference — and a sign that the flailing party is fed up on its 17th day without a speaker. Lawmakers now plan to leave Washington for the weekend as the next round of ambitious Republicans decide whether to mount their own speaker bids.

But most Republicans acknowledge that even with new faces to consider, they still have no clear path to uniting their splintered conference. They have already rejected two speaker candidates — Jordan and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise — as well as former Speaker Kevin McCarthy during this month alone.

McCarthy gave voice to a sentiment that’s growing within the GOP: The party’s inability to run the half of Congress that it narrowly won doesn’t bode well for its broader future.

“I’m concerned about where we go from here,” said McCarthy, who had been backing Jordan. “It’s astonishing to me, and we are in a very bad position as a party.”

Jordan’s loss of the speaker nod from his party came as something of a surprise, since he had sought the internal vote with allies preparing to cite it as a show of continued support for his candidacy. Instead, the secret ballot revealed that while Jordan’s public opposition never topped 25 votes, scores more House Republicans wanted to see him out of the race.

[…] In all, 122 Republicans voted to boot Jordan as their party’s nominee, while 86 said he should remain their choice, according to two people familiar with the private discussions. Five members voted present.  (read more)

Wall Street, the multinational corporations, the billionaire donors, the people who control the ‘illusion of choice’ mechanisms within the Republican Party apparatus, are all smiling.   Meanwhile, Main Street USA is once again furious.  But remember, the Wall Street group just doesn’t care.  As long as they retain full control over the puppets in DC, including at least 122 Republicans in the House, the multinationals are happy.

The Big Ugly battle continues.

It’s a BIG CLUB, and we ain’t in it….  YET!  

Idaho Republican Rep Mike Simpson Views Constituent Contacts as “Intimidation and Threatening”

Posted originally on the CTH on October 18, 2023 | Sundance 

It is a good thing to see the masks dropping amid the professionally republican class who view themselves as something more than representatives of their constituents.

In public response to the requests of the voters, Idaho’s Second Congressional District Representative Mike Simpson reminds voters that their opinion means nothing.


FYI, Steve Scalise is voting for Jim Jordan.

Who is paying for Mike Simpson?  Because apparently, he doesn’t think the voters matter much.

The UniParty is on Full Display as 22 Professional Republicans Work with Democrats to Block Jim Jordan – Here’s The List

Posted originally on the CTH on October 18, 2023 | Sundance

The second round of voting for House Speaker ended with two more “Republicans” vowing to support the goals of the UniParty in Washington DC and retain alignment with Democrats.  The mask dropping is quite remarkable, and perhaps the only good thing to come from this dynamic.

Here are the 22 professional Republicans who wish to see a Democrat House Speaker:

♦ Don Bacon: (202) 225-4155; @RepDonBacon (voted McCarthy) ♦ *Vern Buchanan: (202) 225-5015;@vern Buchanan (voted Donalds) ♦ Ken Buck: (202) 225-4676; @RepKenBuck  (voted for Emmer) ♦ Lori Chavez-DeRemer: (202) 225-5711; @RepLCD (voted McCarthy) ♦ Anthony D’Esposito: (202) 225-5516; @anthonydespo (voted Zeldin) ♦ Mario Díaz-Balart: (202) 225-4211; @MarioDB (voted Scalise) ♦ Jake Ellzey: (202) 225-2002; @JakeEllzey  (voted Garcia) ♦ *Drew Ferguson: (202) 225-5901; @RepDrewFerguson (voted Scalise) ♦ Andrew Garbarino: (202) 225-7896; @RepGarbarino (voted Zeldin) ♦ Carlos Giménez: (202) 225-2778; @RepCarlos (voted McCarthy) ♦ Tony Gonzales (TX): (202) 225-4511; @TonyGonzales4TX (voted Scalise) ♦ Kay Granger: (202) 225-5071; @RepKayGranger (voted Scalise) ♦ John James: (202) 225-4961; @repjames (voted for Moolenaar?) ♦ Mike Kelly (PA): (202) 225-5406; @MikeKellyPA (voted Bainer?) ♦ Jen Kiggans: (202) 225-4215; @JenKiggans (McCarthy) ♦ Nick LaLota: (202) 225-3826; @nicklalota (voted Zeldin) ♦ Mike Lawler: (202) 225-6506; @lawler4ny (voted McCarthy ) ♦ *Marianette Miller-Meeks: (202) 225-6576; @RepMMM (voted Grainger) ♦ John Rutherford: (202) 225-2501; @RepRutherfordFL (voted Scalise) ♦ Mike Simpson: (202) 225-5531; @CongMikeSimpson (voted Scalise) ♦ Steve Womack: (202) 225-4301; @rep_stevewomack (voted Scalise). 

There is remarkable overlap amid those Republicans who previously voted to support Nancy Pelosi in her impeachment effort against President Trump.  The UniParty is on display, and despite the frustration – Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant!

WASHINGTON DC – Opposition to Jim Jordan’s speakership bid is increasing, as the Ohio Republican again failed to get the 217 votes he needs to win the gavel.

After halting voting for nearly a day in hopes of securing more Republican votes, Jordan instead lost two more votes on the second ballot. The House then went into another recess, at Jordan’s request, before a possible third vote. The GOP is expected to hold a conference meeting Wednesday afternoon as it keeps searching for a way out of its speaker mess.

Jordan’s total number of Republican opponents reached 22 on the second round of voting. With the list of defectors growing, even after a significant delay, his chances at the gavel are looking virtually nonexistent.

Despite that outlook, Jordan spokesperson Russell Dye said in a statement after the vote: “We’re going to keep going.”

Jordan himself told reporters that he was unsure when a third ballot would take place but vowed that “we’ll keep talking to members, keep working on it.”

He flipped two prior opponents — Reps. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) and Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.)  — but still lost ground in the broader tally. GOP Reps. Vern Buchanan (Fla.), Drew Ferguson (Ga.), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (Iowa) and Pete Stauber (Minn.) all flipped against Jordan after previously backing him in the first ballot.

Several other Jordan opponents — Reps. Mike Kelly (Pa.) and John James (Mich.) — changed their votes to other alternative candidates. (read more)

Sunday Talks – Chris Sununu Says Biden Impeachment Would Be “Unhealthy” for Country

Posted originally on the CTH on September 3, 2023 | Sundance 

Isn’t it interesting how professional Republicans can always find a way to protect the professional Democrats, yet you never see the reverse scenario.

That truthful reality is just one small way you can help people break out of their battered conservative syndrome.  The professional Republicans are indeed like the role-playing Washington Generals.  It’s not an accident the GOPe push their reach across the aisle, high-minded approach, it’s strategic.  All of it follows a script and the performance actors are very easy to identify.

In this segment [prompted to avoid the pure pretense], you will see Republican New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu outlining how impeachment efforts against Joe Biden should not be taken, because, well, it’s “unhealthy for our country.”   He also goes to great lengths to defend the “institutions” of our democracy that are under attack from people who no longer trust them.  WATCH (prompted): 


MAGA ’23 is not the TEA PARTY of ’12.  We have learned, adapted, increased our ranks, and we have selected a formidable leader in President Donald J. Trump to take the fight directly to them.  This reality frames the current context of their opposition, and they are lashing out.

This was always going to be a trilogy.  In 2016, the rebellion surprised the Deathstar.  In 2020 the Empire struck back. In 2024, it’s the Revenge of the Jedi.

Iowa Republican Party Begins to Make Their Move Against MAGA – Reminder of The Core Battle

Posted originally on the CTH on September 3, 2023 | Sundance 

Before outlining the moves of the GOPe/RNC/RGA as they are unfolding in Iowa, it is absolutely critical for people to understand the landscape of American politics.

The functional mission of the UniParty apparatus is not based on ideology; the core and consequential baseline revolves around the business of American politics and the motives of the people who control the institutions within it.  For this outline I focus only on the Republican wing, the GOP corporation, one side of the professional business apparatus.

WRITE THIS DOWN and force yourself to remember it every day.  “The Republican Party priority is to retain their business, to control the outcomes, and this has nothing to do with winning elections.”  The RNC would rather lose elections and retain power, than win elections and lose operational control over the apparatus.

In the past several decades, the motive of a Republican or Democrat politician advancing their influence by running for political office has absolutely nothing to do with representing the interests of the American people.  Nothing.  Their interests are to engage within the business of politics, while presenting themselves as qualified actors to retain the premise of political service.  This is why they will spend $10 million to win an office that only pays $400k/yr.

The business of buying, selling and controlling policy, is the core operation of people within the US political system.  As an outcome, the business has two wings – the RNC and the DNC.  Two private corporations inside the political industry who are in place to retain the overall business model.  The RNC and DNC are both funded by the same interests, banks, corporations, Wall St interests, and even foreign interests who purchase outcomes.

The RNC and DNC are two operational wings inside the industry of politics.  The are in the same business, but they have slightly different business models.

The Republicans (RNC) want money, the Democrats (DNC) want power.  The Republicans use power to get money, the Democrats use money to get power.  The donor activity of the Republicans drives their agenda.  The agenda of the Democrats drives their donor activity.  It is a subtle nuance, but once you really understand it, everything falls into place.

The Republican politicians are ambivalent to the outcomes of the Democrats.  The Republican group only cares about the money.  Threaten the power of the Democrats and you get a toxic and violent response.  Threaten the money of the Republicans and you get exactly the same level of response.

Democrats are triggered when you threaten their power, their ability to control.  Republicans are triggered when you threaten their money, their ability to enrich.

The primary of 2024 is the election season when we see firsthand this corporate battle explode inside in the Republican group.  Decades of entrenched power are at stake, and there have been four years of counter positioning and backroom discussion leading up to this moment.

As a consequence, and I know this might sound odd to many people – but winning and/or losing elections becomes a secondary issue.  The people who control the RNC as a private corporation, the people who fund the business, are not focused on winning elections. The RNC corporation is focused on retaining mission control.

The RNC want to give the illusion of support for MAGA conservatism, because the illusion of choice requires a base voter.  However, every move they make on an operational level is exactly in line with their previous outlook toward cocktail-class corporate republicanism.  The MAGA base of support cannot trust this corporate group, and we must not be blind or unguarded about the Machiavellian schemes they construct.

Donald Trump is not a problem for the Republican Party; Donald Trump is our response to the problem within the Republican Party.

Republicans are far more violent, hate-filled and vitriolic than Democrats when their money is threatened.  As long as the money is not threatened, Republicans happily play the game and permit the Democrats to purchase their votes and support.  However, threaten the money of the Republicans, and they will be the very first to go nuclear… including the intentional loss of any/all elections in order to preserve their stake.

This dichotomy, ambivalence and illusion, is what you saw in the 2018 midterms, 2020 general and 2022 midterms from the professional Republicans.  The MAGA team, who identify as Republicans as a method for ballot entry, are the only ones who will fight to change this dynamic.  Therefore, the Republican Party views the MAGA insurgents as the enemy that must be removed.

Now, to Iowa…

The Republican Party of Iowa Central Committee has refused to set a date by which a voter must choose Republican voter affiliation in order to participate in the January 15 caucus.  The private club is positioning to block the MAGA insurgency and advance the DeSantis operation; because if the approved RNC candidate doesn’t win in Iowa, Godzilla Trump will take the momentum and destroy the club.

The result is that Iowa Democrats (who have screwed up their own caucuses, so they will be free on Jan. 15) will swarm the Republican caucuses to cause mischief.  Iowans, who are not stupid, know exactly what “mischief” means in this context.  At best it means a rough night and some bruises.  At worst, ask Joe Biggs.

This is an inside job by the Republican Party of Iowa.  During the legislative session earlier this year, they were all set to pass a bill setting the deadline for registration at 70 days prior to the caucus date.  Then, suddenly, the “lawyers” said legislators had to take that provision out, and that the Republican Party of Iowa would handle it by resolution.

The private corporation needs control.

As we have witnessed in Georgia, watch the professional party apparatus in Iowa align with a singular mission, to protect their business model.

 In Iowa – the SEA ISLAND DeSantis crew have funded and planted Asa Hutchinson and Mike Pence to camp out.  They are supported by Governor Kim Reynolds.  The goal is to use the Jeff Roe Cruz Crew, and roughly 1,000 paid Never Back Down (NBD) conscripts to do the Astroturf.

Let me emphasize a key point.  The Republican Party is not positioning to win the 2024 election. The goal of the Republican Party is to remove the threat represented by Donald Trump.  When you start there, all of the RNC weaknesses or flaws look very different, very purposeful.

Donald J. Trump isn’t the cause of the Republican failure; he is the result of their failure.

The people in control of Republican Club do not care who is in the White House, that is a secondary objective.  What they care about right now is controlling the Republican corporation and stopping the hostile takeover.

Republican Chris Christie Advocates for More War, More Conflict, More Turmoil, More Weapons, More U.S Intervention

Posted originally on the CTH on August 19, 2023 | Sundance 

Big Picture: Democrats want power, Republicans want money – and when it comes to foreign policy, they are in complete UniParty alignment.  This is the baseline to understand why only Donald J. Trump represents an alternative to the foreign policy worldview of the corrupt DC system.  This is also why they hate him and us.

There is no genuine alternative, no distinction between the foreign policy of professional Democrats and the foreign policy of professional Republicans.  The nature of each wing of the UniParty vulture flows in complete sync on the issues of U.S. global interests and the multinational beneficiaries who pay for the policies of intervention.

At the absolute core of the issue for Republicans is the money. The financial mechanisms which create a need for outcomes in various nations.  The ultimate and biggest pay-to-play scheme, where the policy of the United States is sold to the highest bidder and becomes an outcome of the interests of the multinational corporations.  It is maddening to watch this dynamic continue to play out and yet feel incapable of stopping it. This is part of the value in Donald Trump.

(Politico) – Speaking to Erick Erickson at an Atlanta-area conference on Saturday morning, Christie went deep on his foreign policy vision, saying the U.S. must push back against authoritarian leaders and uphold democratic rights and norms in a broad preview of what foreign policy in his administration would look like (more).

Uphold “democratic rights and norms” while we still have the memories of the COVID-19 regime in our memory banks.  How exactly was democracy evident in forced vaccinations, mandated medical rules by fiat, shutdowns, lockdowns, violations of just about every right these presumed democrat leaders claim to advocate?  Who exactly are the totalitarians in this equation?

It wasn’t Russia or Vladimir who forced the U.S. government to mandate medical procedures.  It wasn’t China or Xi Jinping who denied people the ability to comfort their sick, infirmed and dying loved ones.  It wasn’t North Korea or Chairman Kim who arrested parents on playgrounds, chased people from the beach or set about rules saying if you were seated in a restaurant you were safe, but if you stood up the rona would kill you.  These were the insufferable fiats of hypocritical politicians right here in the USA.

But seeing as it is Chris Christie making this argument, let me go bigger.

Claim a desire for Middle East peace, set the Middle East on fire with the Arab Spring (Obama Cairo speech).  Claim a desire for middle class workers, yet facilitate corporate offshoring.  Claim a desire for Israeli security, yet attack Egyptian President Fattah al-Sisi for creating Israeli security.  Accept a Nobel Peace Prize, set Libya on fire and kill thousands.  Accept a Nobel Peace Prize, then attack Syria.  Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.

Champion women’s causes on stage, yet embrace Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood who devalue women.  Claim to support democratic elections, then undermine the majority election outcome of the British vote in Brexit.  Everything, every – single – thing, about the Obama/Biden foreign policy was an exercise in hypocrisy.  There were ZERO foreign policy successes, NONE.  What we are seeing now is the same thing with Biden, because it is an extension of Obama’s third term.  Hence, JoeBama.

Obama entered into a political agreement with Hillary Clinton to appoint her as Secretary of State.  That appointment was purposefully made so that Clinton could graft for the Clinton Foundation and enrich herself beyond imagining… that was the Clinton carrot.  The agreement also contained guard rails; Clinton could graft to her heart’s desire, but she must maintain an ideological alignment with Obama’s team mission of diminishing the U.S. on the global scale.

Barack Obama undermined the U.S with his two yearlong apology tour, while Secretary Clinton enriched herself (and family), kept her mouth shut, followed orders and maintained the ideological undermining.  Eventually the hypocrisy blew up in their faces, and we saw outcomes like the rise of ISIS and the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi.  Outcomes of an ideological doctrine sprinkled with financial graft.

[SIDEBAR – Obama stood in Cairo, Egypt, and told the Islamic extremists the U.S. had a new policy and would not interfere if they turned violent; the Arab Spring started – Islamic extremists took over.  The same type of messaging was done domestically in Ferguson, Missouri, and Black Lives Matter’s “burn this place down” started.

• Eventually, in Ferguson the head of local law enforcement, District Attorney Robert McCulloch, refused to bring a prosecution for a fraudulent narrative.  Black Lives Matter was angry.  • Eventually, in Egypt the head of the military, General al-Sisi, drove his tanks into Tahir square and took over, restoring peace.  The White House was angry.  There is a commonality amid the anger games initiated by Barack Obama and his ideological tribe. – END SIDEBAR]

Fast forward to President Trump, and you can see how he was able to cut through the ideology by focusing on the economics underneath governmental policy.

North Korea was stabilized by confronting China.  Afghanistan was stabilized by confronting Pakistan.  The Mid-East, writ large, was stabilized by confronting the Muslim Brotherhood.  Syria was stabilized by confronting Turkey.

Everything in the Trump Doctrine was focused on the economic root-causes of destabilization. NATO was stabilized by focusing on accountability for financing.

By stabilizing the economic incentives, the underlying extremism and/or threat was removed by peer pressure from the support network of the bad behavior.  Trump avoided conflict by focusing on the right adversary, the true root of the problem.

In the most consequential of ways, President Trump was the single most consequential foreign policy president in a generation.   We forget that during Trump’s term in office, the headlines about North and South Korea were not about conflict, but rather about the possibility of unification on the Korean peninsula.

Two large elements played out when Trump was in office.  First, economic security is national security.  Second, “peace is the prize.”  Through both elements the Trump Doctrine was born, and the effectiveness, while downplayed and ignored, was unmistakable.

♦President Trump’s foreign policy approach brought North and South Korea together away from the table of conflict.  ♦President Trump’s foreign policy approach brought Serbia and Kosovo together away from the table of conflict.  ♦President Trump’s foreign policy rallied the Gulf Cooperation Council to stop Qatar’s support for Islamic extremists via the Muslim Brotherhood. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy brought Turkey and the Kurdish forces together away from war and conflict.  ♦President Trump’s foreign policy created a ceasefire to stop the bloodshed in Syria.  President Trump mediated a cessation of hostilities between India & Pakistan in the Kashmir region. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy brought Israel and the UAE together… and then Bahrain… and then Sudan in the Abraham Accords.

President Trump executed a clear foreign policy – a unique doctrine where national security is achieved by leveraging U.S. economic power. It was a fundamental shift in approaching both allies and adversaries summarized within the oft repeated phrase: “Economic security is national security.”

The Trump Doctrine of using economics to achieve national security objectives was a fundamental paradigm shift.  Modern U.S. history provided no easy reference for the effective outcome.

The nature of the Trump foreign policy doctrine, as it became visible, was to hold manipulative influence agents accountable for regional impact(s); and simultaneously work to stop any corrupted influence from oppressing free expression of national values held by the subservient, dis-empowered, people within the nation being influenced.

There were clear examples of this doctrine at work. When President Trump first visited the Middle East, he confronted the international audience with a message about dealing with extremist influence agents. President Trump simply said, “Drive them out.”

Toward that end, as Qatar was identified as a financier of extremist ideology, President Trump placed the goal of confrontation upon the Gulf Cooperation Council, not the U.S.

The U.S. role was clearly outlined as supporting the confrontation. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates needed to confront the toxic regional influence; the U.S. would support their objective. That’s what happened.

Another example: To confront the extremism creating the turmoil in Afghanistan, President Trump placed the burden of bringing the Taliban to the table of governance upon primary influence agent Pakistan.

Here again, with U.S. support. Pakistan was the leading influence agent over the Taliban in Afghanistan; the Trump administration correctly established the responsibility and gave clear expectations for U.S. support.

If Pakistan doesn’t change their influence objective toward a more constructive alignment with a nationally representative Afghanistan government, it was Pakistan who will be held accountable.

Again, the correct and effective appropriation of responsibility was upon the influence agent who could initiate the solution, Pakistan.

The process of accurate regional assignment of influence comes with disconcerting sunlight. Often these influences are not discussed openly. However, for President Trump the lack of honesty is only a crutch to continue enabling poor actors. This is a consistent theme throughout all of President Trump’s foreign policy engagements.

The European Union is a collective co-dependent enabler to the corrupt influences of Iran. Therefore, the assignment of responsibility to change the status was placed upon the EU.  The U.S. would fully support the EU effort, but as seen in the withdrawal from the Iran Deal, President Trump would not enable growth of toxic behavior. The U.S. stands with the people of Iran, but the U.S. will not support the enabling of Iranian oppression, terrorism and/or dangerous military expansion that will ultimately destabilize the region.

President Trump made the policy clear, then held the EU accountable for helping to influence change. Again, we saw the Trump Doctrine at work.

Perhaps the most obvious application of the Trump Doctrine was found in how the U.S. administration approached the challenging behavior of North Korea. Rather than continuing a decades-long policy of ignoring the influence of China, President Trump directly assigned primary responsibility for a DPRK reset to Beijing.

China held, and holds, all influence upon North Korea and has long treated the DPRK as a proxy province to do the bidding of Beijing’s communist old guard.

By directly confronting the influence agent and admitting openly for the world to see (albeit with jaw-dropping tactical sanction diplomacy), President Trump positioned the U.S. to support a peace objective on the entire Korean peninsula and simultaneously forced China to openly display their closely guarded influence.

While the Red Dragon -vs- Panda influence dynamic was quietly playing out in the background, the benefit of this new and strategic approach brought the possibility of peace between the two Koreas closer than ever in history.

No longer was it outlandish to think of North Korea joining with the rest of the world in achieving a better quality of life for its people.

Not only was President Trump openly sharing a willingness to engage in a new and dynamic future for North Korea, but his approach is removing the toxic influences that have held down the possibility for generations.

By leveraging China (through economics) to stop manipulating North Korea, President Trump was opening a door of possibilities for the North Korean people. This is what I meant when I said Trump was providing North Korea with an opportunity to create an authentic version of itself.

What ultimately came from the opportunity President Trump constructed was lost in the 2020 U.S. election outcome.  However, the opportunity itself was stunning progress creating a reasonable pathway to prosperity for the North Korean people.

Chairman Kim Jong-un had the opportunity to be the most trans-formative leader within Asia in generations; but it was always only an ‘opportunity’ that could exist if President Trump remained in place to provide it.

Whether Kim Jong-un could embrace openness, free markets and prosperity was never seen. But we saw the opportunity that was nonexistent without Trump’s guiding hand to create it.

♦The commonality in those foreign policy engagements was the strategic placement of responsibility upon the primary influence agent; and a clear understanding upon those nation(s) of influence, that all forward efforts must ultimately provide positive results for people impacted who lack the ability to create positive influence themselves.

One of the reasons President Trump was able to take this approach was specifically because he was beholden to no outside influence himself.

It is only from the position of complete independence that accurate assignments based on the underlying truth can be made; and that took us to the ultimate confrontations – the trillion-dollar confrontations.

A U.S. foreign policy that provides the opportunity for fully realized national authenticity was a paradigm shift amid a world that had grown accustomed to corrupt globalists, bankers and financial elites who had established a business model by dictating terms to national leaders they control and influence.

We had/have our own frame of reference with K-Street lobbyists in Washington DC.  Much of President Trump’s global trade reset was based on confronting these multinational influence agents.

When you take the influence of corporate/financial brokers out of foreign policy, all of a sudden, those global influence peddlers are worthless. Absent of their ability to provide any benefit, nations no longer purchase these brokered services.

As soon as influence brokers are dispatched, national politicians become accountable to the voices of their citizens. When representing the voices of citizens becomes the primary political driver of national policy, the authentic image of the nation is allowed to surface.

It is not accidental the EU has appointed officials and unelected bureaucrats in Brussels as the primary decision-making authority.  By its very nature, the EU collective requires a central planning authority who can act independent of the underlying national voices.

As the Trump Doctrine clashed with the European global elite, the withdrawal of the U.S. financial underwriting created a natural problem. Subsidies are needed to retain multiculturalism.  If a national citizenry has to pay for the indulgent decisions of the influence class, a crisis becomes only a matter of time.

Wealth distribution requires a host.

Since the end of World War II, the U.S. had been a bottomless treasury for EU subsidy. The payments have been direct and indirect. The indirect have been via U.S. military bases providing security, the NATO alliance, and also by U.S. trade policy permitting one-way tariff systems. Both forms of indirect payment were being reversed as part of the modern Trump Doctrine.

Similarly, in Mexico the Trump Doctrine extended toward changed trade policies – this time via NAFTA.

The restructuring of NAFTA into the USMCA disfavors multinational corporations and financial holdings who have exploited structural loopholes that were designed into the original agreement.

With President Trump confronting the NAFTA fatal flaw, and absent of the ability of corporations to influence the direction of the administration, the trade deal ultimately presented the same outcome for Mexico as it does the EU – LESS DOLLARS.

However, in Mexico, the larger systems of government were not as strongly structured to withstand the withdrawal of billions of U.S. dollars. The government of Mexico is not in the same position as the EU and cannot double-down on more oppressive controls. Therefore, the authentic voice of the Mexican people was more likely to rise.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) is a nationalist, but he is not a free-market capitalist. AMLO is more akin to soft-socialist approach with a view that when the central governing authority is constrained, and operates in the best interests of its citizens, equity can be achieved.

The fabric of socialism runs naturally through the DNA strain of Mexico, and indeed much of South America. This is one of the reasons why previous Mexican governments were so corrupt. Multinational corporations always find it easier to exploit socialist minded government officials.

When bribery and graft are the natural way of business engagement, the multinationals will exploit every opportunity to maximize profit. Withdraw the benefit (loophole exploitation) to the financial systems, and the bribery and graft dries up quickly. A bottom-up nationalist like AMLO, is the ultimate beneficiary.

The authentic sense of the Mexican people rises in the persona of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador – who actually does personify the underlying nature of the classic Mexican class-struggle.

Thus, we saw two similar yet distinct outcomes of the Trump Doctrine. Within a highly structured U.K. parliamentary government, the leadership becomes more authoritarian and rebukes the electorate (refuse Brexit); and in Mexico a less structured government becomes more nationalist, more prideful, and embraces the underlying nature of the electorate.

It is not accidental the historic nature of the U.K. is a monarchy (top down), and the historic nature of Mexico is populist (bottom up). Revolution notwithstanding, both countries responded to the Trump doctrine by returning to their roots.

REMINDER April, 2018  – SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korean President Moon Jae-in said U.S. President Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program, a South Korean official said on Monday.

“President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize. What we need is only peace,” Moon told a meeting of senior secretaries, according to a presidential Blue House official who briefed media.

Moon and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Friday pledged at a summit to end hostilities between their countries and work toward the “complete denuclearization” of the Korean peninsula.

It is remarkable to contemplate what might have been…  We need to hire President Trump to finish the job.

The Trump Doctrine works, we all saw what happens when you leverage economic power for our own national security interests.

Donald Trump represents the interests of Americans, first!