Immigration as a Political Tool

Posted Jun 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 
Illegal Immigration

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong,
Thanks for your interesting blog and for all you
Are doing for all humanity…

Concerning possibility to come to USA, I would
Like to emphasize that while from day one of
Biden’s presidency, USA south borders are
Opened to anyone passing through, with no
need to have documents or declare real data,
Italians (and I guess european too) that want to
come to USA in order to work and live there, still have
a lot of  limitations and Regulations to adhere (even
if “called” from a US Firm… but I am sure you know it! which
finally make it Almost impossible to come even if specialized
And with clean record.
All the best!
Have a nice week-end!

REPLY: I have spent more than $50,000 on lawyers trying to get my overseas staff into the USA. It very frustrating. I intend to file a lawsuit against Homeland Security for DISCRIMINATION and violating civil rights. What you say is correct. They refuse to even issue a visa in Russia, I had a German staff member who boarded a plane and then was pulled off. A British staff member refused to give a visa and refused to explain why, using the standard nonsense that perhaps they would not leave. I told my staff to put on a T-shirt, I voted for Biden and just walked across the Mexican border.

I can tell you I have seen instructions to Homeland Security that if anyone from Ukraine wanted to come to the USA, they MUST have a COVID-19 vaccine. However, if a Ukrainian walked across the Mexican border, no vaccine is required.

This policy is exactly what I encountered trying to negotiate for Hong Kong with the Australian government. It was ONLY about who they would vote for. Australia blocked them because they would vote CONSERVATIVE when the LABOUR government was in power.

What Kind of American Are You

I am so sick and tired of this nonsense that people from Asia and Europe cannot come to the USA simply because they would vote Republican. The USA will break up. This is unsustainable. That film scene from the Movie Civil War was really on point – What kind of American are you?

We may have to start doing conferences in Dubai and Mexico. So much for the land of the free.

Biden Supported Illegal Alien Kills 22-Year-Old University of GA Nursing Student Laken Riley

Posted originally on the CTH on February 24, 2024 | Sundance

This might seem like another in a long series of deaths caused by unvetted illegal aliens in the USA; however, the nature of this murder hits the key demographic of white, uppity suburban women, with a cold dose of reality.

In our ‘slowly at first’ (SAF) reports and discussions we have been talking about the logical consequences of allowing millions of unvetted 18-to-35-year-old antisocial males into the country.  The general reporting puts the numbers around 7.2 million; however, DHS is only counting the documented illegal alien border crossers released, all of the getaways are unrecorded.

Any reasonable minded person reviewing the scale of the influx of illegal aliens would anticipate a substantive increase in violent crime, specifically violent crime targeting vulnerable women.  The common antisocial behaviors and cultural differences are part of the issue.  These examples will increase in frequency with the media likely continuing the pattern where they try to ignore it.

(Via Daily Mail) – Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, is originally from Venezuela and crossed into El Paso, Texas, in September 2022.

He was released into the United States by Customs and Border Patrol because the worsening migrant crisis means they have insufficient facilities to hold all border crossers that they intercept. Cops don’t believe Ibarra knew his victim.

Laken Riley, 22, was found dead Thursday afternoon after her roommate reported her missing, saying she had not returned from her jog.

Ibarra has been charged with malice murder, felony murder, aggravated battery, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, kidnapping, hindering a 911 call, and concealing the death of another.

UGA Police Chief Jeffrey Clark told reporters at a press conference tonight that officers have searched Ibarra’s apartment in Athens and evidence shows that he acted alone.   The UGA murder victim was killed by ‘blunt force trauma’ police investigating her death said. (read more)

We are beyond the point when the unsecure border is the issue.  With tens-of-millions of unknown migrants seeded throughout the nation, we are now in the consequence phase.   So many people cannot fathom what those consequences will mean.

Entire sectors like housing, education, healthcare, social services, transportation, infrastructure, law enforcement, public order… LOCALLY FOLKS, like in your back yard, depending on your proximity to the predators….. are going to be stressed to the point of failure.   Our concept of “safety and security” needs to be re-evaluated.

The consequences, the all hell breaking loose part, is not a matter of if, but when.  We are in the slow, consistent beginning phase right now, but it will escalate quickly.  Slowly at first, then all at once. That’s the design of extremism when seeded as a change mechanism.  This is also why there is so much leftist agitation and emphasis on keeping the DOJ, FBI and all other federal law enforcement agencies focused on the wrong threat.  This is the cultural aspect, the politically correct aspect, and it is part of the design.

How many times have we repeated, “trust your instincts”?  History has shown us that political correctness manifest, a man-made purposeful manipulation intended to override natural instinct, drove masses of mutually aligned people to get into cattle cars. The outcome was horrific, and we stand in hindsight saying, why did they comply?