Arizona Judge Permits Kari Lake Lawsuit to Proceed to Trial

Posted originally on the CTH on December 20, 2022 | sundance

Eight of the ten claims made by Arizona gubernatorial Kari Lake were dismissed by the state judge.  The claims dismissed were for violations of freedom of speech, invalid signatures on mail-in ballots, equal protection, due process, secrecy clause, incorrect certification, inadequate remedy, and constitutional rights claims.

However, two claims were approved for trial, fraudulent tabulator configurations and violations pertaining to chain of custody for ballots.  Mrs. Lake faces a steep hill to climb as the election results were certified as accurate and correct by county and state officials.  Lake will have to prove any tabulation errors or ballot custody issues were the result of intentional wrongdoing by Maricopa County officials.

ARIZONA – Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is heading to trial after a judge allowed two out of 10 of her election lawsuit claims to move forward Monday.

Lake had brought forward a civil complaint earlier this month to overturn her 2022 midterm election loss against Democrat Katie Hobbs. Judge Peter Thompson decided that two claims, one regarding her allegations about illegal tabulator configurations and the other about violations pertaining to ballot chain of custody, can move forward.

“Our Election Case is going to trial. Katie Hobbs attempt to have our case thrown out FAILED. She will have to take the stand & testify. Buckle up, America. This is far from over,” Lake beamed on Twitter.

To be successful in her lawsuit, Lake’s legal team must prove that “printer malfunctions were intentional, and directed to affect the results of the election, and that such actions did actually affect the outcome,” according to the judge. She must also show that the lack of chain of custody was “both intentional and did in fact result in a changed outcome.” (read more)


Looking at DHS Discussion with a New Twitter File Context, We Discover the Inflection Point

Posted originally on the CTH on December 18, 2022 | sundance 

During my trip to DC in the summer of 2020 there were a myriad of disconcerting datapoints assembled; revelations that made sense of the madness and disappointments found everywhere. However, one of the key notations for future reference was to watch the political evolution of DHS and spot the jump where the ideological outlook turns into specific government action.

With the DHS/FBI portal within Twitter, and likely within all social media, now being openly discussed and mainstreamed, it’s worth revisiting an August 2021 tripwire crossed by DHS and then contemplating how that was influenced by a much larger ideological agenda.

The United States Department of Homeland Security made a quiet and alarming announcement on August 13, 2021, creating the official position of the United States Government under the Joe Biden regime. [SEE DHS STATEMENT HERE]  According to the statement if you questioned the orthodoxy of government mandates, or COVID-19 responses from the U.S. government, you were -effective immediately- considered a “terrorist”, specifically a “Domestic Violent Extremist” (DVE).

Most people missed this remarkable development, yet it seemed to underpin a tenuous, unstable and fragile disposition of the current administration.  Within this continuation of the Obama-era initiatives the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) seemed rather paranoid in their need to label anyone who would question the COVID-19 response.

Considering the polling at the time, more than half the country would be defined as dissidents and domestic terrorists within our homeland.  Think about that.

DHS – The Secretary of Homeland Security has issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the current heightened threat environment across the United States. […] These threats include those posed by domestic terrorists, individuals and groups engaged in grievance-based violence. […] Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions. (read more)

Notice the wording of that introductory paragraph.  The government-imposed mandates, mask and vaccination requirements were only “perceived government restrictions.”

The chains that bound your expressions of liberty and freedom were essentially being defined as mere figments of your imagination.  The rules and denials of activity that we are forced to live by, under the auspices of “public health and safety measures“, were described as perceived demands.

Most people missed this inflection point, but it was a substantive change in messaging from the United States Government.

The needle then being forced into the arm of federal workers by the Federal Government was not the problem.

It was the public perception of a forced medical treatment, and the need to control that perception that became the priority of the Dept of Homeland Security.

It was our perception of what they are doing that became the problem as outlined in this DHS bulletin.  Here is where you must overlay the Twitter File revelations about the action the government took as an outcome of that shift.  What followed in the censorship/control of social media by the same government agency, DHS, was an outcome of this ideological moment.

In essence We The People must correct our wrong-thoughts to eliminate carrying ‘the wrong perception’.  Dear leader appreciates your compliance.  At the time CTH noted to all readers the DHS statement was full blown Stazi-level propaganda.  The bulletin continues:

[…] Through the remainder of 2021, racially- or ethnically-motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists will remain a national threat priority for the United States. These extremists may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks. Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by domestic violent extremists, and they may contribute to more violence this year.

[…] There are also continued, non-specific calls for violence on multiple online platforms associated with DVE ideologies or conspiracy theories on perceived election fraud and alleged reinstatement, and responses to anticipated restrictions relating to the increasing COVID cases. (link)

This became the official position of the United States Government toward citizens in our nation.  It is from this perspective that outreach and instructions to Twitter and various social media platforms originated.

Hopefully, in hindsight, you can see the importance of that narrative shift and how it ended with real consequences amid the speech platforms.

However, I want to move deeper, beyond that moment in 2021, deeper into the context that had taken hold of the various apparatus of government institutions.  Back to that moment when the shift in approach became evident, albeit ignored for its consequence.

Immediately after Barack H Obama was successfully installed in office, something began to shift.  While the U.S. media had always been biased, manipulative and dishonest, there was something bigger and deeper that changed after The Lightbringer achieved power and began his process of fundamental change.

The shift in the national security deployment, coincided with the merge between the intelligence apparatus and the new platforms of social media.  The speed of the shift was directly connected to the speed of technology that was driving communication.

Together the intelligence apparatus, the customary U.S. media and Big Tech began testing how far and how fast they could control the outlook of Americans.  Few people were paying attention to it…. there were some… but not many, and most of those who did notice were not connecting the dots to the actual tests.

The shift in attack direction from media (social and traditional) was alarming.

Normally the bias we encountered was framed to excuse or justify the transparently guilty of accountability.  Bad people doing bad things were downplayed, excused and defended.  However, in 2011 & 2012, the new era of controlling public opinion took shape and the system partners began falsely accusing the transparently innocent.

Read that again, because it was a profound difference, and inflection point.

Public opinion propaganda shifted from excusing the transparently guilty, to framing the transparently innocent.

Together with ideological institutions in government (Obama’s crew ie. DOJ etc.), the customary U.S. media and Big Tech system control operators began testing how far and fast they could control the outlook of Americans… to accuse the transparently innocent

Some transparently innocent examples included, George Zimmerman (Trayvon Martin), Police Officer Darren Wilson (Mike Brown), the Baltimore Six accused (Freddy Gray), Nick Sandmann, Kile Rittenhouse, and then ultimately the biggest example, Donald J Trump.  Take a transparently innocent person and manipulate a public narrative to make them guilty.

In combination with this new use of the public-private partnership to target the transparently innocent, the social media platforms were instructed to remove content that ran counter to the false presentations.

Now, fast forward throughout a decade of the ideological shift (2011 to 2021) and what did the 2021 DHS terrorism bulletin do?

It expanded the targeting of the transparently innocent.

Instead of specific targets based on personage, the system of collaboration and control by DHS now extended to a whole of government effort to define people as ‘domestic terrorists.’  This is one long continuum of targeting the transparently innocent.

The target holds the same ideas, outlooks, worldviews, and expectations of Liberty and Freedom they held yesterday, last week, last month and perhaps even long before 9-11-01.  However, now you are the problem.  You are guilty. You are an extremist.

You didn’t change at all. Something else changed.  But notice how the spotlight on what changed is YOU, and not the origin of the change?

You are the problem. It’s not the fault of those fundamentally changing the structures of freedom or liberty, you shifted to become the guilty party.

Can you see how they did that?

Can you see how the cancer cells of beta-test accusations against the transparently innocent metastasized and weaponized into a system that now uses the institutions of government against all of us, against the average American who might not accept the specific demands of government, ie. mask wearing, vaccinations, etc.

This government effort, a continuation of a narrative engineering strategy that originated in the aftermath of Obama’s election, specifically included the weaponization of social media and the compliance of the system operators who controlled Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Microsoft, YouTube, etc.

How can we help people to see this, to understand what took place?


Tucker Carlson Bids an Epic Farewell to Adam Kinzinger

Posted originally on the CTH on December 16, 2022 | Sundance

During his opening segment tonight, Tucker Carlson bid an epic farewell to Illinois Republican Adam Kinzinger.  This is really, really funny.

I will obey grandmas rule for this one, saying only that Will Rogers never met Adam Kinzinger.  WATCH:


Release #6 – DHS and FBI Content Removal Requests to Twitter

Posted originally on the CTH on December 16, 2022 | Sundance 

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi has released the sixth installment after review of more Twitter File data [SEE HERE].  Keep in mind, the research group containing Mr. Taibbi are only seeing the consequences side of the content removal process.  What specifically happened in/around the portal of information flowing into Twitter HQ is a different division.  Taibbi et al are only seeing the consequences from the requests that entered the Twitter system.

[Twitter Release #6, Here]

The first section of Taibbi’s analysis is the most interesting.  Having tracked the issue for several years, I would modify some of the descriptive language Taibbi presents yet agree with the overall context of his presentation.

Taibbi begins by noting, “Twitter’s contact with the FBI was constant and pervasive, as if it were a subsidiary.”  I would safely take that a step further, yes there is a subsidiary relationship; however, as years of government involvement continued by 2016 Twitter became the subsidiary of DHS, not vice-versa.  This dynamic within the relationship explains some of the more curious elements that Taibbi struggles to fully understand.

Notice the timing of escalation by DHS/FBI: “The FBI’s social media-focused task force, known as FTIF, created in the wake of the 2016 election, swelled to 80 agents and corresponded with Twitter to identify alleged foreign influence and election tampering of all kinds.”

As we have noted from the lead into and out of the 2016 election, the surveillance state took action specifically to protect itself from President Trump.   This activity included the NSA, FISA court, FBI, DOJ-NSD, CIA, ODNI while specifically and purposefully enmeshing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI).

Protecting Washington DC from the risk President Trump represented was a whole of government approach.  The executive and legislative branches worked together and weaponized national security claims to involve the judicial branches in the effort.  In the aftermath of the 2016 election outcome, now we see social media being pulled further into the approach.

The next three paragraphs are key in this Taibbi outline:

8. Federal intelligence and law enforcement reach into Twitter included the Department of Homeland Security, which partnered with security contractors and think tanks to pressure Twitter to moderate content.

Highlight: “security contractors,” now where have we heard that before?  Yes, the same FBI contractor access to raw/bulk NSA metadata that was discovered being extracted in the height of the 2016 GOP nomination contest.   In the aftermath of the election, and in coordination with the Twitter context, now those same security contractors are part of the surveillance system generating actionable items.

9. It’s no secret the government analyzes bulk data for all sorts of purposes, everything from tracking terror suspects to making economic forecasts.

Here’s where Taibbi comes dangerously close to realizing the inflection point created by President Obama and AG Eric Holder.  Prior to the arrival of the Obama administration the bulk data was a process of collection by the NSA (while looking outward for threats and limited in review by 4th amendment protections) and then delivery to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for transfer to DHS and FBI in order to take action on anything flagged.

When the flagged data was transferred into and out of the ODNI, the constitutional and lawful processes around the 4th amendment needed to be applied.  That’s where the FISA court comes into play and applications for surveillance, that pass through the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD), based on the intelligence data from the ODNI office, are put together.

The NSA was/is monitoring the raw data with a radar turned outward toward foreign entities.  When something is flagged, that data is then transferred to the ODNI and exits toward the Dept of Homeland Security.  The fourth amendment protection against unlawful search and seizure of private papers is supposed to apply when the data leaves ODNI.  Before the FBI can use anything, the DOJ-NSD has to get a warrant, either from a federal judge or the FISA Court depending on the issue.

This process was what Barack Obama and Eric Holder worked around as they created a quasi-constitutional surveillance system.  That’s where Taibbi’s next paragraph comes into play.  Remember, even though President Trump was in office, the system operators in the institutions were from the Obama-Holder era:

10. The #TwitterFiles show something new: agencies like the FBI and DHS regularly sending social media content to Twitter through multiple entry points, pre-flagged for moderation.

Security contractors were reviewing the public information pages, then transmitting results to DHS and FBI…. who would then use their portal connection into Twitter to make “pre-flagged” requests.   What type of requests?  Example:

This example is only on the subject of the 2020 election; however, you can see what bullet point #3 requests, “any location information associated with the accounts that Twitter would voluntarily provide.” 

Don’t get too hung up on the example, because it only references a priority of looking at the 2020 election.  Instead ask yourself the bigger question, what other priorities would be in the mind of political ideologues within DHS and FBI?   What other DHS tasks, DHS assignments and FBI operations would take place that would benefit from the networking between the government and social media?

In 2011 the DOJ was using IRS filings to conduct investigations of Americans.  That was what the entire IRS Tea Party scandal was really about.  It wasn’t the IRS wrongdoing that led to the class action settlement, it was the DOJ origination of a request for information from the IRS about the 501-c (3)(4) groups, specifically their “schedule B’ forms, that triggered the problem starting.

After the IRS issue surfaced publicly in 2012 the DOJ immediately dropped their use of the data that was contained on 21 CD-ROMS delivered by the IRS.

Aided by advances in technology, the Obama administration switched to surveillance via direct review of available metadata.  Social media platforms were enlisted as DHS partners under the auspices of ‘national security’, and suddenly there was a full-fledged surveillance state underway.

The exploitation of the FISA process and the exploitation of the social media partnership is all connected to the same surveillance effort.

Taibbi posits a question in paragraph 12, “An unanswered question: do agencies like FBI and DHS do in-house flagging work themselves, or farm it out? “You have to prove to me that inside the fucking government you can do any kind of massive data or AI search,” says one former intelligence officer.”  A question he previously answered when he talked about federal contractors.

The government doesn’t need to violate the constitution directly with unlawful searches and seizures.  The government can outsource that part to national security contractors.

What the government needs to do is collect all the data, then pay or contract someone else to search it based on the needs of the DHS, FBI, DOJ-NSD etc etc.

That domestic surveillance system is what President Obama and Eric Holder created.  That system is defended under the shield of ‘national security‘ as noted in the judicial ruling in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals (Trump Mar-a-Lago case):

The remainder of the Matt Taibbi outline showcases how various organizations could also reach out to Twitter and request content removal.  Taibbi concluding, “what most people think of as the “deep state” is really a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs. The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless

Indeed, those lines were erased Matt.  Indeed, they were.

Barack Obama and Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; the institutions were already weaponized by the Patriot Act.  What Obama and Holder did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons of government only targeted one side of the political continuum.

This point is where many people understandably get confused.

Elevator Speech:

(1) The Patriot Act turned the intel surveillance radar from foreign searches for terrorists to domestic searches for terrorists.

(2) Obama/Biden then redefined what is a “terrorist” to include their political opposition.

(3) The DHS, ODNI, DOJ-NSD and FISC became the four pillars of this new surveillance system. Atop these pillars is where you will find the Fourth Branch of Government..


This is the scale of corrupt political compromise on both sides of the DC dynamic that we are up against.  Preserving this system is also what removing Donald Trump is all about.  The targeting of President Trump in order to preserve the system, the system that was weaponized during the Obama administration, is what the actions of the DOJ and FBI are all about.

What would powerful people in DC do to stop the American people from finding this out?


Twitter Files Journ-o-Lister Bari Weiss Proclaims Her Tribe Must Be Defended from Horrible Elon and His New Rules

Posted originally on the CTH on December 16, 2022 | Sundance 

Before getting to the latest installment of the Twitter Files release by Matt Taibbi, a fellow who does carry a contrarian streak, it must be noted how Twitter File scribe Ms. Bari Weiss, an adept DeSantis stealth, is exposing herself.

In defense of the pearl clutching tribe of narrative engineers, now with sensibilities wounded by their diminishment, notice how Ms. Weiss equates the doxing and swatting efforts of the high-minded to the former ideologically driven censorship efforts.  When people show you who they are, just believe them.


The infectious amoeba that eats logical brain matter generally stems from a tribal virus at birth.

Equating doxing/swatting with the prior issue of shutting down speech over political ideology, is a reconciliation logic only made by an unstable person hopelessly infected with a strain of toxic leftism found in the California breeding grounds.

Some have called it cognitive dissonance; others note the viral strain is particularly virulent in clans clustered in two distinct coastal regions.

Regardless of source origination, once infected it’s incurable.

‘People’ Will Die’ and Other Epic Meltdowns Erupting After Musk Twitter Suspends Journalist Accounts for Doxing and Violations of Terms of Service

There is a historic irony surrounding today as the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party (December 16, 1773) and Elon Musk suspending the accounts of multiple journalists who violated the Twitter terms of service about publicly releasing private information without consent. To say the ‘splodey heads are epic, would be an understatement.

After several ‘mainstream’ journalists began spreading the physical location of Elon Musk, his airplane travel and his family location, Twitter began suspending all accounts that were affiliated with promoting the activity. Several high follower journalists were -by their own expressed conduct- caught up in the account suspensions, some permanently, and the resulting outrage over their claimed curtailment of speech has exploded the universal hypocrisy continuum.

Demands for reinstatement by allies of the suspended accounts stretch from threats to “haul Musk before congress,” to foreign government demands. While demanding to see the manager, CNN’s Oliver Darcy contends that Twitter cannot exist without the journalists Mr. Musk has now removed.

White knuckled fists are clutching pearls tightly.

New York – […] Speaking with anchor Jim Sciutto about several journalists, including CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan, having been suspended under Elon Musk‘s newly minted policy about posting real-time location info, Darcy made clear that Musk is playing with fire and could get burned.

“This is raising a number of issues,” said Darcy. “Obviously it highlights how Musk doesn’t really have that commitment to free speech that he said he does. But it also raises questions about what the future of the press looks like on Twitter.” (more)

Apparently, the world will not exist without journalists being able to push their narrative engineering efforts through the social media platform.

Putting Mr. Musk’s ultimate long-term motives in a box over in the corner of the room just so that we can enjoy this moment, the billionaire space entrepreneur will never exceed today’s creation of smiles regardless of his electric cars or the eventual goal of a human population on the Martian landscape.

The insufferable meltdowns on The Twitter are worthy of a stack of screengrabs that would fill a library of congress.

WASHINGTON DC – Twitter suspended the accounts of several prominent journalists and pundits on Thursday night, prompting criticism from lawmakers and bewilderment from several of the reporters taken off the platform.

“Twitter had become the heartbeat of news and society. Banning journalists for doing their jobs is not the free speech Elon Musk promised,” journalist Tony Webster, who was permanently suspended Thursday, said in an email.

Webster, like others who found their accounts suspended, said he received no explanation of the social media platform’s decision. New York Times technology reporter Ryan Mac, Washington Post technology reporter Drew Harwell, CNN politics and technology reporter Donie O’Sullivan, Voice of America correspondent Steve Herman and commentator Keith Olbermann were among those whose accounts went dark.

Webster said he had been tweeting about @ElonJet, an account that tracks Musk’s private jet, prior to the removal. Other journalists who faced suspension had also recently tweeted critically about Musk, or had referenced the jet-tracking account — which Musk has argued endangers his personal safety. (read more)


“Doubt you’ve heard but Musk banned me permanently from Twitter for NOT doing something he said WASN’T against the rules!”

“It was the baptism scene from The Godfather and Elon Muskleone”


— Keith Olbermann’s Dogs (@TomJumboGrumbo) December 16, 2022


Well done Mr. Musk, well done. 🙂

December 16, 2022 | Sundance 


President Trump Announces Plan to Protect Free Speech and Digital Bill of Rights

Posted originally on the CTH on December 15, 2022 | Sundance

This afternoon President Donald Trump released a video outlining a campaign platform position around free speech. {Direct Rumble Link}

Referencing the latest revelations about various political groups, campaigns and government agencies instructing social media platforms on the removal of content, President Trump notes his position would be to dismantle the government systems that facilitate the censorship.   President Trump notes he would sign an executive order banning any federal agency from censoring or limiting the free speech of American citizens.

Additionally, President Trump noted he would ban federal money from being used to label domestic speech as misinformation or disinformation, along with firing any bureaucrat who has previously engaged in the domestic censorship, directly or indirectly, including within all agencies of the DHS, FBI or DOJ who have targeted the free speech rights of Americans.  WATCH:


Among other initiatives, President Trump called for the federal government to break ties with any nonprofits and academic programs that are aimed at tacking mis- and disinformation.

“If any U.S. university is discovered to have engaged in censorship activities or election interferences in the past, such as flagging social media content for removal of blacklisting, those universities should lose federal research dollars and federal student loan support for a period of five years, and maybe more,” he said.