Tucker Carlson Interviews Russell Brand, Discussing the Era of Information Warfare and Government Targeting

Posted originally on the CTH on January 30, 2024 | Sundance

Russell Brand is a former lefty who took the red pill and over time joined the great awakening.  As an outcome of his current perspectives and influence, Brand is currently labeled a dissident threat and targeted by the globalist system.

Tucker Carlson invited Brand to appear on his broadcast for a discussion of the big picture amid the current era of information warfare.  Brand is an eloquent voice who frames the arguments very clearly and quickly, thus his growing influence represented a threat to the system and a process of Lawfare attacks was launched against him.  The British government then asked all Big Tech platforms to remove Brand from visibility.  The only tech platform that refused to acquiesce to the Five-Eyes demand was Rumble.

This is a very good interview, well worth the 40 minutes of time.


The Stuff Not Known About Tucker Carlson Streaming Service Launch Today

Posted originally on the CTH on December 11, 2023 | Sundance

In preparation for 2024 CTH now has a strong source arsenal of very specific contacts.  I can say with certainty that Tucker Carlson publicly expresses significant support for Elon Musk and his Twitter endeavor; however, privately Tucker says he doesn’t trust Musk one bit.

What’s the motive for the two faces?  Easy, Carlson is launching his own platform, and he is publicly positioning for the largest populist audience, while avoiding the harder road of speaking true, yet unpopular opinions.   Tucker isn’t the only voice doing that, and (short term) Musk is benefiting, but watch out.  Take that reality as you will, but it’s a truthful baseline.

Massive News From Tucker Carlson

[Trending Politics] – Tucker Carlson is launching a new streaming dedicated to his brand of brash conservatism, one that is expected to rival the online efforts of Fox News and other major players in center-right news circles.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the new service, which launches Monday, is expected to cost $9 per month, or $72 per year, and offer content from Carlson and other reporters that builds on lengthy programs he has been freely releasing for months on X. Sources close to the project expect up to five shows to be ready by mid-week, a combination of interviews, short-form videos and monologues. Named the Tucker Carlson Network, the new outlet will have a red pill as its logo, a wink to conservatives who regularly use the “Matrix” reference to imply a greater understanding of truth over misinformation.

Like most online outlets, some programming on the Tucker Carlson Network will remain free and ad-supported while other interviews and monologues will be available exclusively to subscribers without ads. Carlson was taking sign-ups for the service at his own site, http://www.tuckercarlson.com, as of Monday morning. (read more)

Familiar Refrains – Tucker Carlson “Risk on 360” Speech About Current Global and Political Events

Posted originally on the CTH on November 23, 2023 | Sundance

Tucker Carlson delivered some remarks that have a familiar refrain for CTH readers.  Beginning with the topic of trusting your instincts, Carlson walks through a deliberate warning about the United States in 2024 as the presidential election looms.   There is a lot within this speech that is familiar.  WATCH:

…”Carlson painted a grim picture of what the election year may bring as he revealed his concerns about the deepening division and paranoia among Americans. he 2024 election will be “like nothing we’ve ever seen,” Carlson said amid the promising look that former President Trump will be the GOP nominee— something the Democratic Party has fought long and hard to prevent.”…

Tucker Carlson Explains Why MAGA Will Never Relent – Not Now, Not Tomorrow, Not Ever

Posted originally on the CTH on October 16, 2023 | Sundance

This video is bouncing around social media and going viral.  It is the audio of Tucker Carlson describing the MAGA movement and the connection of middle American values to Donald Trump.  Carlson did a good job with his encapsulation.

President Trump is not the cause of failed government; he is OUR response to it.  WATCH:


Get comfortable being uncomfortable; because if we really want to save this nation, we are going to have to approach everything with great intensity and deliberateness.