Hunter Biden Convicted of 3 Felony Gun Crimes, Jury Deliberated for Three Hours

Posted originally on the CTH on June 11, 2024 | Sundance 

We all knew this was going to happen, almost this exact way.

December, 2022 – ” Monaco will coordinate the timing of the arrest and indictment of Hunter Biden to coincide with the arrest and indictment of President Trump. This will provide the narrative of blind justice the DOJ will attempt to leverage to stop national reaction.” (LINK)

And, that’s exactly what Lisa Monaco and Main Justice did.  Hunter Biden was found guilty of three felony gun charges, and will likely receive a very limited sentence (probation or similar) with no jail/prison time.

The major crimes of bribery, money laundering, public corruption, Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) violations, are all being ignored.   The Biden crime syndicate is being protected.

WASHINGTON – Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, was found guilty Tuesday of three felony charges stemming from his purchase of a handgun in 2018.

Biden, 54, is the first child of a sitting U.S. president ever to be convicted in a criminal trial. The president said last week that he would not pardon his son.

The jury of six men and six women issued its unanimous verdict after three hours of deliberations.

Biden remained perfectly still as a court clerk read the verdict aloud. Before leaving the courtroom, he hugged his lawyers and kissed his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden. He and his wife, along with first lady Jill Biden, departed from the courthouse a few minutes later in Secret Service SUVs. (read more)

The New York Times stenographers come along with a screenplay to protect the image of the Biden family.

Ron DeSantis Drops to Fifth Place in Latest New Hampshire Polling

Posted originally on the CTH on September 20, 2023 | Sundance 

Representative Victoria Spartz (R-IN) is Ukranian by heritage, and understandably she is a full supporter of Ukraine (and NATO) in the battle against Russia.  That said, what Ms Spartz notes in her comments and questioning of Attorney General Merrick Garland is very accurate.

Representative Spartz puts the context of the citizen fear of the soviet era KGB into the context of American fear of the weaponized DOJ.  “People are scared of our government,” she outlines.  The comparison is accurate in context and history.  However, as Spartz goes on to share, the end result is horrible for Ukraine, as the constituents in her community will no longer trust the word of the American government.  WATCH:

DOJ Protects Bidens Refuses to Comply with Rule of Law

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Aug 31, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The Biden Administration has been a major constitutional threat to the very existence of the United States. The Department of Justice (DOJ) informed the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday night that it would not cooperate with subpoenas for two FBI agents involved in the department’s investigation of Hunter Biden because of the committee’s stipulations for their depositions. Never in my entire life have I ever witnessed the total collapse of the rule of law. The DOJ will indict Trump, but not any Democrat. This is the final straw. The entire purpose of the rule of law is the alternative to force. When the Supreme Court ruled that blacks had no rights, the only solution was the Civil War. We are rapidly approaching this critical turning point.

The uproar and violence over the 2016 election never saw anyone ever charged. So why now?

Confidence Declining

Armstrong Economics Blog/Gov’t Incompetence Re-Posted Aug 30, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Marty, I just wanted to thank you for opening my eyes. The logic that the market commentators make no sense. Bloomberg wrote, “Bets on a rate hike in 2023 fell after worse-than-expected economic numbers bolstered hopes the Fed can pause in September.” So you are right. They are cheering worse economic numbers because interest rates will decline. You are correct. Rising interest rates show demand for money and an expanding economy. But rates decline with economic declines, and stocks typically drop. I feel stupid that I never saw that for myself. It seems people are losing confidence in the government with this persecution of Trump and hiding the corruption of the Bidens. Everyone you talk to is just fed up with politicians.

No wonder the mainstream press will never quote you because you make sense.



PS Stay safe with this storm. We do need you.

REPLY: I understand what you are saying. I realized that the analysis changed after 1929 because we became socialists when I wrote The Great Bull Market in History in 1986. What did the Fed want us to do? How high should we jump? The economy is preparing to turn down with the ECM by May 2024. Consumer Confidence among Americans dropped the most in two years. Many of my clients overseas now see the fate of America much more clearly than domestic Americans. They view that once the Democrats have used the law to persecute Trump legally while the evidence about corruption with the Bidens goes unanswered, the confidence in government is collapsing.

I fear they will rush this whole CBDC agenda and move toward a much more Totalitarian State because they can feel their power slipping through their fingers. This abuse of the law is one of the critical issues that precede the decline and fall of a nation.

There is clear evidence that supports an impeachment trial is not a criminal prosecution of Biden and his son. Documents have surfaced that show that Joe Biden was NOT acting in line with U.S. policy as VP when he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired! That was personal and not the policy of the US government. The prosecutor Shokin was investigating the precise corruption at Burisma Holdings, which paid Hunter Biden over $1,000,000. Shokin says that the Biden’s were bribed to terminate his investigation. While the Democrats want to imprison Trump, they refuse to discuss any of these documents because they knowingly used these exact lies as the pretense of impeaching President Trump.

There is now an October 2015 memo that summarizes the recommendation of the Interagency Policy Committee. That task force was created to advise the Obama White House on the notorious corruption in Ukraine and whether they were trying to clean it up. That was necessary for more aid. These documents show that U.S. policy did not call for a threat to withhold funding unless this prosecutor investigating corruption was fired.

Biden made the threat in December 2015, two months after the memo was published, and no other documents show the U.S. policy called for Shokin to be fired. On top of that, even the IMF in FEBRUARY 2016 threatened to cut off funding for Ukraine unless they showed progress in reforming corruption.

By November 2016, Biden is telling Poroshenko not to ask for any more money for Trump may start to investigate. I know Ukraine. I was asked to take them on as a client, and the first words were we can pay you offshore so you do not have to pay taxes. I said thank you very much, but I declined. You cannot imagine the level of corruption in Ukraine. It is the MOST corrupt government perhaps ever to have existed anywhere in the world, no matter what decade or century.

Prosecuting Trump and all of these prosecutors coordinating these attacks while the Justice Department does NOTHING with the Bidens is indeed collapsing the confidence in government. This is all part of the decline and fall of Republics, which is what 2032 is all about. I have a lot on my table right now. Another book I am working on is a review of the various forms of government and what worked and what failed – the good – the bad – the ugly. This will probably be read in January.

The last book is now out at Barnes & Noble on the truth behind Cleopatra – the real version, not the WOKE nonsense that she was black. I used the coinage to show the real story, where there was no steamy love affair; she was a brilliant woman who used Mark Antony to create a civil war in hopes that the once great empire of Alexander the Great would defeat Rome and her son by Julius Caesar would restore the throne of the Ptolemies. The Legionary Denarii of Mark Antony was funded by Cleopatra, and up to 100 years later, the amount of money was so great that these coins accounted for 20% of the money supply a century later. Sorry, whatever movie you watched or were taught in school was fake news.

Here We Go – Garland and Weiss Throw Bag Over Hunter Biden Investigation with Declaration of Special Counsel Status

Posted originally on the CTH on August 11, 2023 | Sundance 

Oh, there will be voices who will proclaim this is the beginning of the end for Joe and Hunter, but that’s nonsense.  We don’t do pretending on these pages.  What happened today was an agreement between USAO David Weiss and US Attorney General Merrick Garland to fortify a silo of protection around the Biden family.

The shift in David Weiss from an investigative US Attorney to an officially appointed Special Counsel [SEE pdf HERE], is nothing more than loading the new color spray paint into the cannister.  Pesky House Oversight Committee inquiry now hits the block of an “ongoing investigation,” a purposeful deployment of a DC replay we have seen repeatedly in the last several years.  The cancer of corruption is institutionally metastatic.

We know the specific motives of USAO David Weiss as a result of the conflict between his public statements, letters to congress and the private statements he gave in meetings with IRS investigators.  Toward the public, Weiss said he had full autonomy and power to investigate Hunter Biden; however, in private he told four investigators the decision-making was not his.  The public statements were refuted and affirmed by two investigators who were witness to his private statements and gave testimony under oath.

As a result, the intent and institutional alignment of David Weiss is clear. This is the cold hard truth of the matter, and it will not change regardless of how much disingenuous concrete they pour around the walls of the silo Main Justice has built.  Ignore any voice who would demand us to pretend the reality is not self-evident.

Here’s the SILO as presented by Garland:

Dept of Justice – “Attorney General Merrick B. Garland announced today the appointment of U.S. Attorney David Weiss to serve as Special Counsel for the ongoing investigation and prosecutions referenced and described in United States v. Robert Hunter Biden, as well as for any other matters that arose or may arise from that investigation. Mr. Weiss was nominated by the former president in 2017 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2018. In 2021, he was asked to remain as U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware, where he led this ongoing investigation. On Tuesday, Aug. 8, Mr. Weiss requested to be appointed as Special Counsel, and today the Attorney General made that appointment.

“On Tuesday of this week, Mr. Weiss advised me that in his judgment, his investigation has reached a stage at which he should continue his work as a Special Counsel, and he asked to be so appointed,” said Attorney General Garland. “Upon considering his request, as well as the extraordinary circumstances relating to this matter, I have concluded it is in the public interest to appoint him as Special Counsel. This appointment confirms my commitment to provide Mr. Weiss all the resources he requests. It also reaffirms that Mr. Weiss has the authority he needs to conduct a thorough investigation and to continue to take the steps he deems appropriate independently, based only on the facts and the law.”

The Attorney General also said, “As Special Counsel, he will continue to have the authority and responsibility that he has exercised previously to oversee the investigation and decide where, when, and whether to file charges. The Special Counsel will not be subject to the day-to-day supervision of any official of the Department, but he must comply with the regulations, procedures, and policies of the Department … Today’s announcement affords the prosecutors, agents, and analysts working on this matter the ability to proceed with their work expeditiously, and to make decisions indisputably guided only by the facts and the law … I am confident that Mr. Weiss will carry out his responsibility in an even-handed and urgent matter, and in accordance with the highest traditions of this Department.” (more)