True the Vote Wins Northern Georgia District Court Case on Voter Integrity -vs- Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias and the DOJ

Posted originally on the CTH on January 2, 2024 | Sundance

Catherine Englebrecht and True the Vote (TTV) announces a major court victory in Georgia for their efforts to ensure voting integrity.

HOUSTON, TX, January 2, 2024 – True the Vote (TTV) declares a decisive triumph in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams’ Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of Justice. A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.

In a resounding vindication, TTV successfully defended its actions of December 2020, aiding Georgia citizens in filing elector challenges based on data showing over 364,000 voters appeared to be ineligible to vote due to change in residency.

This victory is a testament to every American’s constitutional right to free speech and the importance of actively participating in the electoral process. 

True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht affirmed, “Today’s ruling sends a clear message to those who would attempt to control the course of our nation through lawfare and intimidation. American citizens will not be silenced.”

True the Vote lead attorney Jake Evans stated, “After almost three years of litigation and a two-week federal trial with plaintiff calling 12 witnesses, Judge Steven Jones awarded a complete defense verdict for all defendants. This decision is monumental. It vindicates True the Vote in totality and establishes that eligibility challenges under Section 230 are a proper method to ensure voter rolls are accurate. I am grateful to help achieve this great victory.”

Engelbrecht added, “This is an answer to the prayers of faithful patriots across America.”

True the Vote remains steadfast in its mission to support trustworthy elections and looks forward to assisting citizens in future such lawful efforts. (read more)

After Englebrecht and Phillips Publish Proof of Election Data Compromise, Konnech Corp Drops Lawsuit Against True the Vote

Posted originally on the CTH on April 21, 2023 | Sundance 

Last year, True the Vote founder Catherine Englebrecht and election data security analyst, Gregg Phillips, were held in contempt of court and placed in jail for failing to outline the participant sources in a 2020 hotel discussion that revealed a Konnech Corporation election data compromise that was transmitted to Chinese networks.  {Go Deep}

Eventually a higher court dismissed the contempt charge and forced the release of Englebrecht and Phillips, but the lawsuit brought by Konnech against them continued.  On Monday Englebrecht and Phillips dumped the Konnech election data into open public source format {SEE HERE} showing the scale of the election security compromise.  On Tuesday, Konnech dropped the lawsuit against Englebrecht, True The Vote and Phillips.

Gregg Phillips appears on Bannon WaRoom to discuss {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:

Voting Integrity Prevails | Charges DROPPED Against True The Vote After Judicial Misconduct

Statement from True The Vote: HOUSTON, TX – Yesterday, Konnech dismissed all pending defamation and unlawful computer access litigation against True the Vote, Inc, Catherine Engelbrecht, and Gregg Phillips in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas. The case number is 4:22-cv-03096.

True the Vote issued this comment: “Konnech’s litigation was meritless and intended to harass this organization. They have failed. We are evaluating our options with regard to holding them accountable for their unwarranted actions. We believe Konnech dismissed its lawsuit because it saw that it would lose.”

True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht said of the dismissal, “Konnech’s aggressive litigation to shut down all conversation about their activities resulted in the wrongful imprisonment of Gregg Phillips and me. It required the intervention of a higher court to release us. We are more dedicated than ever to our mission of fostering a public conversation about voting integrity.”

Gregg Phillips said, “This was an unfounded defamation and unlawful computer access case that saw us strip searched and placed in solitary confinement. While it is encouraging to see progress being made, the serious issues surrounding the spread of misinformation, improper detainment, and judicial misconduct cannot be overlooked. Our commitment to seeking justice remains steadfast.” (LINK)

Representatives Steube, Mills and Donalds Leave Fox News Hosts Crying on Air for Their Beloved DeSantis – Video

Posted originally on the CTH on April 21, 2023 | Sundance 

Oh, this is funny.  Rupert Murdoch’s little foot soldiers, Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino, hosted three Florida Republicans on their broadcast to explain why they support Donald Trump and not Ron DeSantis.  Fox News has big sad.

Congressional Republicans Greg Steube, Cory Mills and Byron Donalds all explain why President Donald Trump is the better choice in 2024.  Bill Hemmer pleads with them to evaluate how brilliant Ron DeSantis is, but Donalds, Mills and Steube brought the MAGA hammer.   Epic Video. WATCH:


President Trump Fullsend Podcast Interview

Posted originally on the CTH on April 21, 2023 | Sundance 

This type of conversational interview with President Trump is the reason he connects to Zoomers (Gen-Z) so naturally. There is an authenticity that comes from within a sense of conversational comfort and honesty in the content.  Gen-Z MAGA is crushing the support level on social media platforms, especially TikTok, and the connected level of support shows up in polling data.  MAGA is a very diverse and inclusive coalition.

This interview flows through a multitude of interesting topics and current events, while also pointing out some of the ordinary perspectives that people have in the day-to-day discussion of them. Take the time to watch this interview; it is a great reminder about how and why President Trump connects to the average person. WATCH:


President Trump Releases Policy Statement on Homelessness, Drug Addicted and Dangerously Deranged

Posted originally on the CTH on April 18, 2023 | Sundance 

President Trump delivers a T47 policy video covering the topic of homelessness, drug addiction and dangerously deranged. [Direct Rumble Link]

For a small fraction of what we spend upon Ukraine, we could take care of every homeless veteran in America. Our veterans are being treated horribly.” ~ President Donald Trump

Current Polling Status According to Morning Consult – Ron DeSantis Heads to DC Looking for Establishment Help

Posted originally on the CTH on April 18, 2023 | Sundance | 317 Comments

Not much change in the last week according to the Morning Consult polling [DATA HERE]:

[Source Link]

The next two weeks are critical for the non-Trump team consisting of Ron DeSantis handlers, multinational corporations, GOPe professional political class, most elements of the RNC and the 2024 spearhead institution of the Republican Governors Association (RGA).  DeSantis handlers have him scheduled in Washington DC today, in an effort to circle the DeceptiCon wagons and fend off the MAGA insurgency.

However, as the DeSantis team call everyone trying to stop MAGA advancements, Florida Rep. Greg Steube became the fifth member of the sunshine state’s 20-member Republican congressional delegation to endorse former President Donald Trump for 2024.  [Details Here]

(Via Politico) – Steube’s endorsement came last night on Newsmax, and while campaign endorsements don’t win elections, they can feed a narrative about who’s up and who’s down. He contended Trump “is the only person that can reverse on Day 1 all these disastrous policies of the Biden administration. … We need to right all the wrongs that happened under this administration.” The southwest Florida representative added that Trump is “widely supported in my district, widely supported in Florida.”

Steube’s decision to endorse happened after reports came out that those in Gov. Ron DeSantis’ orbit reached out to GOP members of Congress last week. That outreach came in the wake of rumblings that several were poised to endorse Trump. Steube’s endorsement also comes on the eve of a DeSantis visit to Washington, D.C., where the likely presidential candidate is doing a meet and greet hosted by several Republicans, including two House members who have endorsed him — Chip Roy of Texas and Thomas Massie of Kentucky.

When asked about DeSantis, Steube noted that he just got reelected and said he hoped that he would continue “to concentrate” on his job as governor. “I hear from constituents all the time that want him to finish out his term and support President Trump,” Steube said on Newsmax. Steube then even took a bit of a swipe at DeSantis, noting his pending trip to D.C. and South Carolina while the Florida Legislature is in session. “His focus should be in Florida. Floridians want to be focused on Florida. That’s what he signed for his job for reelection to do.” (more)

Wall Street and the Sea Island billionaires backing DeSantis are all-in to stop Trump and the working-class coalition of supporters.   DeSantis has around $500 million in corporate dark money already on the SuperPAC books, and access to another estimated $500 million in the next three months.  That buys a lot of support from the professional political class and the grifting influencers.

Get ready, 2024 is MAGA burning the ships behind us.  This one is for all the marbles. This is not a place where tepid half-measures and gentlemanly pastels will suffice.  Get right with God, put on the armor, absorb the focus of fighting like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark and get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Our ally is anyone who stands beside us, right now. Our enemy is anyone who doesn’t.

The new sons and daughters of the revolution are going to look completely different.  The Green Dragon Tavern may be a church, a picnic table or a tailgate.  Our assembly is not focused on the labels of the assembled.   The mission is the purpose… The fight is wherever it surfaces…. Delicate sensibilities must be dispatched like a feather in a hurricane.

A Message

Posted originally on the CTH on April 5, 2023 | Sundance

I’ve never reached out to anyone in the orbit of Donald Trump, and I do not consider myself of any importance to do so. However, if I could send one message it would be this….

[Image Credit, Joshua Youngbluth]

We need a big picture focus right now. Do not be distracted by the smallness of men and their constructs.

The landscape of our national challenge is in a much bigger focus. Connect to the sense surrounding the instability that everyone, even globally, feels amid their lives.

Give direction, context and understanding to that sense, then connect directly to it.

Expand and elevate beyond the schemes, frauds and manipulations.

Lead that level of victory. The rest will follow.

Which brings me to another point….

The number one question people ask is a variation on ‘what can we do?’ 

It is a natural and logical question, from an audience that: (1) understands the scope of the challenge at hand; and (2) wants to engage in tangible action to solve the problem.

However, keep in mind YOU are in the rare space of an intellectual discernment in the top tier knowledge base.

Having spent several weeks in prayer over this very specific question, let me reframe the dynamic in a way I feel compelled -by outcome of that prayer- to answer.

Put your thoughts into the form of a vessel, willing to deliver in just about any way possible.  What do you want me to do?

Now, let me outline context for this question.

Beyond the keystrokes, I have traveled in this journey. I have been into the heart of the beast several times. I have researched, investigated, discussed, questioned, dug into and reviewed just about every possible angle of our current state of government at issue.  I have written about those discoveries, some open – some oblique, in a myriad of articles explaining the dynamic as it presents; not as we wish it exists, but in the raw reality of the issue as it manifests & sits afore us.

As an outcome of this journey, I have been investigated, threatened, questioned, subpoenaed and brought before tribunals for inquisition as to the substantive claims of my affirmations.

What I have learned is a simple but powerful truism; the truth of the thing is a defense to every attack against the messenger of the thing.

Those who retain lies and deceptions as a matter of policy, institutional structure or motive, want nothing to do with these simple calloused hands with genuine questions and a research library filled with citations, evidence and supportive documentation, dragged out from within the silos they attempt to hide.

Believe me, there are very few good people in/around our body politic that want anything to do with the truth and evidence of the corruption within it.

In my experience, when you lay naked evidence of the wretchedness and corruption, even the honorable people amid the various institutions recoil in fear of it.  How does that recoil manifest?  They quit.  Straight up true.  They quit.

I have witnessed multiple people in tenured positions of power and influence  just up and quit their position once they realize the sunlight is visible not only to me, but to everyone else who might choose to do the investigative legwork.

Simultaneous to this aversion, media constructs -and I do mean all of them- who operate a business model dependent on discussing the corruption, have no interest in actually outlining the scale and apolitical nature of the corruption, let alone participate in the solving of it.

If media were to get to the root of the issue, then outline it and pour sunlight upon it, they would have exhausted their stash upon which they build the very foundation of their business model.

Considering the aforementioned experiences, when Mike Lindell smiles and says, “I wish they would sue me or indict me”, I totally relate to why he feels that way.

The opposition is weak, filled with fraud and their constructs are easily dismissed; better yet, when attacked they collapse.  That’s why you never see the professional republicans attacking those constructs.

As long as the corrupt pretenses are retained, there is always something to rail against.  This is the business model of DC’s congressional representation.

Two wings of the same vulture. The RNC wants money. The DNC wants power. The RNC uses power to get money. The DNC uses money to get power. The donor activity of the RNC drives their ideology. The ideology of the DNC drives their donor activity. This is the essential difference in the business models of both wings.

Our national politics is only one aspect to the dynamic of the systems that seem to surround us.  Those pretenses are in place, specifically to give us a place to focus our attention as the puppets dance.   Take away the money and the music stops.  The money behind the Potemkin stage is what drives the script of the pantomime we watch.

So here’s the question in context.  Given the nature of the increased attack against the one entity who I feel well inclined to believe is the only non-participating entity in this performance, namely Donald J. Trump, I have situated myself to do just about anything in support of removing or exposing the fraud.  What would you have me do?

I offer myself to you as a vessel, ready willing and able to do just about anything that would ultimately change the dynamic of the issues that surround us.  I can travel, meet, discuss, deliver, challenge, confront and present just about anything to anyone.  Their sh!t doesn’t scare me.

Additionally, I have just enough contacts, albeit with some effort and markers called, to reach into just about any system or institution and get positioned at the heart of the matter.  And I stand ready willing and able to take you with me and outline the journey in almost real time as it takes place, with good, bad or indifferent results presented with brutal honesty.

From your perspective, what, where, when, and to whom would this effort be best deployed?

Let me know your suggestions and advice.  Upvote each idea in the comments section as you find merit to the proposition.

We all know the goals; perhaps I know the enemy encampments better than most, and perhaps I carry a totally different arsenal.

You are in the top intellectual class of everyone. You operate cognitively in the rarefied air of wisdom, intellect, discernment and logic that few can fathom. You are smart, brilliant, loyal, insightful, patriotic and you love this country.  We are the furnace; they are the gnats.  It is important for you to feel that power in your bones.  Weaponize me…

I will review every response and ultimately, I will quite literally take the action anticipated to deliver the best possible outcome.

Support CTH Here ~

Full Sean Hannity Interview With President Donald Trump – Video

Posted originally on the CTH on March 27, 2023 | Sundance

With a myriad of key and important issues facing the nation, including the fraudulent indictments being presented against President Trump, Fox News host Sean Hannity invites Trump onto his show so the President can listen to Hannity talk about them. {Direct Rumble Link}  WATCH:

President Trump Says He Expects to Be Arrested Next Tuesday

In a Truth Social post earlier today [LINK HERE], President Donald Trump announced a leak from the Manhattan District Attorney’s office indicates he will be arrested next Tuesday.

[Source Link]

While there has been some attention to the “protest, take our nation back” element to the statement, in totality that reference point appears to be misinterpreted.  President Trump is not calling for a protest in response to his arrest per se’; to me, he appears to be calling upon “protest” in relation to the totality of the corrupt and manipulative state of our nation as a result of the radical leftists tearing our nation apart.

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” 

~ Thomas Paine, The Crisis No. I (written 19 December 1776, published 23 December 1776)

We are engaged in a battle that is much larger than a modern political conflict.  Behind the lies, manipulations and schemes of the corrupt political class, there is a spiritual battle on a larger dynamic.  There is a spiritual war among all people. A conflict between light and dark, morality and corruption, right and wrong, truth and lies, decency and incivility.

The opposition arguments are weak and based on lies and deceptions.  Steel your resolve to the landscape that surrounds us, but do not let yourself become victim to dark imaginings.  There is protection around Donald John Trump that even he could never explain.

Steadfast in this conflict, we will not fail.

Posted originally on the CTH on March 18, 2023 | Sundance

President Trump Remarks During Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway Celebration – Video

Posted originally on the CTH on January 22, 2023 | Sundance 

President Donald J Trump delivered remarks yesterday during the celebration of life for Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway {Direct Rumble Link}.

Delivering remarks in his authentic style, President Trump delivered a mostly ad lib speech to celebrate the life of Diamond and the joy she delivered to all around her.  While interplaying personal anecdotes about the time they spent together, President Trump overlays the positive impact of both Diamond and Silk amid the cultural and political dynamics of the day.  WATCH: