Monopoly Goes WOK

Armstrong Economics Blog/Human Rights Re-Posted Mar 22, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

Well, WOK means everyone is offended by something. The game Monopoly is caving in and changing all its cards. Winning a beauty contest collect $10 was pictured with a man. So not sure people this is offensive to a guy suppose.

Education Creating Decivilization

Armstrong Economics Blog/Education Re-Posted Mar 17, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

While those supporting the Great Reset are all about preventing any movement that requires people to drive with fossil-fueled vehicles, they are deliberately ignoring the social cost to children. The Washington Post, which is so left they would fail a sobriety test unable to walk a straight line, wrote: “A year later, a rethinking is underway, with a growing sense that some changes may last.”

While the grade-school level of under 13 is less stressed about virtual school, they are at risk of losing social skills. However, what makes a civilization function is the very fact that people come together. Divide them to work and live in isolation, you also risk losing the very essence of humanity. I can personally say working in a trading room was ALWAYS better than in isolation. Besides the comradery, there was always a synergy that emerged that was greater than the sum of the individuals.

There has been a surge in student suicides nationwide. I was walking the beach and was talking to a man standing there while his two teenage boys were paddleboarding. He asked if I was a native Floridian. I laughed and said I think I have only met one such person. We are all transplants from other states. He then told me he left New York and moved here because his two boys were so depressed he feared that they were becoming suicidal. To teenagers, sports maybe everything from scholarships or dreams of becoming the next famous sports jock. He said he moved here to save the mental health of his children.

I have to say, he is not the first parent to tell me the same thing. This “save the planet” push to use COVID as an excuse to change society is very serious. These people are fixated on a single objective and are ignoring everything else. Economists do not help when all they want to talk about is socialism, fairness, and equality. Anyone daring to question lockdowns suffers a huge backlash despite the fact that lockdowns have failed to prove effective and have never before been is in 6,000 years of recorded history.

The Guardian has put out the truth, perhaps ahead of schedule. There are those pushing for lockdowns every two years to meet the Paris requirement of zero CO2. Everyone’s future is to change and they never once allowed anyone to ever vote on this agenda nor have they been honest about what the agenda entails.

The virtual school has the danger of creating the exact opposite of the reason that builds civilization. Empires rise with global warming and decline with global cooling when people become more isolated. Welcome to the future these people are creating all to stop climate change which is a normal cycle since the climate has always changed.

There are Shara cave paintings that show what is a desert today was once lush and filled with animals. I suppose there must be time travel where a bunch of people took their SUVs back in time and changed the climate then as well.

Is It Time for Red States To Start Using Their Power to Nullify Federal Law?

Posted originally on the conservative tree house March 13, 2021 | Sundance | 343 Comments

My personal opinion is yes, it is far beyond time.  Factually, I have supported a total 50 state nullification process since 2005 when I realized Wall Street was in full operational control over Washington DC.  Once you accept that Globalists are writing U.S. legislation and laws; and once you accept they are paying DC politicians for the passage of those laws; then they are supporting politicians who will advance those laws by changing the judicial branch; then you begin to follow events to their logical conclusion, and the necessary cleaving of a freedom loving electorate becomes clear.

When you consider that Blue States and regions have been nullifying federal laws for decades (marijuana legalization, sanctuary cities, immigration policies, etc), the question arises about whether it is indeed time to complete the cleaving and for Red States to begin the same nullification process.

Ultimately and thankfully due to the wisdom of our founding fathers, this fail-safe approach is outlined within the constitution and applied through the tenth amendment.

Today, Steve Baldwin at American Thinker makes the argument the time is now for Red States to begin nullifying federal law by simply refusing to abide by the unconstitutional dictates of the federal government. [READ HERE]  From my own perspective, in the final analysis, the constitutional nullification process has always been a source of hope and optimism.

We are a divided nation.  Accept the division and act accordingly…. because we either ACT or we will be ACTED upon.

AMERICAN THINKER – […] states will be reluctant to invoke nullification but the alternative would be to watch our constitutional rights be trashed by leftists.  The MAGA movement in the Red States needs to became active in urging legislators and governors to start reclaiming their constitutional powers and begin nullifying illegal Federal law.  

Once states are engaged in nullifying federal laws, I believe we will witness what I call the “great migration” in which conservatives will leave blue states to live in red states and vice-versa.  And yes, this could lead to a peaceful balkanization of America in which the Red states become redder and the Blue states become bluer, but this is not our fault. (CONTINUE READING)

Kash Patel Discusses The Dangerous Politicization of Our Military

Posted originally on the conservative tree house March 13, 2021 | Sundance | 102 Comments

Intellectual Froglegs, Rebel Alliance Edition: “DC vs America”

Posted originally on the conservative tree house March 12, 2021 | Sundance | 22 Comments

Joe Dan Gorman has done another outstanding job putting this production together.  The entertainment is excellent, the music is awesome and the message is critically important.  [Visit Website Here]

In addition to the parallels to the tyranny of 1776— you need only look back to 2008-2010 to see near identical tactics and narratives (voter fraud, racism everywhere, open borders, pandemic planning, government over-reach)…  not only by the left… but more importantly the duplicitous GOP.  The only difference—is the left is louder and more aggressive, the destructive issues are the same.”


There are two genders, male and female. That is all- claims of anything else is mental illness

Re-Posted from FEB 27, 2021 AT 10:29 AM

Senator Rand Paul questioned health nominee Rachel Levine on the process of gender ‘reassignment.’ Only there is no such thing as reassignment.

Wishful thinking and medical mutilation won’t change the fundamental DNA structure that resides in every cell of our bodies. Our sex is part of who we are—not an ‘assignment.’

One’s sex cannot be changed. Neither by means of surgery, nor hormones.

Yet for some reason we live in an age where the ’trans’ delusion is getting ’normalized.’ Wishful thinking is now considered science. We can’t debate the issue without being smeared as a hater or ’transphobic.’ Transgender people are the new sacred cows. One can no longer reasonably question the delusion. Government said so. Stooges representing science said so. Biden said so. Burly boys can claim to be girls and compete alongside them in sporting events—and they usually win. They also get to go into the girls’ locker rooms and we’re not supposed to question that, either.

As a libertarian I don’t care if men and women think they can transmogrify into the opposite sex. If they are adults and not hurting others, that’s their business. I do have a problem when it comes to minors wanting trans surgery and big government overruling parents who don’t want their kids mutilated. Teenagers aren’t mature enough to make such a life-changing and irreversible decision. It’s also why I don’t think children should be allowed to vote. They lack life experience and will usually vote for socialism and free stuff.

Senator Paul knows it’s impossible to ’transition’ from one sex to the opposite and he asked Levine simple and straightforward questions about whether we should allow children to make decisions that have permanent and major health implications—both mental and physical. Levine dithered. Paul finally stated it as clearly as he could:

“I’m alarmed that you’re not willing to say absolutely that minors shouldn’t be making decisions to amputate their breasts or to amputate their genitalia. For most of our history, we have believed that minors don’t have full rights and that parents need to be involved, so I’m alarmed that you won’t say with certainty that minors should not have the ability to make the decision to take hormones that will affect them for the rest of their life. Will you make a more firm decision on whether or not minors should be involved in these decisions?”

Levine still refused to answer the question and repeated “her” memorized statement:

“Senator, transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field. And if confirmed to the position of Assistant Secretary of Health, I would certainly be pleased to come to your office and talk with you and your staff about the standards of care and the complexity of this field.”

It’s not a complex and nuanced field. It’s not medicine. It’s doing harm to the bodies of children and doctors are supposed to do no harm. Why wouldn’t she answer the question? Her disingenuous response disqualifies her from office.

Paul was quickly attacked as being transphobic. We aren’t supposed to question the supposed science behind transgenderism because the trans people’s feelings might get hurt. To protect their feelings, any criticism of the transgender fad is labeled as ‘hate speech.’ Trans people have become a special caste and immune from any criticism whatsoever. A book that explained the transgender delusion was recently removed from Amazon. They said the book was ‘hate speech.’ This type of online book burning sets a very dangerous precedent.

We must be able to criticize government officials regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation. We must be able to debate and ask questions without fear of getting cancelled by identity politics.

—Ben Garrison

Gates – Eugenics – Schwab – United Nations

QUESTION: All this emphasis on abortion and Roe v Wade in order to pick a Supreme Court justice is strange that everything has to turn on a single issue. Is this still the ’60 women’s liberation movement that is this strong politically 60 years later?



ANSWER: There is no doubt that Pelosi and Diane Finestein are leftovers being 80 and 87 along with Hillary. The defense of Roe v Wade is actually hypocritical for the Democrats. The main support comes from Gates and Rockefeller Foundations and it is covertly supported by the United Nations. This is all about the Planned Parenthood agenda to provide abortions to minorities to reduce their population. Now you may think I am being a conspiracy theorist. However, back in 2009, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg bluntly told the truth, when she was for equal rights for women.

“Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” She spoke bluntly in an interview published in the New York Times Magazine which was an article on women on the court. So it was not simply a woman’s rights agenda. That was the cover story to hide the real agenda which has always existed – eugenics and to reduce the population of the minorities.

It did not work out as expected. There was a big surge in abortions among whites going into 1980. The abortion of minorities has been rising post-1980. However, make no mistake about it, this is all part of the same agenda to reduce the population growth. Don’t forget, it was Gates’ father who spearheaded Planned Parenthood. Quite frankly, with the BLM movement, I am surprises they are not protesting in front of the Supreme Court and the Gates Foundation.

New York to Legalize Prostitution

Armstrong Economics Blog/Regulation Re-Posted Jan 27, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

In New York, a new bill has been introduced that would decriminalize sex workers in New York. However, the bill will while still holding pimps and buyers accountable.  Pimps are one thing, but holding the buyer criminally liable is an invitation for police to masquerade as sex workers, and then if the guy agrees, they cuff him. They use this came already in drugs. They go around pretending to be a supplier or a buyer with the same outcome. This is a recipe for disaster.

Where Has Our Culture Gone?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Understanding Cycles Re-Posted Jan 26, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT:  A follow up to the Frank Sinatra post titled “Appropriate for our Times.” (see story)

This Christmas story is deep and touching. Some people like Sinatra, are still in tune with life, no matter how much money they have, while others think they are above the world.

The story has Sinatra’s friend, Jilly, telling him, he is not as famous as he thinks he is, as none of the homeless he bought Christmas dinner recognize him. Much to their surprise, as Sinatra was leaving, all the homeless thanked him by his name and wished him a Merry Christmas.


REPLY: Those were the days. You never had to lock your doors. Where has our culture gone? It is much like the song about cycles.

AMEN! Rep. Cleaver, AMEN!

Meanwhile In the myriad of words cancelled by Democrats is the Latin one that best describes Democrats of the day…That word is “ignoramus”

Re-Posted from the Canada Free Press By Judi McLeod —— Bio and ArchivesJanuary 4, 2021

First came Obama driving a truck straight through the Constitution by calling for the Fundamental Transformation of America, when only he, a community organize-cum-president was making that clarion call.

Next came his 20-year-tenure pastor declaring “God damn America!”

During the 2008 election, Obama threw his pastor under the bus —a political necessity in getting himself elected as the most anti-American president in all of history.

Obama gets to operate from the safety of “Resistance” leader in hiding, with full Secret Service backup

Now that Obama gets to operate from the safety of “Resistance” leader in hiding, with full Secret Service backup, he’s now saying that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is a “supremely gifted preacher”. “Trinity United Church of Christ, obviously, outside Chicago had an amazing ministry, still does.”

According to sanctimonious Obama, Wright was only taken out of context by the media.

How can “God damn America!” possibly be taken out of context?

The truth is that things have never been the same in America ever since a ribald lie in Christoper Steele’s dossier—financed by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton—including that “racist”, “bigoted”  Donald Trump once had prostitutes urinate in the same bed once slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama was accepted as Gospel truth.

Now we come all the way up to Democrat Rep. Emanuel Cleaver who opened the Freak Show known as the first day of the 117th Congress with a prayer ending with “Amen” as “a-woman”.

A Missouri Rep.,  and former Kansas Mayor, “Reverend the Honorable Emanuel Cleaver was elected when a United Methodist pastor, Cleaver shares much in common with the Rev. Mr. Wright.  While Wright is an advocate of Louis Farrakhan, Cleaver is an advocate of the Black Panthers movement?

Here is “a-Woman” Cleaver’s Wikipedia entry:

“Cleaver is a cousin to exiled Kansas City Black Panther leader Pete O’Neal. In 1997, Cleaver attempted unsuccessfully to obtain a pardon for O’Neal from President Bill Clinton. Cleaver is also a cousin to the late Eldridge Cleaver, another famous figure in the Black Panther Party.” (Wikipedia)

With no respect for God, country or family and now hideously drunk with power

With no respect for God, country or family and now hideously drunk with power, Inauguration-bound Democrats are playing not only fast and loose but “cutesy” these days.

Granny Nancy Pelosi, who just squeaked back into the House ‘Squeakership’ with the votes of 3 Covid-19 stricken or quarantined Democrats behind Plexiglass, is wiping out all forms of address she claims will reflect on gender neutrality.

In other words, you can no longer call the ‘person’ who carried you for nine months before bringing you to life on Earth, Mother anymore—and only Nancy Pelosi—but not anyone else can refer to her as “Granny”.

The first sheep to bleat in Pelosi’s pasture is Black Panther advocate the Rev. Mr. Cleaver, who replaced the word ‘Amen’ with “a-woman”.

A common English translation of the word “Amen” include “verily”, “truly”, and “so be it”. It’s not a gendered word.

“Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Democrat, delivered the opening prayer on the first day of the 117th Congress on Sunday that started with a hint of yearning for less political division. (Washington Examiner, Jan. 3, 2020)

“Eternal God, we bow before your throne of grace as we leave behind the politically and socially clamorous year of 2020,” Cleaver said. “May we model community healing, control our tribal tendencies, and quicken our spirit.”

But at the end, Cleaver injected a political statement.

“Amen, and a-woman,” he said.

What “woman”?  The word has just been totally wiped from the public lexicon!

“The inclusion of “a-woman” came as Democrats are proposing a rule change that replaces the use of words like father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, and more with gender-neutral words. Democrats defended the measure on Sunday amid Republican criticism. (Washington Examiner)

Meanwhile In the myriad of words cancelled by Democrats is the Latin one that best describes Democrats of the day..  That word is “ignoramus”.

“Calling someone an ignoramus is an insult — it’s a colorful way to comment on a person’s ignorance or stupidity. The word comes right from the Latin ignoramus, literally “we do not know,” which was a legal term in the 16th century that could be used during a trial when the prosecution presented insufficient evidence.” (

AMEN! Rep. Cleaver, AMEN!