There’s an Alignment of Interests for the Trump Alternative Between Team DeSantis and Team RFK Jr.

Posted originally on the CTH on May 7, 2024 | Sundance

You’d have to be intentionally looking the other way not to see the alignment of interests between the RFK Jr. operation and the dormant but ever hopeful DeSantis operation.  I’m not necessarily talking about the average supporter, but more akin to the financial backers and background influence operation.

Having erased all preconceptions about honest motives and intents as it pertains to DC swamp dwellers, the aggregate UniParty tribe, I am left reviewing and reconciling visible activity through the prism of constant deceptive motive and anti-Trump corruption.  Honestly, it’s exhausting.

RFK Jr. is reportedly paying right-wing “influencers” to steer favorable opinion of him as a safe Republican alternative to President Donald Trump [SEE ARTICLE HERE].  This paid “influencer” approach mirrors the activity by Ron DeSantis in his failed (currently suspended) bid to win the GOP nomination, and it would appear some of the same characters are participating.

The effort by Kennedy Jr. to peel voters from Donald Trump would also undercut the premise of those who claimed Kennedy’s main target would be Biden supporters.  Additionally, Adam Townsend noted on Twitter several days ago, how it was difficult to find the old speeches, interviews and remarks by RFK Jr., as if there was an effort underway to scrub Kennedy’s extreme leftist positions.

Then, after the internet scrubbing, we see Bill Ackman (CEO Pershing) pushing RFK Jr, and then a seemingly timed rebranding effort and video launch with Woody Harrelson narrating [SEE HERE].   This RFK Jr. rebranding video is then promoted by Elon Musk, who is -not coincidentally- a close friend of Bill Ackman.

Several months ago, I noted the construct around RFK Jr., essentially just noise and opaque activity, felt like we were witnessing an intelligence operation; perhaps driven by the IC effort to steer the election toward a favorable outcome for their interests.   The recent activity only appears to bolster that potential.

Then, we jump to Marjorie Taylor Greene and her effort to target Mike Johnson for removal as speaker of the House.  MTG is not politically unintelligent.  She would know, with certainty, that removing Johnson now would create a crisis likely to end with a Democrat speaker and internal House effort to block Donald Trump.

MTG is bolstered in her effort by the support of an expressed never-Trumper in Congress and supporter of Ron DeSantis, Thomas Massie.  Greene is meeting with Speaker Johnson while leveraging her threat to oust him from office.

[…] Ahead of her meeting with Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shared her list of demands for the speaker amid her push to oust him from the House’s top job. (more)

Ousting Johnson right now is a move against the interests of President Donald Trump.  The only reason to make the threat of Johnson removal is to leverage the possibility of undermining Trump.   Again, knowing how the Deep State operates, I review this activity by MTG through the prism of corruption and compromise.   Is there an entity in the IC background holding something over MTG as a pressure point toward an anti-Trump outcome?

Standing over there in the corner is the fully assembled and suspended Ron DeSantis operation.  That multinational group of interests that support DeSantis maintain a massive financial stake in opposition to President Trump.

All of these aligned Machiavellian interests are triggering a vibe of coordination – or an alignment of interests.  It all just feels very familiar and very Republican.

I dislike Washington DC immensely.

RFK Tells the Truth About Ukraine

Posted originally on Apr 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


RFK Jr Picks Soros Advocate Nicole Shanahan as His VP Running Mate

Posted originally on the CTH on March 26, 2024 | Sundance 

In an apparent move to stir up greater support from the hardline leftists in the progressive movement, RFK Jr has announced 38-year-old Nicole Shanahan as his Vice-Presidential running mate.

The move appears to be an effort to appeal to the Bernie Sanders, ecology-centric, radical leftist, earth-saving environmentalist wing of the Democrat base voter.  Positioning the ticket to carve out a younger voting bloc and stir interest amid the Sanders/AOC crowd.

Shanahan had previously donated $4 million to the SuperPAC supporting Robert Kennedy Jr and given thousands of dollars to the Soros funded progressives in politics and activism circles. Shanahan was previously married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin, one of the wealthiest men in the world; the financial windfall from their divorce funded her ability to contribute heavily to far-left causes.

(Via CNN) – As a video introducing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, played to supporters in Oakland on Tuesday, the campaign crystallized the partnership by distributing “Kennedy/Shanahan” signs to the crowd.

Kennedy named Shanahan as his vice presidential pick Tuesday, introducing her as “my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientist, technologist, a fierce warrior mom, Nicole Shanahan.”

Shanahan’s selection will accelerate Kennedy’s attempts to gain ballot access in as many states as possible. She will also be tasked with broadening Kennedy’s appeal and potentially helping to raise money for his big-spending campaign.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Tuesday he was “most importantly” looking for a young person as a running mate and picked 38-year-old Nicole Shanahan because he believes she can speak to the “the growing number of millennials and Gen Z Americans who have last faith in their future.”

“Many in your generation have stopped believing that older people who have been running our government for so long understand them or represent their interests,” Kennedy told supporters gathered for his vice presidential announcement in Oakland, California.

Kennedy, 70, attacked President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, the respective presumptive Democratic and Republican nominees, for their age, while suggesting it may contribute to what he says are poor policies on technology regulation and the economy. (read more)

(Via Politico) – […]  Kennedy has been searching for a vice presidential candidate to join his independent bid since quitting the Democratic Party primary last October. The short list was wide-ranging, including NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers, motivational speaker Tony Robbins, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and ex-Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

Now that he’s named the 38-year-old Shanahan as his running mate, the campaign can begin collecting ballot access signatures in about 20 more states.

Shanahan said she’s passionate about fighting chronic disease in the U.S. by eliminating toxins in food and water and electromagnetic pollution as well as doing different studies on pharmaceuticals and vaccines.

“There is only one candidate who takes the chronic disease epidemic seriously, and it is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and I will be his ally,” Shanahan said.

Shanahan said Kennedy will be focused on corruption in government agencies while she applies her skills as a technologist to the issue.

Shanahan, who is also a fellow at the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, has a long history of political giving, backing progressive California Rep. Ro Khanna’s campaigns as well as making a contribution to President Joe Biden and a five-figure donation to the Democratic National Committee in 2020 after supporting Marianne Williamson’s long-shot bid during the primary. The tech entrepreneur also donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016. (more)

RFK’s State of the Union Hits Home

Posted originally on Mar 10, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

The Nightmare at the Border

Posted originally on Jan 20, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Who is Trying to Kill RFK Jr? Re-Posted Nov 10, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 


Someone is attempting to eliminate the competition. The mainstream media has failed to properly cover the repeated assassination attempts against Robert F. Kennedy Jr., which are a direct threat to our already corrupt election process. RFK Jr. has been pleading with the government to provide him security to no avail. As I said, he knows he is a walking target for exposing nearly every angle of the establishment, and the powers that be want him permanently eliminated.

First, an armed man attempted to breach RFK JR.’s campaign in September when he was speaking at Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles, only two miles from where his dad was murdered in 1968. The attempted assassin was carrying a US Marshal badge and claimed to be part of the security crew. “The man, wearing two shoulder holsters with loaded pistols and spare ammunition magazines was carrying a U.S. Marshal badge on a lanyard and beltclip federal ID. He identified himself as a member of my security detail,” Kennedy posted on X. “Armed GDBA team members moved quickly to isolate and detain the man until LAPD arrived to make the arrest. I’m also grateful to LAPD for its rapid response.”

Then yet another intruder attempted to enter Kennedy’s personal home. The intruder was arrested and quickly released on bail. The restraining order did absolutely nothing as the same man returned to Kennedy’s home on the very day of his arrest and attempted to break in while Kennedy and his wife were home.

Every presidential candidate since the 1970s who has requested Secret Service protection has received it. Candidates may receive Secret Security protection 120 days prior to the election OR earlier in extraordinary cases. Obama received Secret Security detail two years before the election because the government claimed he had  “a realistic chance to become president” and faced “unique threats as a black man.” Now, we have three consecutive assassination attempts against Kennedy, and the Biden Administration refuses to provide him with security.

Interestingly, the home intruder Jonathan Macht, 28, has been described as a smart “book nerd kid” who supported Donald Trump. “I thought he was a Trump supporter,” a business associate said to reporters. “We were just talking about how the economy was doing good when Trump was there. He was like, ‘Hopefully we’ll have another Trump in office.” Macht is a successful real estate broker and does not outwardly present as some crazed lunatic. Yet, Kennedy’s team claims Macht had sent them hundreds of emails and was obsessed with the politician.

This is another example of the Deep State interfering in our elections. We must realize that Kennedy will continue speaking and questioning the government even if he is not elected president. The Deep State wants him silenced. People are waking up are realizing that he is far from a conspiracy theorist. These are clear attempts to murder a potential presidential candidate, and although we are far out from the election, RFK would be dead if not for his personal security team.


Intending to Fracture Growing Black Support for Trump – Robert Kennedy Jr. Announces Support for Reparations

Posted originally on the CTH on October 18, 2023 | Sundance

The intent of the RFK Jr. independent campaign, as an operation to support Biden and hurt Donald Trump, becomes even more obvious when you look at the recent Marist Polling [SEE HERE].

  • In a three-way contest with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running as an independent, Biden opens up a 7-point lead over Trump. 44% of registered voters support Biden. 37% back Trump, and 16% are for Kennedy.
  • With Kennedy in the race, Biden’s support dips 5 percentage points among Democrats while Trump loses 10 points among Republicans.


As noted, since before he officially made the change, this outcome is by design.  RFK Jr. is running as an independent for one specific purpose – block Trump.  That’s it folks.

That’s also the reason why RFK Jr. fired his campaign manager, Dennis Kucinich, and replaced him with his daughter-in-law, a former CIA operative.

{…] “Mr. Kennedy’s new campaign manager is Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, a former C.I.A. agent, memoirist and documentarian who in 2018 married Mr. Kennedy’s son, Robert F. Kennedy III.” (link)  Those who do not accept things as they are, are doomed to be victims of the ‘six-ways to Sunday’ group.

Keeping in direct alignment with the agenda, Robert Kennedy Jr. announced a rather radical proposal today, he is now in favor of reparations for black Americans.  The transparent intent?  Cut down the growing block of Trump supporters within the black community.

NEW YORK – Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supports issuing reparations to the black community, making him the most prominent 2024 candidate to favor the controversial policy meant to atone for slavery and legal segregation.

President Biden has largely been silent on the issue, leading to frustration among the far left.

Kennedy — who ditched his Democratic primary challenge to Biden earlier this month — has spoken out in favor of issuing federal dollars to “rebuild black infrastructure” like banks and businesses, and as well as “direct redress payments or tax credits” rather than no-strings cash giveaways.

“Communities that were specifically targeted for destruction need to be specifically targeted for repair,” he states on his campaign website. (more)

I cannot force people to see it, and I would never waste energy trying to convince.  I just assemble the data and accept things as they are, not as I would pretend them to be…

…. You know who else supports reparations?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run as an Independent – The Death of the Two-Party System?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Oct 13, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

This news was overshadowed by the pandemonium occurring in the Middle East. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he will run as an Independent candidate and is no longer aligned with the Democratic Party. The Democrats have prevented Kennedy from speaking and have offered absolutely no support. In fact, they have been trying to silence him since he first appeared on the scene. They refuse to hold debates as they need the current senile puppet to stay in power.

Look at the video above for a small preview of how the media covers RFK Jr. They have hurled every insult in the book at him — a Republican plant intended to stop Joe Biden, a conspiracy theorist spreading dangerous misinformation, anti-vaxxer, and even an anti-semite. In the video below, Kennedy explains why he does not need to align with the Democrats on EVERY issue. Leaders should have original thoughts and solutions, but today we have politicians who blindly vote for the status quo. He explains how the Democratic Party has lost all of its original values and his initial intention was to restore it to the party he once knew.

RFK Jr. believes that the American people need independence from the two-party system. He plainly called the system rigged and said it has turned “government officials into indentured servants for their corporate bosses.” Look how polarized the left and right has become in recent years. There is no bipartisanship in government to the point that America’s entire credit score has been undermined since shutdowns are now inevitable. The shift has spilled over from politics into our communities; America has truly become a divided nation.

Super Pac American Values 2024 donated $11.28 million to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a day after his announcement. Elon Musk has provided Kennedy with a platform to speak in the past, and many are questioning if he will begin openly promoting the candidate. Musk has Soros levels of power and influence, and there is no billionaire akin to Soros supporting the middle or right.

Don’t hold your breath for an election next November. The globalists will do everything in their power to keep Biden in office, which means we cannot have a fair election because no one in their right mind wants four more years of this nonsense. They won’t need to collect votes from dead registered Democrats or miscalculate mail-in ballots because of the excuse of ongoing wars. Hopefully, Kennedy can at least open some eyes to the rigged system in America and show how our politicians have polarized the people.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run as an Independent – The Death of the Two-Party System?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Oct 13, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

This news was overshadowed by the pandemonium occurring in the Middle East. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he will run as an Independent candidate and is no longer aligned with the Democratic Party. The Democrats have prevented Kennedy from speaking and have offered absolutely no support. In fact, they have been trying to silence him since he first appeared on the scene. They refuse to hold debates as they need the current senile puppet to stay in power.

Look at the video above for a small preview of how the media covers RFK Jr. They have hurled every insult in the book at him — a Republican plant intended to stop Joe Biden, a conspiracy theorist spreading dangerous misinformation, anti-vaxxer, and even an anti-semite. In the video below, Kennedy explains why he does not need to align with the Democrats on EVERY issue. Leaders should have original thoughts and solutions, but today we have politicians who blindly vote for the status quo. He explains how the Democratic Party has lost all of its original values and his initial intention was to restore it to the party he once knew.

RFK Jr. believes that the American people need independence from the two-party system. He plainly called the system rigged and said it has turned “government officials into indentured servants for their corporate bosses.” Look how polarized the left and right has become in recent years. There is no bipartisanship in government to the point that America’s entire credit score has been undermined since shutdowns are now inevitable. The shift has spilled over from politics into our communities; America has truly become a divided nation.

Super Pac American Values 2024 donated $11.28 million to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a day after his announcement. Elon Musk has provided Kennedy with a platform to speak in the past, and many are questioning if he will begin openly promoting the candidate. Musk has Soros levels of power and influence, and there is no billionaire akin to Soros supporting the middle or right.

Don’t hold your breath for an election next November. The globalists will do everything in their power to keep Biden in office, which means we cannot have a fair election because no one in their right mind wants four more years of this nonsense. They won’t need to collect votes from dead registered Democrats or miscalculate mail-in ballots because of the excuse of ongoing wars. Hopefully, Kennedy can at least open some eyes to the rigged system in America and show how our politicians have polarized the people.

As Expected, Robert Kennedy Jr. Announces He Is Leaving the Democrat Party to Run as an Independent Candidate in 2024

Posted originally on the CTH on October 9, 2023 | Sundance

In his own words two weeks ago, RFK Jr. admitted, “if he ran as an independent, he would hurt Trump more than Biden,” therefore he announced today he is running as an independent.  Stopping Donald Trump is the priority.  Despite the pontifications to the contrary, RFK Jr’s status in the race is secondary.

The best thing anyone can do to disrupt his effort is simply to share his leftist, big government, policy proposals.

(Associated Press) – Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced he is dropping his Democratic bid for president and re-entering the 2024 race for the White House as an independent.

Kennedy, an heir to the storied political family, said Monday he would no longer be running as a Democratic candidate, instead opting to leave the party to pursue an independent bid for president.

“I’m here to declare myself an independent candidate for president of the United States,” he told a crowd of supporters in Philadelphia. “But that’s not all − I’m here to join you in making a new Declaration of Independence for our entire nation.”

[…]  When Kennedy was running as a Democratic candidate, skeptics said his platform crossed the political spectrum, ranging from that of a “Kennedy Democrat” to issues that resonate with the right and could potentially pull voters away from Trump.

The now-independent candidate struggled to label himself when USA TODAY asked him where he falls on the political spectrum earlier this year.

“I think the party definitions are so topsy-turvy right now, I wouldn’t know how to describe myself,” he told USA TODAY. “I would describe myself as a liberal Democrat, which means I’m for civil liberties, I’m against war, I’m against corporate domination, I’m against censorship. But I don’t know now − those are kind of Republican issues now, strangely.”

And Kennedy has made an effort to reach to the right. He is scheduled to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Las Vegas later this month, alongside other Republican figures.  

Kennedy told USA TODAY earlier this year part of his campaign strategy is to reach all supporters − even those registered to the opposite party. He found endorsements and airtime with celebrities including Comedian Rob Schneider, NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers, actress Alicia Silverstone, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and the ultra-conservative InfoWars host Alex Jones.  

Joe Rogan, a talk show host who has been critical of the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines and hosted Kennedy on his show to discuss vaccines. Kennedy in June participated with Elon Musk in a Twitter Space. (read more)