Nikki Haley Takes Lead in Non-Trump Lane, DeSantis Continues Shrinking

Posted originally on the October 30, 2023 | Sundance

No candidate has spent more time in Iowa and visited more locations than Ron DeSantis. Simultaneously, as the people of Iowa get to know him, his support drops. You might remember me pointing out this predictable dynamic last year.

The more people spend time with DeSantis, the less they like him.   That leaves an opening for Nikki Haley, and she has capitalized.

Now, Nikki is just as unlikeable as Ron, perhaps even more so; however, the people around Nikki know she is horrible, and they manage her to hide it. If they keep Nikki Haley out of the public eye, she will quickly pass Ron DeSantis everywhere.  Watch, this is what they will do.


Nikki Haley has now passed up Ron DeSantis in the first-loser race within Iowa.   Donald Trump is crushing the field, but for the non-Trump lane, Haley has just surpassed DeSantis.   Haley is also beating DeSantis in New Hampshire and South Carolina in the race to be the first-loser.

IOWA – […] In addition to leading overall, Trump performs better than his opponents across nearly every demographic the poll tested, including among first-time caucusgoers.   Trump has maintained his lead there, with 49% of first-time caucusgoers saying he is their first choice. DeSantis is at 15%, and Haley is at 14%.  (read more)

RNC Selects Lester Holt, Kristen Welker and Hugh Hewitt as Moderators for NBC’s First-Loser Debate in Miami

Posted originally on the CTH on October 26, 2023 | Sundance

The 2024 GOP primary debate series is a clown show of knuckleheads following the marching orders of the billionaire donors who fund them.  The RNC is the vessel for the illusion of choice game, orchestrated by the same donors.  Watching the remaining candidates try and qualify to be the first loser is, well, pathetic really.

Into this game of nonsense, the RNC delivers the next round of pretentious moderators for the RNC debate in Miami.  I mean, if you are hosting a Republican debate, one might think the RNC would want Republicans as moderators.  Then again, in the era of the professional Uniparty, there’s not much difference.  Condescending pontificating pustule of pomposity, Hugh Hewitt, will rest atop his familiar high horse.  You couldn’t pay me to watch this one.

WASHINGTON – NBC’s Lester Holt and Kristen Welker are set to moderate the third Republican primary debate alongside morning talk show host Hugh Hewitt, NBC announced on Wednesday.

The three will take the stage at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami on Nov. 8, as the remaining GOP presidential hopefuls — those who can qualify — push to break away from the pack in the polls.

So far, five candidates have hit the Republican National Committee’s increasingly stringent requirements to make it onto the debate stage. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie have all qualified, as has the current frontrunner, former President Donald Trump — who is set to again skip the debate in favor of his own rally in nearby Hialeah, Fla.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, meanwhile, has met the polling requirements but still needs to hit the 70,000-donor mark. Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) has yet to hit either threshold, according to POLITCO’s analysis, though his campaign has claimed he has met the polling requirements. (read more)

Eh, how about, NO!


Murdoch Again – Sean Hannity Will Host Debate Between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom on November 30th in… Wait for It…. Georgia lol

Posted originally on the CTH on September 25, 2023 | Sundance 

This is so transparently silly and yet simultaneously obvious in motive.

Both Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis are the approved corporate candidates for 2024.  CTH pointed out this effort a year ago, and all of the datapoints since then have perfectly aligned to the simple truth of the thing.  Either DeSantis or Newsom is acceptable to the Sea Island crew, and guess where the debate will take place. Yep, Georgia. lol

The intelligence glow-worm known as Sean Hannity, who will have to quickly learn the shut-up skills needed to be a debate moderator, is the chosen performance artist for the nonsense.   Hannity will likely take the multinational duo on a tour through the questions of policy that he would provide as solutions, and then ask each participant to give their opinion of Hannity’s, “I used to be a dishwasher and I know things” proposals.

FOX News Channel’s Sean Hannity will moderate a red vs. blue state debate between Florida Gov. and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis and Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom, FOX News Media announced Monday. 

The 90-minute event will air at 9 p.m. ET on Nov. 30 in Georgia, marking the first time the two prominent governors will face off in a debate.

“I’m looking forward to providing viewers with an informative debate about the everyday issues and governing philosophies that impact the lives of every American,” Hannity said. (more)

This entire nonsense is so predictable; here’s my original graphic from 2022.  lol 

The RNC had a rule that no alternative candidate debates would be permitted. lol Watch how fast that rule gets dropped.

The bloom is off the ruse.

Threats Continue Against Rumble Video Platform – The Background Players Seem Interestingly Connected

Posted originally on the CTH on September 25, 2023 | Sundance 

The British tabloid, The Sun, comes out with another story against the Rumble video platform today, receiving considerable condemnation for the threats and implications that appear to be coordinated by the Murdoch network.

The original sketchy hit against Russell Brand came from the Murdoch owned publication The Sunday Times.

The British Parliament then weighed in, demanding that Rumble deplatform, censor or demonetize Mr. Brand.

The Sun tabloid is now claiming that Rumble will be “regulated by UK media watchdog Ofcom under the new Online Safety Bill, which was approved by Parliament last week and is due to become law next month.”  Additionally, they claim, “failing to co-operate with Ofcom could put Rumble executives at risk of arrest if visiting Britain, it has been suggested.”

That latter claim is pure fear-porn, driven by interests who want to control the overall internet content of information on behalf of the Public-Private partnership, technically government.

However, look closely at the alignment of interests pushing this anti-Rumble narrative, and you will note something very interesting.

The Associated Press is pushing a story today that Rumble’s relationship with the Fox News Business GOP debate implicates the Republican Party with, “far-right extremism, bigotry, election disinformation and conspiracy theories.”  The Fox Business News network is owned by Rupert Murdoch.  Noticing anything yet?

Stay with me, this is going to get interesting…..

[AP] – […]  By bringing viewers to Rumble to watch the second GOP debate, as it did with the first one last month, the Republican National Committee is driving potential voters to a site crawling with content that flouts the rules of more mainstream platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Earlier this year, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said using Rumble instead of YouTube as its livestreaming partner was a decision aimed at “getting away from Big Tech.”

Asked about the criticism of the platform, the RNC said in an email that “hate, bigotry and violence is unfortunately prevalent on every social media platform, and the RNC condemns it entirely, but the RNC does not manage content or pages outside of our own.”

Rumble, founded in 2013, prides itself on being “immune to cancel culture.” Its website says “everyone benefits when we have access to more ideas, diverse opinions, and dialogue.”

That approach has catapulted the site to popularity in recent years as many conservatives have sought alternative social media companies that won’t remove their posts or suspend their accounts for false or inflammatory content. The company, which went public in 2022, has been backed by conservative donors such as venture capitalist Peter Thiel and Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio. (read more

The Rumble platform is growing, as more content providers find that Rumble will stand beside them firmly against censorship and efforts to silence their voice.  Content providers are flocking to Rumble as a free and safe alternative to YouTube.  That has put Rumble in the position of being a threat to those who want control over information.

There is obviously an organized effort underway to target Rumble as we head into the 2024 election, and none of these suddenly appearing efforts are a coincidence.

Here’s my working theory.

Elon Musk needs money. The finance side of the “X platform”, or what was previously called Twitter, is very fragile – with $1.5 billion in annual debt service ($12.5bn loan), and roughly another $750+ million in operating expenses (Amazon cloud $200m, Google cloud $200m, payroll $350m est).  After Musk stripped it down, Twitter still costs around $2.25bn per year.  Current revenue is around $1bn from advertising and a few million from subscribers.  Musk has been looking for answers, and that’s why he hired Linda Yaccarino.

Billionaire Club – There is an alignment of interests here.  Musk wants eyeballs so he can give Yaccarino tools to sell the platform to potential advertising corporations.  Tucker Carlson is an eyeball resource for Musk.  However, I suspect Rupert Murdoch is the silent financial bridge that Elon needed.  That explains why Ron DeSantis was launched on Twitter.

Recently Rupert Murdoch stated he was stepping down from the board of Fox.  This would clear the runway of leftist controversy in supporting Twitter. At the same time, Murdoch’s media empire is launching attacks against Rumble and has a connection to all of the anti-Rumble narratives swirling.  [ Imagine if Tucker Carlson found out Musk and Murdoch were aligned.]

According to insider sources, not directly connected to Rumble, Peter Thiel is dumping Rumble stock and may be using that money to invest in a rumored Tucker Carlson media platform.  The one thing they (Peter, Elon, Rupert) would not want is for Tucker to switch his transitional broadcast away from Twitter.

I suspect that behind this obvious Murdoch targeting of Rumble, there’s something like this that connects this all to the Murdoch effort to manipulate political outcomes.  This guy is notorious for trying to manipulate U.S. politics, and the next story that follows is a clear example…..

Last points.

We need to support Rumble.

When an ally in the fight against those attempting to control information comes under attack, we need to support them.  Here’s three ways:

♦ Download the app.

♦ Invest in Rumble stock.

♦ Become a registered user on the platform.

Fibber – Rupert Murdoch Claims He’s Relinquishing Control to His Son, Lachlan Murdoch

Posted originally on the CTH on September 21, 2023 | Sundance 

This guy isn’t actually changing anything by announcing he is leaving the board of Fox News Corp and will only serve as chair emeritus.  That’s a complete head fake.

Rupert Murdoch will never give up control of the media enterprise he assembled, and Lachlan Murdoch is even more entrenched with the ideology of leftism than his father. It is a complete misnomer to look at Ruperts announcement and think he’s handing the baton.

This guy doesn’t give up anything, ever.

Instead, what we see is even more leftist, multinational corporate media nonsense within the media empire the guy created.

Recent examples like the Sunday Times targeting Russell Brand, the Wall Street Journal targeting Ken Paxton, the New York Post doing push-polls to prop up DeSantis, and Fox News doing the passive aggressive thing to support the Never Trump coalition.  The bloom is off the ruse, and people can see through these nonsense press releases.

NEW YORK – Fox News executive chair Rupert Murdoch will transition from his role overseeing the Fox Corporation and News Corp boards, he announced Thursday morning.

Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert’s eldest son, will serve as the sole executive at the helm of the media empire, he wrote in a note to the company’s staff. The 92-year-old businessman will stay on as chair emeritus at Fox and News, he said.

[…] “For my entire professional life, I have been engaged with news and ideas, and that will not change,” Murdoch wrote. “But the time is right for me to take on different roles, knowing that we have truly talented teams and a passionate, principled leader in Lachlan.”

Murdoch didn’t further specify the reasons for stepping down, but noted that he’s in good health.

“I am truly proud of what we have achieved collectively through the decades, and I owe much to my colleagues, whose contributions to our success have sometimes been unseen outside the company but are deeply appreciated by me,” he wrote. “In my new role, I can guarantee you that I will be involved every day in the contest of ideas.” (more)

If you want to see his next set of moves, watch the lead up to, and the outcome of, the Reagan Library debate.

Rupert Murdoch and Fox News Implement the Strongest Corporate Broadcast Controls, All Intended to Control Debate Discussion

Posted originally on the CTH on August 23, 2023 | Sundance 

The multinationals and corporate media conglomerates all have a vested stake in the outcome of the 2024 election.  The parent corporations are all aligned with the Wall Street globalist agenda. As a result, all of the broadcast and cable outlets have a singularity of focus to support the elimination of President Trump.

Yes, when you drill corporatism down to its least common denominator, it’s the money motive – every single time.

Fox News is hosting the GOP first-loser debate, and Fox News is worried about their scripted theatrics being destroyed by the new media apparatus that now dominates the discussion.  The old guard are trying to flex, trying to maintain control, but the insurgent rebellion is much stronger.  The corporate media are squeezing Jello tightly in a closed fist…


I’ve got two words for the Fox News Corporation, and they ain’t Merry Christmas!

Rebellion members need to double down hard and destroy these clowns.

RNC Confirms Eight Corporate Candidates Qualified for Fox News Debate

Posted originally on the CTH on August 22, 2023 | Sundance 

How two of these candidates were able to qualify just boggles the mind.  Then again, we have to reset that old brain muscle memory and remind ourselves this is all grand theatre created to give the illusion of something entirely different.

I mean, how do Doug Burgum and Asa Hutchinson have enough support to appear on a GOP debate stage, unless the script writers are working the backroom angles to get them a podium spot?

With President Trump refusing to walk into the trap, according to the RNC statement, the eight people who qualify for the Fox News first loser debate are: (1) Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, (2) businessperson Vivek Ramaswamy, (3) former Vice President Mike Pence, (4) former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, (5) Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.), (6) former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, (7) North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and (8) former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson.

I’m not sure how many people are planning to tune into the irrelevant debate; let me know if you want an open thread with livestream in the comment section.

Meanwhile, in a national poll released today, President Trump continues to extend his insurmountable lead as the support of the American electorate keeps growing.

Inside the FiveThirtyEight (Premise Poll) of registered voters: President Trump leads with 60% of the vote, the next closest candidate is Ron DeSantis with 16%, followed by Ramaswamy at 6%, Pence at 4%, Tim Scott at 3%, Nikki Haley at 3% and Chris Christie at 1%.

Three Minutes of Visible Rupert Murdoch Sadness

Posted originally on the CTH on July 26, 2023 | Sundance 

Perhaps the best 3 minutes of visible Rupert Murdoch anxiety in the past few weeks. ENJOY:


Google gonna be big mad at me today…

Murdoch Outlet Promotes Corporate Chair Ronna McDaniel Warning Trump Not to Avoid Murdoch Outlet Debate

Posted originally on the CTH on July 19, 2023 | Sundance 

The transparency of the puppeteers continues.  The latest example is the New York Post (Murdoch outlet) promoting a story of the RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, appearing on Fox News (Murdoch outlet) to warn President Trump not to avoid the RNC debate hosted by Fox News, the Murdoch outlet.

The private corporation (RNC) has a vested interest in Trump delivering credibility to the organization.  The Fox News corporation has a vested interest in Trump delivering credibility and ratings to the organization.  Whether President Trump decides to attend or not, the desperation expressed by the two corporations is a little funny.

The Freudian slip in this soundbite “20 million dollars” is also funny.  WATCH: 

[NEW YORK POST] – Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has cautioned that it would be a mistake for GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump to skip the party’s primary debates.

“I think he should be on the stage. I want everybody on the stage that qualifies, obviously,” she told Fox News Wednesday. “It’s a mistake not to do the debates, but that’s going to be up to him and his campaign.”

McDaniel cited two main reasons why she feels it’s in Trump’s best interest to jump into the upcoming verbal slugfest despite holding a massive polling lead over his rivals. “One, short-term, you want to win the nomination, you got to get in front of the whole primary voters,” she said. (read more)

There’s only one thing these three corporations care about, money!

Murdoch Outlet – Struggling DeSantis Discounts Admission Price for Rich People to Meet Him in Hamptons

Posted originally on the CTH on July 13, 2023 | Sundance 

I don’t know what’s funnier, that Team DeSantis is now providing discounts for people to meet him, or that Rupert Murdoch is the one telling everybody.

Next up, coupons.

However, I qualify this article sharing by saying the Big Club doesn’t put $250+ million into a political construct and give up this easily.  Until Casey DeSantis publicly renounces her quest for a bigger tiara, Super PAC operators Ken Cuccinelli and Jeff Roe will never concede.  Reference Cindy McCain in Arizona for comparable context.

[NEW YORK POST] – When it comes to campaign fundraisers, Ron DeSantis has been relegated to the “discount section” as his chances of winning the White House continue to fade, sources told On The Money.

The cost to attend the Florida governor’s July 20 fundraiser in the Hamptons has dropped to $3,300 per person — less than three weeks after the Republican hopeful on June 29 charged $6,600 a plate at the Yale Club in Manhattan, according to invitations reviewed by On The Money.

“DeSantis is now in the discount section,” one source close to the campaign told On The Money.

“He seems to have lowered the entry fee to meet him, which is often a sign that he has already milked most of the ‘big money’ from New York.” (read more)