Fani Willis admits she is Involved with Nathan Wade

Posted originally on Feb 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Georgia DA Prosecutor

Finally, the district attorney Fani Willis in Georgia, who brought a case against former President Donald Trump, and the special prosecutor she appointed, Nathan Wade, are in a personal relationship. This entire thing is out of control with the abuse of the rule of law in New York, Washington, and Georgia. All three of these cases smell like a political vendetta. What is clear is that this is all a giant conspiracy that they have no doubt been planning and coordinating. This deliberate interference in the 2024 election is an outright crime. The governor of Georgia should suspend Willis instantly. This entire case should now be reviewed by independent legal experts and may require dismissal with prejudice.

Voting _18_U.S._Code_594_Intimidation_of_voters

Trump’s Atlanta Prosecutor and DA Boyfriend, Nathan Wade, Settles Divorce on Eve of Explosive Hearing to Avoid Testimony

Posted originally on the CTH on January 30, 2024 | Sundance

Because of course he did….  Both the prosecutor Nathan Wade and District Attorney Fani Willis were on the cusp of losing control of their fabricated case against Donald Trump, because a hearing was scheduled for tomorrow where uncomfortable questions would have been asked during under oath testimony of Nathan Wade.

The duo will still have to face questions from the trial judge in the criminal case, where the evidence of their relationship first surfaced, but they both avoided devastating questioning in the civil case by settling the Wade divorce and getting the divorce attorney to back down.   Their demanded testimony in the divorce case held massive ramifications for the criminal case in Fulton County.

We can only imagine the scope of the successful divorce terms for Wade’s soon to be ex-wife, Joycelyn Mayfield Wade, as the financial leverage created by this civil case against Nathan, and ultimately DA Willis, was enormous.

(Washington Post) – The lead prosecutor in the Georgia election interference case against former president Donald Trump and his allies settled a contentious divorce dispute on Tuesday, canceling a hearing scheduled for Wednesday morning that could have included testimony about allegations of an improper relationship between him and Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis.

Nathan Wade had been expected to be questioned under oath Wednesday morning about his finances — including his income as a special prosecutor in the Trump case and his spending, including his purchase of airline tickets for himself and Willis in October 2022 and April 2023.

Attorneys for Joycelyn Mayfield Wade, Wade’s estranged wife, had also sought to question Willis in the case, arguing she has “unique knowledge” about Wade’s finances and his marriage. But Cobb County Superior Court Judge Henry Thompson, who oversaw the case, stayed that subpoena during a hearing last week, saying he first wanted to hear testimony from Wade.

Thompson issued a temporary consent order shortly before 5 p.m. Tuesday, explaining that the hearing has been removed from the calendar with the consent of both parties, because they have agreed “to all issues presently before the court.”

Their agreement will not be filed in court, Thompson noted — meaning it may not ever be public. (read more)

In the criminal case, Judge Scott McAfee ordered District Attorney Fani Willis to file a written response by Feb. 2. He said he will hold a hearing on the allegations on Feb. 15.

[Source Link]

Additionally, according to White House visitor logs, Mr. Wade visited White House lawyers prior to the indictment of President Trump.  Also, DA Willis met with staff (Mary McCord) from the January 6 Committee prior to the indictment.

The Georgia prosecutor meeting with Biden lawyers, prior to the indictment against Biden’s political opposition, is a big issue that has yet to surface in front of Judge McAfee.

The DA and Special Prosecutor may have avoided testimony in the civil case by giving in to all the demands of Wade’s wife, but they will still have to answer to Judge McAfee about all of the issues created by their personal relationship.

Things are very interesting inside this Atlanta case.

Georgia Court Filing Alleges DA Fani Willis Appointed and Paid Her Lover, Nathan Wade, $654,000 to Prosecute Donald Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on January 8, 2024 | Sundance 

Well, well, well… isn’t this interesting.  In a court filing today [SEE pdf HERE], one of the co-defendants in the Fulton County election case against President Trump is presenting very specific details of an intimate relationship between District Attorney Fani Willis and the Special Prosecutor she hired, Nathan Wade.

At first review, if the allegations are true, DA Willis had a financial motivation to initiate the case against Trump, as her boyfriend was the primary financial beneficiary.  The filing documents how Fani Willis and Nathan Wade took several extravagant vacations and indulged in an exclusive lifestyle as the result of payments Willis’s office made to Wade.

If investigated as accurate, this could be very legally problematic for the Fulton County District Attorney and her case against President Trump.  The conflict of interest is very bright under this spotlight.  [Also, lolol ]

ATLANTA – District Attorney Fani Willis improperly hired an alleged romantic partner to prosecute Donald Trump and financially benefited from their relationship, according to a court motion filed Monday which argued the criminal charges in the case were unconstitutional.

The bombshell public filing alleged that special prosecutor Nathan Wade, a private attorney, paid for lavish vacations he took with Willis using the Fulton County funds his law firm received. County records show that Wade, who has played a prominent role in the election interference case, has been paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees since January 2022. The DA authorizes his compensation.

The motion, filed on behalf of defendant Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official, seeks to have the charges against Roman dismissed and for Willis, Wade and the entire DA’s office to be disqualified from further prosecution of the case.

Pallavi Bailey, a Willis spokeswoman, said the DA’s office will respond to Roman’s allegations “through appropriate court filings.” Wade did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

It is unclear if the explosive issues raised in the filing undermine the validity of the indictment against Trump and the remaining 14 co-defendants or simply muddy the waters by questioning Willis’ professional ethics.

One ethics expert said that the the allegations, if true, raised serious questions.

Stephen Gillers, a professor emeritus at New York University Law School who has written extensively about legal and judicial ethics, said a closer look at Willis’ decision-making is be needed before it can be determined whether the indictment should be dismissed.

If the allegations are true, Gillers said, “Willis was conflicted in the investigation and prosecution of this case” and wasn’t able to bring the sort of “independent professional judgment” her position requires.” (read more)

[Source pdf]

On Eve of Trial Georgia Drops Felony Charges and Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty to Misdemeanors

Posted originally on the CTH on October 19, 2023 | Sundance 

Against the backdrop of Douglass Mackey (aka Ricky Vaughn) being sentenced to seven months in prison for a Twitter meme, and with the state having unlimited financial resources to drag the Lawfare trial out for months, and with a stacked jury likely in Fulton County, GA, lawyers representing Sidney Powell negotiated a misdemeanor plea deal which Powell has accepted.

The Fulton County DA drops all seven felony charges and with the plea Ms. Powell will serve probation, no jail time.

(VIA AP) – […] Powell, who was charged alongside Trump and 17 others with violating the state’s anti-racketeering law, entered the plea just a day before jury selection was set to start in her trial. She pleaded guilty to six misdemeanors accusing her of conspiring to intentionally interfere with the performance of election duties.

As part of the deal, she will serve six years of probation, will be fined $6,000 and will have to write an apology letter to Georgia and its residents. She also recorded a statement for prosecutors and agreed to testify truthfully against her co-defendants at future trials.

Powell was initially charged with racketeering and six other counts as part of a wide-ranging scheme to keep the Republican president in power after he lost the 2020 election to Democrat Joe Biden. Prosecutors say she also participated in an unauthorized breach of elections equipment in a rural Georgia county elections office.

[…]  She was about to go on trial on with lawyer Kenneth Chesebro after each filed a demand for a speedy trial. Jury selection was still set to begin Friday for Chesebro to go on trial by himself, though prosecutors said earlier that they also planned to look into the possibility of offering him a plea deal.

Jury selection was set to start Friday. Chesebro’s attorneys didn’t immediately respond to messages seeking comment Thursday on whether he would also accept a plea deal.

A lower-profile defendant in the case, bail bondsman Scott Graham Hall, last month pleaded guilty to five misdemeanor charges. He was sentenced to five years of probation and agreed to testify in further proceedings.

Steve Sadow, the lead attorney for Trump in the Georgia case, expressed confidence that Powell’s plea wouldn’t hurt his own client’s case.

“Assuming truthful testimony in the Fulton County case, it will be favorable to my overall defense strategy,” he said.  (read more)

I am sure that Ms. Powell did what she feels is in her best interest.

After all, the scales of Lawfare justice always tilt left.

Special Council Prosecution of Trump is to Violate Everyone Right to Vote

Armstrong Economics Blog/Revolution Re-Posted Oct 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

We have a MAJOR problem with this special counsel, Jack Smith. He sought a gag order to prevent Trump from criticizing President Biden. That had absolutely NOTHING to do with his criminal case. As Epoch Times has pointed out, Smith charged Trump and used grand juries from Washington because 60%+ have responded that they would find Trump guilty before hearing any evidence.

District of Columbia County, DC, is so LEFT that it would fail a drug driving test and be unable to walk a straight line. In the District of Columbia County, DC, 92.1% voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 5.4% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 2.5% voted Independent. There is absolutely no way anything Trump says would influence the jury pool in a city that is so un-American because it lives off the graft of Washington.

Asking for a gag order to stop Trump from criticizing Joe Biden directly proves that this guy belongs in prison and should be removed as Special Counsel. He has violated everyone’s civil rights, and a class action suit against him and the Justice Department should be filed instantly. This has NOTHING to do with January 6th but with the 2024 election. In New York, that prosecutor is unworthy of having any license to practice law whatsoever. She has moved to strip Trump of business licenses in New York. He should sell everything and get the hell out of the most corrupt state in the Union. That was selective prosecution, for anyone who borrows money will always list their assets at the top of valuation. Under her theory, you could shut down virtually every company with loans in New York. She looks the other way regarding the bankers who have disrupted the economy numerous times.

Under 18 USC 594, Smith is now guilty. Attempting to interfere is still a violation. He has conspired with others in Washington to interfere in the 2024 election. These people are insane. NOBODY will believe the 2024 election results. This will be the last nail in the coffin of the United States.

There is no possible way these Republics will survive. Already, Brazil and Argentina looked at what the US is doing to Trump and said that’s a good idea. They are using criminal law to stop political opponents.

2024 will be the catalyst that turns even those on the fence about the integrity of government. This is why they are bringing in digital IDs and will impose travel restrictions based on your political views. Governments have become so corrupt that instead of reform, they will knuckle down and try an authoritarian approach to sustain their power.

It gives me no pleasure to warn that our computer has been projecting chaos post-2024.  All governments start out being benevolent. But because our Founding Fathers failed to impose term limits, we ended up with career politicians who spend their lives there, and thus, they no longer see themselves as part of We the People. Unfortunately, our children and grandchildren will never know how great it was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s. The world they will face is now obsessed with how you think and if you are LEFT v RIGHT.

Georgia Republicans Kick Colton Moore Out of Caucus for Demanding Investigation of Corrupt Fulton County DA Fani Willis

Posted originally on the CTH on September 28, 2023 | Sundance 

Well, the corrupt Republican party system in Georgia is once again on full display.  In August Republican State Senator Colton Moore began advocating to hold Democrat District Attorney Fani Willis accountable for the politically motivated prosecution effort against President Donald Trump.

Accepting the information that came from Willis’s efforts in a “special grand jury,” Colton Moore wrote a letter to the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, asking for a special legislative session to look into the Fulton County effort.  However, Brian Kemp and the Georgia Senate Republicans did not want to investigate Fani Willis; instead, the just kicked Colton Moore out of the republican caucus.


(Via Breitbart) – […] Kemp and State Senate Republicans apparently oppose working to investigate, defund, and impeach Willis, and instead ousted Moore. “Today’s removal is a direct result of me calling on my Republican colleagues in the Senate to do their job and sign onto an emergency session to investigate Fani Willis,” Colton said in a statement exclusively obtained by Breitbart News:

The Georgia Constitution clearly outlines the legislature’s power to call an emergency session to investigate a judicial officer. After urging my Republican Senate colleagues to join me — they responded by acting like children and throwing me out of the caucus.

I stand by my Republican principles. I stand by the Republican platform. I will continue to serve as a Republican Senator from the great state of Georgia. Unfortunately, now I will be forced to refer to my colleagues, who ran on being “Trump conservatives,” as the RINO caucus.

The people of Georgia are 100 percent with me. This is the fight of our lifetime, and I will continue to double down to defend the rule of law and do what is right. (link)

The Georgia Republican party continues to lead the way defending corrupt Democrats.

Georgia DA Court Filing – Attorney Lin Wood Is State Witness Against President Trump and Other Defendants

Posted originally on the CTH on September 20, 2023 | Sundance 

A remarkable discovery inside a court motion today in Georgia.  In the case against President Trump and 19 codefendants, District Attorney Fani Willis files a lengthy notice of conflict of interest against several defense attorneys in the case {SEE FILING HERE}.

Essentially, the issue is that several defense attorneys for the defendants also represented state witnesses in other legal matters involving the Georgia election in 2020.  Within one of the notices given, Fani Willis notes well-known lawyer Lin Wood was a participating lawyer with Sidney Powell & others and is now a potential state witness against them.

{Source Document}

Fulton County prosecutors are essentially trying to remove lawyers from representing clients, by using conflicts of interest they are creating by making witnesses out of their peer lawyers who sued the state over 2020 election issues.  It’s a Lawfare tactic also being used by Jack Smith in Florida; however, in this example the extent of the Lin Wood cooperation with the prosecution is unknown.

Lin Wood previously worked with Sidney Powell and Lt Gen Michael Flynn, until there was some kind of falling out.  Lin Wood retreated from cases related to election issues and has now apparently been enlisted by Fani Willis as a state witness against the team he previously supported.

A remarkable change from this….  On November 18, 2020, Attorney L Lin Wood filed a motion within Georgia for an emergency injunction to halt the certification of the state election until resolution of numerous false ballots and ballot counting issues were reconciled.  [Full Motion with Exhibits Here] Now he is a witness against his prior team.

Fani Willis Letter to Jordon is to Protect Her – Not the Law

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Sep 8, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: What is your view of Fani Willis telling Jim Jordan, Judiciary Committee chairman, that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about?


ANSWER: The arrogant letter demonstrates that her charges against Trump et al. are purely political. You do not write to the Judiciary Committee chairman and tell him he does not know what he is talking about, didn’t finish law school, and needs to buy John Floyd’s RICO book “for the non-bar member price of $249.” I will bet you anything that she will then run for political office. That is what all of these prosecutors do. They try to be flamboyant, attack a big name, and climb the political ladder over that person’s dead body. Rudy Guiliani did that to John Gotti. Sammy the Bull killed over 60 people; most were random and had nothing to do with orders from Gotti. The Judge ruled that the jury was not allowed to hear that, for it might prejudice the government’s case.

This extremely aggressive letter was over the top and attacked him personally to make headlines, demonstrating that she should be removed from office. At the same time, Fani Willis claims that he’s transgressing state sovereignty, separation of powers, and administration of criminal justice, which is all very one-sided. She is violating my civil rights by deliberately interfering in the 2024 election. She should be forced to explain under oath if she has coordinated with any other prosecutions. Has she spoken with any other prosecutor?

Fani Willis’s Letter Was Intended to Protect Her – Not the Integrity of the Law

The Judiciary Committee chairman has an absolute power and right to subpoena Fani Willis and to investigate if she has been violating federal law. Her flamboyant letter is intended to intimidate Jordan and get the press on her side that she has to answer if she is part of a conspiracy or take the Fifth Amendment. She is out of line, and this letter was designed to protect her from being investigated – let’s make that very clear.

The Constitution makes the federal level superior, and no state prosecutor may interfere in a federal election. No state statute can supersede federal law. She needs to go back to school. That is a first-semester issue. Perhaps she forgot. She should be under investigation to establish if this is a coordinated interference in the 2024 election violating the civil rights of everyone in every state. Perhaps she should review all the statutes that she is violating right now!

Federal Pprosecution of Election Offenses

18 U.S. Code § 595 – Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments

Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position by the United States, or by any department or agency thereof, or by the District of Columbia or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or by any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States, or any political subdivision, municipality, or agency thereof, or agency of such political subdivision or municipality (including any corporation owned or controlled by any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States or by any such political subdivision, municipality, or agency), in connection with any activity which is financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States, or any department or agency thereof, uses his official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

This section shall not prohibit or make unlawful any act by any officer or employee of any educational or research institution, establishment, agency, or system which is supported in whole or in part by any state or political subdivision thereof, or by the District of Columbia or by any Territory or Possession of the United States; or by any recognized religious, philanthropic or cultural organization.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 720Pub. L. 91–405, title II, § 204(d)(6), Sept. 22, 1970, 84 Stat. 853Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), (L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

Feel Free to Forward This To All Your Congressional Representatives

Fulton County Lawfare Madness on Full Display – Courtroom Video

Posted originally on the CTH on September 6, 2023 | Sundance 

As long as you remember that Lawfare is the legal construction of a media narrative intended to sway public opinion, then the madness happening in Fulton County, GA, reconciles.  [At the bottom of this outline is video from the courtroom]

Earlier today, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said it seems unrealistic to expect all of the pre-trial issues to be resolved before the established trial date of October 23rd for Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro.  Both Powell and Chesebro have demanded speedy trials; however, the case is essentially a Rico conspiracy case and none of the accused defendants can split away from the group of 19 as a whole.

If a single state defendant successfully argues in another court that their case should be transferred to a different jurisdiction (perhaps federal), or if a single state defendant is successful splitting away from the group of 19, then the entire conspiracy case collapses.   This is the ridiculousness of the construct.

Today, lawyers for both Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro reminded the judge they do not know each other, have never met each other, and have no idea what connection is being applied to them as they are being accused of conspiring together.   It would be hard to imagine a conspiracy between two people who have never met, never communicated and don’t know each other; alas this is the madness in Fulton County.

As noted by Politico, “Prosecutors said the distinction in the charges Powell and Chesebro face is immaterial since they’re both charged with conspiring toward the same unlawful goal: keeping Trump in power despite his defeat in the 2020 election.”  So, wanting Trump to remain in office is the connection that creates the conspiracy.

According to the Lawfare logic as explained today in court, any of the 73 million Trump voters are therefore guilty of conspiring to keep President Donald Trump in office, and subject to future arrest and detention.  Yes, this is Lawfare madness.

Even Judge McAfee seemed to admit the madness before him when he said, “it could potentially even be a six-month turnaround just for the 11th Circuit to come up with a decision,” referring to the Atlanta-based federal appeals court that would handle appeals from individuals claiming the state has no jurisdiction.

“Where does that leave us in the middle of a jury trial?” the judge asked, although he also seemed to concur that Powell and Chesebro have a right under Georgia law to have their trials start next month as they have demanded. [link]

Investigating The DA of Georgia

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Sep 2, 2023 by Martin Armstrong