Tucker Carlson Discusses Latest FBI Whistleblower Evidence – FBI Security Clearances Issued Based on Political Ideology

Posted originally on the CTH on June 11, 2024 | Sundance

The granular issue of this specific whistleblower story pertains to an FBI investigative employee who had his security clearance suspended after officials within the FBI discovered he attended a speech given by President Trump.

However, the bigger issue uncovered during a review of that punishment was written FBI instructions from within the sector of the FBI that investigates and issues security clearances.  In essence, the FBI has a documented standard that political ideology determines who will get security clearances approved.

If a person supports President Trump, holds conservative views, or does anything that would identify themselves as not being in alignment with the leftist worldview, their security clearance application or renewal would be denied.  Put another way, the FBI has written policy examples that discriminate against political views.

This should not come as a surprise.  Factually, when CTH outlined how the Obama administration began to implement the process of filtration and purging of government agencies, we pointed out how the FBI security clearance investigative section was the first sector changed.  Obama and Eric Holder then began the process of denying security clearances.  {GO DEEP – Fourth Branch of Govt}.

Tucker Carlson points out the larger issues of the FBI using almost identical context from our prior research outlineWATCH: 


Using the FBI to filter security clearances – [Fourth Branch of Govt]

A History of FBI Weaponization – [SEE HERE]

President Trump MAGA Rally – Las Vegas, Nevada, 3:00pm ET Livestream

Posted originally on the CTH on June 9, 2024 | Sundance

Today President Trump is holding a MAGA rally in Las Vegas, Nevada.  President Trump is scheduled to deliver remarks at approximately noon local time, 3:00pm Eastern.  Livestream Links Below:

RSBN YouTube Livestream Link – RSBN Rumble Livestream Link – Trump Campaign Rumble Livestream


LIVE REPLAY: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV – 6/9/24


President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


Litmus Tests

Posted originally on the CTH on June 9, 2024 | Sundance

“Dear Sundance, could you please write an article that explains the policies that differentiate a GOPe RINO Establishment SIG/Bushie from an America First MAGA Patriot? It would be most beneficial to have a “litmus test” that can be easily used to compare candidates.”

At first blush this might sound like a familiar question that many would disregard.  However, let me emphasize a key point often overlooked.  The more severely you stop pretending, the more you realize the value of “litmus test” questioning.  When you ask a certain type of question in front of an audience, things opinions can change very quickly.

Additionally, when you know the questions that hit the pretending triggers the hardest, then you know how to create the most uncomfortable situations for professional politicians and people in general who rely on their ability to obfuscate language.  Lastly, when you know the material well enough to speak of the non-pretending dynamic in a way that doesn’t allow a pretentious lying response, it scares the heck out of the Alinsky/Lawfare tribe.

Brutally honest questioning is very valuable.  That said, let me provide a few situational questions that will immediately reveal who you are talking to.

Litmus Question #1:  Please, can you tell me your opinion of Robert Mueller?

If the (Republican) respondent replies with any positive about the character, action, purpose and intent of Robert Mueller in the role of special counsel, you can immediately qualify the respondent as a participant in the fraud.  There is only one honest response about anything Mueller.  Everyone in DC knows Mueller was the coverup operation.  No one, not one single person, in Washington DC does not know Mueller’s intent.

Litmus Question #2:  Was the 2020 Election manipulated?

If the (Republican) respondent replies with a long-winded answer, implying that some form of electoral manipulation might have been possible, you can immediately qualify the person as a participant maintaining fraud.  Pretending out of fear or favor is still pretending.

That’s it.  Look them straight in the eye, stand your ground, tell them you can see exactly who they are – then stop talking.  The discomfort in the room will always lay heaviest upon the shoulders of the deceivers.  You will likely be able to hear a pin drop.  The Truth Has No Agenda.

Also, one larger part (with multiple aspects) of the political dynamic is very important to keep at the forefront of your mind.  In all the important ways that matter, you know more about the subject matter of corruption within politics than the politicians you might question about it.

You know more than any Republican member of Congress and/or their staff, research team or investigative group.  You know more about all of it in the large picture and the granular details than they do.  It does not matter what their position within the DC system or what committee they sit upon, you know more.

You, the person reading this, knows more about intelligence system corruption than any member of the intelligence community Gang of Eight that sits in charge of oversight.  YOU KNOW MORE, than any person in any DC silo, and that is by design.

What people do not understand about DC is that only the entities within the DC system are permitted to engage in accountability.  Meaning, in the world of Republicans, Congress (or any other institution) cannot accept information from outside their silo operations.

Put simply, if a Republican congressional staffer does not originate the raw material evidence that highlights a corrupt activity, then the evidence does not exist.  Only the people within the silo system are permitted to discover information that targets any other silo participant.  This action/sequence is by design.

The Republican participants in DC will tell you that process is in place to ensure that no goofball material or evidence comes into the system.  However, in reality the purpose of this rule is to block any negative information from permeating the silo system.   The silo construct protects the silo inhabitants, and no detrimental information or crowdsourcing of evidence is permitted by allowed to be used by Republicans.

The Democrats do not hold themselves to this standard, and again this is part of the design.

The Democrat Party system exists to assemble power.  The Republican wing of the system exists to assemble money.  Democrats want power. Republicans want money.  The policy of Democrats drives their donor activity.  The donor activity of Republicans drives their policy.

When Senator Chuck Schumer wants Republican votes to secure policy wins, he buys those votes from Mitch McConnell.  When Senator Mitch McConnell wants Democrat votes to secure policy on behalf of the corporations who fund his team, McConnell sells policy (amendments) to Chuck Schumer.

Re-read that prior paragraph to understand how Schumer in majority gains policy victories, and Schumer in minority gains policy victories.

Democrats want power (policy), Republicans want money.  This is the nature of two wings of the UniParty and the core reason why people are starting to see how legislative policy shifts left regardless of which party is in power.

In order to maintain the process of gaining affluence, the Republicans within the silo system have rules that block information from reaching them. This is best described as the technical process that creates a Republican system of intentional willful blindness.

The Republicans do not want to be holding specific evidence of corruption because they cannot sell that; ergo, it has no value.  This is why Republicans do not factually construct any oversight mechanisms.  (See: Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, Benghazi, Spygate, Govt weaponization, etc).

Instead, the leadership of the Republicans writes out a list of what topics are valid for conversation and what topics are not.  Republican members then stick to the guidelines of the topics and nothing more.

In this era of great pretending, make them uncomfortable by not participating.

Trump to get a Mistrial in NYC’s Legal Persecution?

Posted originally on Jun 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Merchan Judge Juan

I have returned from a two-week tour in Europe, and I can tell you that both the LEFT and RIGHT in European governments are appalled at this trial that Trump has been subjected to especially after I wrote to explain that Juan Manuel Merchan is not an actual judge but is only a prosecutor “ACTING” as a judge. Most curious, since Merchan is NOT a formal judge and is ONLY an acting justice of the New York State Supreme Court in New York County, this raises serious questions given his clear conflicts of interest. How did a former prosecutor become not just an ACTING judge but also be assigned to this case? New York City is a cesspool of corruption dating back to the days when the Mafia installed their judges to rule the city.

This is not just a possible rigged proceeding; it is also UNCONSTITUTIONAL insofar as the alleged crime is a federal crime when this ACTING JUDGE has no subject matter jurisdiction in a state court to preside over a federal crime. This is smelling increasingly like a political hit job to interfere in the 2024 election.

Acting Judge Merchan has now emailed both sides in this UNCONSTITUTIONAL “Hush Money” Business Records Felony Case of Donald Trump, alerting them to a potential problem with the Jury. Merchan sent an email notifying both sides that Jurors are not permitted to commence deliberations until AFTER the case ends. They were also not to discuss the case with each other or with outsiders prior to the case ending.

This Judge needs an escape route, for I can confirm institutions are getting out of NYC because of this case. Merchan now informs that almost ALL the jurors in the Trump trial broke those two instructions from the court not to discuss the case.  Apparently, one Juror told his cousin that “Trump is getting convicted” one day before the conviction took place unless they all discussed the case and decided before it was over.

Merchan Letter

Merchan People v DJT 6-7-24 Letter to Parties

Here is Merchan’s letter to both parties. It is brief and notifies them of a comment posted to the New York State Court System’s Facebook page.

“Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention. In the comment, the user, ‘Michael Anderson,’ states: ‘My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!”


The posting also included a party emoji and a heart emoji, suggesting that the purported poster was happy with the verdict.

The comment, now labeled as one week old, responded to a routine UCS notice, posted on May 29, 2024, regarding oral arguments” in an unrelated case in the court’s Appellate Division, Merchan wrote.

The Manhattan jury voted unanimously on May 31 – two days after that – to convict the former president of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Trump is the first former U.S. president convicted of a crime. Clearly, this is a mistrial. The BILLION DOLLAR QUESTION is, will this judge dismiss the case now because it was clearly for political purposes when Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to silence also a sexual allegation compared to $130,000 for Stormy Daniels?

Merchan is now in a dark room historically and is trying to find the door, which is the emergency exit for the way out, but the sign is not lit. This is his escape exit =- but will he take it? Trump could NEVER get a fair trial in New York City – they do not exist! The polls have not turned against Trump, and he has used this to demonstrate that Biden has weaponized the law to try to hold on to power for the Neocons. They know they cannot use this pretend conviction, especially now, as a talking point. If anything, this PROVES that Trump can NEVER get a fair trial in NYC, Washington DC, or Georgia. Even in the Florida case, this also UNCONSTITUTIONALLY appointed Special Prosecutor who is not a prosecutor, not sanctioned or reviewed by Congress, and unsupervised by the DOJ, indicted Trump for the Florida case using a Washington DC Grand Jury. The Sixth Amendment states you must be charged where the crime occurred – that is, Florida – not Washington, DC. –“WHICH DISTRICT SHALL HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY ASCERTAINED BY LAW”

Sixth Amendment

The entire purpose of the Sixth Amendment was that the King would indict you in England for a crime he alleged took place in the Colonies. You would be taken to London in chains, thrown in prison, starved, and then put on trial in England, where the jury was already prejudiced against Colonists as New York City was against Trump. This is what has to be gutted. The government should NEVER be able to bring criminal charges – EVER, except for acts directly against the government. All other “crimes” between two private people should be off-limits!!!!

Mill on Liberty
Magna Carta King John

That was the Magna Carta, and when the King was forced to end his tyranny of fining people for revenue, that is when he changed the law to still get fines. He transformed a private dispute “disturbed his peace” and reinstituted his tyranny as we are witnessing today against Trump. Even in the case of the assets, the prosecutors, NOT THE BANKS, alleged that Trump overvalued his assets to reduce his interest costs. Who was the pretend victim? The banks said they were fine. Once again, we must end this reign of legal terrorism, which has always surfaced and stained the legal system with perpetual LEGAL PERSECUTION. It is time for a change.

Mill John Stuart Legal Persecution

Judge Merchan Provides Information Indicating Juror in Trump Case May Have Predetermined Guilty Verdict

Posted originally on the CTH on June 7, 2024 | Sundance

There’s just something very sketchy about this public release of information from Judge Merchan in New York City.  Merchan doesn’t have an integrity bone and the comment he is bringing attention toward is innocuous and random.  However, Merchan could be trying to get Trump to violate the gag order aspect and talk about jurors; thereby making the sentencing worse.

According to information Merchan is providing the lawyers in the Trump case, a comment was made on the court’s FaceBook page indicating one of the jurors said the Trump guilty verdict was predetermined. [SOURCE] “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!” 

Why would Judge Merchan want to draw public attention to this?

Either something bigger is being diluted by this story, or perhaps Merchan is using it as a provocation to get Trump to talk about the jury and violate his gag order ahead of sentencing.

Or, perhaps Merchan is looking to create a mistrial to exit the case, or do it over again and extend the gag order.   Also, why not include the entire quote from the Facebook Page:

Not sure what’s going on, but something.  Something….



Suspicious Cat remains, well, suspicious.

People Are Calling This “President Trump’s Greatest Interview”

Posted originally on the CTH on June 7, 2024 | Sundance 

Dr. Phil had a lengthy interview with President Trump, drilling down on how Trump deals with being the target of so much vitriol, hatred and weaponized targeting from every facet of the American system of government. I think the interview is being well received because the questions go beyond talking about the details of the targeting and focus on the emotional part of how President Trump and his family deal with it.

These are the types of questions that ordinary supporters of the MAGA effort would likely ask President Trump.  WATCH: 


Steve Bannon Talks to Media After Judge Tells Him to Report to Jail, July 1st

Posted originally on the CTH on June 6, 2024 | Sundance 

Steve Bannon is appealing a contempt of Congress indictment and guilty verdict based on an executive privilege defense.   Today Mr. Bannon was told to report to federal jail July 1st to begin his 4-month prison sentence.

Following the ruling from the judge, Steve Bannon and his lawyers spoke to the assembled media pool.  WATCH:

Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on June 6, 2024 

June 6, 2024 | Sundance | 22 Comments

I cannot sit through a Sean Hannity interview any more, it is just too difficult.  However, for the sake of providing information, President Trump gave Sean Hannity an extended interview which is below in three segments.

President Trump has been targeted by the Lawfare tribe in Florida, Georgia, Washington DC and New York.  Sean Hannity invites President Trump to come listen to him talk about the cases.  WATCH:  




Police Officers Wanted – The Revolutionary Cycle in Swing

Posted originally on Jun 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Soros Austin Defund Police

The defund the police movement was so effective that countless agencies are struggling to fill job vacancies. So we have politicians who demonized the police, philanthropists who funded mobs who chanted for their demise, and non-citizens running rampant, committing attacks on officers without consequence. The police are unable to implement law and order because divisive practices and an uptick in crime have become political tools.

ZipRecruiter conducted a new survey that found law enforcement training has become the hardest skill to find for employers with 13,179 vacancies. Some cities have resorted to completely shutting down their operations, such as the Pittsburgh police who have some precents completely vacant from 3 AM to 7 AM ET. “One hundred percent, this is about staffing,” said Robert Swartzwelder, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 1. “You have a recruitment, retention and rhetoric problem.” The Pittsburgh police force has declined by around 40% in recent decades as more officers quit or seek retirement. We are seeing this happen across the United States.

European Revolutionary Cycle
172 Yr Revolutrion Cycle

Governments fall when the police no longer offer them protection. This is one of the reasons why some cities are pushing to fill officer vacancies with migrants. All it takes it the police to side with the people over the government for everything to collapse.

Stages of Revolution

This entire issue of rioting against the police is historically part of the Revolutionary Cycle that takes place in five stages:

Stage 1: Whistleblower Disagreements; Discontentment Grows 
Stage 2: Initial Conflict Begins; Economy Begins to Decline
Stage 3: Civil Unrest Peaks
Stage 4: Revolution
Stage 5: Recovery

Revolution Civil War
Political Revolution

The FIRST STAGE in a revolution is always the rise of intellectual whistleblower disagreement, which the government simply ignores as a passing phase. This stage is the realization of corruption and injustice of governmental rule. Perhaps the symbolization of this was the revelation of Edward Snowden that the government was violating the constitution and abusing its power against the people, constructing a 100% surveillance state tapping into every phone call and email account of every citizen. Then there was the British whistleblower Katharine Gun, who they charged but could not put on trial without exposing themselves. They labeled both as traitors as if the government possessed inherent power of sovereignty and the people were the great unwashed economic slaves.

Brussels_protest_11 21 21

The SECOND STAGE is where the intellectual debates prove pointless, and the initial conflict begins. This corruption has run its course, and governments have transformed justice into their own self-interest. This stage is usually accelerated by governments raising taxes in the midst of an economic decline. The economic hardships may vary per individual, but as a whole, they will tend to focus upon the prosecutorial arm of government, which includes the police, who will far too often claim they are moral under the pretense of simply following orders.

Lenin Statue Fell

This is when history will typically produce some leader who can be a moderate who sees the problem and will often try to reason in order to reach a resolution that is ignored by the government. This further intensifies the feelings of injustice, especially in light of the economic decline. The leadership can also be seized by extremists who demand complete change, such as Lenin. This initial stage results in the first demands change with protests rising. The mobs rarely are able even to articulate the reform because they then make demands that they want certain actions that go far beyond what they actually need. This is where mobs will often turn to revenge rather than justice. Governments will typically refuse to reform and become often very defensive.

Therefore, the second stage is one of rising protests and discontent with initial confrontation against the government who relies upon the police state they have created. As long as the police continue to support the government against the people, this will inevitably lead to the next revolutionary stage.

Franklin on Revolution
Irreconcible Revolution

The THIRD STAGE is where it often becomes an outright war in the streets as governments seek to retain power and refuse to see the error of their ways. In revolutions like the Nika Revolt of 532 AD, the police side with the people or stand back. In the case of the Ukrainian Revolution against Yanukovich, once the police saw that the people coming to the aid of the president were Russians, the police switched sides and supported the people. In the case of the Nika Revolt, the government called in the army, who then massacred the people and the police. In the case of the American Revolution, the central power was in England and not local. This allowed the local authorities to differentiate themselves from the British.

1848 French Revolution
French guillotine revolution Beheading Louis

The FOURTH STAGE is retribution in a domestic revolution in direct confrontation with the government and head of state. In the case of the American Revolution, the head of state was not within reach. However, they confiscated property and hung those who supported the king. Of course, in the case of the Russian Revolution, they executed the entire Romanov family. This is the phase of evening the score for years of suppression and injustice.

The former head of state is often publicly killed, and typically all their ministers. This was the case not just during the Russian Revolution but the French Revolution with Louis XVI and his wife and the English Revolution, where they seized King Charles I and beheaded him in public as well. There have also been incidents of assassination even after a loss, as was the case with Abraham Lincoln in 1865.


The FIFTH STAGE is typically the recovery stage, where a new form of government emerges from the ashes. The intelligent political moderates take power, as was the case in the United States, typically based on the ideas of some Utopian system. Once again, this differs insofar as the political power was in England rather than America, so there was not a wholesale murder campaign of all former ministers. In the case of the French Revolution, after the retribution stage, even the moderates were killed by the radicals led by Robespierre, who seized control. As the French Revolution fell into the hands of Robespierre (1758-1794), he began a Reign of Terror (September 5, 1793-July 27, 1794) that would come to an end with his own death. This was followed by more uprisings and eventually the French Constitution was drafted (August 22-September 23, 1795), and approved with the Directory taking power.

During this recovery stage, the radicals are usually overthrown, and sometimes, a new head of state emerges, such as Napoleon or Oliver Cromwell. In the case of the United States, where the former head of state was not local, the bureaucracy began, and we saw the rise of political parties. Divisions emerge once again between opposing political views. At this point, there is the restoration of a sense of nationalism, but the cycle of corruption slowly begins to take root.

We are currently in the second stage of the revolutionary cycle and rapidly heading toward stage three as discontent grows.

Georgia Appeals Court Halts All Trump RICO Cases Against All Defendants Pending Decision on Fani Willis Disqualification

Posted originally on the CTH on June 5, 2024 | Sundance

It looks like the Lawfare case against President Donald Trump is not going to happen prior to the election.  Considering that Fani Willis met with Mary McCord prior to filing this case against Trump, we can directly trace the origin of the Georgia case to congress and the White House.

The appellate court in Georgia is currently reviewing the professional conduct of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.   As the court is deciding whether to disqualify Ms. Willis from the cases (very likely), the court has suspended all further action by Fulton County against any of the defendants.

[Source Link]

The Lawfare community (McCord, Weissmann, Eisen and MSNBC, CNN et al) are apoplectic at this decision by the court.

WASHINGTON – A Georgia appeals court has halted all pretrial proceedings in Donald Trump’s Atlanta-based criminal case while a three-judge panel considers whether to disqualify the lead prosecutor, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

The order issued Wednesday effectively confirms that the sprawling racketeering case against Trump and more than a dozen codefendants — charging them with an attempt to corrupt Georgia’s 2020 election results — will not come before a jury in 2024.

The case had already seemed like a longshot to go to trial before this year’s presidential election, with a long list of complicated pretrial matters still pending before Judge Scott McAfee. The Georgia appeals court order blocks McAfee from advancing those issues while Trump and other defendants mount an appeal over allegations of ethical lapses by Willis. That appeal is scheduled for oral arguments on Oct. 4, with a decision from the appellate court likely to take several months after that.

For Trump, it’s another vindication of his well-worn strategy to delay his criminal cases until after the election. If he prevails in November, he’s unlikely to face the Georgia case until 2029 — if at all — because many legal experts believe a state cannot constitutionally prosecute a sitting president. As president, Trump would also have the power to unravel the other two languishing criminal cases against him, both brought by special counsel Jack Smith. (read more)