Left Declares White Males as Most Dangerous Demographic in USA

Armstrong Economics Blog/USA Current Events Re-Posted Aug 2, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

“Squad” member Ilhan Omar was interviewed by Al Jazeera in February 2018 prior to taking a seat in Congress. When asked whether Islamophobia was due to “jihadist terrorism,” the openly racist politicians said “our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country.”

This was during the time that Trump imposed a travel ban on people from Islamic countries. Her full quote stated: “I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country, because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country. And so if fear was the driving force of policies to keep America safe, Americans safe inside of this country, we should be profiling, monitoring and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.” That’s right – she wants to profile and monitor white males in America. White men do not commit the most murders in America, but the statistics fail to fit the narrative.

Omar said that Trump’s ban was masqueraded as national security, and said her own country, Somalia, has never posed a threat. The interviewer reminded Omar that over 20 young Somali Americans in Minnesota alone had fled the US to fight for ISIL or Al Shabab jihadist groups. There is a travel ban to Somalia as well. The US government has informed Americans that they will not send anyone to rescue them when they are taken prisoner, and encourage anyone dumb enough to visit to arrange kidnap negotiators. There is a book entitled “A House in the Sky” detailing on Canadian journalist’s ordeal after a trip to Somalia that explains the landscape there quite well.

A member of Congress defending terrorists is alarming. Asking the US to profile and track nearly half of the population is beyond troublesome. “She hates our country. She comes from a place that doesn’t even have a government, and then she comes here tells us how to run our country,” Trump warned before she was appointed to Congress.

Climate Change & Taxes

Armstrong Economics Blog/The Hunt for Taxes Re-Posted Jul 29, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Times Are A-Changin

Armstrong Economics Blog/Uncategorized Re-Posted Jul 29, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Crickets For Protein

Armstrong Economics Blog/Climate Re-Posted Jul 26, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

According to World Wild Life, they claim that the production of beef effects “climate change due to emissions of greenhouse gasses such as methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. Research shows that ruminant livestock account for between 7% and 18% of global methane emissions from human related activities.” In February of this year, the US Forest Service had gotten approval to fly helicopters over land in southwestern NM to hunt down 150 cattle from the air and shoot them down. This was said to save the threatened habitats and other species. Cattle is supposedly ruining the environment from bodily gasses that are released and causing climate change but no worries- they have already figured out a solution: crickets.

Northern Italy, which holds the largest Cricket Farm in the country, has figured out how to integrate crickets into foods like pasta, bread, energy bars, and even sports drinks. This is a powder form which the process of this is to just freeze the crickets, boil, dry, and then pulverize. According to the Italian Cricket Farms’ website, “One third of the world’s land is used to produce beef. On average, 200m2 of surface area is used to produce 1kg of beef. For insects you only need 15m2 for the same amount.” You will mostly find this is western societies for now, but I wouldn’t doubt that it starts making its way here. The Climate Change zealots have done studies where “a single burp from a cow releases 220 pounds of methane which is shorter lived than carbon dioxide but 28 times more potent in warming the atmosphere” so we should watch out for the gasses coming from cattle. I wouldn’t be surprised if you found 50% crickets in your hamburger, soon they won’t leave us with much of a choice.

Global Warming by Undersea Volcano Will Be Significant

Ryan Maue on Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Submarine Volcano.

Volcanic estimate 🌋📈
Initial scientific estimates were 50-million metric tons of water injected into the stratosphere by Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai submarine volcano.
Likely off by a factor of 3.
New research suggests 150-million metric tons or almost 40 Trillion gallons of… https://t.co/BEnfFL2bEr twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

The 40 Trillion gallons of water vapor in the stratosphere represents an unprecedented amount injected in the stratosphere.
Volcanic eruptions like Pinatubo blast SO2 into the stratosphere creating a cooling climate shroud for 1-2 years.
But, Hunga Tonga had only 2% of the SO2 as Pinatubo but a gargantuan amount of water vapor, which is well known to WARM the Earth. The question is how much?
1-tonga-eruption-1041This looping video shows an umbrella cloud generated by the underwater eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano on Jan. 15, 2022. The GOES-17 satellite captured the series of images that also show crescent-shaped shock waves and lightning strikes.
Credits: NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens using GOES imagery courtesy of NOAA and NESDIS
Global warming caused by Hunga-Tonga is significant.
The eruption of Hunga-Tonga increased the water vapor mass in the stratosphere by 13%, and it will remain there for many years to come.
“The unique nature and magnitude of the global stratospheric perturbation by the Hunga eruption ranks it among the most remarkable climatic events in the modern observation era.”

Earlier in March 2023, scientists reported likelihood of warming from the volcanic injection of water vapor into the stratosphere pushing Earth closer to 1.5°C Paris Agreement threshold.
Based upon the last few months, it seems the effect of 🌋 on global temperatures may have been greatly underestimated. It’s straightforward how to run a radiative transfer model to determine the impacts of adding 150M metric tons of water to the stratosphere. But, detailed climate model simulations are needed to disentangle the atmospheric circulation changes that lead to non-linear feedbacks. The climate is “abnormal” right now, aside from the developing El Niño and background climate change. https://eos.org/articles/tonga

The Death of Free Speech Is the Beginning

Armstron Economics Blog/Freedom of Speech RE-Posted Jul 21, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Tunisia is actually criminalizing free speech under the claim that it is spreading “fake news” to end free speech in the country. The problem is this is the trend in the aftermath of COVID. Anything disagreeing with the government narrative is increasingly moving toward criminalization. This was the very same trend that the LEFT took under Marxism. I find it ironic that all we hear is that China is this horrible communist government that suppresses free speech when the United States is doing the same. I went behind the Berlin Wall before it fell with a friend to visit his family trapped there. If anyone was close to us, the rhetoric of how wonderful the government was became the speech. Then came the truth when we were alone. This is where we are headed.

The number of people censored and de-platformed under COVID was the launch pad for the termination of the First Amendment in the United States once and for all. The government has been directing private platforms to censor and remove people and then claim that the First Amendment only applies to the government – not to private companies. Robert F Kennedy, Jr. came out and also told the Democrats that they were weaponizing the government. Yet even the military has come out and confirmed that the COVID vaccines were causing serious side effects in the military. They hate RFK as much as Trump, for he, too, threatens their authoritarian style of government. Meanwhile, Congressman Jordan has put Pfizer on Tight Timeline to produce all evidence of Collusion with the Executive Branch and Social Media. This is going to be VERY interesting.

The Biden Administration taking its orders from the Neocons, has sent a letter advising Trump he is now a target in the January 6th nonsense, calling it sedition so they can bar him from ever holding any political office under the 14th Amendment. This outright interferes with the 2024 election, but nobody can indict the Department of Justice.  Meanwhile, Edward Snowden is in Russia because they would prosecute him for treason for telling the people that the government is violating the Constitution. We have lost the Rule of Law, which is one of the last straws before the decline and fall of any nation. Senator Chuck Grassley released the FD-1023 form, alleging that Mykola Zlochevsky, Burisma’s founder, paid a $5,000,000 bribe each to Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden to have Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

I seriously doubt we will hear this story on CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, other than perhaps claiming it is a conspiracy theory. The media is now AGAINST the people and have formally crossed over into the camp of totalitarianism, refusing to report the truth about anything from election fraud to the war in Ukraine. The days of honest independent journalism are over. FOX fired Tucker for this very reason – they were given their marching orders.

It is confirmed that the FBI has circumvented the Constitution and violated the civil rights of everyone in this country by colluding with social media to censor citizens, which the First Amendment states that they cannot do under the rule of law. When the FBI raided my office and home, they NEVER produced any inventory. Things were missing I have never located ever since, and the lawyers will tell you you “cannot accuse the FBI of theft,” plain and simple. They then can claim they found whatever they want on a raid when they do not make an inventory. A former VP of the NY Post told me personally that the government calls the press or a journalist and starts they have a “favor” to ask. If you refuse, they send the IRS after you and tear your personal life apart. The government dictates even Wikipedia. That is why universities now tell students Wikipedia is NOT to be used as a source. It is not trustworthy. NOTHING is safe anymore. Even the pretend Fact-Checkers are not independent and are just part of the whole scheme.

Freedom of speech is only free when it applies to everyone.  I must defend the right of free speech even when disagreeing. True freedom of speech is incredibly dangerous for those in power when they have abused that power and are desperate to retain that power. This is what we face going into 2032. Those in power are losing their grip. I warned that our computer was projecting a rise in civil unrest and international war post-2014 at our 2011 World Economic Conference. That is now becoming obvious to many, including those in power.

It was Free Speech that was under attack in England. Remember the English Civil War between Royalists and Parliamentarians raged from 1642 to 1651. The Puritans won, beheaded the King, and imposed their religious beliefs upon everyone. It became a felony to kiss your wife in public. They outlawed all sports and Christmas and authorized spies to look in people’s windows to ensure they were not celebrating Christmas. Against this backdrop, in 1668, William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, was imprisoned in the Tower of London for writing pamphlets Truth Exalted: To Princes, Priests, and People and The Sandy Foundation Shaken. This was all about protesting religion. The Bishop of London ordered that Penn be held indefinitely in prison without bail until he publicly recanted his written statements. I know how that goes also for Free Speech.

This is what Free Speach Was All About. Allowing the censorship of social media is outrageous. This is merely a sign that 2032 will be the collapse of governments. They know they have abused their power, and this is really the time for the Neocons. They care nothing about the country, or your future, only their insane hatred and cheer on the destruction of Western Society without ever considering what if they lose as they have consistently done since the 1960s.

The wisdom of those who rose to create a new way of government against monarchy is no longer revered. They tore down Jefferson’s statue until they claimed he was a slave owner. He inherited the slaves through his wife. Jefferson was the one who was against slavery and wrote the Declaration of Independence that stated all men were equal. But to free the slaves in 1776 would have been a death sentence. There was no employment at your local Starbucks. How would they survive? Those who judge others in the past by standards today are the greatest fools of all. Yet they preach hatred rather than bother to understand the core issues of freedom.

In 2013 a reporter asked Justin Trudeau which country he most admired. “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime,” Trudeau smiled and stated with seriousness. He went on to say how he admired (i.e., envied) how dictators could implement laws on a whim without the people’s consent and added a nod to climate change policies, as the left does not see that as a problem yet. Trudeau is a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s authoritarian school and has strived to infiltrate the entire world and impose his social-economic doctrine to circumvent democracy and our personal freedom, all because we are too stupid to understand how the world should function according to what he believes everyone should bow down to him and gobble at his feet – herr führer (my leader).

The next 8-years going into 2032 will be the most difficult. History warns us that society will shed its skin like a snake. We will embark on a Great Reset, but many believe Schwab is using our model and trying to force this to go in his direction of totalitarianism. Democracy suddenly became Populism when Trump won in 2016. They will no longer tolerate our right to vote because we are not intelligent enough to understand that they are in power so shut up and sit down.

That Trump victory upset everyone at DAVOS. Suddenly they feared that they might be voted out of power. Thus, democracy became evil populism, and now Freedom of Speech also threatens their designs of indefinitely retaining power.

This UNELECTED Climate Tzar is also against democracy. He is using climate change for absolute control. They will attempt to use this to lock us down when things start to go against them. They are delusional to think that they can retain power but abuse and authoritarianism. History warns that NO GOVERNMENT has ever survived indefinitely. They all fall because of precisely what is taking place. The more they feel that power slipping between their fingers, the worse they will become.

Our computer warns that we are rapidly approaching 2032, when we just will have to turn out the lights on this failed political experiment. We have to start thinking about what type of government we will need to create and a monetary system since this is a global crisis that we are approaching where our republican forms of government will fall by their own weight of corruption just as monarchy did in the 18th century. It begins with the ending of free speech, as William Penn discovered, coupled with the collapse of the rule of law.

Edward Gibbon wrote of Emperor Commodus (177-192AD), with who historians agree began the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that his abuse of the legal system denied any ability to obtain Due Process of Law. In the end, the ONLY recourse was a revolution because they simply assassinated him, which he then cast the Roman Empire into civil war.

distinction of every kind soon became criminal. The possession of wealth stimulated the diligence of the informers; rigid virtue implied a tacit censure of the irregularities of Commodus; important services implied a dangerous superiority of merit; and the friendship of the father always insured the aversion of the son. Suspicion was equivalent to proof; trial to condemnation. The execution of a considerable senator was attended with the death of all who might lament or revenge his fate; and when Commodus had once tasted human blood, he became incapable of pity or remorse

New study shows that neither global warming nor CO2 radiative forcing were a cause of mass extinctions

Browse:Home/2023/July/10/New Study: Neither Global Warming Or CO2 Radiative Forcing Were A Cause Of Past Mass Extinctions

New Study: Neither Global Warming Or CO2 Radiative Forcing Were A Cause Of Past Mass Extinctions

By Kenneth Richard on 10. July 2023

Over the last 210 million years [Myr], (a) CO2 falls as temperatures rise (negative correlation, r = -0.76), (b) mass extinctions occur 4.08 Myr after CO2 peaks, and (c) global warming/CO2 radiative forcing “did not cause extinction of biodiversity.”

A new study has been published in Earth’s Future journal that supplements a 2017 analysis of hundreds of millions of years of CO2 and temperature variations.

Davis (2017) argued that for 97.44% of the last 425 Myr there was either a negative correlation (CO2 falls, temperatures rise or CO2 rises as temperatures fall) or no correlation at all between variations in global temperatures and radiative forcing by atmospheric CO2. In other words, the IPCC-proposed link between the rise in atmospheric CO2 as the causal mechanism and global warming could only explain 2.56% of the variance in the long-term paleoclimate record.

Image Source: Davis, 2017

A positive correlation between high CO2 and extinctions

But now a new study by the same author looks at the timing of mass extinctions and their correspondence with atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the last 210 Mya. There were reportedly 12 mass extinction events that occurred when CO2 was rising to peak levels (~1,000 ppm) during this period, whereas 6 occurred as CO2 was falling. This is considered a weakly positive correlation.

Interestingly, though, the timing for the mass extinctions was, on average, 4.08 Myr after the CO2 levels had reached their apex. This leads one to question why it would be thought the effect (mass extinctions) should lag the triggering cause (peak CO2) by millions of years. Especially since species extinctions can occur in time spans of decades to centuries.

A negative correlation between global warming and atmospheric CO2

As he did in his previous paper, Davis (2023) documents an overall negative correlation between global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the last 210 Mya. Specifically, multiple degrees of increases in global temperatures occurred as CO2 levels fell (for example, from 772 ppmv to 291 ppmv).

“The correlation between atmospheric CO2 concentration and interpolated global temperature proxies is discernible and negative (r = −0.76, n = 8, p = 0.01).”

Since the correlation between CO2 and global temperature is more often negative than positive, the positive link between high CO2 levels and extinctions Davis addresses in his study could be explained as a better correlation with high CO2 and global cooling than with high CO2 and global warming.

Image Source: Davis, 2023

Neither global warming or CO2 radiative forcing caused past mass extinctions

Over the last 210 Myr, the correlation between global warming periods and mass extinctions is “not discernibly different from zero” (r = 0.03), and the correlation between atmospheric CO2 radiative forcing (RF) is also “not discernibly different from zero” (r = -0.001). Without correlation, there can be no causal relationship between either global warming or CO2 radiative forcing and the record of mass extinctions.

“These results collectively require rejection of the hypothesis that long-term (Myr timescale) global temperature change caused extinction of biodiversity across the most highly resolved portion of the fossil record, the last 210 Myr.”

“This study therefore excludes long-term temperature (climate) change as a possible cause of past mass extinctions.”

“If long-term global warming was the cause of past extinctions, then long-term temperature and marginal RF by atmospheric CO2 should both be correlated positively with biodiversity loss. As shown here, however, biodiversity loss is not correlated discernibly with marginal RF by atmospheric CO2…that is, changes in RF by atmospheric CO2 did not cause past collapses in biodiversity and are not a plausible kill mechanism of mass extinctions.”

Noble Scientist says Climate Change is a Hoax

Armstrong Economics Blog/Climate Re-Posted Jul 15, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has come out and said the whole nonsense of Climate Change caused exclusively by CO2 is an absolute HOAX. Anyone who has ever studied physics cannot possibly conclude otherwise. There is absolutely NOTHING that can ever be reduced to a single cause and effect in anything. It is always a complex dynamic.

Here is Bill Gates who I would not trust to walk my dog admitting that blaming CO2 is not without dispute. There is just nothing, even in market movements, that can be reduced to a single cause and effect – PERIOD! Perhaps he should have paid attention in physics class, assuming he took it.

One of our clients was one of the top 5 Australian mining companies. Their CFO lost more than $50 million in the currency. They ordered him to meet with me. He knew my track record and said perhaps it was just a coincidence. Finally, I asked him what his background was. He hesitated and said physics. I said GREAT! Now look at the market through the Second Law of Thermodynamics. His jaw dropped and said – OMG, there has to be a cycle. I said you got it.

Heat always moves from hotter objects to colder objects (or “downhill”), unless energy in some form is supplied to reverse the direction of heat flow. 

The second law of thermodynamics establishes the concept of entropy as a physical property of a thermodynamic system.

Human activity cannot possibly create a one-way street that is the typical linear analysis that if the temperature rises by 1 degree per year, then in 50 years we will be all dead. That is like saying since the stock market rose 1,000 points this year, it continue to do so for the next 50 years. It is just an absurdity and thereby it is a HOAX for nobody in their right mind would ever make such an honest forecast of this nature. According to all this nonsense, we should have been dead by now.

Greta Thunberg deleted a 2018 tweet about the urgency of addressing climate change. Her tweet included a quote from an article that said an influential scientist warned climate change “will wipe out all humanity” unless fossil fuel use was ended “over the next five years.” Some have said that Great misquoted him since he claimed he never made such comments. Anyway, we are still alive – thank you linear analysis.

Chicago Suburb To Pay Reparations

Armstrong Economics Blog/USA Current Events Re-Posted Jul 14, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Chicago is crumbling to the ground. What do the politicians plan to do to fix the problem? Buy votes! The Chicago upper-middle-class suburb of Evanston, Illinois, approved a $10 million reparation package in 2019. The city will now hand out $25,000 to 140 black residents over the age of 18 who lived in the area between 1919-1969. “I see it as like a test run for the whole country,” stated Justin Hansford, head of the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center at Howard University.

Of course, they have not properly funded the trial program. Initially, the committee agreed to use taxes from marijuana sales. When that wasn’t enough, they took funding from real estate taxes. They have less than $1.2 million after years of searching for funding and will be hunting down the public for additional taxes. Let’s do the math here — $25K for 140 people is only $3.5 million. Do they need the extra $6.5 million to fund the committee and politicians? The greed from every angle is unbelievable.

Some activists are already complaining that the generous $25,000 free handout is not enough. One woman who received her free check during the initial trial told the New York Post that it is only “a good start.” She blew the entire thing on home renovations and it certainly didn’t heal her ancestral wounds that she needed money to heal. Give an inch, and people will take a mile. Reparations are not economically feasible by any means and creating further inflationary conditions will hurt the dollar in general.

They are creating a racial divide between a small percentage of the country and everyone else. Only a small portion of Americans had ancestors that were slave owners, and even then, the law does not expect future generations to pay for the misdoings of the past. The nation is crumbling because we are divided on everything from race, religion, sexuality, and politics. We use every term to define ourselves other than “Americans.” The average person is struggling to make ends meet as living prices have become unsustainable. There will be a civil war if people are expected to give others their hard-earned money without reason. These politicians are creating an upheaval by using tax dollars to buy votes and it will not end well.