Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson on Illegal Alien Impact, “Our local economies not designed for this type of Crisis”

Posted originally on the CTH on December 27, 2023 | Sundance

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is discussing the impact of illegal alien arrivals in his town.  “We have reached a critical point in this mission that absent real, significant intervention immediately, our local economies are not designed and built to respond to this type of crisis,” he states.

Mayor Johnson demands the federal government give his sanctuary city federal money from lesser impacted states, as an offset to Chicago expenditures for their illegal alien population.  Additionally, Johnson is very angry at Texas Governor Greg Abbott for sending busloads of illegal aliens to Chicago. [Prompted to 05:15, WATCH]

Here’s a radical thought… CLOSE THE BORDER!

Chicago Considers City-Run Grocers

Armstrong Economics Blog/USA Current Events Re-Posted Sep 26, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Crime in Chicago has sent businesses fleeing. Four Walmart grocers recently closed, creating what many would call a food desert. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson absolutely refuses to address the real problem. Johnson and the Economic Security Project are now considering city-run grocery stores that will burden law-abiding taxpayers who will need to subsidize these grocers.

No one working in the Chicago city government knows how to manage money. Their heads are so far up their asses that they cannot see the real problem – light on crime policies and a culture that romanticizes crime. This is another opportunity for local government to get guaranteed income from taxpayers even if the stores operate at a loss. And they will operate at a loss since theft is practically legal. The globalists will have an easier time turning Chicago into a 15-minute city since the city government will already have control over the food supply.

The Chicago Police Department states crime spiked 25% in the past year, with theft rising 11%. These are simply the people they caught since it is common practice for criminals to run into stores, grab everything they can hold, and simply leave. Security is not permitted to chase after the criminals and there is no penalty depending on the value of the goods stolen. Both customers and employees have been hurt or killed by these criminals who have no regard for human life. A spokesperson for Walmart told the NY Post that their stores in Chicago have not been profitable for 17 years. No businesses will want to continue operating in Chicago at this rate. Will the city government take over every area too?

Let the people start a co-op and work together to create a community. No one is holding their neighbors responsible and the good people are the ones who suffer. The remaining businesses and smart money will leave the city if crime and taxes continue to rise. There must be actual penalties for theft to deter criminals, or the city will continue to deteriorate. Make crime illegal again.

Crime Rose 82% in Chicago in 2 Years – Controlled Chaos in Blue Cities

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Aug 24, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

It was hard to imagine a mayor WORSE than Lori Lightfoot, but Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson managed to surpass her in corruption and crime as Chicago crumbles. Johnson’s first three months on the job, compared to Lightfoot’s, saw 4,321 more car thefts, 41 more murders, and 38 more deadly shootings. Crime in Chicago is up 82% since 2021, according to the Chicago Police Department. Let me explain why the rise in crime is a deliberate attempt by the government to expand its power.

For starters, no one even wants to be a police officer in Chicago as the mayor forbids them from arresting blatant criminals. There are stories of murderers getting a slap on the wrist. Over 1,000 officers have handed in their badges and left the force. The city spent $126 million in overtime pay for the dwindling police force, and they expect to surpass an additional $210 million in 2022. Crime is up, but there has been a 50% drop in arrests in 2019.

“The Democratic Party as a whole definitely can model its work off of what we’re doing in Chicago,” Johnson told Politico, as he believes all blue cities should look to Chicago for advice on enticing chaos and empowering criminals. Unlike other Democratic mayors, Johnson is not backing down on Chicago’s “sanctuary city” status. He has no plans for funding the influx of migrant, or Chicago’s already growing homeless population. Johnson believes he has done such a incredible job paving the way for rapidly demolishing cities that he created a blueprint for other Dems. Chaos is needed for the Great Reset.

As for helping the city economically:“The Economic Vitality and Equity subcommittee uplifts the importance of addressing wealth inequality as manifest in Mayor Johnson’s references to the ‘tale of two cities.’ They suggest both conventional and innovative community-centered strategies to generate revenue, allocate resources, build community wealth, and combat poverty and all its attendant ills. Economic vitality and equity are essential to realize the goals of all the other subcommittees. Greater economic vitality will require revitalizing commercial corridors and galvanizing development and infrastructure improvements throughout our neighborhoods, with local advisory panels to make sure development projects meet community needs. A thriving downtown hub continues to be important, but one that feeds into neighborhood development and is accessible to all.”

This sounds like the suggestion of a pageant queen requesting world peace despite never having left her small town. The report later states:“The 2022 Global Cities Index ranks the Chicago metro as 7th in the world, just behind Los Angeles and Beijing. We have conflicting narratives about our city’s economic reality. On one hand, we have a thriving economy with the 2nd most Fortune 500 companies of any U.S. city; over the last 2 years we saw over 100 corporate relocations and over 200 significant corporate expansions; in 2021 & 2022 we received record level of investment influx into Chicago based startups (close to $20B in Venture Capital and Private Equity Investments in each year). On the other hand, we continue to see a significant gap in wealth, employment, and opportunities between decades-long underinvested neighborhoods on the South & West sides and the rest of the city, resulting in inequitable access to housing, education, justice, and healthcare along racial and ethnic lines.”

Not for long! Companies are fleeing Chicago as crime grows rampant. The rich are always the first to flee when a city or nation crumbles as dictated by the annals of history. The section about public safety focuses on police accountability, not the responsibility of the people not to commit crimes. How can Chicago dream of competing against Beijing when people are afraid to travel there due to the crime? Los Angeles is already in ruin – who compiled this list of the 2022 Global Cities Index? Upon further digging, it was none other than the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM! Kearney, the company that compiled the report, lists the WEF as their top partnership.

Chicago is following the plan of strategic chaos, as discussed in the Cloward-Piven Strategy. They are allowing chaos to ensue so that the government can take control over that chaos in time. Allowing mass immigration when resources are null ensures that the state’s welfare system will become overburdened.  Cloward and Piven noted that civil unrest was necessary to create change and encouraged the government to antagonize the masses. “The poor are most visible and proximate in the local community; antagonism toward them (and toward the agencies which are implicated with them) has always, therefore, been more intense locally than at the federal level.”

The media has successfully created a generation of entitled victims who believe their crimes are justified. The family unit has been demolished if not demonized, and the schools cannot raise the youth, who are the main perpetrators. The government has permitted the crime to occur and punishes anyone who dares to interfere. The strategy also involves class and racial warfare to conquer and divide the people so that they do not see the real enemy – government.

“Once eligibility for basic food and rent grants is established, the drain on local resources persists indefinitely,” the Cloward-Piven Strategy states. Soon, they will claim that the housing crisis and poverty leave cities like Chicago with no choice but to adopt 15-minute cities where people are housed in ADUs, abandon the need for cars, and receive free public transportation. Everyone will be dependent on government and, therefore, will be under its thumb.

Illegal Aliens with Work Authorization Now Permitted to Become Police Officers in Illinois

Posted originally on the CTH on July 31, 2023 | Sundance

It may be entirely possible in Illinois now for a police officer to demand to see your papers for identity compliance even though that police officer may be an illegal alien who broke U.S. law to enter the United States.

Under a bill recently signed by Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker, illegal aliens can now become police officers. The downstream ramifications of this effort are not difficult to imagine.

As if the crisis of confidence in the U.S. legal and law enforcement system was not under enough pressure, the reality of lawbreaking foreign nationals and border crossers now controlling law enforcement is a rather remarkable escalation in social fracture.

NewsWeek – […] The measure—House Bill 3751—successfully passed the Democratic-controlled state House and the state Senate before being signed into law by the Democratic governor last week. The bill, which will come into force on January 1, 2024, allows eligible immigrants who are not in possession of U.S. citizenship to join law enforcement in Illinois—something that federal laws currently forbid.

[…] Eligible non-U.S. citizens are subject “to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject,” and must be able to obtain, carry, purchase, or otherwise possess a firearm under federal law.

Foreign nationals “against whom the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services have deferred immigration action under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process” will also be eligible, according to the bill’s text.

That means that individuals who came to the country illegally as children and received a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation—known as the DACA process—will be able to apply to become police officers in Illinois. DACA recipients are protected from deportation and have a work permit, though the program does not grant them official legal status. (read more)

The 2024 Democrat National Convention will take place in Chicago.

Chicago Suburb To Pay Reparations

Armstrong Economics Blog/USA Current Events Re-Posted Jul 14, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Chicago is crumbling to the ground. What do the politicians plan to do to fix the problem? Buy votes! The Chicago upper-middle-class suburb of Evanston, Illinois, approved a $10 million reparation package in 2019. The city will now hand out $25,000 to 140 black residents over the age of 18 who lived in the area between 1919-1969. “I see it as like a test run for the whole country,” stated Justin Hansford, head of the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center at Howard University.

Of course, they have not properly funded the trial program. Initially, the committee agreed to use taxes from marijuana sales. When that wasn’t enough, they took funding from real estate taxes. They have less than $1.2 million after years of searching for funding and will be hunting down the public for additional taxes. Let’s do the math here — $25K for 140 people is only $3.5 million. Do they need the extra $6.5 million to fund the committee and politicians? The greed from every angle is unbelievable.

Some activists are already complaining that the generous $25,000 free handout is not enough. One woman who received her free check during the initial trial told the New York Post that it is only “a good start.” She blew the entire thing on home renovations and it certainly didn’t heal her ancestral wounds that she needed money to heal. Give an inch, and people will take a mile. Reparations are not economically feasible by any means and creating further inflationary conditions will hurt the dollar in general.

They are creating a racial divide between a small percentage of the country and everyone else. Only a small portion of Americans had ancestors that were slave owners, and even then, the law does not expect future generations to pay for the misdoings of the past. The nation is crumbling because we are divided on everything from race, religion, sexuality, and politics. We use every term to define ourselves other than “Americans.” The average person is struggling to make ends meet as living prices have become unsustainable. There will be a civil war if people are expected to give others their hard-earned money without reason. These politicians are creating an upheaval by using tax dollars to buy votes and it will not end well.

Chicago Prepares for Second Weekend of Mayhem

Armstrong Economics Blog/USA Current Events Re-Posted Apr 21, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Hundreds of teens stormed the streets of Chicago last weekend, wreaking havoc on the crumbling city. People were assaulted, shot, there was countless property damage, and Mayor-Elect Johnson completely sided with the criminals. Johnson made excuses for their bad behavior, and while a few arrests were made, Johnson has done absolutely nothing to prevent this from happening again. There are now calls across social media for a “part two” this Saturday since these kids know that they can get away with actual murder.

Ald. Ray Lopez of Chicago said the police were completely overpowered last weekend. “It was a complete breakdown of leadership in the department for not having a plan, not knowing how to execute containment, and not getting those individuals who are committed to acts of violence and disrupting life in the city of Chicago and extricating them from the situation,” said Lopez. There are no laws restricting this behavior and the politicians refuse to acknowledge how big of a problem these “teen mobs” have become.

Let us also not forget that cops in blue cities are reluctant to act out of fear of being “canceled” or fired because crime is part of the woke agenda. The left is attempting to create civil unrest so that they can promise to fix the problem during their next election. The local government does not support efforts to curtail crime and the police cannot create laws. Gun control is strict and many people cannot adequately defend their families against these violent mobs. Biden has been silent on the topic because he does not want to admit that American blue cities are no longer safe.

In the video below, a witness said cops ignored pleas to help a couple being brutally beaten by a crowd of teenagers. She took them to the hospital since an ambulance was not on the way–first responders cannot keep up and are afraid. There is no “good guy with a gun,” cops, or anyone coming to help. These kids have been taught to believe that their neighbors are the enemy, and they truly believe they are the victims.

“Chiraq” is another crime-ridden city under a Soros-backed DA (Kim Foxx). Chicago certainly does seem like the perfect location for the DNC for the 2024 election since it is a prime example of what happens to blue cities that are light on crime and strict on gun control. Some estimates believe up to 1,000 youths gathered at Millennium Park last weekend, and the unofficial “Purge” may grow because these extremely disturbed individuals want to see how far they can go. Their leaders and school curriculum have brainwashed an entire generation into believing they are victims of an unjust society and deserve to act out their rage on others. You get what you vote for and the people voted for pro-crime politicians. Who thought it could get worse than Lightfoot? In fact, Lightfoot refused to call the situation “mayhem.”

“The vast majority of the young people who came downtown came downtown because it was great weather and an opportunity to enjoy the city. That’s absolutely and entirely it,” Lightfoot said. Unbelievable! 

Stay inside this weekend if you are unfortunate enough to live in Chicago.

Chicago is a Blue Warzone

Armstrong Economics Blog/North America Re-Posted Apr 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Mobs of hundreds of teens and young adults are terrorizing Chicago and burning their own city down. Former Mayor Lori Lightfoot permitted crime to take place. Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson is another far-left politician who will do nothing to save the city. “It is not constructive to demonize youth who have been denied opportunities,” Johnson said to dismiss the atrocities these unattended teenagers commit.

Chicago has tough gun laws and none of these teens are legally obtaining weapons. The city has been overrun with criminals who wildly shoot into crowds and murder their neighbors and the cops are outnumbered. Curfews have not helped and SWAT teams had to be deployed over the weekend after multiple people and bystanders were shot.

Businesses are fleeing Chicago as fast as possible. Even Walmart is closing down 8 stores in Chicago amid countless thefts. “These stores lose tens of millions of dollars a year, and their annual losses nearly doubled in just the last five years,” Walmart stated. Whole Foods closed its Chicago location for the same reason. Target, CVS, Aldi, and Save A Lot have also closed locations in recent years because of crime. People are protesting outside of Walmart in Chicago, declaring that these fleeing businesses are creating food deserts.

They cannot blame corporations or gun control. The problem begins at home and is amplified by bad politicians. Johnson came out and said that these teens simply didn’t have the same opportunities as others. Does that make it ok for them to commit violent crimes including murder? How are hundreds of minors out at all hours of the night – where are their guardians? Chicago was once a popular business destination; it will quickly deteriorate into Detroit or Camden as a ghost city that never recovered. The businesses will leave along with the jobs they once provided.


Mobs of hundreds of teens and young adults are terrorizing Chicago and burning their own city down. Former Mayor Lori Lightfoot permitted crime to take place. Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson is another far-left politician who will do nothing to save the city. “It is not constructive to demonize youth who have been denied opportunities,” Johnson said to dismiss the atrocities these unattended teenagers commit.

Chicago has tough gun laws and none of these teens are legally obtaining weapons. The city has been overrun with criminals who wildly shoot into crowds and murder their neighbors and the cops are outnumbered. Curfews have not helped and SWAT teams had to be deployed over the weekend after multiple people and bystanders were shot.

Businesses are fleeing Chicago as fast as possible. Even Walmart is closing down 8 stores in Chicago amid countless thefts. “These stores lose tens of millions of dollars a year, and their annual losses nearly doubled in just the last five years,” Walmart stated. Whole Foods closed its Chicago location for the same reason. Target, CVS, Aldi, and Save A Lot have also closed locations in recent years because of crime. People are protesting outside of Walmart in Chicago, declaring that these fleeing businesses are creating food deserts.

They cannot blame corporations or gun control. The problem begins at home and is amplified by bad politicians. Johnson came out and said that these teens simply didn’t have the same opportunities as others. Does that make it ok for them to commit violent crimes including murder? How are hundreds of minors out at all hours of the night – where are their guardians? Chicago was once a popular business destination; it will quickly deteriorate into Detroit or Camden as a ghost city that never recovered. The businesses will leave along with the jobs they once provided.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Concedes Defeat After Taking 3rd Place in Reelection Effort – First Chicago Mayor in 40 Years to Lose Reelection

Posted originally on the CTH on February 28, 2023 | Sundance

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has conceded defeat after coming in third place in the election.  Lightfoot makes history as the first Chicago mayor in 40-years to lose her first effort at reelection.

(CHICAGO) — Mayor Lori Lightfoot conceded defeat Tuesday night, ending her efforts for a second term and setting the stage for Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson to run against former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas for Chicago mayor.

A visibly shaken Lightfoot conceded the race just before 9 p.m. and said she will be “rooting and praying for our next mayor to deliver for the people of the city for years to come.” – WATCH:

“Obviously, we didn’t win the election today, but I stand here with my head held high and a heart full of gratitude,” Lightfoot said, highlighting how the city emerged from a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and made “real progress on public safety.”

The Associated Press just before 9 p.m. called the race for Johnson, who in addition to defeating Lightfoot also outmuscled U.S. Rep. Jesús “Chuy” García.

Johnson’s victory sets up an ideological battle with Vallas over the future path of the nation’s third-largest city. The two will face off in five weeks on April 4. (more)