Energy Bills to Rise Across US

Posted originally on Jun 11, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


The EPA is demanding that we abandon coal and fossil fuels without an alternative. The agency is seeking to shut down American power plants in favor of renewables. Energy prices are already reaching new highs. The National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA) and the Center for Energy Poverty and Climate (CEPC) issued a warning that Americans should expect at least an 8% increase in energy bills this summer.

No, global warming is not the culprit. The hot summer is in line with cyclical weather patterns. America lost its ability to remain energy independent the very day Joe Biden entered the White House and signed away countless laws prohibiting production. The average AC bill was $661 over the summer months, according to CEPC and NEADA. These agencies believe those in the Mid-Atlantic and Pacific regions of the US will see a rise in energy prices by 12.2%, raising costs from June to September to $691 and $693. Those in the East South Central are expected to see a 10.1% hike over the same period and will pay around $774. East Noth Central is expected to see a 9.8% energy bill uptick ($581), while New England and West South Central will see rises of 5.3% ($760) and 1.8% ($581).

Naturally, these costs are on the low spectrum of estimates. Most of us pay far more to cool our homes over the summer. One must wonder why the EPA and Biden Administration believe it is appropriate to adhere to these climate change goals for Agenda 2030 when the average American is already struggling to afford cooling.

We are already paying for the slow switch from natural gas and coal to renewables. Energy companies have been forced to gradually make the switch, and soon, there will be no alternative. Once they completely banish fossil fuels, cooling one’s home will become a luxury. Anyone can look at their monthly billing to see how much their heating and cooling expenses have risen on a monthly and annual basis and it is far beyond 8%. Personally, I am seeing a rise of around 30%.

This is one of an array of basic living essentials that have multiplied in price in recent years under the Biden Administration. We allowed our leader to cripple our infrastructure and ability to remain energy independent. We are currently allowing him to sign even more restrictive pieces of legislation that will only force us to stretch our dollars thin to maintain our current lifestyles. Is anything Build Back Better yet?

Ep 3355a – Climate Predictions Have Never Come True, The People Know, Watch The Market

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: May 16, 2024 at 7:15 pm EST

Al Gore Said the Ice Caps would be Gone by 2014 – Yes 2014!

Posted originlly on May 15, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

2014 Gore_Polar_ice_cap_may_disappear_by_summer_2014

The Press REFUSES to hold all of these failed Climate Change forecasts to test. All they do is keep moving the date for our doom, all due to CO2. In fact, the real crisis is the continued weakening of the magnetic field, which leads to pole shifts about every 43000 years – yes, that conforms to the ECM frequency. The major shifts we discovered from the data scientists provided us came out to be 720,000 years. Either way, they both seem to be lining up in our lifetime. We are headed more into a pole shift than a climate change thanks to CO2. The fact that they are targeting farmers when we should be stockpiling food now is either the most idiotic human decision in history or intentional with hopes of reducing the population.

1970 Climate Change

If I keep forecasting every year that the stock market would crash by 90%, I think they would call me a nut-job and laugh after ten years of perpetual failed forecasts. But with the climate, they just love to keep the fraud going. After June 6th, they are whispering about restricting travel to reduce CO2 this summer. They want to deprive you of your vacation this year as well.

Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban in Germany?

Posted originally on May 9, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Porsche 1970 911

Germany is moving full speed ahead to reach their asinine climate targets. The citizens who are in essence the very carbon they wish to destroy must be punished for not sacrificing enough to uphold Angela Merkel’s Climate Protection Act. Transport Minister Volker Wissing is now threatening the German people with “an indefinite weekend driving ban.”

“In the dispute over a reform of the Climate Protection Act, Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has warned of drastic cuts for motorists – including weekend driving bans. This is according to a letter from Wissing to the heads of the SPD, Green and FDP parliamentary factions. It was made available to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Thursday …

The letter states that if the amended Climate Protection Act does not come into force before 15 July, the ministry will be obliged under the current law to present an action programme to ensure compliance with the annual emission levels for the transport sector in the coming years.”

The climate zealots are worried that this overt threat will expose their ultimate goal to reduce, if not outlaw, private car ownership. Greenpeace has even come out and criticized Wissing for threatening driving bans, as if that measure is not precisely the goal of reducing emissions and ultimately 15-minute cities. Members of various parties in Germany, most of whom support climate change reductions, have attempted to redact his statements. Afterall, Germany does have a poor not so distant history of limiting freedom of movement.

It is not responsible for a minister to stir up unfounded fears,” Green Party parliamentary group leader Katharina Droege said, despite being in favor of reducing 80% of emissions by 2030 and making Germany climate-neutral by 2035.

The Free Democrats (FDP) believe that Germany should be climate-neutral by 2045, and while they reject banning car ownership, they would like to begin by implementing speed limits and favoring companies that abide by clean energy trade agreements.

The Social Democrat Party (SDP), highly in favor of forcing Germany to rely completely on renewable energy by 2040, criticized the proposal as well: “The proposal does not further our common goal of reducing CO2 emissions, but to unnecessary uncertainty for people in our country.” The SPD Bundestag faction clearly rejects driving bans for cars and lorries. Such manoeuvres would hardly advance the ongoing deliberations on the Climate Protection Act in the Bundestag, said Müller.”

AfD logo

The AfD Party is the only one in Germany who believes that climate change is not a man-made phenomenon. Hence, the government is attempting to frame the AfD as far-right radicals who wish harm on all of society. The AfD has agreed to keep the restrictions of the Paris Agreement, however, but will not eliminate fossil fuels.

The Germans must understand that their politicians are failing to act in the best interest of Germany. Instead, they are acting upon the wishes of the larger globalist agenda that does not want to see a strong single economy but a unified collection of a one-world government power.

There are an estimated 49,098,685 cars on the road in Germany. This law would change the lives of countless Germans, German manufacturing, and permit the government to have untold power over the people. This is why the media has presented the only party in Germany showing resistance to the climate change agenda as a threat. The true threat are the people in Bonn and Brussels.

Global Taxation – Proposal to Fight Climate Change and Poverty

Posted Apr 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Tax Wealth Tax

Finance ministers from France and Brazil are urging the G20 to implement a minimum 2% tax on billionaires in an effort to fight climate change and poverty. Everyone cheers when the suggestion is to tax someone else, but feigns shock when the rules expand and everyone experiences rising taxation. Global collaborative efforts such as war go against the very problems government agencies claim to combatting. They are deliberately increasing the price of living while simultaneously increasing our taxes.

Brazil’s Fernando Haddad and France’s Bruno Le Maire believe that billionaires should see their wealth decline by 2% (at minimum) every year. “In a world where economic activities are increasingly transnational, we have to find new and creative ways to tax these activities [and] thus direct the revenues to common global endeavours such as ending hunger and poverty and fighting climate change,” said Haddad. Le Marie spoke of GLOBAL TAXATION efforts as “a matter of efficiency and a matter of justice.” “Everybody has to pay his fair share of taxation,” he added. Longtime career politician Bernie Sanders of the US is also in full support of the proposal.

Taxing Worldwide Income

Tune in to what they are actually saying. A collective global entity would like to collect funds from citizens of individual nations through taxation. This far surpasses taxation without representation as they are discussing eliminating personal wealth, for then those within the one world order can spend their looted funds as they see fit. And they certainly will spend it as we have seen time and time again. Government spending is the main problem we face today as monetary policy could never keep up with fiscal, and politicians are content on raising taxes until the people have nothing left.

In America, we saw it happen this past year with the Inflation Reduction Act, Ukraine Aid, migrant funding, and countless spending packages. Everyone, be it lower or middle class, saw their taxes drastically rise. Yes, the promise was not to raise taxes on anyone earning under $400,000 annually – guess what? Governments lie.

The mere concept that individuals could finance government spending is absurd. They can raise taxes to 100% and it would still not be enough to crawl out of the sovereign debt crisis.

AOC Tax Rich

China sits at the table and listens to the discussions but does not make the first move. China is skilled at the art of negotiation and winning over one’s opponent. They have not openly dismissed the idea, but they would not implement it for their own people. Chinese representative Lan Fo’An “demonstrated openness,” according to Reuters, but China does not want to join this collective madness. Capitalism thrives off of entrepreneurs and innovators who create new products, companies, job openings, and entire industries. China is not going to discourage its people from capitalistic endeavors through a global taxation rate. Save them a seat at the table so that they can hear what the others plan to do.

Germany’s finance minister, Christian Lindner of the Free Democratic Party, openly rejected the proposal. “We do not think it is suitable,” he said at a press conference alongside Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel in Washington. “We have an appropriate taxation of income.” Individual nations have their tax codes in place – global taxation is permitting the globalists to steal from citizens of their respective nations.

Zucman does not understand economics, but he does understand how to pander to the establishment. He had the audacity to say that if some G20 nations fail to participate, other nations can simply tax them more to compensate. Zucman and others are already discussing the potential of a Donald Trump win this November as they know he is not supporting the Great Reset or globalist agenda. The world needs Trump to fail in order to conquer America politically.


The government found a way to house and feed millions of migrants as soon as they entered the country. They could implement other programs to combat poverty if they chose to do so. The billions funneled to Ukraine, for example, could have been spent elsewhere. Instead we are creating multi-trillion dollar packages to combat naturally occurring weather patterns. It is all a mere game and we are the pawns.

Lighting Your Fireplace will Be a $500 Fine for CO2 Police

Posted originally on Apr 23, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

I remember that growing up, my parents would light the fire on Christmas. We would listen to Christmas music and snuggle up in front of the fire. Now, if you light a fire, you are destroying the planet, and that is grounds to fine you. I suppose if your house burns down, insurance companies will not pay because it increases climate change, and you should not benefit from that.


In South Gloucestershire, England, the City Council has approved the introduction of financial penalties in the district’s smoke control area. In the name of improving air quality, lighting a fire releases harmful pollution by burning wood, which can cause health problemGrs. You will be fined £300 pounds for harming the environment.

Rise Fall or Empires Climate

We have some severe problems. Most of us laugh at the Climate Change zealots and how stupid they are to not even look at history that Climate has ALWAYS changed. The sad part is that one of the lessons a friend of mine who became the mayor of a major city taught me was one of my first lessons in politics. I asked him why the city had to respond to a bunch of nuts protesting in front of his house. He said they bring the news, and you are forced to respond to their nonsense even when you know it makes no sense when they have the press in their pocket.

1970 Climate Change

You can only reason with a wise person. Only a fool argues with a fool. These people refuse to listen to any scientific evidence, history, or facts. They have been fully indoctrinated, so it is best just to agree and say look: I agree. We are seriously overpopulated. Perhaps you should set the example and commit suicide to save the planet. I’m sure others will follow.

Crisis 2

These Climate nuts have the press and the politicians in their back pocket. This is part of the rising civil unrest, for these people are unleashing a wave of domestic violence that is going to make the 1960s look like a dress rehearsal. Between the abuse of the rule of law as they try to prevent Trump from even surviving with more than two cents to his name, tearing down the rule of law to accomplish this goal means that the other side will now have a precedent, and this is the DEFINITIVE destruction of society and civilization. Throw in this climate change, where they intend more lockdowns and want to destroy our freedoms and livelihoods further; I can now see clearly why the computer is forecasting the end of civilization as we know it by 2032.

Gibbon on Commodus

Civilization can no longer exist once we have lost the rule of law. These people are so desperate to fulfill their agenda of climate change, war, and population reduction that they are tearing the very fabric of what has made the United States a nation. Anything that Trump did or stands for must be attacked the same way Commodus did. It is with his reign that historians have drawn the line for the start of Rome’s collapse. The empire was thrust into civil war after Commodus was finally assassinated.

Climate Change War

What these Climate Change zealots do not comprehend is that they are being used, and gradually, this movement is transforming into the extinction agenda – to reduce the population BIG TIME with war. They have no guarantee of surviving themselves. They are justifying war as NECESSARY, for this is the best way to reduce the population. I suppose Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Mussolini were just ahead of their time trying to save the planet by reducing the population.

Insurance Companies Planning for Climate Lockdowns

Posted Apr 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Some insurance companies are altering their policies for corporations and business interruptions, which seems to be in anticipation of government lockdowns for climate change under the label “weather events.” The government seems to be preparing for new lockdowns under the pretense of climate change this summer.  It appears that they are preparing to restrict travel starting from early to mid-June.  This appears to be part of the agenda being orchestrated to prevent people from traveling for vacations using climate change as an excuse. This is part of a covert action along with the hyping of bird flu to ramp up restrictions and to force more justification for mail-in ballots as they did using COVID.

2024 Presidential Election by Popular Vote

Our computer has been projecting a Republican victory in 2024. Personally, I cannot see how these Climate Change and Neocons will possibly allow Trump to win. It already appears that they are flooding the nation with 14 million aliens and are counting on them to vote for their free money and free healthcare to return the Democrats to the White House. Throw in this Bird Flu, and now what appears to be climate lockdowns, in addition to trying to seize all of Trump’s properties and sell them to the best Democratic donors for a sing. At the same time, NYC intends to actually send Trump to prison for nonsense that nobody else in history has ever been prosecuted.

2028 Presidential forecast

I do not care if you are pro-Trump or anti-Trump. This is about completely destroying not just the rule of law but the very fabric of the United States all to retain power. The computer is warning that there may not even be a 2028 election. All I can do is report what the computer has been projecting. This is by no means my opinion or desire.

Don’t Forget to Send a Thank You to Klaus Schwab for Destroying your Future.

EU Court Rules that Women are Disproportionately Harmed by Climate Change   

Posted originally on Apr 10, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Climate Change War
Swiss Flag

Over 2,000 women from Switzerland filed a case through the European Court of Human Rights after claiming that a lack of climate change regulations has disproportionately harmed their gender.  This is the third climate-related case brought to the high court. Six young women from Portugal sued for similar reasons, as did a former mayor in a coastal town in France. The previous two lawsuits were dismissed, but the European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the Swiss government has violated human rights by failing to implement harsher climate change laws.

KlimaSeniorinnen, as the group of Swiss women of 64 is called, declared in their lawsuit that their age and gender caused them to be more vulnerable to climate change. “I have had to enormously restrict my activities, to wait, with the blinds down and the air conditioning on (shame for an ecologist!) for the heatwave to pass, allowing me to go back to normal life,” one woman with an underlying cardiovascular illness said to the press during a 2022 heatwave. “I am fighting for my life and for my quality of life. Why do I fight? Because it’s only going to get worse and, if the government is as languid as it is now, it won’t sort itself out,” she said, describing Swiss action to date as “shameful.”

Climate Change Protest

Other women claimed they felt nausea, shortness of breath, and other very typical symptoms associated with the heat. The Swiss government called their claims “quite common” and noted that every living creature on the planet is impacted by the sun’s radiation. Switzerland was already in line with the 2015 Paris Accord Agreement, but these women have ensured that their government will crack down on climate change legislation as if a pen and paper could change naturally occurring weather patterns.

“Together with the authorities concerned, we will now analyse the extensive judgment and review what measures Switzerland will take in the future,” the Swiss Federal Office of Justice said in an official statement. Switzerland is already committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

The climate zealots plan to continue suing governments throughout Europe to ensure that our way of life comes to a complete halt. If they feel uncomfortable during a heatwave, wait until they see how the world operates without proper access to fossil fuels. The entire climate change agenda is based on fear and not fact. This case is a major loss for humanity at large as the few are holding our future hostage with braindead ideas that legislation can change the climate.

Climate Change Justifies Killing 2 billion People to Save the Planet Before 2027

Posted originally on Apr 5, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Biden Secon Term

I have written in the past few weeks that all my sources are DEEPLY concerned that the Climate Change movement is transforming into using war to reduce the population. I have warned that the Climate Change zealots who have usurped the White House along with the NEOCONS are in bed together. They are pushing for World War III and are trying to get Russia to attack anything in NATO, the same way Roosevelt got the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor because Congress would not pass a resolution to enter World War II.


Elon Musk has obviously been talking to people who are behind the curtain and been laying out this unholy marriage between the Climate Change nut-jobs and the NEOCONS. I have to hand it to Musk for having the courage to speak about those that NONE of the mainstream media will dare to report that people want to kill off 2 billion people ASAP to save the world because their clock is ticking.

NYC Climate Clock

These people want to kill 2 billion to save the planet. I guess that makes Hiter, Mao, and Stalin really just poor misunderstood climate change advocates. They were not evil; they were just trying to save the planet. They merely failed to kill off enough, and this clock is ticking down, and the world all comes to an end in 2027. So they are out to kill you, but it’s for the planet – and naturally, they have to survive to make sure they go enough of us.


The New York Times wrote how one of them wanted to kill all human beings to save the planet. I guess that brings the old question to the surface:

If a tree falls in the forest, but nobody is there, does it still make a sound?

Why Buy Old Cars

Posted originally on Mar 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Porsche 1980

The Climate Zealots are intent upon ending the Industrial Revolution, for most are just brainwashed fools, as illustrated by throwing soup on major oil paintings, because they are so STUPID and just hear the word oil, and it must be evil. You paint using linseed oil – not crude oil. What can I say? These people cannot understand basic chemistry, economics, biology, physics, or anything worthwhile. Anyone supporting this agenda is just not capable of independent thought.

Mayan Empire

The real stupidity surfaces when they are so ignorant that historical CLIMATE CHANGE has occurred for millions of years. In fact, it has been clearly established that mass migrations of the Sea Peoples, Goths, Mongols, and Huns were all driven by severe droughts in Asia. The Assyrian Empire collapsed because of a megadrought, as was the case for the Maya. WHY? Because they were NOT industrialized economies and were 90% agrarian. Even the USA was 70% agrarian in 1850.

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh

Even the story of Joseph warning the Pharaoh that there would be 7 years of plenty and 7 years of drought was all about climate change. It has nothing to do with all the chariots that they were driving and horse farts.

The climate zealots are cheering World War III, drooling over the thought that 50% of the world population will be wiped out in nuclear war. They are actually cheering on the NEOCONs. Oh, they will deny that – but trust me, they have NO INTEREST in peace. Even the Greens in Germany advocate for war.

Climate Change was the #1 issue behind many of the civilizations that collapsed because they were so dependent on agriculture, and without rain, they could not last very long. This is what these Climate Zealots want to re-establish.

These climate zealots are now in full control of the White House, which they share with the NEOCONs. This upcoming election is not a vote for Biden; it is a vote for the Deep State that is out to destroy civilization as we know it. The Biden Administration has decreed with EXECUTIVE ORDERS that electric vehicles (EVs), which now are less than 8% of sales of new cars in 2023, must be nearly 60% in a few years. They are outright attempting to outlaw ordinary gasoline-powered vehicles.


I own a hybrid – a BMW i8. But they are not good enough anymore because it has two engines – electric & gas. I never have to plug it in, for it charges the electricity as I travel. But the climate zealots hate my car. It still uses gasoline. Not only do the new cars they want to be only electric, but they also have black boxes and report to your insurance company how you drive, and they use that data, without your permission, to turn it over to insurance companies so they can charge you 26% more in fees.

I have a Porsche, and the trunk was not fully closed overnight. When I came out in the morning, the battery was dead because all night long, it was calling home to say my trunk was open. Nobody came to close it, and they did not inform me it was open. They have to share every piece of info they can gather on you. No more new cars for me. Enough is enough.