Gas Stove Warning Labels

Posted originally on Jun 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Gas Burner

Coming to a blue state near you, legislators would like to slap warning labels on gas-powered stoves. What is the warning? Lawmakers say that consumers should be aware that gas stoves release toxic fumes and are harmful to the environment. California, Illinois, and New York have all agreed to include labels that state gas stoves can cause pets and children to develop asthma, leukemia, and other illnesses.

Is there enough evidence to honestly state that gas stoves lead to health risks? I do not know a single person who has fallen ill due to a gas stove. We are not seeing restaurant workers dropping dead due to working near gas stoves. Even the World Health Organization, who is certainly not for the people, could not produce a study linking asthma to the release of nitrogen dioxide. The truth of the matter is that this is merely an attempt to promote the climate change agenda and eventual push to ban all fossil fuels.


Lawmakers and trade groups are battling over the precise language to use on these absurd warning labels. Numerous climate zealot organizations are actually filing lawsuits against companies such as GE for failing to warn the public of the climate and health risks associated with gas stoves.

The Democrats will say that conservatives are being hysterical about proposed bans on gas stoves, crying that these measures are small steps to inform the public so that they may make educated decisions. “This bill is just educating consumers on a potential hazard, and they can make their own choice and that’s what America is about,” New York Assemblymember Michaelle Solages stated. “We’re not banning gas stoves,” said California Assemblymember Gail Pellerin, who authored the state’s warning label proposal. “We’re just basically requiring them to be labeled, warning people about how to best use them with good ventilation.”

However, states have already passed laws to diminish the use of gas stoves and furnaces. New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation that will reduce the number of gas appliances used for heating and cooking in the years to come. California is forcing new buildings to comply with climate change regulations and efficiency standards.

The US Department of Energy attempted to impose restrictions to make it increasingly difficult for Americans to purchase gas stoves, but Republicans overturned the measure. It will make it easier for lawmakers to regulate fossil fuel appliances if they can label them. One must wonder why lawmakers are hell-bent on eliminating America’s most utilized cooking method when our nation is plagued with problems.

Energy Bills to Rise Across US

Posted originally on Jun 11, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


The EPA is demanding that we abandon coal and fossil fuels without an alternative. The agency is seeking to shut down American power plants in favor of renewables. Energy prices are already reaching new highs. The National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA) and the Center for Energy Poverty and Climate (CEPC) issued a warning that Americans should expect at least an 8% increase in energy bills this summer.

No, global warming is not the culprit. The hot summer is in line with cyclical weather patterns. America lost its ability to remain energy independent the very day Joe Biden entered the White House and signed away countless laws prohibiting production. The average AC bill was $661 over the summer months, according to CEPC and NEADA. These agencies believe those in the Mid-Atlantic and Pacific regions of the US will see a rise in energy prices by 12.2%, raising costs from June to September to $691 and $693. Those in the East South Central are expected to see a 10.1% hike over the same period and will pay around $774. East Noth Central is expected to see a 9.8% energy bill uptick ($581), while New England and West South Central will see rises of 5.3% ($760) and 1.8% ($581).

Naturally, these costs are on the low spectrum of estimates. Most of us pay far more to cool our homes over the summer. One must wonder why the EPA and Biden Administration believe it is appropriate to adhere to these climate change goals for Agenda 2030 when the average American is already struggling to afford cooling.

We are already paying for the slow switch from natural gas and coal to renewables. Energy companies have been forced to gradually make the switch, and soon, there will be no alternative. Once they completely banish fossil fuels, cooling one’s home will become a luxury. Anyone can look at their monthly billing to see how much their heating and cooling expenses have risen on a monthly and annual basis and it is far beyond 8%. Personally, I am seeing a rise of around 30%.

This is one of an array of basic living essentials that have multiplied in price in recent years under the Biden Administration. We allowed our leader to cripple our infrastructure and ability to remain energy independent. We are currently allowing him to sign even more restrictive pieces of legislation that will only force us to stretch our dollars thin to maintain our current lifestyles. Is anything Build Back Better yet?

Save American Power Plants

Posted originally on Jun 10, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Climate zero co2

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) has introduced “Clean Power Plan 2.0” to eliminate new construction on natural gas-fired power plants and force coal-powered plants to close. This is part of the Biden-Harris plan to adhere to future net zero target emissions to combat the fabricated lie of climate change at the expense of the American people. This measure could completely decimate America’s coal industry and spike energy costs at a time when the average person has nothing left to spend.

These agencies have usurped all power away from Congress and have abandoned democracy. No one specifically voted for these measures. But we have an agency, under Biden, who can change the way the nation’s entire infrastructure is powered with the passing of a pen.

Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, has been fighting with a group of 44 senators to overturn this measure. “This new power plant rule isn’t just another bureaucratic maneuver in this administration’s strategy to end the fossil fuel industry by a thousand cutsit’s a calculated knockout punch to the coal and natural gas industry. Make no mistake, other sources of energy are not yet ready to pick up the slack in our power system that will be created by this regulation,” Manchin explained, calling this maneuver an attempt to garner votes before the election. Simply put – the technology to power the nation on clean energy is not yet available. We cannot abandon fossil fuels without facing extreme repercussions.

Those who support the measure claim Manchin is simply from coal country West Virginia and has investments in the coal industry. They do not realize that the infrastructure to power the US on clean energy is absent and these measures will NOT help the people. It will only lead to increased costs on the basic essentials and cause the cost of living to spike.

There are over 200 coal power plants across the US that power around 20% of the nation. Coal accounted for over half of electricity in the US in the 2000s and, while more financially friendly, has been gradually phasing out. However, most of these plants were replaced by natural gas plants but that is still not enough for the climate change zealots at the EPA. Around 40% of the nation is powered by natural gas and plays a crucial role in America’s electricity generation. The EPA is now attempting to curtail 60% of America’s current power in the name of the globalist climate change agenda.

As of 2022, wind-powered electricity accounted for 10% of America’s electricity and 48% of all renewables. Hydropower comes in second, accounting for 6.2% of the nation’s energy as of 2022, while solar provides about 3.4% of America’s energy. There have been numerous issues connecting wind power to the overall grid, not to mention the environmental issues it causes to wildlife. Weather has a major impact on these structures as well as they are prone to freeze during extreme weather events. Even the experts have admitted that they could not use wind to power even half of America at this point in time without new technology.

The White Earth Effect

Posted originally on May 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

White Earth

The earth’s climate is anything but regular, with every year a repeat of the last. The White Earth Effect is the realization of what would happen if the earth was entirely covered in snow and ice. The bottom line is that the Earth would then reflect the sunlight rather than absorb it, and hence, the planet would never again move back to a warm climate – global freezing. The critical understanding of the cyclical nature of our environment has been hampered by people trying to further personal agendas distorting real trends in our climate. The nonsense about global warming has done far more damage than most people realize to our understanding cycle for it is the same crisis we have with Marxist-Keynesianism – the assumption that man can control his surroundings and society.

Global Warming has propagated false ideas about the world we live in. It has claimed that man is even capable of altering the climate, covering up the fact that it is a dynamic cyclical system that we are not bothering to understand. This is as bad as assuming the Earth is flat, for back then, the disbelievers argued that it would be absurd, for nobody could stand on a ball upside down.

It would be nice just for once if people stopped grabbing bits of information and attributing that as proof of what is really a political movement for a hidden agenda. The Earth is no more in a Global Warming trend caused by man than Elvis is still alive and on stage in Vegas.

The White Earth Effect describes a theory that for millions of years the Earth was almost entirely smothered in ice, stretching from the poles to the tropics. This freezing happened over 650 million years ago in the pre-Cambrian period, though it’s now thought that there may have been more than one of these global glaciations. They varied in duration and extent, but during a full-on snowball event covering the entire planet, life could only cling on in ice-free refuges or where sunlight managed to penetrate through the ice to allow photosynthesis. As long as there were some spots that could absorb sunlight, then the cycle would be capable of a reversal back to a warming climate.

The climate has always been a dynamic system that oscillates between extreme cold and extreme heat. Perhaps you recall the term Ice Age? Even the Sun is a thermodynamic system that oscillates in a cycle of about 300 years between maximum and minimum energy output with a fluctuation range of about 15%. Climatologists have universally agreed that the long-term behavior of our planet’s oceans and atmosphere could at any point in time shift without reason (beyond a chaotic shift) from one that is very inhabitable to an icy tomb of doom from which there is no return.


The Father of Chaos Theory is Edward Norton Lorenz (1917–2008), an American mathematician and meteorologist. Lorenz was certainly THE pioneer in Chaos Theory. A professor at MIT, Lorenz was the first to recognize what is now called chaotic behavior in the mathematical modeling of weather systems.

During the 1950s, Lorenz observed that there was a cyclical, non-linear nature to weather, yet the field relied upon linear statistical models in meteorology to do weather forecasting. It was like trying to measure the circumference of a circle with a straight-edge ruler. His work on the topic culminated in the publication of his 1963 paper Deterministic Non-periodic Flow in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences and with it, the foundation of chaos theory. During the early 1960s, Lorenz had access to early computers. He was running what he thought would be random numbers and began to observe there was a duality of a hidden repetitive nature. He graphed the numbers that were derived from his study of convection rolls in the atmosphere. What emerged has been perhaps one of the most important discoveries in modern time.


This illustration of the Lorenz Strange Attractor is incredibly important and was first reported in 1963. Lorenz’s discovery of a strange attractor was made during an effort to create a model of weather patterns. The actual experiment was an attempt to model the atmospheric dynamics of the planet. It involved a truncated model of the Navier-Stokes equations. It is a visual example of a non-linear dynamic system corresponding to the long-term behavior in a cyclical manner, revealing a hidden order we cannot otherwise observe.

Lorenz also discovered in 1969 that very minor differences in a dynamic nonlinear system could trigger vast and often unsuspected drastic results. These observations ultimately led him to formulate what became known as the term Butterfly Effectin 1969 regarding this fascinating discovery. Very tiny changes in what might appear to be minor data at the outset had a ripple effect throughout the entire system, creating substantially different outcomes. This term grew out of an academic paper he presented in 1972 entitled: “Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set off a Tornado in Texas?

From a dynamic system perspective, such a possibility that the earth could go to one extreme, such as the White Earth Effect, and fail to recover is not really just a matter of chance that could emerge out of nowhere. It was Lorenz who stated that it would take some “huge kick” of energy to upset the balance of our climate to such a degree. Lorenz called this system “almost-intransitivity.”

The White Earth Effect is what would happen if the climate moved cyclically to the extreme on the cold side. The Earth has, for millions of years, almost been entirely covered in ice, stretching from the poles to the tropics. The failure to cover every spot was our saving grace. If there was no such ice-free zone, the cycle would stop as the ice would reflect the sunlight, the planet would stay cold, and life would be extinguished – the White Earth Effect.

Ep 3355a – Climate Predictions Have Never Come True, The People Know, Watch The Market

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: May 16, 2024 at 7:15 pm EST

Al Gore Said the Ice Caps would be Gone by 2014 – Yes 2014!

Posted originlly on May 15, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

2014 Gore_Polar_ice_cap_may_disappear_by_summer_2014

The Press REFUSES to hold all of these failed Climate Change forecasts to test. All they do is keep moving the date for our doom, all due to CO2. In fact, the real crisis is the continued weakening of the magnetic field, which leads to pole shifts about every 43000 years – yes, that conforms to the ECM frequency. The major shifts we discovered from the data scientists provided us came out to be 720,000 years. Either way, they both seem to be lining up in our lifetime. We are headed more into a pole shift than a climate change thanks to CO2. The fact that they are targeting farmers when we should be stockpiling food now is either the most idiotic human decision in history or intentional with hopes of reducing the population.

1970 Climate Change

If I keep forecasting every year that the stock market would crash by 90%, I think they would call me a nut-job and laugh after ten years of perpetual failed forecasts. But with the climate, they just love to keep the fraud going. After June 6th, they are whispering about restricting travel to reduce CO2 this summer. They want to deprive you of your vacation this year as well.

Naomi Wolf Discusses The Push For Cows To Be Vaccinated To Fight Climate Change

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: May 13, 2024 at 07:00 pm EST

Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban in Germany?

Posted originally on May 9, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Porsche 1970 911

Germany is moving full speed ahead to reach their asinine climate targets. The citizens who are in essence the very carbon they wish to destroy must be punished for not sacrificing enough to uphold Angela Merkel’s Climate Protection Act. Transport Minister Volker Wissing is now threatening the German people with “an indefinite weekend driving ban.”

“In the dispute over a reform of the Climate Protection Act, Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has warned of drastic cuts for motorists – including weekend driving bans. This is according to a letter from Wissing to the heads of the SPD, Green and FDP parliamentary factions. It was made available to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Thursday …

The letter states that if the amended Climate Protection Act does not come into force before 15 July, the ministry will be obliged under the current law to present an action programme to ensure compliance with the annual emission levels for the transport sector in the coming years.”

The climate zealots are worried that this overt threat will expose their ultimate goal to reduce, if not outlaw, private car ownership. Greenpeace has even come out and criticized Wissing for threatening driving bans, as if that measure is not precisely the goal of reducing emissions and ultimately 15-minute cities. Members of various parties in Germany, most of whom support climate change reductions, have attempted to redact his statements. Afterall, Germany does have a poor not so distant history of limiting freedom of movement.

It is not responsible for a minister to stir up unfounded fears,” Green Party parliamentary group leader Katharina Droege said, despite being in favor of reducing 80% of emissions by 2030 and making Germany climate-neutral by 2035.

The Free Democrats (FDP) believe that Germany should be climate-neutral by 2045, and while they reject banning car ownership, they would like to begin by implementing speed limits and favoring companies that abide by clean energy trade agreements.

The Social Democrat Party (SDP), highly in favor of forcing Germany to rely completely on renewable energy by 2040, criticized the proposal as well: “The proposal does not further our common goal of reducing CO2 emissions, but to unnecessary uncertainty for people in our country.” The SPD Bundestag faction clearly rejects driving bans for cars and lorries. Such manoeuvres would hardly advance the ongoing deliberations on the Climate Protection Act in the Bundestag, said Müller.”

AfD logo

The AfD Party is the only one in Germany who believes that climate change is not a man-made phenomenon. Hence, the government is attempting to frame the AfD as far-right radicals who wish harm on all of society. The AfD has agreed to keep the restrictions of the Paris Agreement, however, but will not eliminate fossil fuels.

The Germans must understand that their politicians are failing to act in the best interest of Germany. Instead, they are acting upon the wishes of the larger globalist agenda that does not want to see a strong single economy but a unified collection of a one-world government power.

There are an estimated 49,098,685 cars on the road in Germany. This law would change the lives of countless Germans, German manufacturing, and permit the government to have untold power over the people. This is why the media has presented the only party in Germany showing resistance to the climate change agenda as a threat. The true threat are the people in Bonn and Brussels.

About that 97% consensus of significant man made global warming

Where did it come from and what is the supposed consensus? A good 16 minute clip on the answers can be found here at

Bad Hygiene is Good for the Environment

Posted May 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


We are expected to sacrifice all of our Earthly comforts in the name of climate change. The latest issue brewing across the media is water conservation, specifically taking daily showers. Experts at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) state that the average 8-minute shower wastes 20 gallons of water. There are now calls to establish a new norm of NOT SHOWERING every day to save the environment.

There’s no need to shower every day,” a recent BBC article suggests. The author said she showers a mere three times a week, which would be seen as a sign of an underlying mental health disorder if not for climate conservation efforts. The author said some of her friends only need to bathe once per week. The article quotes chemist David Whitlock, who went 12 years without a shower, only spraying himself with “good bacteria.” The article calls out numerous “experts” who do not shower every day and are “brave” for admitting their hygiene habits.

Climate zealots are attempting to frame daily showers as a “performative act.” “If you go 100 years back, we didn’t shower every day, because the shower was not a normal thing to have,” Professor Kristen Gram-Hanssen from the Department of the Build Environment of Aalborg University in Denmark, as quoted by the NY Post. “We don’t shower because of health. We shower because it’s a normal thing to do.”

Caracalla Baths Rome

They cannot gaslight independent thinkers. Everyone I know will tell you that skipping a shower leads to poor hygiene, skin and hair problems, and unpleasant odors. Bathing is a simple concept we teach toddlers.

Diseases were more prevalent when people failed to clean themselves. The ancient Romans built intricate aqueduct systems to ensure their people were cleansed. The Grihya Sutras texts of ancient India, dating back to around 500 BCE, discuss daily hygiene rituals. Traders who visited ancient Japan were amazed at how sanitary the people were, as bathing was an early part of their culture.

The powers that be were insisting we wash our hands numerous times a day to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, but now they want us to sit in our own filth? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has suggested that Americans begin cutting down their time in the shower. The EPA believes we can save 2.5 gallons of water for every minute spent out of the shower. They suggest we wash our hair with the water off and believe five minutes in the shower is more than sufficient. Now, the EPA wants to frame this as a way to cut down on utility costs.

Countless articles are appearing across the web that urge the public to cut down on their time in the shower. Bad hygiene is the latest method of virtue signaling. They slowly embed these concepts into the public’s mind to engrain their version of the “new norm.” We are to reduce our consumption in all areas to combat a problem that does not exist. Notice the slow roll of propaganda that the media presents, as I, for one, do not want this grotesque “new norm.”