Donald Trump Jr. Brings Professional MAGA Team to New York City

Posted originally on the CTH on May 21, 2024 | Sundance

Donald Trump Jr. generally maintains the weakest judgement skills amid the Trump family organization.  In part, DJT Jr.’s poor judgement seems to be an outcome of his own sense of self-importance and rather openly inflated ego.

Today Donald Trump Jr. brought the professional MAGA grift team to New York City; some of the pros have a history that does not exactly align with the truthful and earnest side of justice.   One of the worst offenders, within MAGA Grift Inc., is Pam Bondi.

Apparently, many people are unaware that former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was one of the key architects of the false and corrupt prosecution of George Zimmerman.  As Florida AG, Pam Bondi selected her former campaign manager, Angela Corey, as special prosecutor to frame George Zimmerman using extreme Lawfare.

Angela Corey was a real piece of work and corrupt to the core. It was Bondi’s selection of Angela Corey that led to the completely manufactured witness #8 that became known as Rachel Jeantel.  In New York City, Judge Merchan might be corrupt, political and ideologically twisted, but the manufacturing of a fake witness in Florida was far worse than anything Merchan has done in his courtroom.

Literally, Bondi, Corey and a guy named Bernie DeLaRionda manufactured a witness in Jeantel that never had any information about the Zimmerman case.  This was originating LAWFARE in the extreme.

Pam Bondi, with a plank in her eye, doesn’t exactly have the room to talk about the splinter in Judge Merchan’s.  I know it doesn’t make MAGA Inc. happy when I point this out, but I cannot be intellectually dishonest. WATCH (prompted): 


I have spent too much time researching the issues and the granular details of every person.  As a consequence, I don’t think there’s a single person at this press conference not financially dependent on the Trump storyline. It’s all sketch.

To highlight my point.  In the segment below, the worst of the worst element of Florida politics surfaces.  Representative Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) condemned the proceedings against President Trump, while apparently counting on us not to remember her full support for congressional Lawfare and the Nancy Pelosi constructed January 6th commission.

Do better!


Trump wins North Dakota 84.6% to Halley’s 14.2%

Posted originally on Mar 4, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Trump won the North Dakota primary. Because he got more than 60%, he took all the delegates. Most media say he won. They seem not to want to report the actual numbers. Trump won 84.6% against Haley, taking 14.2%. We will see if she refuses to drop out after Super Tuesday. That refusal will warn that conspiracy is alive and well to hang in in hopes Trump can’t be nominated or is assassinated, and she wins by default. I thought Hillary was bad. At least Hillary knows how to pretend. Haley seems to lack finesse. I will go into the scheme in more detail tomorrow.

Donald Trump Public Support Polling Far Exceeds Average Republican Candidate

Posted originally on the CTH on February 27, 2024 | Sundance 

There is a strange dynamic with professionally political punditry and political media where they project claims that are the exact opposite of the reality. Often this is done simply to try and sway public opinion on an issue, to change and/or control the perception of the public, and sometimes it is successful.

Highlighting this false projection, a common refrain against President Trump has been that he limits the scale of support possible for Republican candidates. In reality, the exact opposite is true and evident in the data. It is President Trump who holds more public support than any Republican candidate, and they all ride his coattails.

When you really think about this dynamic, it centers the Machiavellian attacks against Trump by small professionally Republican pundits and candidates. Take the recent example of battleground state Pennsylvania as an example:

[Source Data]

President Trump is beating Joe Biden in this battleground state poll by 6 points.  However, the Republican Senate candidate, Dave McCormick, is running 7 points behind the Democrat Bob Casey.   The combined margin of difference is 13 points, or put another way – Trump pulls more support within the state than the Republican Party.

The Pennsylvania reality shows the scale of how much the Republican Party is now the party of Donald Trump.  The dynamic makes sense, because the overwhelming majority of middle class average Americans align with the policy agenda simply known as “America First.”

The distance between the Trump support base and the support base of the overall Republican Party is considerable.  Thus, if we can remove the larger influence of the corporate Republican apparatus from the RNC and party apparatus, the ranks of the new Trump era Republican Party will grow.

A new larger tent brand of Republican exists in the MAGAnomic policy, the economic policy of Trump that expands the wealth of the average American.   Thanks to the MAGA influence, the RNC/GOPe party of old crony capitalists and vulture hedge fund owners is diminishing rapidly.  The Wall Street tribe now assembles with the Democrats and the Main Street tribe now assembles with Trump republicanism.

That’s the dynamic we also see in the latest polling from Maine. Statewide, Donald Trump now leads Joe Biden by six points [Trump: 38% (+6), Biden: 32%], where only a few short months ago Biden was leading by one. The congressional districts highlight the changing electoral dynamic:

Biden: 39% (+8)
Trump: 31%
Other: 23%

Trump: 45% (+20)
Biden: 25%
Other: 19%


Why the big shift?   It’s the economic issues.  Look at the priorities:

Big Ugly Shift – Koch Network Drops Haley Support, Retreats to Senate Decepticon Alamo

Posted originally on the CTH on February 26, 2024 | Sundance

It is imperative to overlay what the Charles Koch network, specifically Americans for Prosperity (AFP), really represents when considering their announcement to withdraw financial support for Nikki Haley.

Koch and AFP are part of the network of multinational/Wall Street entities who previously held all power in the Republican apparatus. All of the systems of the Republican Party apparatus were essentially controlled by a small group of big money influence makers and political interests.

The corporation known as the RNC was molded over a few generations to focus on the money part of political outcomes, not the policy or ideology – the money. Frustrated conservative voters had a difficult time understanding why their voting to put the Decepticon (GOPe Republicans) in power rarely generated a change in overall domestic policy.

Battered conservative syndrome is an outcome of the majority of those Republican voters misunderstanding that corporate desires of the Republican and Democrat club apparatus are essentially merged into one party. Give the Democrats control over policy, and they are happy. Give the Republicans (leadership mostly) money to acquiesce, and they too are happy. And so it goes.

Then came Donald Trump who turned that dynamic on its end. Suddenly, an America First agenda was being pushed by a Republican candidate, and it didn’t take long for the abused Republican and middle class voter to see their best interests were represented by Trump. A substantive conflict was immediately created between Trump and the corporate Republican apparatus. A battle for control began.

As a candidate, Nikki Haley has always represented the effort of the corporate Republican establishment. The corporate Republican network, who thrives on the status quo, have used Ron DeSantis and then Nikki Haley in their effort to rid themselves of the problem represented by Trump and the MAGA base of economically minded voters and supporters. However, both efforts have failed against the scale of the MAGA movement.

MAGA is the Republican Party now, and the corporate Republican world has been dragged to the inflection point. The corporatists still have control over many of the internal mechanisms of the professional Republican Party, but that control is slipping as more and more MAGA-minded people move into local, state and national political networks.

In the announcement that Charles Koch and AFP are withdrawing financial support for Nikki Haley, they are admitting the institutional Republican apparatus is now dropping back to control their Senate and Congressional power systems. In essence, if they cannot control the presidency, they will control all of the systems that stem from the office of the presidency and thereby block Trump from delivering on the America First agenda.

This is what President Trump first encountered in 2017 when the professional republican system recoiled at the change that Trump represented. The largest amount of aversion to the America First agenda comes from the Republican wing inside the Senate; this is the core of the Decepticon construct.

With Donald J. Trump shifting to become the “presumptive nominee,” an outcome of his support by the base voter, Charles Koch, AFP and to a larger extent all of the various professional Republican elements (corporate republicanism) are now creating their last line of defense. All of the institutions are again aligned to try and stop President Trump from fracturing the political control system within the USA political apparatus.

Trump is the weapon to destroy the long-created Republican ‘illusion of choice’. This is why people see masks dropping as the opposition to Trump becomes so transparent. Politicians and people within the political system, long thought to be Republicans who represented the alternative to leftism, are increasingly exposed as mere illusions of pushback. These revelations will continue as MAGA pushes deeper into the Republican political network.

The old Republican Party is consistently fighting a losing battle, losing power to the voters – the MAGA base and larger Trump coalition. The old guard has money, lots of money, and they are using it to fortify their defensive positions of power.

Nikki Haley has been rewarded for her efforts, but the Decepticons must retreat now to financially support Mitch McConnell, John Thune and the masters at the center of the illusion of choice. The institutions that will oppose Donald Trump must be fortified by the professional Republicans against the increased likelihood Trump will win the election.

Keep in mind, Koch Inc. alone had vowed last year to spend $70 million against President Trump and the Republican base voter. Politico is estimating they spent around $50 million so far.

(Via Politico) – Americans For Prosperity Action, the powerful conservative group supporting Nikki Haley in the Republican presidential primary, will no longer spend money on behalf of her campaign.

In an email to staff obtained by POLITICO, Americans For Prosperity CEO Emily Seidel said Sunday that the group’s political arm, AFP Action, had to “take stock” of its spending priorities after Haley’s loss in the South Carolina primary. The Koch-aligned group, Seidel said, will now focus its efforts on competitive Senate and House races.

“She has made it clear that she will continue to fight and we wholeheartedly support her in this effort,” Seidel wrote of Haley. “But given the challenges in the primary states ahead, we don’t believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory.”

AFP Action’s decision is the latest blow to Haley’s longshot presidential bid, which has sustained losses in four early nominating states and the Virgin Islands, including on Saturday, when former President Donald Trump beat Haley in her home state by 20 points. Haley declared she will continue on in her primary fight, but has only committed to running through Super Tuesday on March 5.

AFP Action had funded advertisements and field operations for months last year that were designed to persuade Republican voters to back someone other than Trump in the presidential primary. But it wasn’t until late November that AFP Action tapped Haley as its desired Trump alternative. Since then, AFP has reached out to more than 3 million voters in early nominating and Super Tuesday states, as well as purchased millions of dollars worth of ads on Haley’s behalf. (read more)

A few remaining points of emphasis….  I am increasingly sure that Donald Trump will win the 2024 election.  The Lawfare effort against him is running into the reality of the problem, their fake constructs.   People see through the manipulative schemes more than ever, and the MAGA movement is now far larger, cuts across all political spectrums and is now much smarter and strategic.

As an outcome of the likelihood for Trump victory, it becomes even more important to prepare for it.  By “preparing”, I mean to have the systems in place to confront the professional Republican apparatus on day one.  The opposition from Democrats is transparent; however, our weakness in 2017 was not having the support system in place to confront the DeceptiCons immediately.  In 2025, this must be rectified.

The professional Republican apparatus, including the Koch network, AFP, Business Roundtable, US Chamber of Commerce, and the system of corporate republicanism will align to support Joe Biden or Gavin Newsom (DNC convention outcome), or any entity that will retain the status quo before they accept losing power.  This is the unfortunate reality that must be accepted.

It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones. ”

― Niccolò Machiavelli

President Trump Declared Winner of South Carolina Primary

Posted originally on the CTH on February 24, 2024 | Ad rem 

It took less than a half hour for President Trump to be declared the winner of the South Carolina primary.  It was an easy roll to victory with the former president easily defeating former Gov. Nikki Haley in her own home state.  The race was called by major networks shortly after the polls closed at 7 pm.

There are 50 delegates at stake.   How they are apportioned is a bit tricky.  Trump has a lead of 25 to 30 points in most polls, positioning him to capture the 29 at-large delegates that go to the statewide winner. The remaining 21 delegates are divided among the state’s seven congressional districts.  The winner in each district gets three delegates – and Trump has a good chance of winning all seven congressional districts.

The next primary is Tuesday, in Michigan.

LIVE RESULTS… (H/T NeverDesantis)

The Very Unique, Pragmatic and Honest President Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on February 22, 2024 | Sundance 

President Donald Trump held a townhall event with Laura Ingraham, a woman who feels remarkably self-important given her irrelevance. Within the interview President Trump extended the allotted time to give the audience some direct, honest and pragmatic answers to questions in a way that only Trump can give.

Well worth watching this extended segment to remind ourselves exactly why President Trump is a very unique person in this time of our nation’s history. WATCH:


This is the core reason why Donald J Trump is a transformative figure in American politics.  The MAGA movement that he has inspired with a brutally honest assessment of the challenges, and a keenly pragmatic approach toward the optimal solutions, is exactly why CTH has supported President Donald Trump since 2015.

Trump is the man we need.

There has never been a moment in his tenure within the universe of politics, when I have felt regret for my advocacy or support.  I simply see this guy as the most inspired and favored presentation of a leader in our time.  It is remarkable.

Ep 3281b-[DS] Prepares For Trump’s Win,They Are Setting Traps,They Forgot About One Important Detail

Posted originally on Rumble By X22 Report on: Feb 12, 2024 at 10:00 pm EST


Posted originally on Rumble By JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES on: Jan 22, 2024 at 12:00 am EST

President Trump Discusses DeSantis Endorsement and More

Posted originally on the CTH on January 22, 2024 | Sundance

A good interview with President Donald Trump from New Hampshire hitting on several key topics.  The first topic is Ron DeSantis dropping out of the race and endorsing President Trump.  Also, the state of the race, what President Trump looks for in the next VP selection, the war in Ukraine and middle east, the border security issues and more.  Good interview, WATCH:


Must Not Miss – President Trump MAGA Rally, Rochester, New Hampshire – 7:00pm ET Livestream Links

Posted originally on the CTH on January 21, 2024 | Sundance

Following the not-so-surprising exit and collapse of Ron DeSantis from the 2024 republican presidential primary, the Great MAGA King President Donald Trump will deliver remarks at the Rochester Opera House in Rochester, New Hampshire.   The venue is entirely appropriate as multiple options for fat lady singing are potentially available.

President Trump is scheduled to deliver remarks at 7:00pm ET, and while a customary amount of magnanimous Trump is anticipated, heck, likely… because he carries a tremendous amount more grace than me and most of us,… there’s also a hope that a few snarky jabs accompany the spirit of the moment.   Livestream Links Below:



RSBN Rumble Livestream Link – RSBN YouTube Livestream Link – Trump Campaign Rumble Livestream


LIVE REPLAY: President Trump to Deliver Remarks in Rochester, New Hampshire – 1/21/24


President Trump in Rochester, NH


The rebellion is alive and well…