Donald Trump Jr. Brings Professional MAGA Team to New York City

Posted originally on the CTH on May 21, 2024 | Sundance

Donald Trump Jr. generally maintains the weakest judgement skills amid the Trump family organization.  In part, DJT Jr.’s poor judgement seems to be an outcome of his own sense of self-importance and rather openly inflated ego.

Today Donald Trump Jr. brought the professional MAGA grift team to New York City; some of the pros have a history that does not exactly align with the truthful and earnest side of justice.   One of the worst offenders, within MAGA Grift Inc., is Pam Bondi.

Apparently, many people are unaware that former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was one of the key architects of the false and corrupt prosecution of George Zimmerman.  As Florida AG, Pam Bondi selected her former campaign manager, Angela Corey, as special prosecutor to frame George Zimmerman using extreme Lawfare.

Angela Corey was a real piece of work and corrupt to the core. It was Bondi’s selection of Angela Corey that led to the completely manufactured witness #8 that became known as Rachel Jeantel.  In New York City, Judge Merchan might be corrupt, political and ideologically twisted, but the manufacturing of a fake witness in Florida was far worse than anything Merchan has done in his courtroom.

Literally, Bondi, Corey and a guy named Bernie DeLaRionda manufactured a witness in Jeantel that never had any information about the Zimmerman case.  This was originating LAWFARE in the extreme.

Pam Bondi, with a plank in her eye, doesn’t exactly have the room to talk about the splinter in Judge Merchan’s.  I know it doesn’t make MAGA Inc. happy when I point this out, but I cannot be intellectually dishonest. WATCH (prompted): 


I have spent too much time researching the issues and the granular details of every person.  As a consequence, I don’t think there’s a single person at this press conference not financially dependent on the Trump storyline. It’s all sketch.

To highlight my point.  In the segment below, the worst of the worst element of Florida politics surfaces.  Representative Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) condemned the proceedings against President Trump, while apparently counting on us not to remember her full support for congressional Lawfare and the Nancy Pelosi constructed January 6th commission.

Do better!


Desperate Fake News is Getting Much Worse

Posted originally on Feb 11, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Tucker Bablyon Bee
Lenin on Press

Mainstream Press Desperately Trying to Create World War III

They Are Doing What Lenin Did to Create a Communist Revolution

What They Did To Us With COVID Has Exposed Their Agenda Worldwide

In Germany, a Hit Song – Fake News Media – It’s Everywhere

After McConnell Tried to Blame Trump for Senate Border Bill Failure – Today McConnell Returns to Back Ukraine Funding Joined to Immigration Bill

Posted originally on the CTH on January 25, 2024 | Sundance

The most brutally Machiavellian Senator, Mitch McConnell (U-DC), is the leader and source of anxiety created by the coalition of professionally Republican liars we call DeceptiCons.  They are a select group of around 16 “Republican” senators who scheme, lie and support the left-wing of the UniParty vulture.  McConnell is their leader.

Yesterday, on the heels of the New Hampshire primary win by Donald Trump, Senator McConnell intentionally fed a media narrative that a border crisis deal could not be reached because candidate Trump didn’t want one.  The media ran with the story based on comments by Republican senators who were in the meeting.  McConnell made those comments intentionally, because he is trying to create as much friction for MAGA and Trump as possible.

Today, McConnell says he supports the Ukraine funding proposal connected to the “border security” proposal being negotiated by James Lankford (U-DC).  The red-haired DeceptiCon from Oklahoma, shifted from his prior role on the Senate Intel Committee (SSCI) to his current role in supporting the U.S. Chamber of Commerce plan for amnesty and expanded illegal entry (cheap labor) at the border.

[NOTE: It’s not about USA “food pickers” and farm workers for domestic agriculture operations.  The illegal aliens are needed to expand the export equation for Big AG multinational corporations who ship U.S. harvests and protein derivatives (pork, chicken, beef & bugs) overseas. Enhanced, bioengineered and genetically modified harvests, created by science for maximum yield per acre, is a food production industry for maximum profit.  USA Big Ag creates processed food products mostly for controlled global markets, not for domestic consumption.]

Just like their friends on the “other side of the wing aisle,” the DeceptiCons do not want a secure border.  The Republican politicians are paid well to ensure immigration issues follow the chosen pathway of corporate lobbyists.  Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s administration is in court fighting against Texas enforcing border security, while simultaneously saying they are working with James Lankford to secure the border.  The border security/immigration bill is so transparently fraudulent and manipulative, that even Marco Rubio has withdrawn support for it.

WASHINGTON DC – […] At the tail end of the Senate GOP’s last meeting of the week, however, McConnell removed any doubts: He is still forcefully pushing a deal that would pair new border and immigration restrictions with money for Ukraine. It’s a critical piece of McConnell’s legacy — and the GOP leader isn’t letting go at this late stage in the game.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), a Ukraine aid skeptic, said McConnell’s comments on Wednesday had somehow gotten “flipped around” and a day later “he just tried to get it straight … some of the senators came out and got kind of misconstrued on what he was talking about.”

“For me it was certainly clarifying … He made clear that he has been supportive of Senator Lankford’s negotiating efforts and that we should be supportive of any work product that leads to greater border security,” Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) said.

Still, McConnell is clearly at an inflection point with his own party. He has no working relationship with Trump, who is racking up endorsements from GOP leaders and consulting with Speaker Mike Johnson on how to handle any border deal that may emerge from the Senate.

Many of McConnell’s own members are Ukraine funding critics, and Johnson counts many more skeptics in the House GOP. Yet McConnell is clearly determined to keep maneuvering toward a politically feasible compromise to boost Kyiv’s fight against Russia, which stands to serve as the capstone to his record-setting leadership of the Senate GOP.

“Sen. McConnell has not changed his point of view,” said Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.). McConnell’s remarks on Wednesday amounted to dispassionate analysis, Wicker explained: “And I don’t think anybody disagreed with him. We are at a particular set of crossroads and intersections.” (read more)

Take Mitch McConnell out of politics, and half the Republican resistance to President Trump and MAGA goes with him.

Chris Christie Caught on Hot Mic Lamenting Current Status of Never Trump Operation – Nikki Haley Is “gonna get smoked” and Ron DeSantis Is “Petrified”

Posted originally on the CTH on January 10, 2024 | Sundance 

There are several layers around this story that are interesting and funny.

The obvious story is how Chris Christie is talking to Wayne MacDonald, a former chair of the New Hampshire Republican Party, and discussing the futility of Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.  The lesser obvious story speaks to the reason for the entire RAT team’s effort; they each had/have a role to play on behalf of their corporate benefactors.

“She’s gonna get smoked,” the former New Jersey governor said of Nikki Haley. “And you and I both know it. She’s not up to this,” Christie continued.  Chris Christie also claimed Ron DeSantis called him about Iowa while “petrififed” at the prospect of coming in third.  LISTEN:

The Latest Iowa Poll:

Trump: 52% (+7)

Haley: 18% (-1)

DeSantis: 18% (-4)

Ramaswamy: 5% (=)

Christie: 3% (-1)

New Hampshire Poll – President Trump Dominates With 52%, Nikki Haley at 22% Takes Ron DeSantis Previous Base of Rich, White, Men

Posted originally on the CTH on December 21, 2023 | Sundance | 58 Comments

An interesting poll out of New Hampshire [UML Poll Here] [Topline pdf Here] shows something perhaps many expected.

President Donald Trump still dominates the field with 52% and leads in every demographic.  Nikki Haley comes in second with 22%, and Ron DeSantis third with 10%.   However, if you dig into the demographics of the respondents what you discover is that Nikki Haley has gained her support from Ron DeSantis primary support base.


Previously DeSantis main support base was from wealthy, older, white males.  DeSantis has now lost this base to Nikki Haley as her demographic support shows the rich, older, white males, what you might call the country club circuit, have dumped the Florida Governor in favor of the former UN Ambassador.

The rich, older, white males now support Nikki Haley over Ron DeSantis.  This explains why Haley’s gains are all DeSantis losses.

Additionally, 27% of the DeSantis support is locked in (73% willing to change), while 47% of the Nikki Haley supporters are firm for her (53% could change mind).  Not only has Nikki Haley taken DeSantis base of support, but she has also locked in most of that stolen base.

While neither Haley or DeSantis stands a chance at a New Hampshire victory, it’s interesting how the dynamic has rolled out.

On the Trump support, 79% of the respondents have locked in for President Trump.  Over 86% of those are New Hampshire women, and when it comes to income distribution President Trump holds 93% firm votes from those making under $50k/yr.  The MAGA base is unflinching.

The University of Massachusetts Lowell poll is very strong for President Donald Trump.

Brilliant Mask Dropping – Kevin McCarthy Proves Republicans Only Love Money

Posted originally on the CTH on December 8, 2023 | Sundance 

Before watching this short statement by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy {Direct Rumble Link}, let me remind everyone of the baseline truth.

Democrats want power; Republicans want money.  Threaten Democrats power, they get vicious.  Threaten Republicans money, they get vicious.  Democrats use money to get power; Republicans use power to get money.  The ideology of the democrats drives their donor activity.  The donor activity drives the republican ideology. 

This is the core and essential difference between both wings of the DC UniParty, two wings of the same vulture.  This is the truth of the thing. Underline it, put it on Post-It notes, remind yourself of this baseline in all review of both parties.  This is the core motive behind everything!

To hammer this point home, listen to this soundbite from Kevin McCarthy speaking at Oxford University, U.K. WATCH:

Why does Kevin McCarthy only see rich white republicans? Because Kevin McCarthy only sees rich, white republicans.

Get it?

The MAGA base is invisible to Republicans.

The MAGA base is the most diverse coalition in U.S. political history. MAGA cuts across all races, national origin, color and creed definitions. MAGA is a massive cross section of every American segment. MAGA is pure American! The republican party cannot see it, because the republican party cannot see it.

In many ways, We The People are in an abusive relationship with government.

If you do not agree with the agenda as it is controlled by a small a powerful self-described elitist class, then we become the problem.

The division is not determined by our definitions, the conniving and corrupt administrators of the system are the ones creating the division we are accused of perpetrating.   However, there is no division in a social context as clear as the division between the working class and the investment class rulers who consider themselves above such arbitrary labels.

When you peel the issues down to their essential core, what you will always find, always find, is the money of the thing.

The created system of control is maintained through economics, and any America-First policy that threatens to close the divide between the ‘haves and have-nots’ is viewed against their interests.  This is the essential core of the opposition we face.

A thriving middle class is a powerful political balance. But a working class struggling for scraps doesn’t have the time to deliver accountability.  This division of wealth is what the Washington DC UniParty exploits.  Despite their pontificating lies to the contrary, all of the DC systems are created to take advantage of the wealth gap.

The social structures which create and maintain society are easier to control with a divided nation.

President Trump and the coalition of MAGA represents a true existential threat to this perpetuated system of division.  The America-First economic agenda created exclusively by Donald Trump is the main problem at the heart of all MAGA opposition.

Quite simply the America First agenda puts *their* money at stake, and collectively that amounts to trillions of dollars in multinational globalist financial control.  The scale of the money behind the MAGA opposition is really the biggest challenge; it is almost unfathomable, and that scale is represented within the size of the war chest they assembled for Ron DeSantis.

The top of this financial pyramid holds a grip on political power that is threatened by the worldview, outlook and economic nationalist policy of Donald Trump.  The top this system will not ‘lose’ with America-First Trump; however, they will gain at a slower rate.  This group will not leave their throne, they only see a slower assembling within their vaults.

The Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and World Economic Forum crews will follow the America-First policy and invest in America, they will just hate doing it.  They will hate the best-play of slower gains because the returns are not as lucrative, expedient or fraught with the simple indulgences of their custom.

However, underneath that top-tier, there are many layers of vested financial interests at lesser but more generational risk. The Cornwallis crowd will see a much more difficult time advancing their influence and affluence with America-First in place.  For this tier of powdered wigs, a loss for them could really change things.  This reality is why you see demographic polling showing the more affluent the respondent, the less supportive of MAGA their responses.

It’s not a class war, per se’, it is something far deeper within the psyche and outlook of people. The need for control is a reaction to fear.  Losing influence and affluence is the fear behind the division.  If we make the totalitarians a better sandwich, if we reach across the aisle and afford benefit of high-minded doubt, maybe our professional abusers will permit us to keep a little more…  Ultimately, the chase for scraps.

This sensibility, this triggering of selfish fear, is a powerful tool.  This is exactly what is being intentionally and purposefully triggered by those who are professionally political, and they are doing it for their own benefit.  It is not necessarily about creating a class war; it is more akin to controlling the wealth of a nation and then forcing groups to position themselves for what remains.

The ‘us -vs- them‘ scenario is not Republicans -vs- Democrats, it’s We The People, represented by MAGA, -vs- the totalitarian rulers in both parties.


We the people are the heart of America

We will win….

It is not a question of if, it is only a matter of how!

RNC Never Sanctioned Iowa and New Hampshire Debates That CNN Announced – But It Gets Weirder

Posted originally on the CTH on December 8, 2023 | Sundance 

When CNN announced they were hosting two debates for the GOPe candidates in Iowa and New Hampshire, the supposition was that the RNC had given two debates to the network.  The assumption was because the RNC, and the four remaining first-loser candidates, had previously held an agreement that only RNC sanctioned debates would be permitted, and the candidates would only attend RNC sanctioned debates.

However, it turns out that fake news CNN went rogue in organizing the unsanctioned debates.

There are multiple facets worth considering, and considerable ramifications within the entire construct.

First, the RNC didn’t even know about the plans of CNN.  “The respective debates, set for Jan. 10 in Des Moines and Jan. 21 just outside Manchester, aren’t sanctioned by the RNC, which has organized the first four debates, including Wednesday night’s broadcast in Alabama,” according to Politico.  Additionally, “campaigns have continuously complained about current RNC rules, which say a candidate who participates in an unsanctioned debate is barred from future RNC-approved gatherings. But the RNC’s debate committee is expected to meet Friday to discuss officially removing that rule, according to three people with knowledge of the group’s plans.”

Fake News CNN lived up to their nickname by not even informing the debate venues of their plan prior to yesterday’s announcement.  It’s all very weird and curious:

(New York Times) – […]  With great fanfare this week, CNN announced it would host the network’s first debate of the 2024 presidential campaign, gathering the Republican candidates for a marquee event on Jan. 21 at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire.

There was only one problem: Saint Anselm had no idea what CNN was talking about.

“We were surprised to be included on a press release by a network about a debate which we had not planned or booked,” Neil Levesque, executive director of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm, said in a statement on Friday.

The chairman of New Hampshire’s Republican Party, Chris Ager, went a little further.  “The CNN thing came out and everybody’s like, ‘What the heck?’” Mr. Ager said in an interview. “I’m still scratching my head. And I still haven’t been contacted by CNN at all.” (more)

By midday on Friday, CNN was being battered with questions from Republicans, candidates and other media outlets.  It’s all just seemingly bizarre.

The RNC made an official statement today saying the RNC is no longer hosting debates for the 2024 GOP primary.   This is a little funny considering that Donald Trump never participated, and the candidates who aligned with the RNC debates have lower support numbers now than before the debate series began.

WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee is pausing its participation in 2024 GOP primary debates, the organization decided Friday.

The RNC’s decision, made by a 16-member internal body, means that any forthcoming debates will be hosted by networks independently of the committee. Two outlets — ABC and CNN — have announced plans to host future debates in Iowa and New Hampshire ahead of early state voting. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis already said he will attend CNN’s planned Iowa debate before next month’s caucuses and ABC’s planned New Hampshire debate.

“We have held four successful debates across the country with the most conservative partners in the history of a Republican primary. We have no RNC debates scheduled in January and any debates currently scheduled are not affiliated with the RNC,” the RNC’s Committee on Presidential Debates said in a statement. “It is now time for Republican primary voters to decide who will be our next President and candidates are free to use any forum or format to communicate to voters as they see fit.” (more)

Essentially, it all boils down to this.  The RNC initially thought they could stop Trump; however, the RNC debate series intended to generate that narrative has failed miserably.  Donald Trump is supported more now than he was when the field of first-loser candidates assembled against him.  Having failed, the RNC backs away slowly.

The CNN announcement, and the gleeful almost immediate acceptance by DeSantis et al, reflects a general desperation.  The effort to stop Trump now falls on the leftist corporate media, who are aligned with the remaining four GOP candidates: DeSantis, Haley, Ramaswamy and Christie.

The agreement and alignment between the remaining candidates, and the corrupt media apparatus, only highlights the fraudulent reason those candidates were assembled in the first place.  The ‘stop Trump’ effort was/is the purpose of their candidacy; actually, winning the GOP nomination was/is irrelevant.   This non-pretending reality exposes the strings on the four remaining marionettes.

It is serendipitous the events rolled out the way they did.  Fraudulent men had plans, but God has a sense of humor.  The implosion of a heavily controlled GOP field is only spotlighted more by the few remaining candidates continuing to compete for first-loser status.

Why would any Republican agree to a CNN debate knowing the nature of the lies and fraud CNN has pushed for the past several years.  Any normally minded Republican candidate would never agree or participate, and therein lies the point.  These are not normally minded politicians; their agenda is something else entirely.

President Donald Trump is unlikely to participate in any debate.  The premise of the debates themselves is silly, and the only reason the candidates are agreeing to more debates is that the corporate and billionaire donors to them are demanding every effort be exhausted.  At this point it is pathetic.

Body Bags Everywhere At The Debate (Ep. 2145) – 12/07/2023

Posted originally on Rumble BY Dan Bongino Show on:Dec 7, 11:00 am EST

First Loser Debate from University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa – Open Discussion Thread

Posted originally on the CTH on December 6, 2023 | Sundance

In an effort to stop Godzilla Trump, the RNC is hosting their fourth GOP primary debate for the first-losers who wish to challenge the overwhelming support of the republican base.  At this point in the polling, none of the first-losers reach double digits and President Trump is 50 to 60 points ahead.

President Trump is not participating in the Alabama debate which will be broadcast or streamed on all NewsNation platforms at 8:00pm ET, including its TV channel, its app and its website. An audio feed will be available on SiriusXM’s Channel 111, and we have a Rumble Link below.

Only four candidates qualified for the debate.  Chris Christie, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley.  The moderators will be talk-show host Megyn Kelly; Eliana Johnson, the editor in chief of The Free Beacon; and Elizabeth Vargas, a NewsNation anchor.

Video is restricted, click here to watch on

Consider this an open discussion thread for those watching.

Facing Constant Heckling, Chris Christie Calls Florida Republican Audience “Reprehensible”…

Posted originally on the CTH on November 4, 2023 | Sundance

This is rather revealing of the mindset and disconnect.  Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was booed and heckled as he took to the stage at the Florida Freedom Summit in Kissimmee.   In response to the audience Chris Christie said they were “reprehensible”.  WATCH:


He’s done!   He will likely be on the ‘first loser’ debate stage in Miami and that’s it.  Apparently, he knows this is his final chance to take shots at President Trump, regardless of the backlash he gets for doing it.

Attacking Donald Trump is the only skillset of Chris Christie.  That’s what he was recruited to do, and that is his single mission on the campaign.  This is his last opportunity, he’s done!

Longer Video: