The Press & Establishment Accuse Farage & Trump of Racism


Those in power who have something to lose follow the same pattern of attacks. They are using the very same tactics against Trump & Farage portraying them as Racists because both are against immigration but really against the establishment. When I was in London, I bumped into the very same team from the USA that helped Clinton win the White House were there helping Tony Blair. This is a business, and they know how to pull it all together. They turn trying to protect your border and culture into racism. The implication is obvious. Everyone should intermarry regardless of sex, race, or religion. If a parent is against that statement for their child, then obviously they must be a racist.

1844 Phila Nativism Riot Againt Irish

Immigration has always been a historical issue that rises whenever the economy turns down. During the 1840s, it turned into violence on the streets. They were Irish who were Christian and white. It was just that they were taking jobs in an economic decline. Farage’s UKIP is being portrayed as racist and what is the alternative? Opening borders in this time and place has nothing to do with racism any more than it did in the 1840s. These are economic declining times and absolutely the WRONG instant to bring in any immigrants whatsoever regardless of race or religion.

Nevertheless, this is how Trump and Farage are being portrayed and the less intelligent to the less sophisticated buy this nonsense and repeat it. The end result is rather blunt. Historically, this is just simply how the West falls – the same as Rome. There were laws passed to prevent intermarriage. It was even outlawed for a man to marry one of his slaves. There has always been the attempt to prevent the dilution of a culture for that is how it typically ends anyway. Throughout history, people swarm into the core economy and then bring it down. The Muslim invasion of Europe shows that nearly 80% of the migrants are not even from Syria. This is simply how it all ends. The interesting aspect is that a Muslim friend of mine in Europe is even more against the migrants for they see them as the lower class and less educated who are indoctrinated with religious beliefs that are extreme. The Muslims I know in Europe and Russia are not extreme and live within a western society with harmony. If they are against the migration, it does not seem to really be a racist issue; just economic and that is what the propagandists are using because Trump and Farage are against the establishment – plain and simple.

So to those who want to say no, Trump and Farage supporters are racists, then they have no problem with your daughter marrying a different race migrant, changing their religion, and wearing a Hijab, niqab, or burka for the rest of their lives. If you have any problem with that, you must be a racist. Sorry – it’s politics as usual. (In my case, I told my daughter she better not bring home a prosecutor).


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