Hillary: The Most Devious Politician of All Time?

Hillary Laughing

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Have you ever met or advised Hillary Clinton?

ANSWER: No. I was asked to meet with Bill when he was first elected in Arkansas after he invited hundreds of people for a dog and pony show. I declined. There is nothing I could advise Hillary on, for it is never about the country; it is just about her. The latest scandal surfacing is her schedule as Secretary of State, which a judge has now ordered must be turned over. Hillary’s scheduled meetings while she was Secretary of State shows she was devious and untrustworthy. At least 75 meetings were identified with longtime loyal donors, corporate contributors, and others that were not recorded in her agenda or were listed with identifying details removed.

Hillary appeared on the central balcony of the New York Stock Exchange in September 2009 to ring the opening bell. Then, minutes later, Hillary attended a private breakfast with influential Wall Street and business leaders. She withheld the identities of those people she met with. These omissions are just the tip of the iceberg of names and events she omitted from her historical record of meetings. This is typical of Hillary who represents the climax of arrogance and corruption among career politicians. These types of people have been getting away with this for so long that they cannot imagine running a government for any reason other than personal gain.

No, there is nothing I would be able to advise her on because she is not interested in the country. It has always been about her being the first woman president and nothing else. It’s all about paying her for favors. There is nothing I need from Hillary.

The Clinton’s Always Play Dirty


The Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix. The claim is he just happen to see her plane and hopped on board to speak only about his grandchildren. In the Forecaster, Oliver Brown appeared who had been in charge of the law library in the New York prison. I was told I could not speak to him, visit him, say thank you, or anything, because I could be accused of bribing him to appear in the movie. This is standard legal advice. It made me feel wrong that I could not even say hello, but that is the real world. Here we have two lawyers who know the rules. Clinton met with the Attorney General while she is supposed to be investigating his wife. To now claim they only spoke about his grandchildren is an insult and total bullshit. This is something any lawyer would tell you – you CANNOT do.

The Attorney General has now been compromised. She should RESIGN. Sorry, but this is the real world. I could not even say hello to Oliver Brown and still have not spoken to him, seen how he is doing, or been able to say thank you. Bill Clinton knew what he was doing and Lynch knew as well. Enough is enough. They simply assumed they could get away with it on a tarmac. She was in the plane already. That means he went out of his way to jump on the plane. This is not giving a smile walking past someone you know as a lawyer you cannot speak to legally. We already know Lynch will NEVER indict Hillary. It would be political suicide for her career and Obama has no doubt already told her – lay off. It does not take this long to investigate and Hillary should not be running if she was REALLY under any possibility of being charged. That means the whole Democratic machine has assurances from the White House Hillary will never be prosecuted. Bill just had to make sure since this is the woman who can stop him from becoming the first male First Lady.

Does Brexit Represent an Ideological Forecast For U.S. 2016 Presidential Outcome?..

The globalists that are ALL OUT TO LINE THEIR OWN POCKETS have created a situation that could bring down Western Civilization completely and in a worst case scenario take us into a second Dark Age! We are on the brink of something very very bad!

America United – “You are That Force” !

I have tried to say this myself but Captain Higgins has said it so well that I don’t think anyone else can say it better. THIS IS THE MESSAGE WE NEED TO PROMOTE for as the saying goes

Divided we fall —United we stand

And I’ll add that I think Trump gets its and that is way I support him 100% And I do have a Masters and I have swept floors and been a grunt and failed and moved on but when I go to the VFW or the American Legion (Obama can’t get in) we do more than drink and tell story’s we are out there helping other Vets the ones the government has forgotten because they are more concerned about their wealth then those that made that wealth possible.


Mexican flags fly at Trump protest in Dallas…

If you are here in America and supporting Mexico then you need to be sent there since it is really where you want to be.

Brityish MP Assassinated as Tensions Rise over BREXIT

Jo Cox

A man assassinated British Labour politicians Jo Cox who was against BREXIT. The man with a gun fired twice and as she fell, he was kicking her as she was lying on the floor shouting “Britain first.” This is warning what our computer has been projecting that especially if the BREXIT vote fails, there will be a serious rise in violence in Britain. We will also see the issue of Scotland breaking away from the UK resurface. We have been warning that we are entering the year from political hell with FOUR major political elections, BREXIT, US Presidential election in November, and then we have German and French elections.

The idea of the EU that federalizing Europe would end war, is precise the cause of a right-wing rising all around Europe. Brussels is causing political unrest and this is very serious moving forward


When will the media start showing this information?

Russia Has Hillary’s Emails & Hacked Democrat’s Server


It has been reported that Russia did hack Hillary’s server. Now, Russia is threatening to release all Hillary’s emails, which may jeopardize her election. The emails are widely expected to reveal how she was shaking down foreign governments to donate to her private “charity” in return for favors. This is calling into question just what Hillary would sell if President. A close look at the Clinton scandals shows a clear pattern. The sex scandals were all Bill while the money scandals were all Hillary. No first lady in history was ever embroiled in financial scandals one after the other.

The Energy Magazine Oilprice.com reported that Russian intelligence has informed Western intelligence agencies that the government in Moscow is now planning to publish the emails from Hillary Clinton. If this proves to be true, then this will confirm that she place national security second to her personal self-interest.

Then, the Democrats say that the Russian government had hacked its servers and were now in possession of the dossier, which they created on Donald Trump.

Nigel Farage on the Future of Immigration post-Brexit

Pensions Continue to Spiral Downward

Britian Steel Workers

There are 11 million workers in Britain who assumed they had great pensions. The British Steel Pension Scheme is proposing to break its pension promises to its 130,000 members because they are losing money. Tata Steel is looking to sell its holding in its UK plants over the next few months, and that means that the £15bn pension scheme, that would normally be put into the general Pension Protection Fund, has been the slush fund for failed companies. So in other words, what they thought was a guarantee, will be nothing of the sort. Once government takes over anything, it just bleeds money.