Marjorie Taylor Greene – Good – Bad – Different

Posted originally on Feb 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Greene Marjorie Taylor Greene

I found Marjorie Taylor Greene’s interview with Tucker Carlson quite enlightening. I never really formed an opinion of her one way or the other. The image that floated around was she was some sort of radical. After listening to the interview, I can confirm what she said about how Washington Works was correct. You are not supposed to make a motion from the floor. All motions are to be through a committee. This is how Congress restricts your representation. What she has stood for on most occasions was rather common sense. Congress is bought and paid for, and that is why these people keep sending billions to Ukraine with no end in sight. The fact that both Republicans and Democrats hare Greene so much, that alone means we need to listen because the rest do not have our interests at heart.

As I have said many times, I can run for Congress, tell you whatever you need to hear to vote for me, and then when I get there, I am supposed to vote the party line. This is the entire problem as to why I warn that Republics are the most corrupt form of government known to history.

Boom Bust Credit Cycle by Martin Armstrong

This is the reality of the Business Cycle. You get a picture of the leadership cycle when you throw in politics. The economic hard times inevitably will cause the rise of strong men to come to the rescue, such as Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers. They, in turn, result in the Business Cycle and produce good times that ultimately peak with the typical euphoria.  However, the prosperous good times lead to mismanagement and corruption, which take hold, and the Business Cycle begins to decline. The once-boom times of euphoria are rapidly supplanted by hard times as incompetent and corrupt leaders undermine the foundation that created the prosperous times. As the economy then crashes and burns, taking the business cycle down, this, in turn, will lead once again to the rise of strong leadership. This, the Business Cycle of Leadership follows the same time frame.

I have often been asked how Socrates can forecast elections without polls. It looks at the Business Cycle, and human nature simply never changes. Just follow the money. We have nobody representing our interests anymore. That is a sad state of affairs. The only solution is to vote according to the voting records of the person entrenched in Washington politics.



Key Point – Western Govt Pushback Finance Focused

Posted originally on the CTH on January 7, 2024 | Sundance 

Given the increased awareness to the control mechanisms of Western government, it is perhaps beneficial to review one of the key points that can be overlooked. [The Tweet was from December 2018]

In parts of Europe, we see grassroots pushback against the larger globalist agenda as carried out by various EU entities.

In Holland and Germany, we note significant pushback against the Build Back Batter (WEF) agenda by farmers, citizens who support them, and broadly middle class industrial workers. In France the ‘yellow vest’ movement was similarly organized at a grassroots level amid similar concerns.

Now, remember back to the “Canadian truckers protest” and the approach taken by the Canadian government.  Notice how the government of Canada approached the issue of opposition to the COVID mandates by targeting the banking and finance system of the protest group.

Then, overlay how the U.S. banking system was the tip of the spear against gun sales, and the second amendment advocates along with retail gun sellers were targeted through the use of the financial system.  Additionally, the Tea Party organizations were previously targeted through the use of the IRS, again financial targeting.

As you keep this in mind, overlay how resistant voices are targeted by the Big Tech systems through the process of demonetization.  Further, all of the activist efforts, including DEI advocacy and including the organized Anti-Defamation League/Media Matters effort, involves financial targeting – in those examples through advertising.  Again, financial targeting.  The key point is that revenue in general, and banking/finance sectors specifically, are the preferred ‘Western’ attack vector.

♦ BIG PICTURE – CTH has outlined how the “Western government” sanctions against Russia were not really about shutting Russia out of the Western finance and banking system, but rather were targeted to build a financial wall to keep those inside the West controlled through the financial system.

It might seem like a small and yet obvious point, but as you get geographically closest to the epicenter of the Dollar-based financial system, it is the banking and finance sector that becomes the immediate preferred weapon.  Similar ideological social pushback happening further away from U.S. dollar finance control (EU), does not illicit such an immediate jump to the financial weapon.

If you stand back and look at this dynamic, it becomes easier to see the motives and intentions of those who are building the financial wall around us.

No one in the grey zone is really getting locked out of anything; WE ARE GETTING LOCKED IN!

As you head back up to the wall, here’s the elevator question to plant the seed:

…Did you ever wonder why the Canadian Trucker protests were targeted through the banks, but the Dutch farmer protests were not?

Was the 2020 Election Rigged?

Posted originally on Jan 4, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

2020 Election Forecast 6 Models EC
2020 Election Forecast 6 Models

COMMENT: You are just a Trump supporter. The election was not rigged. Get over it.


REPLY:   I am terribly sorry, but the forecasts from markets to politics are NEVER my personal opinion. I am just along for the ride. Clients come to us for the plain and simple reason that it is the UNBIASED computer forecasts they seek – not how I felt when I woke up that day. People typically judge others by themselves. For you to accuse me means you must be in the anti-Trump camp. I feel sorry for you because you are too biased to ever look at anything from an open mind perspective.

2020 Combined

Our models made it obvious that it was a 50/50 split on the Popular Vote, which I relayed. Our models on the Electoral College were conclusive – Trump should have won. This is not my personal opinion. I have previously reported that our model showed that Al Gore should have won against Bush, but the Supreme Court handed that to Bush. Even politicians come to our site because they KNOW it is never my personal opinion.

This entire move to authoritarianism is because Trump won in 2016, and that scared the HELL out of politicians around the world. Suddenly, Democracy became evil Populism, and they realized that they could be voted out of office. Putin is popular because he was NOT a Communist nor an Oligarch. His polls are 83% approval right now. If the shoe were on the other foot, we would probably support our government as well when attacked by a foreign power.

Right now, the Democrats refuse to put RFK on their ticket, fearing he would win. Trump is polling now 50 points ahead of anyone else. The people rising to Trump are not because he is such a fantastic person; it is a vote against all the corrupt people in government.

MAIN Sec State not political

You better open your eyes. This is a vote for World War III or against it. I wish there would be a real election. There is NO WAY the 2024 election will be fair. The Maine Secretary of State, Ms. Bellows, a Democrat who removed Trump from the ballot, should be criminally charged and removed from office. She dared to say in a Jan. 1 interview with NPR:

“Politics and my personal views played no role … I swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, and that is what I did.”


Here she is in a conference call with other Democratic state politicians, talking about voter suppression, which is precisely what she engaged in. If Maine does not at least impeach her, that state will be on the list of other morally corrupt places to avoid at all costs. In her own words, when everyone participates, we “win” in protecting our democracy – which is not what we have; it’s a Republic. The people of Maine did not remove Trump from the ballot – she did behind closed doors.

insurrection Statute 18 USC 2383

She denied Trump Due Process of law, no charge, no trial; she was the prosecutor, the jury, and the judge with no public hearing, all behind secret closed doors. You cannot define the Constitution while violating it. She acted ruthlessly, as did Communist and Dictators historically. She has deliberately interfered with the election and violated everyone’s civil rights and should be barred from even being a dog catcher. You cannot violate the Constitution while pretending to defend it. Trump has NOT been charged with insurrection or rebellion, nor has anyone on January 6th. This is absolute proof that the 2024 election will be rigged, and this is not the first time. She should be dragged out of office in handcuffs, but of course, the Democratic-controlled DOJ will never charge a fellow Democrat.

Voting _18_U.S._Code_594_Intimidation_of_voters

DC Degeneracy – Democrat Staffer to Maryland Senator Ben Cardon Films Himself Having Anal Sex in Hart Senate Office Building Hearing Room

Posted originally on the CTH on December 16, 2023 | Sundance 

Aidan Maese-Czeropski, an aide to Democrat Senator Ben Cardin, filmed himself having anal sex in the Hart Senate Office Building hearing room.  The video was shared on a platform where gay men share their pornographic sexual activity.   The Daily Caller received a copy of the video and published the story.

After the story went viral, Senator Ben Cardin removed Mr Maese-Czeropski from his staff and delivered the following statement.  “Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. We will have no further comment on this personnel matter.”

Understandably, most Democrats are attempting to downplay and/or ignore the indecency exhibited by the behavior.  However, given recent events in the world of leftist politics, the extreme nature of the degeneracy is simply another step in the direction of leftism in both culture and politics.  As Representative Mike Collins (GA-10) noted, “Gay porn in the Senate, swearing in ceremony on child porn in Virginia, tranny tap dancers in the White House, and Satanic statues in Iowa,” the vile nature of the leftist perversions are on full display.

History is replete with examples of Marxism (satanic influenced depravity and indecency), advancing through society with public expressions of cultural evil, degeneracy and perversion.  Boundaries of civility are not just removed; they are destroyed in favor of perversion.  The absence of moral behavior in the Senate chamber is not a new phenomenon, but the scale of recent indecency reflects a toxic exhibition of evil as manifest.

Personally, I have a very difficult time even discussing this story.  It is evil, sick and reflects a level of depravity that makes most people extremely uncomfortable.  However, it is also important to put context behind the cultural attacks that are taking place, and we must bear abhorrent witness to the mindset of people who operate in Washington DC.

We must accept things as they are, not as we would pretend them to be.   As a nation, we are in a struggle against evil.  These leftist forces are demonic in scope.


Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024

Posted originally on the CTH on September 13, 2023 | Sundance 

The approved Republican, ala a true DeceptiCON and man of lightly held stances, Mitt Romney, has announced he will not seek reelection in 2024.

During a video presentation announcing his decision, the conniving conman used the opportunity to disparage President Trump, and proclaim himself too old to run for reelection.  “It’s time for a new generation of leaders to step forward,” the Utah Senator said.   WATCH:

The announcement is not really a surprise as Romney was likely to face a serious primary challenge, and given his track record unlikely to win.


Former White House Advisor Peter Navarro Convicted for Contempt of Congress for Failing to Appear Before J6 Committee

Posted originally on the CTH on September 7, 2023 | Sundance 

Ignore the prior precedent of Attorney General Eric Holder refusing the appear before Congress and give testimony; the rules are different for Trump Republicans.

Peter Navarro refused to testify to the J6 committee.

The committee held Navarro in contempt of Congress; they forwarded the case to the corrupt Merrick Garland Dept of Justice.

The DOJ pursued the case against Navarro, and he was convicted today of two counts of contempt of Congress by a DC jury.

WASHINGTON – Peter Navarro, a former White House adviser to Donald Trump, has been found guilty on two contempt-of-Congress charges for defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 select committee.

A jury returned the unanimous conviction Thursday after a four-hour deliberation, which followed a two-day trial featuring testimony from three former Jan. 6 committee staffers. Each count carries a one-year maximum sentence, and Navarro intends to appeal the verdict.

[…] After Navarro refused the panel’s demands, the House held him in contempt of Congress, forwarding the case to the Justice Department, which charged Navarro in June 2022. Those charges came seven months after a close Trump ally, Steve Bannon, was similarly charged for defying the Jan. 6 select committee. Bannon was convicted in July 2022 and is fighting the matter on appeal. (read more)

Here We Go Again – CNN Promotes US Intel Report of Russian Disinformation

Posted originally on the CTH on August 25, 2023 | Sundance 

Today is a good time to remind everyone that CNN represents the public relations arm of the U.S State Department.

Two overlays: first, most non-U.S. government entities regard CNN as the state run media for the U.S. State Department, because it is. Second, the U.S. State Dept is the umbrella organization for most global CIA operations. In essence, the intel community reports that surface from CNN are from the State Dept/CIA.

In this latest example, the unnamed U.S. intelligence officials are once again promoting the proactive narrative that Russian FSB services are responsible for manipulating smaller networks of U.S. social media accounts, resulting in a disinformation program that flows upwards into mainstream media.

I find it interesting that the State Dept/CIA would push this narrative immediately following the suspicious reports of Yevgeny Prigozhin killed in a plane crash.

Washington, CNN – Russian intelligence is operating a systematic program to launder pro-Kremlin propaganda through private relationships between Russian operatives and unwitting US and western targets, according to newly declassified US intelligence.

US intelligence agencies believe that the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) is attempting to influence public policy and public opinion in the West by directing Russian civilians to build relationships with influential US and Western individuals and then disseminate narratives that support Kremlin objectives, obscuring the FSB’s role through layers of ostensibly independent actors.

“These influence operations are designed to be deliberately small scale, the overall goal being US [and] Western persons presenting these ideas, seemingly organic,” a US official authorized to discuss the material told CNN. “The co-optee influence operations are built primarily on personal relationships … they build trust with them and then they can leverage that to covertly push the FSB’s agenda.” (read more)

Of course, none of the article citations bear any fruit when reviewed.  However, that’s really not the point of the publication.  The point of CNN pushing the narrative is to support a domestic narrative engineering operation that will later surface.

Michigan State Police Discover Widespread 2020 Voter Fraud and Turn Over Evidence to FBI – Who Apparently Did Nothing

Posted originally on the CTH on August 8, 2023 | Sundance 

Stunning discovery being shared by Gateway Pundit about a network of massive ballot fraud and voter registration fraud in Michigan as a result of a city clerk notifying local police.  The investigation uncovered a multi-state voter registration operation and the details within the state police report are quite remarkable.

(Gateway Pundit) […] On October 8, 2020. only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female (whose name was redacted from the police report), dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office.

The Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate. On 10/21/20 First Lieutenant Mike Anderson was contacted by Tom Fabus, Chief of Investigations for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office. According to the MI State Police report, Mr. Fabus asked for Michigan State Police assistance with a joint investigation of alleged voter fraud being conducted by the Muskegon Police Department and the AG.   An investigative task force was formed, and an investigation was initiated. (read more)

Sunday Talks, John Lauro -vs- Chuck Todd

Posted originally on the CTH on August 6, 2023 | Sundance 

President Trump attorney John Lauro continues running the gauntlet against the narrative engineers with this interview on NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd.

An intellectually deficient Todd attempts to justify the Biden administration targeting of Donald Trump and is countered by John Lauro. WATCH: 


During the CNN interview below, it was very important to narrative engineer Dana Bash to assert that Joe Biden has nothing to do with the decisions of the DOJ, which is a rather remarkable position considering the same Dana Bash has been asserting for the previous four years that Donald Trump controlled decisions of the DOJ.


Bill Barr Refuses to Say if He Assisted the Jack Smith Targeting of Donald Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on August 5, 2023 | Sundance 

Bill Barr enjoys talking about the weaponized DOJ as if the DOJ was not weaponized.  Bill Barr is a very dangerous figure in the government weaponization process, and he had a lot of people fooled for a long time.  Fortunately, he didn’t fool me and many of you remember exactly why.

Additionally, during my 2020 trip to DC, it was specific suspicions about Bill Barr that necessitated going directly into the system.  Through research and eventually a stroke of luck, I was able to trace the people Attorney General Barr assigned to review the Trump-Russia collusion nonsense.  I found the people working for Durham and questioned the lead investigator.  Again, I immediately told everyone there was nothing being done to confront the corrupt entities who fabricated the nonsense.

After those events I also outlined the institutional silo corruption, a process Benny Johnson recently described as “the ghost in the machine“.  While Johnson has the big picture accurate, these entities are not some unnamed random institutional bureaucrats.  They are people, they know exactly what they are doing, and they understand exactly how to control the mechanics.  These “ghosts” are the people AG Bill Barr was/is protecting.  WATCH:

Bill Barr Goes SILENT When Asked If He Cooperated With Special Counsel Jack Smith

“I’m not being arbitrary; I’m just not going to pretend. These people know exactly what is going on. Their action is not an outcome of some esoteric thought process. They are corrupt & acting to retain the corruption with specific intent & full understanding of the consequence.” ~ Sundance

Now, let us get down to the business of understanding.

♦ SILO #1 – Inspector General Michael Horowitz was given instructions by outgoing President Barack Obama, to review the internal decision-making inside the FBI, Main Justice and DOJ-NSD as it pertained to the Hillary Clinton classified document scandal.

In early January 2017, IG Horowitz was tasked to review the FBI decisions during the Clinton exoneration and deliver a report on his findings.

First, it is important to remember the DOJ inspector general can only review internal government conduct. The IG does not review or investigate outside involvement and has no authority to compel investigative compliance from outside parties.  The Office of Inspector General is an internal review agency.

Second, it is important to remember the DOJ inspector general was not authorized to conduct any oversight of the Dept of Justice National Security Division, DOJ-NSD. During the Obama era, when the DOJ-NSD was created by Attorney General Eric Holder, through the entirety of the Obama era, there was no inspector general oversight into any operations conducted by the DOJ-NSD; that included the FISA process.  It was not until later in 2017 when the Trump administration granted the OIG authority to conduct oversight into the DOJ National Security Division.

Think of IG Michael Horowitz as an investigative silo.  You will see why this matters.

♦ SILO #2 – Robert Mueller (truthfully Andrew Weissmann) was appointed in May of 2017 by Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, as Special Counsel to investigate Trump-Russia and the reports of prior Russian influence in the 2016 election.  Robert Muller was a figurehead, a person in name only to give credibility to the purpose and intent of the group who assembled under his shingle.  Andrew Weissmann was the actual manager of the investigation, events and details of the Mueller probe.

On the outward face, in the aftermath of FBI Director James Comey being fired, the Mueller investigation was created to look at Russian interference in the 2016 election – against the background that Comey’s firing by President Trump was related to an intent to impede the ongoing Crossfire Hurricane investigation.  However, on the internal dynamic, inside the mechanics of how DC silos are created, the Mueller probe existed to hide the DOJ and FBI weaponization of government that was deployed under the justification of the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Sometime around June of 2017, while conducting his review of the FBI conduct in the Clinton investigation, Inspector General Michael Horowitz discovered troubling internal communications between FBI agent Peter Strzok and DOJ-NSD assigned lawyer to the FBI, Lisa Page.  Silo #1 now intersects Silo #2.

Lisa Page was the DOJ lawyer advising FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.  Peter Strzok was the lead FBI counterintelligence agent working on the Clinton email investigation.  Lisa Page, Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe were the core of the Clinton investigation and intrinsically linked to the Clinton exoneration as announced by FBI Director James Comey.

IG Horowitz knew of the Clinton investigation and was investigating the details therein.  Horowitz did not initially know about the Crossfire Hurricane investigation which, by June of 2017, had subsequently morphed into the Special Counsel Mueller investigation.

Horowitz’s 2017 task only pertained to the Clinton classified documents and decision-making. However, it was the exact same FBI and DOJ people who investigated then exonerated Hillary Clinton, who then opened an investigation of Trump, who then transferred into an expanded Robert Mueller probe.

Horowitz (Silo 1) was bound by requirements of his office to inform Robert Mueller that individuals inside his investigation (Silo 2) were under investigation.

This presented a problem for Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann who were conducting a coverup and targeting operation.

Essentially, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were a threat, as they were bringing an IG review into the security of the Mueller Silo.  Almost immediately, Strzok and Page were removed by Mueller/Weissmann to purge the problematic window they represented.

Mueller and Weismann then continued their operation, absorbing any Main Justice information that had anything to do with Trump-Russia.  Simultaneous to their unilateral empowerment, Weissmann and Mueller continued to fabricate a false premise of Russian interference in the 2016 election.  This ‘Russia narrative’ was supported as the justification for their continued operation throughout 2017, 2018 and into 2019.

It is important to remember that Mueller/Weissmann had full control over everything that had anything to do with the Russian interference narrative or the Trump-Russia narrative.  Any ancillary investigation from any government office that touched on these issues was subsequently absorbed by Weissmann and team.

As an example, this Weissmann/Mueller absorption and control included the FBI case against SSCI Security Director James Wolfe, the man who leaked the Title-1 surveillance warrant (FISA application) deployed by the Crossfire Hurricane team against Carter Page.  The Wolfe investigation (April ’17 through January ’18) was conducted by FBI Washington Field Office agent Brian Dugan. James Wolfe was indicted by USAO Jessie Liu for leaking the FISA application to journalist Ali Watkins.  However, the evidence file was reviewed by the special counsel, and after threats by the defense team to subpoena Senate Intelligence Committee members, the specific charge of leaking the FISA was dropped from the criminal case.

Because Weissmann/Mueller controlled everything that touched the Trump-Russia issues, in June of 2018 when the Carter Page FISA application was made public, it came from the Weissmann/Mueller team release.  This was one of the lesser discussed revelations from the Rod Rosenstein June 2020 testimony about the Mueller probe.

♦ SILO #3 – After taking office in February of 2019, Attorney General Bill Barr received the Mueller report in March and a debate with Mueller/Weissmann about the content and report release began.  In May 2019, AG Barr appointed Special Counsel John Durham to review the FBI operations that initiated the Trump-Russia probe.

It is important to note that John Durham was appointed *after* Bill Barr received the Mueller report from Andrew Weissmann. It is also important to note that despite the originating mandate of Weissmann/Mueller being predicated on their obligation to look into the accusations of Trump-Russia, the Clinton campaign organization of the Trump-Russia narrative does not appear in the Mueller report.

There is nothing about Clinton’s work with the Perkins Coie law firm and lawyer Michael Sussmann to work as a cut-out for the Clinton campaign contacts with Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr or any other substantively manufactured system that was used to create the illusion of the Trump-Russia connections.  The absence of that information inside the Mueller report begged the obvious question:

How could Mueller investigate Trump-Russia for two years and never find the origin of Trump-Russia?

After realizing the Mueller report contained none of this information, in May of 2019 Bill Barr appointed John Durham and Silo #3 was created.

Each of the silos, purposefully created by those who operate within the DC systems of political power, were created to have specific usefulness and function.  This is how the system operates.

We hear things like “ongoing investigation” as sunlight blocks, or “potential interfering with an investigation” as another technique.  Each time a silo is created, the purpose of the silo is to control information and isolate the larger system from scrutiny.

When Robert Mueller (silo 2) appeared before a congressional committee in June 2019 to answer questions about his report, he was asked about the origination of Trump-Russia.  Mueller’s jaw-dropping response was, “That was not in my purview.”

Wait, how can your existence be predicated on investigating Trump-Russia, and yet the origin of Trump-Russia is not in your “purview”?  See the problem.

Unfortunately, and not accidentally, Robert Mueller was able to avoid scrutiny of never having investigated the origin of Trump-Russia because there was another silo, John Durham (silo 3), to take the heat off him.  Each silo is sequentially created to deflect and distract from questioning that surrounds the originating corruption. Attorney General Bill Barr created Silo #3 (Durham), for exactly this reason.  Bill Barr was the Bondo, John Durham the spray paint.

John Durham finishes up Silo-3 operations, delivers a report, and now we have a Silo #4 in operation via the appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith.

As you can see, each silo creates an internal defense system which also allows media to deflect, ignore and distract.  However, in the Trump-Russia story you will note there is a flow to how the silos are sequenced.  The silos are designed to absorb information, deflect sunlight and keep accountability away.  The silos are constructs, preservation systems, for the DC administrative state.

Ultimately, each silo is created to stop people from seeing the larger picture – the unlawful targeting of a presidential candidate, and then a subsequent coup against that candidate after the election.   The evidence of the weaponized government is in the full story that resides, compartmented, inside purposefully constructed containment silos; each intended to block sunlight upon specific components of the evidence.

Benny Johnson Explains The Ghost In The Machine To Steve Bannon
